Lincoln County Foundation 8423 Yaquina Bay Road ~ Newport, OR 97365 541-336-2546 ~ 2015 NEWPORT HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION SOUTH COUNTY REALTORS SCHOLARSHIP 1 @ $1,000.00, Sponsored by South County Realtors Association. Criteria: 1. Newport High School graduating senior. 2. 3.0 or better GPA. 3. Evidence of community service. 4. 750 to 1000 word essay about individual citizens rights and responsibilities concerning real estate ownership (required) Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of a term of post secondary work and registration for a second term. Application: 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselor’s office by April 3, 2015 LCSD ADMINISTRATORS SCHOLARSHIP 2@ $500.00, shared by all high schools in Lincoln County, sponsored by LCSD Administrators Team. Criteria: 1. Planning to become a teacher, counselor or train for other work with children. Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of a term of post secondary work and registration for a second term. Application: 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselor’s office by April 3, 2015 BETTY AND DON GILES MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS Dollar amounts and number of scholarships is open. Sponsored by the Betty and Don Giles Memorial Trust. Criteria: 1. Must have spent 5 years in a 4-H dog program.. 2. Leadership skills and abilities. 3. Community service activities. 4. Dedication to a 4-H dog program. 5. Open to all LCSD seniors. Restrictions: 1. Pays after a successful completion of a term of post-secondary work. Application: 1. No application is necessary, selection will be made by a 4-H selection committee. Page 1 of 8 OSEA SCHOLARSHIP 1@ $250.00, sponsored by LCSD Oregon School Employees Association. Criteria: 1. Planning to attend a trade school, community college or four year institution to prepare for a trade occupation. Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of a term of post secondary work and registration for a second term. Application: 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselor’s office by April 3, 2015 2. Please include with your application, on less than one page, what your future goals are. ROTARY CLUB OF NEWPORT SCHOLARSHIP 1 @ $2,000.00, Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Newport. Criteria: 1. Newport High School graduate. Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of a term of post secondary work and registration for a second term. Application: 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselor’s office by April 3, 2015 GENE & KORY MORROW MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP 1 @ $500.00, Sponsored by Morrow family and friends. Criteria: 1. Newport High School graduate. 2. Lettered in Football. Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of a term of post secondary work and registration for a second term. Application: 2. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselor’s office by April 3, 2015 Page 2 of 8 LADD SHERMAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP 1 @ $450.00, Sponsored by friends of Ladd Sherman. Criteria: 1. Newport High School graduate. 2. Lettered in Swimming. 3. Scholarship, leadership, integrity. 4. Participation in school and community activities. Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of a term of post secondary work and registration for a second term. Application: 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselor’s office by April 3, 2015 LYNETTE LORIMOR MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP 1 @ $1,000.00, Sponsored by Lonnie Lorimor and friends. Criteria: 1. Newport High School graduate. 2. Planning to enter the teaching profession.. 3. Essay outlining the importance of reading and writing skills.. 4. Interview for finalists. Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of a term of post secondary work and registration for a second term. Application: 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselor’s office by April 3, 2015 ORIGINAL JOANNE HAMILTON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP 1 @ $700.00, Sponsored by Joanne Hamilton Memorial Trust. Criteria: 1. Newport High School graduate. Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of a term of post secondary work and registration for a second term. Application: 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselor’s office by April 3, 2015 SHARON BUTLER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP 1 @ $1,000.00, Sponsored by the Sharon Butler Memorial Trust. Criteria: 1. Open to all high schools, but only to Lincoln County members of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians. Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of a term of post secondary work and registration for a second term. Application: 1. Sharon Butler Memorial Scholarship Application to Bev Youngman’s office, PO Box 549, Siletz OR 97380 by April 3, 2015 Page 3 of 8 BEN EDER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP 1 @ $3,000.00, Sponsored by friends and family of Ben Eder. Criteria: 1. Newport High School graduating senior, with a record of academically challenging courses. 2. 3.25 GPA or better. 3. Accepted at a four year college or university. 4. Evidence of commitment to physical fitness, if able. 5. Volunteer service to school and/or community. 6. History of part time work. 7. Need not a priority. 8. A typed well edited essay of about 500 words on the following topic. You have 7 free days and a reasonably reliable 10 yr. old station wagon. Pick a point to start from anywhere in the United States and describe a trip. There is no need to start and finish in the same place. You may go by yourself or if you take companions, tell who they are and why you picked them. What do you pack, what do you see, what do you eat and what happens? You (and any passengers) have $1,000.00 total cash, plus a credit card for fuel (and fuel only). Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of a term of post secondary work and registration for a second term. Application: 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselor’s office by April 3, 2015 LINCOLN COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP 1 @ $500.00, sponsored by Lincoln County Bar Association. Criteria: 1. Open to all high schools 2. Minimum 3.25 GPA, Academically challenging course completion. 3. Planning to attend law school. 4. Accepted to a 2 or 4 year college 5. Essay (500 words or less) “What contributions can I make to society in my practice of law”. Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of a term of post secondary work and registration for a second term. Application: 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselor’s office by April 3, 2015 Page 4 of 8 MECHANICS STUDENTS GRANT 1 @ $1,000.00 shared by all high schools in Lincoln County. Sponsored by Bay City Cruisers and other Lincoln County citizens. Criteria: 1. Graduating senior from a Lincoln County High School. 2. Commitment to further His/Her skills in the mechanical trades (i.e. small engine repair, auto body, auto mechanics, diesel and truck mechanics. 3. Goals related to a career in the mechanical trades. Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of a term of post secondary work and registration for a second term, and may be renewable. Application: 1. Mechanics Students Grant Application to school counselor’s office by April 3, 2015 KENNETH AND FRANCES C. LITCHFIELD COMMUNITY SERVICE SCHOLARSHIP 1 @ $1,000.00, Sponsored by the Litchfield Children Criteria: 1. Newport High School graduate. 2. Demonstrate academic excellence. 3. Documented community and school service activities during high school years. 4. Accepted to at least one institution of higher education and planning to attend. Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of a term of post secondary work and registration for a second term., and writing a letter to a scholarship committee representative about your school experience. Application: 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselor’s office by April 3, 2015 Page 5 of 8 CATHY R. LETHERER MEMORIAL LINCOLN COUNTY MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP 1 @ $(Determined by interest earned), shared by all high schools in Lincoln County. Sponsored by Rick Letherer and friends. Criteria: 1. Graduating senior from a Lincoln County high school. 2. Stated intention to maintain or improve their musical ability. 3. Present a quality tape, disc or video recording of some musical performance. 4. Evidence of the selection of a post secondary school selection that may enhance their musical talents. Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of a term of post secondary work and registration for a second term. Application: 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselor’s office by April 3, 2015 MICHAEL BECKER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP 1 @ $1,000.00, Sponsored by friends and family of Michael Becker. Criteria: 1. Newport High School graduate. 2. Planning to attend Oregon State University. Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of two full time terms at OSU with a GPA of 2.50 or better.. Application: 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselor’s office by April 3, 2015 MARTIN FRANK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP 5 @ $1,000.00, Students from four Lincoln County High Schools will compete for these scholarships sponsored by Martin Frank Memorial Scholarship Fund. Scholarships may be renewable.. Criteria: 1. Graduating senior from Lincoln County High Schools. 2. Interested in pursuing a career in: Writing; Lapidary Arts; or Marine related fields (merchant marine or fishing related occupations) Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of one term of post secondary work and registration for a second term. Application: 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselor’s office by April 3, 2015 AUNT MARILYN’S SCHOLARSHIP 4 @ $1,000.00, Sponsored by Marilyn Koenig Estate. Criteria: 1. Newport High School graduate. 2. Financial need, (Lincoln County Foundation College Budget Form to be used). 3. Personal commitment to further his/her higher education. 4. Evidence of personal and scholastic merit. Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of one term of post secondary work and registration for a second term Application: 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselor’s office by April 3, 2015 Page 6 of 8 BOB SPANGLER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP 1 @ $500.00, Sponsored by Matt Spangler and Friends Criteria 1. Newport High School Graduating Senior 2. Lettered in one or more varsity sports, preference to multiple letters. 3. Demonstrated team leadership skills. 4. School and Community involvement 5. Financial need will be used as a determining factor for equally qualified candidates (LCF College Budget Form). 6. Must not be related to voting members of the selection committee. Restrictions 1. Pays $500.00 to recipient’s school after successful completion of one term of post secondary work and registration for a second term Application 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselors office by April 3, 2015 SAMARITAN PCH MEDICAL STAFF SCHOLARSHIP 1 @ $500.00, sponsored by Pacific Communities Hospital Medical Staff. Criteria: 1. No requirements. Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of a term of post secondary work and registration for a second term. Application: 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselor’s office by April 3, 2015 STERN-KUCHA SCHOLARSHIP 1 @ $1000.00, sponsored by Dorothy Stern Kucha – renewable for 4 years Criteria: 1. Newport High School Senior 2. Children of Latino Immigrants new to America 3. Students may be American born or born in another country 4. GPA 2.5 5. Attend a four year university, a community college or a trade school 6. Interview with Dorothy Stern-Kucha Application: 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to Aspire Center by April 3, 2015 Selection Process: 1. Interviews will be conducted at NHS with Dorothy Stern Kucha the scholarship donor – the week of April 2125th Restrictions: 1. Pays to the financial aid office of the institution the student is attending when the student provides LCF with proof of registration for the first term of post-secondary study and for the first term of subsequent years. Second year and beyond also require contacting Dorothy and documenting that it has been done. Page 7 of 8 U-DA-MAN SALMON TOURNAMENT SCHOLARSHIP 1 @ $500.00, Available to graduating seniors all LCSD High Schools, sponsored by U_DA_MAN Salmon Tournament Committee. Criteria: 1. High School GPA of 3.25 or better. 2. Graduating senior at a Lincoln County School District High School with a record of academically challenging courses. 3. Accepted at an State of Oregon 4 year college or 2 year Community College. 4. Evidence of volunteer service to your school and/or community or part time work. 5. A typed and well edited essay of 1000 words or more on the following topic: What is the economic impact of sports fishing on local Lincoln County communities and how can the improved habitat of salmon in local waterways impact local communities. Restrictions: 1. Pays after successful completion of one term of post-secondary work and registration for a second term. Application: 1. Lincoln County Foundation application form to counselor’s office by April 3, 2015. Page 8 of 8
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