27/03/2015 What is trauma Therapeutic Approaches to the Treatment of Trauma and Addiction Trauma can be defined as a wound, injury or shock (Winnik, 1969) Events are not traumatic in themselves, rather, they may be so in their impact on a given individual. (The Haunted Self, 2006) Nigel Joseph, Team Leader, South East Substance Use Recovery (SURe), EACH Social and Community Health 1 Consortium of EACH Social & Community Health Service, Anglicare Victoria & YSAS Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Attachment Neglect Physical abuse Sexual abuse 2 Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) EMDR developed in 1987 8 Phase process 3. Target assessment • Memory or image, 1. Client history and assessment • Negative belief • Positive belief • Detailed assessment • Suitability for EMDR • Screen for dissociative disorder • Validity of cognition • Emotion/feeling • SUDs (subjective units of distress 0-10) 2. Procedural preparation • Location of sensation in the body • Therapeutic relationship • Explain EMDR, Stop Signal • Safe place and other client safety strategies Francine Shapiro, Ph.D. 3 4 Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Female, Diagnosis BPD 4. Desensitisation - Standard protocol 5. Integration - installation of positive belief 6. Body scan 7. Closure - Debrief and client log 8. Re-evaluation - at follow up session http://www.emdr.com 5 6 1 27/03/2015 Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Male, Social Anxiety Male, No Diagnosis, Attachment 7 Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) 8 Radical Exposure Tapping (RET) Male, No Diagnosis, Family violence De-activating the Buttons Methodology of Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Tapping sequence of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) More flexible than EMDR Greater theoretical and methodological rigour than using the EFT technique http://www.radicalexposure.com Laurie MacKinnon Ph.D 9 10 Radical Exposure Tapping (RET) Radical Exposure Tapping (RET) and EMDR and EMDR 11 12 2 27/03/2015 Feeling State Addiction Protocol FSAP Feeling State Addiction Protocol FSAP Intense feelings + Positive Event = Addictive Fixation Identify the exact behavior that has the most intense positive feeling. Addiction Fixation + Trigger Event = Addictive Behaviour Identify the exact feeling that underlies that behavior. A modified form of EMDR is utilized to break the connection between the feeling and behavior. Feeling = Sensation + Emotion + Cognition Feeling state = Feeling + Behaviour The negative beliefs that underlie the compulsive fixation are processed. Identify the specific positive feeling [sensation + emotion + cognition] linked with the addictive behaviour Dr. Robert Miller http://www.fsaprotocol.com 13 14 Recommended Reading 15 3
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