ú aÈ LÇ ï åÉ z òÄ Shabbat News SERVICES: Friday 6:00 pm Saturday 9:30 am Sunday & 8:00 9:15 pmam Monday Sunday 9:30 7:00am am Monday 7:00 am May 23, 2015 - 5 Sivan 5775 Parashat Bemidbar פרשת במדבר Torah: Numbers 2:1-3:13 (Etz Hayim p. 774; Hertz p. 572) Haftarah: Hosea 2:1-22 (Etz Hayim p. 787; Hertz p. 582 ) ALIYOT: Catharine Clark, Rabbi Terry Marcus, President Execuve: Paul Caplan 1st 2:1-9 5th 2:32-34 2nd 2:10-16 6th 3:1-4 3rd 2:17-24 7th 3:5-13 4th 2:25-31 maGir 3:11-13 Susan Hall, Educaon & Youth and Operaons SERVICE LEADERS THIS SHABBAT William Klein, Religious Pracces Alon Shal, Finance Pesukei D’Zimrah: Sonia Halpern Josef Freiman z”l, Chazzan Emeritus Syd Greenberg, Hon.Life President Shacharit: Torah Service – 1: Torah Reader: Cantor Tracy Shuster Cantor Tracy Shuster Beryl Chernick Ha<arah Reader: Darlene Zaifman Torah Service – 2: Cantor Gary Zener Musaf: Cantor Gary Zener The Board of Governors Michael Biderman Lawrence Burden, Eric Cartman Beryl Chernick, Ken Cossoy Steven Dain, Paul Forster Lyle Goorvich, Janice Gorodzinsky Syd Greenberg, Gerry Kleiman Stephen Kleiman, Robert Mandel Marc Mann, Ellen Rosen Jack Rosen, Ian Silver, Judy Silver Naomi Stoffman, Shelley Sukerman Barry Tepperman, Fern Tepperman Michael Wilson, Bernie Zaifman Greeter: Paul Forster Kiddush following services is sponsored by Rachelle & Bill Chodirker, Special kiddush following services is sponsored by Women’s League Sisterhood and Congregation Or Shalom. Welcome to Or Shalom! CONGREGATION OR SHALOM 534 Huron Street, LONDON, ON N5Y 4J5 USCJ—affiliated Our service includes moments of joyous singing and moments of reflecve silence. Please join us in both. Hours: Mon-Thur 9-5 Friday 9-1 Phone: 519-438-3081 E-mail: office@orshalomlondon.org Website: www.orshalomlondon.org Please refrain from using all electronic devices (such as cell phones, cameras, readers, games, recorders, etc.) anywhere in the synagogue. Professionals-on-call: please set mobile devices to vibrate. Or Shalom is smoke-free. YAHRTZEITS IN THE COMING WEEK RHIHJJK BKLMNOPQHRN PHKLS SPSKNTHL MKQPMSUK FLHMVKN KHNNHQP SPWOQHL WXSY GKNQVKN DKZMU SVMQP SKLKP GLHHNIHLT MHRHL WKLLHN RXOH SPHLVKN AIH WRNIHLT Mazel Tov to Alan & Cathy Perlmutter on the birth of their granddaughter Daniella Veloce to Lisa & Joseph Veloce in Hamilton last week. Mazel Tov to great grandmother Bernice Perlmutter too! Upcoming Special Shabbat Events SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING May 22 8:30 pm May 29 8:37 pm Monday, June 15 At 7:30 pm Mazel Tov to Michael Lerner who was reelected as a Bencher to the Law Society of Upper Canada for a second four year term. A Bencher is a director of the Law Society. The Law Society regulates the profession. There are 20 elected province-wide from outside Toronto. Tot Shabbat & Ice Cream Social May 30 Talmud Torah Shabbat June 6 Mica Shatil Bar Mitzvah June 13 CJPAC Kiddush & Learn June 27 Check out the latest from Or Shalom at our newly updated website: http://orshalomlondon.org Volunteer needed to assist with the Oracle Bulletin four times a year. Looking for a person who has MAC and design experience. Please e-mail Sande Marcus: sandemarcus@gmail.com. Please Note: The office will be closed on Monday, May 25 in observance of the second day of Shavuot. FJMC Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs Convention 2015 July 8-12 Miami, Florida London’s Heather Kaplan to present “The History of Music Therapy & its Canadian Pioneer, Fran Herman” Thursday, July 9 from 1:30 to 3:00 pm To register & learn more about the convention, go to: http://fjmc2015internationalconvention.sched.org This Weekend!! May 22nd - 24th A Special Shabbat & Shavuot Weekend at Or Shalom Featuring Cantor Gary Zener Friday May 22nd Kabbalat Shabbat Services at 6pm Shabbat Dinner at 7pm Moroccan meal prepared by Men Chefs’ Club Saturday, May 23rd Leket Israel, Cheesecake & Coffee at 8pm Mincha at 8:40pm · Seudah Shlishit at 9:10pm · Ma’ariiv & Havdalah at 9:40pm Tikun Leil Shavuot study session at 10:20 pm: “Illicit Liaisons and Shavu’ot” Facilitator: Bill Klein More cheesecake & coffee Sunday, May 24th Shavuot Services, including Y izkor at 9:30am For more info or to sign up, please contact Jack Rosen at 519-434-1495 or e.rosen@sympatico.ca. שבועותïÉåzòÄ Shavuot News May 23-24, 2015 - 5-6 Sivan 5775 Learning Begins at 8:00 pm Kadima All Nighter at 8:00 pm Sunday at 9:30 am Catharine Clark, Rabbi Terry Marcus, President Execuve: Paul Caplan 1st Scroll Exodus: 19:1-20:22 (Etz Hayim p. 436; Hertz p. 290) 2nd Scroll Numbers: 28:26-31 (Etz Hayim p. 932; Hertz p. 696) ALIYOT: 1st 19:1-6 4th 19:20-20:13 2nd 19:7-13 5th 20:14-22 3rd 19:14-19 maGir 28:26-31 Ha<arah: Ezekiel: 1:1-28; 3:12 (Etz Hayim p. 1321; Hertz p. 1027) Susan Hall, Educaon & Youth and Operaons William Klein, Religious Pracces Alon Shal, Finance Josef Freiman z”l, Chazzan Emeritus Syd Greenberg, Hon.Life President The Board of Governors Michael Biderman Lawrence Burden, Eric Cartman Beryl Chernick, Ken Cossoy Steven Dain, Paul Forster Lyle Goorvich, Janice Gorodzinsky Syd Greenberg, Gerry Kleiman Stephen Kleiman, Robert Mandel Marc Mann, Ellen Rosen Jack Rosen, Ian Silver, Judy Silver Naomi Stoffman, Shelley Sukerman Barry Tepperman, Fern Tepperman Michael Wilson, Bernie Zaifman SERVICE LEADERS THIS SHAVUOT Kabbalat Shabbat & Ma’ariv: Cantor Gary Zener Pesukei D’Zimrah: Shacharit: Ruth Chapter 2: Lawrence Burden Cantor Gary Zener Bill Klein Torah Service – 1: Hakdamut: Torah Reader: Cantor Gary Zener Bill Klein Bill Klein Ha<arah Reader: Yizkor: Torah Service – 2: Musaf: Greeter: Bev Zaifman Cantor Gary Zener Cantor Gary Zener Cantor Gary Zener Susan Hall CONGREGATION OR SHALOM 534 Huron Street, LONDON, ON N5Y 4J5 Ma’ariv & Havdalah: Cantor Gary Zener USCJ—affiliated Hours: Mon-Thur 9-5 Friday 9-1 Phone: 519-438-3081 E-mail: office@orshalomlondon.org Website: www.orshalomlondon.org Kiddush luncheon following services is sponsored by Women’s League Sisterhood and Congregation Or Shalom.
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