Willows Training Days 2015

14th February – “When I meet Thou: Working at relational depth in therapy”
Kaitlyn Steele
□ 14/02/15
□ 14/03/15
Working at relational depth in therapy - Kaitlyn Steele
Hoping and not hoping: An exploration of the Dance
between hope and despair - Sue Wright
In this workshop, we shall explore the concept and experience of relational depth as it has
been developed over the years by person-centred and existential writers and practitioners.
In doing so, we shall draw not only on our own and others’ experiences of working at this
level in therapy, but also on some of the more recent research findings. We shall also
reflect on the experience of working at relational depth from a spiritual perspective through
looking, for example, at Maslow’s concept of peak experiences, Kirkpatrick’s concept of
soul listening and Elkin’s concept of soul work as ways of making sense of what happens
when ‘I meet Thou’ in the context of a therapeutic relationship.
Kaitlyn Steele is an experienced person-centred therapist and has been involved in the
world of counselling and therapy since the1970s. She is currently the Programme Leader
of the Network Training Diploma of Higher Education in Counselling and has a private
practice as a therapist, spiritual accompanier and freelance trainer and group facilitator.
14th March – “Hoping and not Hoping: An Exploration of the Dance between Hope
and Despair in Therapy with the Survivors of Complex Trauma” Sue Wright
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Sue is an Integrative Psychotherapist and Accredited Sensorimotor Psychotherapist who
specialises in working with clients who have experienced complex trauma. She has worked
within the NHS in adult mental health services; at a centre for the survivors of childhood
abuse and at the Oxford Centre for Stress and Trauma. She currently works freelance as a
psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer. In this workshop Sue will present some of the
ideas underpinning her research on the subject of hope and despair. She will use short
exercises to explore how we manage the tension between keeping hope alive and bearing
the hopelessness which restricts the lives of so many clients, and how the dance between
hope and despair can get played out internally and intersubjectively. The workshop will be
particularly relevant to counsellors and psychotherapists who work with people who have
endured overwhelming trauma and loss or who struggle with debilitating mental and
physical health problems. However, it is relevant to anyone interested in exploring a theme
which is around in all therapeutic relationships.
9th May – “Mindfulness” Linda Thomas
Expiry Date
Mindfulness is a way of paying attention to ourselves and our experiences in the present
moment, becoming aware of our automatic, habitual ways of reacting and learning how to
respond rather than react, making better choices to meet challenges more skilfully.
After developing an interest in mindfulness Linda attended an 8 week Mindfulness Based
Cognitive Therapy course (MBCT) which led her to do formal training in 2010 as a
Breathworks Mindfulness Teacher, in applying mindfulness for people with pain, illness
and stress with Vidyamala Burch (author of Mindfulness for Health). She is an accredited
Breathworks Mindfulness Teacher teaching a Mindfulness for Stress course. She has
completed further training on Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for cancer, MBCTCA, at The Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice, at Bangor University, following
which she developed an 8 week Mindfulness for Living Well with Cancer course at the
Penny Brohn Cancer Centre in Bristol.
□ 9/05/15
□ 13/06/15
□ 11/07/15
□ 14/11/15
Mindfulness - Linda Thomas
Childhood issues that impact adult life - Miranda Marsh
EMDR Healing the heart of trauma - Richard and Sally
Strength Finders - Anne Carter
Card Number
Issue No. (Switch only)
Card Security No.
Card Holder’s name
Please return to: The Harnhill Centre, Cirencester, GL7 5PX
13th June – “Childhood issues that impact adult life” Miranda Marsh
Miranda Marsh is Children’s Services Manager at Mediationplus in Swindon where she
works with children and young people whose parents are separated or divorced and
manages the In-Sight Supervised Contact Centre. She also has a small private practice.
Miranda has a Masters and Diploma in Integrative Child Psychotherapy as well as a
Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling. Before moving the focus of her practice to
working with children and young people, Miranda was a Counsellor working with adults at
the Wantage Counselling Service. She will bring her combined experiences of working
with both adults and children to her training day looking at Childhood Issues that impact
adult life.
11th July - “EMDR – Healing the Heart of Trauma” Richard and Sally WorthingDavies
Richard and Sally are EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing)
Consultants/Supervisors working primarily with PTSD and trauma, linked both to single
incident and multiple ongoing events (such as childhood sexual, physical or verbal abuse
and neglect), as well as being Family/systemic Therapists. Their Private Psychotherapy
Practice, Swift Counselling and Coaching, often works with families referred from
Swindon Social Services in which trauma is a significant factor that can render
systemic/family therapy relatively ineffective unless the traumas are dealt with first. Other
sources of work include accident/rehabilitation companies, Employee Assistance
Programmes, Court designated work and private individuals, including adults, adolescents
and children. Sally is the Regional Co-ordinator for EMDR Wales, leads a bi-monthly
EMDR group for therapists and previously was a Speech Therapist and Counsellor in
Primary Care, NHS. Richard spent many years as CEO/Board member of commercial and
non-governmental organisations before going back to University in 1995 and becoming a
therapist. Swift was set up in 2000 and has grown very significantly since then.
14 November – “Understanding and working from your Strengths: An introduction
to the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment as a tool for personal growth and
development” Anne Carter
Anne Carter, a retired Baptist Minister and counsellor, has been trained and certified by the
Gallup Organisation to coach using the Clifton StrengthsFinder personality assessment.
Knowing and understanding the unique Strengths that God has given them, people can
increase their self esteem, maximise potential, reduce stress factors and be more engaged in
their relationships, both personally and in a work setting. Whilst being mainly used in the
UK by top businesses, this accessible tool is readily usable by anyone with a reading age
over 12yrs. More detailed info can be seen on Anne’s website at www.strengthsnet.org.
The day will enable you to explore your own Strengths in more detail and understand the
tool’s relevance to clients, partnerships and teams. Course participants will be expected to
take the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment (£7) before the workshop and bring a printout
of their ‘Signature Themes Report’ on the day. Link: www.gallupstrengthscenter.com .
‘Top 5’ for this workshop
Willows Counselling Service
Training Days in Pastoral Care and
February 2015 – November 2015
This Programme of Training Days is organised by the Willows
Counselling Service for the professional training of those involved in
counselling and caring professions, and will also be beneficial for
those involved in Church pastoral care. Speakers are chosen for their
professional expertise and may or may not come from a Christian
faith perspective.
Workshops are £35 per person (£90 for any 3 courses booked
together) and will include buffet lunch and refreshments. They run
from 10 am to 4 pm and are held at the Harnhill Centre. The day
will start with a short time of Christian worship.
 All bookings will be acknowledged.
 In the event of cancellation, the booking fee will be refunded provided
at least 14 days’ notice of the cancellation is given.
 In the event of non-attendance at a course, where prior notice of
cancellation has not been received, no refund of the booking fee can
be made.
Willows Counselling Service
The Willows Centre, 11 Prospect Place, Old Town, Swindon, Wilts SN1 3LQ
01793 426650
willows@willowscounselling.org.uk www.willowscounselling.org.uk
Charity no. 1037677
Harnhill Centre of Christian Healing
Harnhill, Cirencester, Glos GL7 5PX
01285 850283
office@harnhillcentre.org.uk www.harnhillcentre.org.uk
Charity no. 292173