Parents Information Letter

In residence at the historic Civic Auditorium, Lincoln, CA
Welcome to the Lincoln Theatre Company (LTC) Summer Theater Workshop for Children and Youth (grades 4-9), brought
to you through a partnership of LTC and the City of Lincoln.
This summer, we are excited to produce the first of many opportunities for children and youth in the greater Lincoln
area, to participate in a fun and educational musical theatre adventure at the historic Civic Auditorium in Lincoln, CA.
Participants will receive instruction in acting, singing, and dancing, in preparation for the production of an awardwinning, new musical theatre show called, The Most EPIC Birthday Party Ever!, by Denver Casada and Bettiny
Hershey. This cleverly written, humorous, yet thoughtful show will be cast with all of the students who complete the
summer theatre workshop.
DATES: The Workshop will run from June 3 – August 7, 2015.
TIMES: The Workshop will meet on Wednesdays and Thursdays (6:30 – 8:30 p.m.); and on Saturdays
(10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.).
PERFORMANCES: Thursday, August 6, 2015; Friday, August 7, 2015; 7:30 p.m.
LOCATION: All rehearsals and performances are scheduled to be at the Civic Auditorium, 5th and E. Street, Lincoln
CA. (Note: Parents/guardians will be informed in advanced if a rehearsal is moved to another location.)
DIRECTOR/CHOREOGRAPHER: Jennifer Moore is the Director for the summer Workshop. She is an
enthusiastic, experienced, and talented actor, singer, and dancer, who has performed throughout the local region, and in
Sacramento, San Francisco, and New York City. For over 15 years, she has taught singing, dancing, and acting to
students of all ages, most recently at the McLaughlin Theatre in Rocklin. Jen has appear in many professional shows,
including A Chorus, Line, Nunsense, Starstruck, The Beat Goes On (with Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines), and Beach
Blanket Babylon. Not only does she love to display her creativity on the stage, but she loves to use her imagination in
writing and choreographing children’s shows.
ELIGIBILITY: This Workshop is intended for students who are in grades 4 - 9. Any student, from any town, who
meets the age requirements, who has an interest in musical theatre performance, and who is willing and able to follow
instruction, is welcome to register. Please note that there are a limited number of spots available, so register
COST: The tuition for the Lincoln Theatre Company Summer Workshop for Children and Youth is as follows:
• $175 for one child.
• $150 for the second child in the family, and each additional child.
• A limited number of scholarships and tuition assistance is available. Please contact us to inquire*.
• Please submit the required registration forms and payment on the LTC website
( through PayPal®. If you prefer payment in another form, please contact
one of the coordinators* for information.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Lincoln Theatre Company must receive your completed online registration and
online payment by May 22, 2015. Payment in full is due at the time of registration. Scholarship decisions will be
made on a case-by-case basis. Registrations will be accepted in the order in which they are received, so please
register early to ensure space availability!
REFUND POLICY: Refunds will be determined on an individual basis. No refunds will be given in cases of
dismissal from the program for behavioral issues or withdrawal from the workshop after the first week of rehearsals.
No refunds will be given to students who choose to withdraw from the Workshop because they are unhappy with the
role they have been assigned.
COMMUNICATION: E-mail is our preferred method of communication. All participants will receive
confirmation via email once we receive your registration forms and payment. Please provide the parent/adult’s
email on the registration form.
ARRIVAL: Each workshop rehearsal will begin promptly as scheduled. Students will not be supervised before the
start time. Please do not leave your children at the Auditorium until staff are onsite.
DISMISSAL: Lincoln Theatre Company will strictly adhere to the scheduled dismissal time after a rehearsal.
Please be prompt in collecting your child. Late pickup will result in late fees of $30 an hour, or portion thereof.
CAST MEMBER FAMILY VOLUNTEER: The Summer Theatre Workshop cannot be successful without
volunteers. An adult from each family is expected to assist during the Workshop and/or show. Details will be
discussed at the required parent meeting on June 3, 2015 at 6:30 p.m., at the Civic Auditorium (the first
MATERIALS: Participants will receive a copy of the script and they are required to have their scripts with them
each day. Replacement copies will not be available. It is your responsibility to ensure your child’s script does not
get lost or destroyed.
LUNCH/SNACKS/WATER: For Saturday rehearsals, each student must bring his or her own snacks and
water bottle. Limited refrigeration is available. We suggest the use of ice packs to keep lunches fresh.
AUDITIONS: Every participant will have an opportunity to audition for the show. While ALL participants will be
in the show, the Workshop Director will choose those who will have principal singing, acting, or dancing roles based
on informal auditions. Students who do not want a singing solo will be allowed to audition in small groups.
Students who do not want speaking parts will not be required to read. All participants will learn a short dance
routine so our choreographer can assess the abilities of the group.
ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to attend each and every day of the Workshop. Because of the intensive
nature of this program, a lot of material is covered each day and staff members might not be able to reteach for
those who are absent. However, we do understand that medical issues and emergencies do happen. Please refer to
our “Medical Policies and Procedures” section below for cases when your child should not attend. In an instance
of multiple absences by a student, Workshop staff reserve the right to recast a student’s role if deemed necessary for
the benefit of the rest of the cast and the overall quality of the production. If your child will be absent or arriving
late, we expect that you will contact the Staff as soon as possible.
STAFF EXPECTATIONS: The Workshop staff will do our best to make this a fun learning experience for your
child. All Workshop staff are trained professionals with vast combined experience as teachers and performers.
Students will also learn theater etiquette and how to work as members of a team toward a common goal. Staff will
treat students with respect and are committed to helping the students grow into confident performers.
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: We expect that any student who registers for the Workshop does so because of a
desire to perform and to learn more about theater. Students will be expected to learn all of their assigned lines,
music, movement and dances in a timely fashion. We know that the earlier the students memorize their material, the
quicker they can begin inhabiting their characters and enjoying the rehearsal process.
BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS: The Lincoln Theatre Company reserves the right to dismiss a student when, in our
judgment, the student’s behavior interferes with the rights of others, the smooth functioning of the group or activity,
or violates the Workshop’s rules. Often, potential issues can be avoided by open communication between parents
and staff. To that end, Lincoln Theatre Company encourages parents to discuss any special concerns or needs that
may affect their child’s participation in the program with the staff prior to the first day.
There will be a basic first aid kit in the kitchen for the duration of the program. The first aid kit will be
inventoried and restocked as needed at the end of each day.
Any illness or injury, not requiring emergency treatment (i.e. vomiting, sprains, suspected fever, etc.), will be
referred to the parent or guardian for further evaluation and medical intervention.
In the event that the child has a known allergy that requires the use of a prescribed Epi-Pen, the Workshop
staff will be instructed on administering the Epi-pen for use during an anaphylactic allergic reaction.
HEALTH GUIDELINES: Children should not be sent to a Lincoln Theatre Company program or rehearsal with
any communicable illness, e.g. strep throat, conjunctivitis, or fever above 100 degrees. If any of the above are
suspected, parents will be notified and child will be asked to go home.
In the case of a life threatening medical emergency, 911 will be called.
The Workshop staff will notify parents by telephone of any emergency requiring more than minor first aid. If the
parent or alternate contact person cannot be reached, Lincoln Theatre Company will acquire emergency medical
treatment as described in the Parental Consent for Medical Treatment form.
We feel confident that you and your family will have a great summer working with the Lincoln Theatre
Company! If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Jennifer Moore
*MaryEllen Vogt, Ed.D.
Summer Theatre Workshop Director
Summer Theatre Workshop Co-Coordinator
*Peggy Schechter, R.N.
Summer Theatre Workshop Co-Coordinator
Lincoln Theatre Company Board of Directors
Lincoln Theatre Company Board of Directors
Students will respect each other and the Workshop staff. Inappropriate behaviors that will not be tolerated
include teasing, disruptive behavior, disrespect, fighting, inappropriate language, bullying, and consistent
talking and interruption during periods of instruction.
Students will treat the Civic Auditorium with respect. Students will also respect the property of others.
Stealing and/or destruction of property will not be tolerated. No one is allowed upstairs, or on the stairs
to the second floor.
The use of cell phones or personal electronic devices is not allowed during the scheduled Workshop, EXCEPT
for emergency. Students should never be taking photos of other students and posting them online.
Students will be very careful with all costumes and props provided for the production. Students should not
touch costumes or props that are not assigned to them.
Students will walk throughout the auditorium, and unless you’re in character, there should be no climbing,
running, jumping, or gymnastics. In addition to these guidelines to avoid injuries, proper footwear should be
worn at all times. Flip flops are not considered proper footwear.
Students should label all belongings, including their scripts and anything brought in from home for props,
costumes, lunch boxes, and so forth.
Students should always remain in groups. Students are advised that they may not wander through the building
or outside the Auditorium.
The staff of our Youth Summer Theater Workshop want every participant and family to have a positive
experience. If there is a participant who is not willing to respect others, who destroys property, refuses to
participate, or is unable to follow the guidelines, the Director will contact the participant’s parents to
discuss the issue. It is our hope that a positive solution and resolution can be found through discussion
between the staff, parents, and participants.