May/June 2015 - Lincoln Park Village

 May/June 2015
Dear Neighbor,
May Events
Favorite Pastime Groups
June Preview
New and Renewing Members
Call Us. Join Us!
Village Sponsors
Edited by
Laurel Baer Produced by
Carmen Salas
Join us on June 18 for the Village's 6th anniversary
celebration and benefit. There's lots to celebrate.
Over the past six years, the Village has grown
organically, taking in new members and then
creating programs and services and partnerships
that arise from their interests, needs and
wants. One result is that our community of
members now reaches from downtown Chicago all
the way north to Edgewater and beyond. Village
members­­now 410+ strong­­benefit from the
programs, interest groups, resources,
opportunities and shared buying power that comes
from a diverse membership coupled with a talented
office team (along with 120+ volunteers and 170+
VILLAGE PROGRAMS Register for these programs by
calling 773.248.8700 or e­mailing:
Village Members receive
registration priority.
Payment confirms your
registration and is due in
Let the Village office know if
you need a ride! As the Village grows, from time to
time events with limited attendance
are fully subscribed with a waiting
list. If you wish to participate in any
event, please sign up early. You can
do so by calling the office at
773.248.8700 or e­mailing
Eight­session series:
Thursdays, Ongoing 10:30 ­ 11:30 AM
Church of the Three Crosses
(333 W. Wisconsin) Members ­ $64 for the series of 8
sessions, or $10 per session;
Guests­ $15 per session. Join in anytime! For more
trusted service providers and partners) in place 7
days a week to connect people to each other and to
help when needed.
We have learned that you don't need to live next to
each other to find community. Members connect
with each other thru shared experiences and
interests­­and new groups, such as the travel
group, are formed with increasing regularity.
Members dine together, learn new things together
and provide support for each other as we navigate
transitions of all sorts and compose our later lives. We have come to recognize that this scope and
breadth is a unique strength because it allows us to
tap into the skills, talents, resources, and interests
of many diverse individuals. Without it, Ron Smith
(Edgewater resident) would not have had a chance
to talk about his experiences in the service and find
out about veteran's benefits from Chuck Cooper
(Streeterville resident). Nor would Mel Washburn
(Lincoln Park resident) have had the opportunity to
practice conversational French with Jacqueline
Harding (Edgewater resident). Connections across neighborhoods is a story of
opportunity and discovery ­ but it is only half of the
story. The other half is a story of bonding and
commitment, and lies within the neighborhoods
themselves. In Lake View, members living close to
each other are forming a neighborhood circle ­ a
way for each member to feel more connected, more
supported and providing a deep sense of
community. Read more about our neighborhood
circles pilot program below in "Connecting in
information about NIA, click here. ***
Pilates Eight­session series: Tuesdays, Ongoing 10:00 ­ 11:00 AM
Studio 1002
(1002 W. Diversey)
Members Only ­ $160 for the series
of 8 sessions
Payment goes directly to
Check out these special offers for
Village members to stay active.
Chicago Athletic Club
Contact the Village office for
information on obtaining a one­
month free trial membership.
XSport Fitness Contact the Village office for
information on obtaining a 7­day
trial membership. MAY EVENTS Memoir Writing I
Thursdays, May 14 ­ June 11
2:00 ­ 3:30 PM
May 7 Host: Kathy Zartman Members Only ­ $60 for the series
Wait list only.
& Memoir Writing II
So much happens through the Village. Join us.
Dianne S. Campbell
Founding Executive Director
Welcome New and
Renewing Members Click here to view new and renewing members.
Village 6th Anniversary and Benefit One Night Only: Amy Morton and Tim
Hopper in Love Letters This well­loved and evocative play starring two
renowned members of the Steppenwolf theater
ensemble, will be the centerpiece of our 6th
anniversary celebration. The event will be on
Thursday, June 18, 5­8 PM at the Francis W. Parker
School, 350 W. Webster. (Click here for event
flyer). An Evening of Fun and Excitement! Prior to the performance there will be a friendly
Mondays, May 18 ­ June 22
2:00 ­ 3:30 PM
May 18th Host: Pam Washburn
Members ­ $60 for the series;
Guests ­ $80 for the series (for
Memoir II only)
Silver Screenings II:
The Swimmer
Thursday, May 14
7:00 ­ 9:00 PM
Brookdale Plaza Lake View (3121 N. Sheridan)
Members & Guests ­ Free
Self hosted meal before or after film
at Bagel Restaurant
Silver Screenings I:
The Swimmer
Sunday, May 17
11:00 AM ­ 1:00 PM
The Admiral at the Lake
(929 W. Foster) Members & Guests ­ Free
Optional self­hosted brunch to follow
the May 17 screening for $15.
Join us for the continuation of the
series "Films of Burt Lancaster." The
film is about a well­off ad man who
is visiting a friend when he notices
the abundance of backyard pools
that populate their upscale suburb.
He suddenly decides that he'd like to
travel the eight miles back to his
own home by simply swimming
across every pool in the valley. As
he stops at each pool, his
interactions tell his life story. Click
here to read Mel's notes.
Be Seduced!
Friday, May 15
reception with food and drink plus a spectacular
silent auction and raffle. Auction items will feature
one­of­a­kind experiences plus unusual items that
you will find only on the Village's auction table. Auction Sneak Preview ... Village auctions are famous for their unusual and
unique items. The focus is on experiences ­ from
relaxing get­aways to Neighborhood Walk packages
with gift certificates for restaurants, shops and
attractions to small house parties with a notable
guest. Here is a sample of what you can bid on: Private Art Institute Curatorial Tour for six of
either the Modern Wing or museum highlights
An evening with violinist Rachel Barton Pine ­
dinner and a private concert
Two impossible­to­get tickets to NPR's "Wait,
Wait ­ Don't Tell Me."
A two­night "stay­cation" in a Streeterville
condo with killer views
Lunch for six at the Cliff Dwellers Club
A one­week stay at a two­bedroom Pompano
Beach, Florida condo
Adult tennis lessons ­ 4­week session at the
Midtown Athletic Club
7:00 ­ 10:00 PM
Zhou B Art Center
(1029 W. 35th St)
Carol Brookes, Village member and
mixed media sculptor has been
invited to exhibit her artwork in the
upcoming exhibition "Seductive
Material". The exhibition examines
the artist as an explorer of physical
matter and seducer of material in
the art­making process. Carol says,
"Please join me on May 15th for the
this beautiful exhibition during Zhou
B Art Center's 'Third Friday' Event.
Enjoy "Seductive Material", visit
dozens of open studios, have a drink
and immerse yourself in art. For more information click here.
Second Annual Spring Potluck
& Sing­a­long
Monday, May 18
6:00­9:00 PM
Church of the Three Crosses
(333 W. Wisconsin)
Members Only ­ Free
The Pete Seeger sing­a­long was so
much fun and so popular, we
decided to do another sing­a­long
this year! We anticipate songs by
Pete Seeger and others, such as
Peter, Paul and Mary. Get ready to
sing Puff the Magic Dragon!! Please
bring a non­perishable item for
donation to the Lakeview Pantry. Up Close and Personal: Stroke Survivor Stories
Tuesday, May 19
1:00 PM
Rush University Medical Center
Plus ­ Enter the Raffle for a Chance at
One of These Great Prizes ­ A one year Village membership ­ A 3­day, 2­night stay at beautiful Sweethaven
Resort in Michigan's Harbor Country ­ An iPad Mini For only $10 you can be in on the action. (Or
increase your odds ­ 3 raffle tickets are $25!).
Raffle tickets will be included in the mailed
invitations and can also be purchased at the event. Be a Part of the Host Committee A host committee for the event is now in formation.
Thanks to those who have already stepped up with
leadership contributions: Ellen Stone Belic
Mary Ann Schwartz & Richard Brewer
Judy & John Bross
Jack Hartray
Carol Rosofsky & Bud Lifton
Pam & Mel Washburn
Ruth Ann & Tom Watkins
Dianne & Tom Campbell
Larry & Char Damron Jackie Mattfeld & Cece Lopez
Alan & Janet Lougee
Donna & Dirk Vos (1620 W Harrison)
Members and Guests ­ Free
May is National Stroke Awareness
Month. Please join us to hear a
stroke survivor's first­hand
experiences. A nurse and social
worker will also be available to
answer any questions you may have
related to stroke and understanding
the warning signs. Lucia Blinn's Riveting New
Poetry Saturday, May 23
1:00 ­ 3:00 PM
Midwest Buddhist Temple (435 W. Menomonee)
Members ­ $5; Guests ­ $10
Lucia Blinn is an irreverent
contemporary poet who delves into
our lives fearlessly and with
resonance. The former New York
and Chicago advertising creative
director is returning with new work
for her ever ­ growing circle of
Village enthusiasts. Tiny Theater: Old Wicked Songs
Sunday, May 24
3:00 PM
Provision Theater
(1001 W. Roosevelt) Members ­ $22.50; Guests ­ $27.50
Self­hosted dinner after at Tuscany
on Taylor.
This play tells the story of a young
pianist suffering an artistic block and
the aging musician who helps re­
ignite his inspiration. A third
"character" in the play is the music
of Robert Schumann, which echoes
throughout the work. Marcia Opp & Jon Ekdahl
Joan Goldstein
Lauren Baer & Andy Hiken
Mary C. Kemp
Kathie & Bob Kolodgy
Joe & Kerstin Lane
Madelyn MacMahon Charlotte & Michael Newberger
Anna Nessy Perlberg Rush University Medical Center
Liz Ware & Wally Shah
Bob & Emily Spoerri
Stephen & Lois Stack
Don't Miss This Special Evening! Invitations will be arriving in your mailbox within a
week ­ but if you want to buy tickets now, just click
Tickets are $55 for members and $65 for non­
members. All proceeds support Lincoln Park Village
including our Member Plus program which makes it
possible for all neighbors, regardless of income to
participate fully in Village life. Connection through
Communication Love Letters is a play about two people, friends
from childhood, who while living separate lives,
through letters, cards and notes tell each other of
their hopes and ambitions, dreams and
disappointments, victories and defeats ­
maintaining their connection for nearly 50 years. FAVORITE PASTIME
Travel Group
This new interest group was
developed to share information and
discuss various group travel
options. Future sessions and
discussions will include talking
about travel experiences, travel
issues such as getting through
airports without stress and the best
options for converting money. The
next meeting will be on June 26th
at 1:30 PM at the Old Town Triangle
Association, 1763 N. North Park. If
you are interested in attending,
please contact Susan Burke at
*** Basic Meditation
In the Village, maintaining connection through
communication is the focus of almost everything we
do because connection is something that each of us
wants and needs. It is the means by which we feel
acknowledged, understood, included and
respected. We recognize that communication flows in many
directions ­ from member to member; across
neighborhoods and communities; from the inside
out and from the outside in. We also recognize that
communication takes many forms ­ written, verbal,
or even unexpressed but deeply felt. Here are some
stories about how the Village fosters connection
with information, affection, concern, ideas and
action. "Two monologues do not make a
dialogue." Jeff Daly "Give me the gift of a listening heart."
King Solomon by Anne Hunt and Laurel Baer It goes without saying that in the Village,
communication always flows two ways ­ to
members from Village leadership and the office
team and from members back to those who plan
and execute Village programs and services. Join this group, hosted by member
Ellen Stone Belic, to learn and
practice basic meditation
techniques. Sessions are occasional
Saturday mornings. The next
session is this Saturday, May 16 led
by Sandra Kirmeyer. Arrive at 9:45
On April 18th, the Village held its first Annual
Meeting of Members at the Victory Gardens Theater.
It was designed to be a two­way communication ­
and it was. Village members were presented with a
complete update about the state of the Village.
AM for setup, meditation is from
10:00 ­ 11:00 AM. This is a great
opportunity to start or renew your
practice ­­ and to experience the
joy and the multitude of benefits of
meditation. For information, please
e­mail Ellen at ***
This group meets Mondays from
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM in members'
homes, usually with three tables.
The next meeting will be hosted by
Emily Spoerri on May 18. If you are
interested in joining, please contact
Wally Shah at
Just Restaurants
Our vibrant restaurant group takes
advantage of all our great food city
has to offer. From BYOB to BBQ,
French to fusion, seafood to steak­­
we try them all. If you want to
receive information about these
outings, please contact Krys Lordahl
Knitting for a Purpose
The knitting and crocheting group
meets most Wednesdays at Sister
Arts Studio (721 W. Wrightwood).
Beginners and experts are welcome
to join. The group makes hats,
scarves and mittens for the Night
Ministry­­or a project of your own
interest. Bring your needles and
They were informed about: Reports on the activities of Village committees
and task forces including Programs, Services,
Research, Membership, and more.
Member satisfaction: Interests and needs are
being met as demonstrated by the 84­90%
retention rate. Partnerships and collaboration: To help us
enrich the possibilities and choices offered to
members these relationships have grown from
three when the Village started to more than 30
today. Financial status: The Village is on sound
financial footing with sources of revenues
expanding to include new avenues such as
sponsorships. The longest part of the meeting was the 25 minutes
devoted to questions and comments from the
members who were also asked to fill out cards with
further comments and ideas. In addition, the Village
is in the process of conducting its bi­annual member
survey in conjunction with the University of
California Berkeley to assess and quantify how
members experience the Village. yarn, maybe even some coffee or
tea. Sister Arts Studio will be happy
to supply needles and/or yarn,
patterns and tips. For more
information, please contact Beth
Hickey at
Every Thursday when the weekend
movie listings come out, Catherine
Rategan e­mails a suggested movie
for that weekend, along with a time
for the group to meet. The group
may follow her suggestion or
decide by consensus on another
choice. To add your name to the
list, please contact Catherine
Rategan at
JUNE PREVIEW Memoir Writing II Mondays, June 1 ­ June 22
2:00 ­ 3:30 PM
Hosts: Pam & Mel Washburn
Members ­ $60 for the series;
Guests ­ $80 for the series (for
Memoir II only)
Memoir Writing I Thursdays, June 4 ­ June 11
2:00 ­ 3:30 PM
Members Only ­ $60 for the series After the meeting one member commented, "Congratulations on a terrific annual meeting. The
presentations were informative, stirring, warm and
welcoming­with first­rate visuals and laughter too. Brief and to the point, respectful of members' time.
Careful planning and preparations were evident at
every turn. I doubt anyone left that meeting
without feeling good about their Village
membership." ­ Donna Vos
"Members shape the Village," says Sarah Brunner,
Engagement Coordinator. "It's not a hierarchy. It
flows together from members to office staff to
service providers to other members." We are all
committed to giving each other the gift of "a
listening heart." Village Stories: A 10­minute video was shown at the annual
meeting. In it, several Village members ­ all with
Wait list only.
Boost Your Brain Series
Wednesdays, June 3 ­ July 1
Village Office
(2502 N. Clark)
Members & Guests­ Free
Wait list only.
Apple Store Tutorial: iPhone Photography
Sunday, June 7
8:30 ­ 10:00 AM
Apple Store ­ Lincoln Park
(801 W. North)
Members Only ­ Free
Village members will learn how to
capture and edit great looking
photos using the camera and tools
already on their iPhones.
Silver Screenings II:
Cat Ballou
Thursday, June 11
7:00 ­ 9:00 PM
Brookdale Plaza Lake View (3121 N. Sheridan)
Members & Guests ­ Free
Self hosted meal before or after film
at Bagel Restaurant
Silver Screenings I:
Cat Ballou
Sunday, June 21
11:00 AM ­ 1:00 PM
The Admiral at the Lake
(929 W. Foster) Members & Guests ­ Free
Optional self­hosted brunch to follow
the May 17 screening for $15.
Join us for the new series "Films of
Jane Fonda." This film depicts a
woman seeking revenge for her
different histories ­ talk about their lives and what
the Village has contributed to their experience of life
after 50. To see the video, click here. Connecting in Circles by Bruce Hunt Early in May, 13 Village members who live in Lake
View gathered at Bridget McNeill's Grill & Pub to
hang out with each other. This happened because
the week before, they had been invited to the home
of Mary Ann Schwartz and Dick Brewer to talk about
connecting in a neighborhood circle. Mary Ann, a Village board
member who is spear­heading
this initiative, had researched
San Francisco Village and Ashby
Village in Berkley who both
recognized the potential value
of putting people living in
proximity to one another
together. They formed
neighborhood groups, each
having quite different
Mary Ann Schwartz
personalities ­ but having in
common a desire to know each other, to lend a
hand, to broaden their perspective, and to add a
dimension to Village membership. The folks in Lake View decided to experiment with a
neighborhood circle of their own. After celebrating
the delights of living in the Lake View area, the
group of 18 brainstormed 17 possible activities they
might try. In addition to the dinner and drinks at
Bridget McNeill's they decided on a walk in the park.
murdered father. She hires a
famous gunman, but he's very
different from what she expects. Ed Paschke Art Center Tour
Friday, June 12
1:00 ­ 3:00 PM
Ed Paschke Art Center
(5414 W. Higgins)
Members & Guests ­ Free
Self hosted lunch at 11:30 am at
Gale Street Inn prior to tour
Join us for a tour of the Ed Paschke
Art Center. Learn about this Chicago
native's works of art of oil paints
and sculptures through his principles
of abstract and expressionism. Also
see photos of Paul Natkin and his
diverse features subjects such as
Miles Davis, Johnny Cash, Ice Cube,
and Guns N' Roses. Each of the
photograph tells a story from
music's history.
Game Night
Friday, June 12
6:30 ­ 9:00 PM
Host: Jan Rector
Members ­ Free
Light refreshments will be provided
Do you love to play board or card
games and want to join other Village
members who also enjoy games?
The first meeting of the GAMES
Group will meet on June 12 (Friday)
at Jan Rector's House. Please RSVP
what game(s) you enjoy and want to
share with others. Future programs
depend on interest and will be held
at other members homes.
Wildflower Walk and Talk
Saturday, June 13
Sure enough, six neighbors met at the Totem Pole
on the appointed day and accompanied Bob
Stephens on a tour of the Jarvis Bird sanctuary. The principle behind the forming of circles is:
connections count. Not just for career advancement
or for marketing opportunities, but for enriching life
and strengthening community. Neighborhood circles
can also help when emergencies happen, as they
did for Kathy Shubert. A bicycle accident left her
immobilized for a few days, and as she observed:
"it doesn't make sense to ask people to drive a long
way to walk my dog." A couple of Village members
who live in her neighborhood came by to lend a
hand, just as neighbors do. So perhaps there will be
another Circle forming in Kathy's neighborhood.
Watch this space. The Most Difficult Communication:
Asking for Help by Bonnie Kepplinger In the Village, help is free­flowing, non­reciprocal
and part of our DNA. It is institutionalized,
expected, and desired. There's a "help" pool that
everyone can dip into­either to give help or to get
help and no one is keeping score. And remember
that helping is a two­way interaction: The giver of
the help is receiving a great gift­the satisfaction of
being of service to another person. As Village
member Catherine Rategan says, "A warm hug to
those many Village members who are generous
enough to ask for my help." 10:00 ­ 11:30 AM
Lincoln Park ­ North Pond Restaurant
(2610 N. Cannon)
Members ­ $5 Guests ­ $10 If you missed the 2014 Wildflower
guided walking tours with member
Janet Swenson and want to get a
fabulous insider view of wildflowers,
their history, their use, their aroma,
and their beauty, be sure join this
month's event. 6th Anniversary Benefit: Love Letters
Thursday, June 18
5:00 PM
Francis W. Parker School
(330 W Webster)
This well­loved and evocative play
starring two renowned members of
the Steppenwolf Theatre ensemble,
will be the centerpiece of our 6th
anniversary celebration. Prior to the
performance there will be a gala
reception with food and drink plus a
spectacular silent auction and raffle.
Auction items will feature one­of­a­
kind experiences plus unique items
that you will find only on the
Village's auction table.
Deep Tunnel and Quarry Tour
Saturday, June 20
10:00 AM ­ 2:00 PM
Chicago Cultural Center
(78 E Washington ­ inside Randolph
entrance at 9:45 AM)
Members ­ $30 Guests $40
Bring your own lunch
Wait list Only.
CAF Outdoor Architecture
Another Village member, John
Craib­Cox, recently recovering
from knee surgery, called on
the Village for support. John
reports, "I didn't realize the
extent of Village services. They
really came through for me: a
member of the office
team attended a consultation
between a social worker and
my family members concerning
my transition out of rehab." He
adds, "Was it hard for me to call on them? No,
because, giving is what they do." Nevertheless, sometimes asking for help is the
hardest communication of all. But often all it takes
is finding the right words. Here are some tips to
make asking for help easier: Decide what keeps you from asking for help. Is
it fear of rejection or appearing vulnerable to
others? Remember that the Village's reason for
being is to help you.
Do you fear losing control? Realize that asking
for help can ultimately put you back in the
driver's seat.
Learn to trust yourself enough to reach out. Observe others who effectively ask for help.
How do they do it? What is their tone? How do
they pinpoint their needs?
Look at asking as a strength that takes
courage. The outcome is huge: not only do we
get results, but we also gain a connection with
other human beings and provide the helper
Walking Tour: Hidden Art
Saturday, June 20
10:00 ­ 11:00 AM
Corner of Randolph & Michigan
Members ­ $15; Guests ­ $12
See what you might not see ­ fine
art hidden in the open. Discover
artists new to you, see old friends in
new ways. Part of the tour is in the
north upper Aon Plaza and part in
the south lower plaza, both requiring
stairs. Total distance is about 8
blocks from the starting point of
Randolph and Michigan to the finish
point of the same Randolph and
Michigan. Length of tour is 1 hour.
Merchandise Mart Tour
Thursday, June 25
1:00 PM ­ 3:30 PM
Merchandise Mart (Dream Home, First Floor ­ 222 W
Merchandise Mart Plaza)
Members ­ free; Guests ­ $10
Coffee & refreshments provided
Tour of the Dream Home 2015
rooms and the furniture showroom
floor 6 and floor 14, and walk
through of a few selected
showrooms. Trip to Chicago Botanic Gardens
Friday, June 26
9:30 AM
Meet at Fourth Presbyterian Church
(126 E Chestnut)
Members ­ $55; Guests ­ $65
Transportation & box lunch included
This special joint outing with the
Center for Life and Learning will
take us to a wonderful getaway to
the Botanic Gardens to kick off
with an opportunity to enjoy the gift of giving. Driving Toward a New Friendship By Cliff Terry This is a story about how a simple request to the
Village office for a ride turned into a flourishing
friendship and shows how connections across our
communities can enrich the lives of all involved. Dot and Jim Fitzgerald
learned about the
Village through their
daughter Diane, a
Chicago resident and
Village member. When
Dot and Jim moved in
May 2014 from the
Dot and Jim Fitzgerald
rural eastern end of
Long Island to a killer­
view residence overlooking the Chicago River, they
decided to sell their car. "Dianne Campbell (Village
Executive Director) found Bob Hernquist (volunteer
driver) for us within minutes," says Dot. "Bob has taken us to our new­found dentist on
Clark Street," Jim says. "The great thing about it is
that he would pull up outside precisely on time and
drive us straight through. But on the way back,
there was always a sight­seeing tour. He told us the
park district had a woodworking shop in one of their
buildings and on one of our trips after that, we
stopped there. I used to be a woodworker. Bob and
I have talked about getting together and doing
some woodworking. So it was with this kind of thing
that we became friends­to this day." summer!
Wildflower Walk and Talk
Saturday, June 27
10:00 ­ 11:30 AM
Lincoln Park ­ North Pond Restaurant
(2610 N. Cannon)
Members ­ $5 Guests ­ $10
If you missed the 2014 Wildflower
guided walking tours with member
Janet Swenson and want to get a
fabulous insider view of wildflowers,
their history, their use, their aroma,
and their beauty, be sure join this
month's event. BYO Picnic
Saturday, June 27
5:30 ­ 7:30 PM
Host: Susan Hoeksema
Enjoy lunch on a rooftop patio. Just
bring your own picnic basket. Drinks
and dessert provided.
CAF Indoor Architecture Walking
Tour: Hidden Art
Saturday, June 30
10:00 ­ 11:00 AM
Corner of LaSalle & Wacker
Members ­ $15; Guests ­ $20
Discover the truly fine art hiding in
building lobbies across the Loop ­
and a few on the buildings
themselves. Find out why these
pieces are placed where they are,
discover new artists and learn how
the art and the buildings
complement each other ­ or not.
Total distance is about 7 blocks from
start (LaSalle at Wacker) to finish
(120 N. LaSalle). Length of tour 1
hour. Bob Hernquist says, "I volunteer to give rides to
Village members because I enjoy meeting residents
of our community. I like Dot and Jim because of
their positive feelings about moving to Chicago. I
appreciate their enthusiasm. One gets the
impression that when they leave their house they
are ready for an adventure." "We just love being here in Chicago," says Dot. "I
feel so energized. Recently I met three young
people in the laundry room. One had her little dog,
17 weeks old. And this is the punch line of all times:
the dog's name is Fitzgerald!" What They're Saying about the Village On Saturday May 2 the Village held its 6th annual
Member Appreciation Day when volunteers from
DePaul go to members' homes and help them out
with difficult, pesky tasks. The reactions of both the
members and the student volunteers demonstrate
that the person giving help is as much rewarded
and gratified as the person receiving it. Members said ... "I'd like to sing the praises of the three DePaul
students who came to my apartment on Saturday.
They took my worn­out sofa down to the back alley,
moved and polished some of my other furniture,
vacuumed, moved a rug, and took out the trash
They were gracious about every task, and
accomplished more in an hour than I could have
done in a day. Many thanks!" ­ Christine Pfeiffer
Board of Directors Ruth Ann Watkins, President
Mel Washburn,Vice President
Mary Ann Schwartz, Vice President J. Dirk Vos, Vice President
Barbara Koren, Secretary
Robert Spoerri, Treasurer
David Baker
John A. Bross
John Craib­Cox
Charles G. Cooper Joan Goldstein Jack Hartray
Hollis Hines
Bruce Hunt Kathleen Kolodgy
Joe Lane Alan Lougee
Joseph Loundy Charlotte Newberger Marcia Opp
Leatrice Berman Sandler Mary Ann Smith Lois Stuckey
Advisory Council
Neelum T. Aggarwal, M.D. Robyn L. Golden
Robert B. Lifton
Joanne G. Schwartzberg, M.D.
Michael Spock
Immediate Past President Katherine Zartman
Dianne S. Campbell
"This was my first Members' Appreciation Day and it
was so appreciated. The crew of three freshman
students from DePaul, on the school's Service Day,
were Super and Fun! Lili, Sean and Will hauled a lot
of "stuff" down three flights of stairs to my car,
adding things from my shed and with my sister,
packing it all. My car was stuffed. After that, Lili did
some house cleaning, Sean worked hard in the
garden raking leaves and Will got my Fitbit up and
running on my computer. They were courteous,
calm, multi­talented, very willing to do any chores
and fun! It was so rewarding working with the
college students. They were great! What a gift! After they left for
their debriefing
meeting at DePaul,
my sister and I
drove to the
National Association
of Professional
Organizer's annual
De­Clutter Drive­
Thru Day, also
noted in the
newsletter, where
smiling volunteers
directed us to 6 or 7 large trucks from different
organizations and unloaded the car. We were in an
out within 15 minutes. Having the two events on
the same day ­­ serendipity ­ made the"clear­out"
so easy. Kudos to the students!" ­ Madelyn
Muecke "Students were wonderful and did an excellent job.
Founding Executive Director What is Lincoln Park
Lincoln Park Village is a leader in
the nationwide Village movement.
It is an innovative, nonprofit
membership organization, shaped
by its members to create
possibilities and choices for our
lives. As a volunteer­based
community, we provide
stimulating, challenging activities
and programs, help if it is needed,
a sense of belonging, and
opportunities to contribute and
build for the future. Our Member­
Plus program enables all neighbors
regardless of income, to join and
integrate fully into Village life.
By leveraging the talents, wisdom
and skills of older adults, we have
become an important asset to our
communities and to each other.
Together, we are helping invent a
different future for older adults in
Serving Chicago's North Side
neighborhoods from River East to
Edgewater and beyond, our Village
is a unique resource­­professional
yet neighborly and close­by­­
valuable to you right now and as
They stayed about 1hr and were great critical
thinkers. They were kind, careful, and considerate."
­Renee Harrison "It was very nice. The volunteers
were great. They washed all my windows and
cleaned balcony. They were very nice kids who were
neat and tidy." ­ Judy Baskin "DePaul's student volunteers once again set the
stage for another lovely summer outside on the
back porch by bringing out my flower pots and
baskets and scrubbing all my outdoor furniture.
While they spritzed and scrubbed, we talked. All
three now know they have an open ticket to visit
anytime. Huzzahs to staff for coordinating. It means
a lot to me" ­ Jane Curry Volunteers said ... "It was great to be able to go out into the
community and help members accomplish tasks
they would not be able to do on their own. Being
able to build personal connections was the best part
of this experience." ­ Amy "We had an incredible experience. It was inspiring
to meet two Northwestern grads from the 1950's
and meet
women that worked so hard their entire lives" ­
Michael "It felt really great to have people appreciate little
tasks that we were doing and form special bonds
with members in such a short amount of time!"­
Rachel "It was great to hang out with this couple
and have them share their life experience with us
while we worked!" ­ Molly
your needs change. Call us! Join us!
2502 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60614
p. 773.248.8700 f. 773.248.8181 CALL US! JOIN US!
Joining Lincoln Park Village
Membership is available to people 50+ living in
Chicago's north side communities from River East to
Edgewater and beyond. For your convenience, you
can click on the membership application below, or if
you prefer, call the Village office for other options. A
reduced­rate program, Member Plus, is available for
those on limited fixed incomes.
After becoming a member, we will welcome you and
connect you to the specific people, activities and
services that fit your unique interests and needs.
Our goal is always to help you explore possibilities
and support your choices so you can live the
life you wish to live.
Download Membership Application Download the form to pay via auto­withdrawal
through your bank account. Village Sponsors
The Terry Group
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine The Admiral at the Lake
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
DePaul University
Charles Schwab
The Clare
Integrated Financial Management
Montgomery Place
Chicagoland Methodist Senior Services
Wellspring Personal Care
John Irwin Real Estate
Baird & Warner
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Lincoln Park Village, Inc. | 2502 North Clark Street | Chicago | IL | 60614