Sharyn Blaustein Principal Volume 21 Issue 30 June 5, 2015 Sivan 18, 5775 Rabbi Yamin Levy LIHA Rabbi THE VOICE OF OUR CHILDREN A WEEKLY PUBLICATION Please visit our website for the FULL newsletter in color! Message by Rabbi Yamin Levy, LIHA Rabbi Shabbath Shalom My Dear Friends, This Torah Portion begins with an instruction to Aharon Hakohen regarding the lighting of the Menorah in the Mishkan, Temple. The commandment begins with Be’Ha’alotecha et HaNerot which means when you light the candles. The Hebrew word BeHa’alotech literally means when “you lift”. Our Hakhamim note the strange usage of the word and suggest that the Torah is actually teaching us an important lesson. Aharon’s task was to light the candle and make sure the flame was rising before he finished his task. His task would not be complete unless he did everything he had to do in order to make sure the flame was secure and sustainable. What a powerful lesson for all of us. Take our role as parents for example. This task never ends. It doesn’t matter if our children are 5 or 50. Our goal as parents when our children are young is to afford them an environment that is conducive to growth and exploration so that they learn about themselves and the world around them. Our goal as parents is to “Raise our children” like the flame of Aharon so that they excel in our complicated world. The same is true of us as teachers and rabbis. Our task is to raise our students and our community to a point of sustainability. The task is not complete, no matter the sacrifice, until we can confidently say we are not needed anymore. My dear friends this is also true of our lay leadership. Our goal is to ensure sustainability of all the important projects and institutions in our community. It is not enough to make a contribution or a pledge. We must all take upon ourselves the promise to RAISE our community to be a source of pride for all of us now and in the future. Sustainability is measured in spiritual terms, capital terms and financial terms. Shabbath Shalom! Parashat Beha’alotecha Shabbat Candle Lighting time is at 8:03 p.m. Havdalah time is at 9:14 p.m. We are happy to announce that Nursery I is full and we are now making reservations for Nursery II 5th Grade Commencement June 9th at 7:00 Social Hall Congregation Ahavat Shalom Synagogue LIHA’S newsletter has gone digital! Check our website for the Newsletter in full color, photo galleries, homework, and other important announcements!! Check our website for reenrollment and registration contract! Ms. Grace’s 3rd Grade Writing Celebration Continues Animal Research Project Presentation June 9th 10:15 Challah Baking for Reoua Shlema Avital Bat Dina REMINDER!! June 16th 9:30 Nursery 1 & 2 Tefilah & Breakfast June 17th 9:30 Pre-K Graduation June 18th 9:30 Kindergarten Graduation Eitan Behmanesh Ayden Sedaghat Aaron Kohansieh Eitan Kohansieh Rachel Rahmani Ethan Shamash Nathan Hedvat Ariel Nassimiha Elisha Hanasab Eliya Youssefia Sharlene Davaran Gabriel Gluck Yosef Kimyagarov Yoel Haiimpour Take A Look At LIHA Toddler This week the children continued practicing songs for their graduation party. We are also continuing to work with the children about the first letter in their name. Please Save The Date for our Graduation Party! FRIDAY JUNE 12 at 11:00 AM SHARP please be there on time so we can start promptly, thank you. Shabbat Shalom :) Nursery I Wow! It’s hard to believe our school year is almost finished. This week the children seemed to enjoy playing with all the toys in the room – especially “washing the kitchen toys”. The class water-colored bright pictures, finished their Father’s Day surprises, practiced cutting with scissors, played Alphabet Bingo and re-read many of our favorite books. Our Shabbat Ima & Abba were Tamar & Yoel Shabbat Shalom Nursery II We have been busy this week discussing how much fun we have in school. We’ve been comparing some of our favorite things like colors, toys in class and books. We’ve been working on something very special for the end of the year. Shabbat Ima & Abba were Michal & Yosef Shabbat Shalom Pre K We hope you had a restful Memorial Day weekend and are ready for the rest of the school year. We are busy reviewing all the letters of the aleph bet, the alphabet, our numbers, opposites, more or less and everything we learned this year. We are also busy practicing for our graduation. Invitations will go out in a timely fashion. Please keep Wednesday, June 17th free! Our Abba & Ima were Eitan K. & Rina. Kindergarten English The highlight of this week was our trip to the Jewish Museum. The children had a wonderful time. We are busy completing our books and practicing for the graduation. “Resh” was our letter of the week and the words were; Rosh ( head ), Rofeh (doctor ), Ra-kevet (train ). We had 2 shabbat Ima’s & Abba’s this week they were Bianca & Aitan Chloe & Aaron Kindergarten Hebrew Hope you had a wonderful “Shavuot”, since we have come back we have been very busy too! We learned another letter of the Alef-bet this week; the letter koof ( ) and the words were Kadosh (Holy ), kar (cold ) and keshet (rainbow ). Parashat Nasso explains about “Birkat Ha-Kohanim” the mitzvah of kohanim blessing all the Bnei Yisrael and we made a small project on that and the Bracha for lighting the candle for Shabbat. The children will bring it home next week B-ezrat H. We are all looking forward to our trip next week. Our Shabbat Imma & Abba were Hila & Natan this week. Chag Sameach & Shabbat Shalom 1st Grade Hebrew – ‘ This week we studied the (blessings) we say before eating different types of food. In connection to we learned names of some fruits and vegetables in Hebrew, and the we say before eating them. This week we learned the Parasha . 1st Grade English The week the first grade completed chapter 11 in math. We will take the chapter 11 test on Monday June 8th. The students are really enjoying our animal unit in science. We are learning about what animals need to live. This unit is also overlapping with our stories in our reading textbook. This weekend ask your children about what they are learning in class. You may learn some great facts about animals! 2nd Grade English 2nd grade had another nice week. In math, we will be having a test on Chapter 10 on Tuesday. We continue to learn strategies to help them become better readers and writers. Please continue to check your children's folders and make sure they are doing all of their homework and reading every single day. Shabbat Shalom! 2nd Grade Hebrew We finished studying the mail rule of Dikdouk through Yessodot Halashon. The children are going home with the list of the verbs that we learned during the year. They have to complete and learn the booklet in order to be ready for next year. 3rd Grade English The third grade is wrapping up our unit on Animal research. They worked very hard finding information on a wild animal of their choice. Half of the class presented this week the other half will present Tuesday June 9th at 10:15. Their projects will be displayed In the hallway for all to see. Please ask your children about what they learned from this experience. I am very proud of all their hard work! 3rd Grade Hebrew The yeladim are returning home with their Yessodot Halashon. We finished the curriculum in Dikduk. We are reviewing all the rules in the classroom and putting whatever we learned through the practice of Hibourim. I hope that your children will practice whatever we learned through the summer. 4th Grade English The fourth grade class has just finished the first park of geometry and they found it challenging but pulled through. They also learned about paradoxes like how a catfish is a typical example of a paradox as cats eat fish. 4th Grade Hebrew The class had a great “Oneg Shabbat” presentation for their parents and family. They performed beautifully. We also worked very hard this week on Hebrew grammar. 5th Grade English 5th grade took their last math test this year. They are getting excited about graduation. Please practice their parts with them at home. I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday night. Shabbat Shalom! 5th Grade Hebrew The graduation is coming soon and the class is very excited. They are working very hard to get ready for the performance. We also finished sefer shoftim.
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