T hurber T hunder CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR THURBER IDOL WINNERS 1ST PLACE RILEY PARKER, MICHAEL LEVIA & KYLE GONZALES 2ND PLACE 4204 - 58 Street Red Deer, AB T4N 2L6 Ph: 403 347-1171 Fax 403 340-1676 MAY 2015 Upcoming Events May 11 Monday Grad Banquet Tickets On Sale Online TAKE 5: NICHOLAS FROMAN, SARAH STREIBEL, GLORIANA FERREIRA, KATHERINE SMITH & SHELDON STEINHAUER 3RD PLACE May 15 Friday No Classes May 18 Friday Victoria Day—No Classes May 21 Thursday Grad Assemble@9:45am Grad Parent Meeting@7:00pm NATALIA WELLS #1 #3 May 25 Monday School Council May 29 Friday Graduation No Classes June 4 Thursday Year End Choir Concert #2 June 11 Thursday Year End Band Concert June 15 Monday School Council June 16 Tuesday Last Day of Classes Like us on Facebook: Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School Follow us on Twitter : @LindsayThurber Check out our Web page: http://lindsaythurber.rdpsd.ab.ca/ June 17-26 Exams June 26 Friday Students Last Day School Information Thurber Trading Post Students are encouraged to bring in an article of clothing and trade it for an item that's new to them or find something they like and make a donation of $1 to make it theirs. The Trading Post will be open during Flex in room 1706 GREEN THUMBS A team of green thumbs (Wednesday Flex Group) will be working at beautifying the indoor garden area by the cafeteria. There is no budget for this project and therefore they are asking for a bit of help with donations that anyone may be wanting to get rid of during your spring cleaning. We are needing clean dirt, plant stakes, tropical plants, large rocks and larger ceramic plant containers. If you have any of these items you would like to donate, please contact Mrs. Oddie-Flikkema or Ms. Slevinsky at 403-347-1171. Parents and students have access to view student’s grades, schedule, attendance, and announcements by clicking the “POWERSCHOOL” button on our website. THEFT Sadly, once again, we are having a problem with theft in our school. iPods and cell phones are frequent targets. Do not leave anything of value unlocked or unattended anywhere (this includes Phys Ed lockers & classrooms) Do not hesitate to let the office know if something has gone missing. Be vigilant – we all want to put a stop to this crime and your help is needed. This issue affects all of us! Thumbs up and Thank you to those students who have found iPods and other lost valuables and turned them in to the office so they can be returned to their rightful owners! School Council Meeting Monday, May 25 at 7pm Pathways Class Gives Back!!! In keeping with our community awareness the Pathways students donated a goodie basket to the C.A.R.E. (Central Alberta Refugee Effort). Their fundraiser was on April 24, 2015 (Around the World with C.A.R.E.) Deborah Perepelitza received the basket on behalf of C.A.R.E. Raider football players with a few Edmonton Eskimos volunteering at the Career Expo on April 30th at Red Deer College. School Information PowerSchool Parent Accounts now Available PowerSchool Parent Accounts: Parents are now able to create their own personal login in PowerSchool which will allow them to link all of their children to one account. Create a Parent Account Use this procedure to create a new parent account. In order to create an account, you must have the Access ID and Password for at least one student enrolled in school. When creating the account, you will need the Access ID and password for each student you want to associate to your parent account. In Red Deer Public, your child(ren)’s Access ID will be their school computer username, with the letter “P” at the end. For instance, If a student’s name was Johnny Smith, and his computer username was SmithJ123, Johnny’s Access ID to associate with your parent account would be SmithJ123P (Note: the Access ID is not case sensitive). The password associated with the Access ID will be the same password the student uses to connect to computers at school, or to check email. How to Create a Parent Account 1. Open your Web browser to your school's PowerSchool Student and Parent portal (http://PowerSchool.rdpsd.ab.ca). The Student and Parent Sign In page appears. 2. Click the Create Account tab. The Create Account page appears. 3. Click Create Account. The Create Parent Account page appears. 4. Use the following table to enter information in the Create Parent Account section: 5. Use the following table to enter information in Link Students to Account section: 6. Click Enter. The Parent Sign In page appears. The next time you sign in to the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal, use your new password. School Information Summer RAP Opportunity & RAP Parent Information Night!! The Alberta Ceiling & Wall Association would like you to join them for a trade showcase here at LTCHS. When:Wednesday, May 13th 6:30 p.m. - RAP parent information meeting 7:00 p.m. - Alberta Ceiling & Wall Association Showcase Where: LTCHS Cafeteria Come check out their display and see what they do!! Order your 2014-2015 yearbook TODAY!! Don’t miss out on getting your book of memories! Yearbooks can be ordered online at our webpage. Hardcover, softcover and e-books are available School Information Whose School Will Save the Most Lives? Young Blood for Life is a program just for Canadians that calls on student leaders to inspire their peers, teachers and families to give blood. There is even a national Challenge for schools to see which school can give the most. Besides saving lives, the winning school will receive cash prizes to help with school activities. On Thursday, April 30th a group of Thurber students took the Canadian Blood Services Life Bus to the Blood Donor Clinic after school to donate. We are encouraging others to participate as well. All it only takes is about an hour out of the day and one donation can save multiple lives. *Must be 17 years of age or older LEADERSHIP UPDATE Lindsay Thurber Nerf Gun Tournament: On May 7th 5:00pm-9:00pm, The Leadership team will host a 4 on 4 tournament fought with Nerf guns. It will be an intramural style event and will be held in the BAM gym after school. There will be Wii’s in the cafeteria for teams that are waiting to play and pizza will be provided for supper for those participating. Costumes are encouraged! Club 907: The Presidential Gala Date: May 20th Time: 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm Location: LTCHS Drama Room Club 907 is a small school dance with a theme. Each person will have an identity card given to them with their ticket that they can chose to play out. This months theme is Presidential Gala and there will be a semiformal dress code. Check daily announcements and Facebook for more information to come! Lindsay Thurber Dodgeball Tournament Final: The Dodgeball tournament has been going on the last few weeks and the winner will finally be determined on May 26th The final dodgeball games will be played in front of the whole school and is guaranteed to be a highly competitive battle that is full of great energy and school spirit! During intermission between games there will be the final Grade rep challenge of the year!! Who will be the Champion? Modified Schedule May 26th Period 1 Period 3 Flex 8:33 - 9:46 9:46 - 10:31 10:37 - 11:50 Assembly & Tournament in Flex Lunch 11:50 - 12:40 Period 5 12:40 - 1:53 Period 7 2:01 - 3:14 Period 8 3:20 - 5:05 School Information IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Grad Fees need to be paid at the bookstore - Fees are $50. All school fees must be paid and all overdue textbooks and library books must be returned in order to purchase banquet tickets Grad Parents Remind 101 - Send a text message to (819) 805-0153 With the message @gpar2015 All important information will be sent out via Remind 101 NEW THIS YEAR FOR GRADS!! Grad Banquet tickets will go on sale ONLINE ONLY this year. Tickets will be $45 plus GST & $2.75 service charge per ticket. Sales will start on May 11th at noon and you will choose your own table. Each grad can purchase a maximum of 6 tickets. If there are extra tickets available, you may purchase addition tickets online May 20-24th. *All school fees must be paid up or you will be blocked from buying tickets. Grad Date: May 29th Ceremony: 10:00 am Grads must be at the Parkland Pavilion by 9:15am to line up for the ceremony Banquet: 6:00pm Grads must be at the Parkland Pavilion between 5:00-6:00pm to line up for the Grand March. Grand March will begin promptly at 6:30pm Grad gown pick up will be Wednesday, May 27th in International Hall May 25th: Grad Assembly @ 9:45am Grad Parent Meeting @ 7:00pm Grad Pancake Breakfast!! May 28th, 7:00 - 8:30am @ Festival Hall Join your fellow grads and their families for a pancake breakfast before school. School Information Raiders Athletics Schedule May 1st 4:30pm - Girls Rugby VS Wetaskiwin @ Titans Field 4:15pm - Girls Soccer @ Lacombe May 6th 4:30pm - Girls Rugby @ Olds May 8th 4:15pm - Girls Soccer VS ND @ Collicutt East 4:15pm - Boys Soccer VS ND @ LTCHS May 12th RAIDER ATHLETIC RESULTS: *Congratulations to Kelsey Lalor who won the Badminton Zone championship title in Camrose. She battled her nemesis from Innisfail and won rather handily winning gold. She then moved on to compete in Badminton Intermediate Provincials. 4:15pm - Girls Soccer VS HHHS @ Collicutt East *Congratulations to our Handball teams who represented us with pride at Provincials April 24 -25 4:30pm - Girls Rugby VS Notre Dame @ Titans Field Our teams were competitive in every game and displayed great sportsmanship. The boys finished 6:00pm - Boys Rugby @ Wetaskiwin 4th and the girls 5th. May 13th May 14th 4:15 - Boys Soccer VS Innisfail @ LTCHS May 20th 4:30pm - Girls Rugby VS Lacombe @ Titans Field 6:00pm - Boys Rugby VS Notre Dame @ Titans Field May 21st 4:15pm - Girls Soccer VS CACHS @ LTCHS May 22nd 4:30pm - Girls Rugby VS Rocky @ Titans Field 4:15pm - Boys Soccer @ Olds May 28th 4:15pm - Boys Soccer @ HJ Cody June 4th 4:15pm - Boys Soccer VS HHHS @ Collicutt East June 5th 4:15pm - Girls Soccer @ HJ Cody June 8th 4:15pm - Girls Soccer VS Lacombe @ LTCHS 4:15pm - Boys Soccer VS CACHS @ Michener Park June 13th Boys & Girls Final Soccer Tournament @ Edgar Park *On April 22nd the boys Rugby team had a convincing win over Rocky Mountain House 74-0. The boys played very well and owned every aspect of the game right from the kick off. The girls Rugby team also won their game against Rimbey 41 - 14. *The boys rugby team faced Hunting Hills Lightning on April 29th and won another very convincing game with a score of 74-0. Career Centre Upcoming Flex Sessions: RCMP Careers - Wednesday, May 6th RDC Bachelor of Education Program - Thursday, May 7th Educational Assistant Certificate & Early Learning & Childcare Program - Wednesday, May 13th Canadian Parents for French Scholarship—Red Deer Chapter Two awards of $500 each are offered annually to graduates of French-language learning programs. Students must be attending LTCHS, ND or HHHS. One recipient will be a French Immersion student, and one recipient will have taken French as a subject through school. Deadline for applications is May 7th. Application forms are available at the Career Centre. Alberta Citizenship Award - Applications due to the Career Centre May 10th One award is available for each high school in Alberta. Recipients receive a plaque from the Premier. Recipients of the Premier's Citizenship Award are also eligible for: the Queen's Golden Jubilee Citizenship Medal, which provides a medal, $5,000 and a letter of commendation from the Lieutenant Governor the Alberta Centennial Scholarship in the amount of $2,005 Recipients are selected by a selection committee set up at each school. Selection is based on leadership, citizenship, community service activities or volunteer work. Academic achievement may be considered once candidates have met the eligibility criteria. Career Centre MCO Scholarship MindFuel Scholarships for Post-Secondary ((STEM) Science, A $500 scholarship is awarded to a student who is Technology, Engineering Math) attending a post-secondary institution no later than December of 2015. Applicants must submit an answer and Science Education Based to an essay question no later than May 15th. Visit: Learning Programs http://www.missioncreekortho.com/orthodontists.php Got a Spine Scholarship A $500 scholarship is awarded to a student who is attending a post-secondary institution in the fall of 2015. Deadline to apply is June 2nd. Visit:: http:://www.studentscholarships.org/2015_college_sch olarships.php MADD Canada Bursary Bursary is available for students to apply for if they have had a parent, guardian or sibling killed in an impaired-driving related crash and are pursuing any full-time post-secondary education program that is approved by a provincial Ministry of Education. Deadline to apply is May 31. Visit:: http:://www.madd.ca/madd2/en/services/youth_service s_bursary.html Scholarships are available to students who are graduating from an Alberta high school and are entering their first year in an undergraduate applied science or science education program at an Alberta postsecondary institution in the fall of 2015. Three scholarships valued at $2500-$5000 will be awarded to students who submit their completed application form, and a 500 word essay outlining their interest in their chosen field. Deadline is May 15th. Visit: http://mindfuel.ca/scholarships/ for more information and to apply. Delta Upsilon Fraternity High Scholl Scholarship This $1000 scholarship will be awarded to a male student entering the U of A in 2015 who exemplified the qualities that we look Odenza Vacations College Scholarship for in their fraternity members: academic A $500 scholarship is awarded to a student 17-24 who achievement, philanthropy, and involveis attending any post-secondary institution in the fall of ment at school and in the community. 2015. Deadline to apply is June 1st. Applicants must (Students do not have to join the fraternity to be rewarded the scholarship). Apply submit an answer to an essay question by visiting: online at www.odenzavacationsscholarships.com http://dualberta.wix.com/scholarship Deadline to apply is July 31st. Monsanto Fund Opportunity Scholarship Monsanto Canada estimates that it will provide approximately 65 scholarships to deserving high school students from family farms across Canada entering their first year of post-secondary education in agriculture at a Canadian college or university. Each scholarship is valued at $1500 and will be awarded to students who meet the criteria. Criteria includes demonstrated academic standard and leadership within the community with submission of a 300-500 word essay on the topic “Ïn that area of agriculture would you like to work and why?” Deadline to apply is May 29th. Visit:: www.monsanto.ca Other Upcoming Deadlines: Metis and Non-Status Indian Bursary Program for Studies in Social Services - May 31st Atco Pipelines Indigenous Education Awards Program - August 1st AB/NWT Ladies Auxiliary Command Royal Canadian Legion Bursaries - August 23rd Royal Canadian Legion Branch #35 Bursary - September 1st For more scholarship info check our website or see Mrs. Visser at the Career Centre Community Information Community Programs 403 342-1059 Diploma Prep Classes 2015 Small group preparation classes are offered to assist students who are preparing for Diploma Examinations. Dates and times are as follows: Course Biology 30 Dates Tues/Thurs Times Location May 19, 26, Jun 9, 16, 18 7:00 – 9:00 pm LTCHS Chemistry 30 Tuesday May 19, 26, Jun 2, 9, 16 5:00 - 7:00 pm LTCHS Math 30-1 Mon/Wed/Fri Jun 12,15,17,19, 22 6:30 – 8:30 pm LTCHS Social 30-1 Wednesday May 13, 20, 27, Jun 3, 10, 7:00 – 9:00pm HHHS English 30-1 Mon/Wed Jun 1, 3, 8, 10, 15 7:00 – 9:00 pm LTCHS FEE: $70.00 per course (payment must accompany registration). 3 Easy Ways to Register Online: communityprograms.rdpsd.ab.ca Payment by credit card Walk In: Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School Community Programs, 4204 – 58 Street, Red Deer, AB T4N 2L6 Payment by Debit, Credit Card and Cash Phone: Phone: 403 342-1059 Payment by Credit Card Office hours are Monday - Thursday 11:30 am - 7:30 pm Friday: 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Register Early as Classes Fill Quickly Community Information Community Programs http://communityprograms.rdpsd.ab.ca Make this Summer Count! Summer School 2015 Red Deer Public Schools offer summer credit courses to accommodate students who wish to continue their education during the summer period. Students contemplating registration for summer classes should be aware that the courses are very concentrated. Good study habits and regular attendance are essential to ensure success. In view of the reduced instructional time, the most practical use of the summer program is to raise a final mark in a subject previously completed. There are two levels of study: • • Teacher instruction - requires 15 or more students in one subject Distance Learning Materials type of study– less than 15 students in a subject. This is a student directed type of study. A teacher specializing in your subject will be present in the classroom to answer any questions you may have. Students must attend class everyday. A teacher will be present during class time to answer questions and mark. Course Load The allowable course load is one 5-credit course. Each course runs Monday to Friday from 8 am to 11:45 am from July 2-31. Due to the abbreviated nature of the summer program, homework assignments and assigned readings form a major component of all our courses. Students must be prepared to spend four hours per day on homework in addition to the four hours of class time. Textbooks Textbooks can be purchased by students at the Community Programs office. Payment can be made by Debit, cash, Mastercard, or Visa. At the end of the course, students can sell their books back to Community Programs. We will hold back $35 to cover the costs of wear and tear. Registration Deadline Wednesday, June 15th For more information call 403 342-1059 Community Information Schedule of Classes Dates: Registration Procedures Registrations must be completed in person at: July 2 – July 31 (Monday – Friday) Community Programs, Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School, 4204 - 58 Street, Red Deer, AB T4N 2L6. Times: 8:00 – 11:45 am (Class times may change due to the number of students) Community Programs office hours are: Classes: Biology 20, 30 Monday to Thursday 11:30am – 7:30 pm Chemistry 20, 30 Friday mornings 8:30am – 12 Noon English 10-1, 10-2, 20-1, 20-2, 30-1, 30-2 Our office is located in the lobby of Math 10-C, 10-3 Lindsay Thurber High School Math 20-1; 20-2; 20-3 Math 30-1, 30-2, 30-3, 31 Physics 20, 30 You can fill out your registration form in advance by printing it off. It can be found on our website: Science 10, 14, 20, 24, 30 http://communityprograms.rdpsd.ab.ca Social Studies 10-1, 10-2, 20-1, 20-2, 30-1, 30-2 Look under the heading High School Courses Tourism ->Download credit registration form. Work Experience 15, 25, 35 3 Credit Courses Dates: July 2 – 17 (Monday – Friday) Times: 8:00 – 11:45 am A copy of a Canadian issued Birth Certificate, Passport or Permanent Residence Card as well as full payment will be required upon registration. We accept Debit, Cash, Visa or Mastercard Classes: CALM Physical Education 10 Program Fee Students 19 years of age or younger as of September 1, 2014 pay only for books. Book purchase required upon registration. Students 20 years of age or older as of September 1, 2014 pay $600 - plus books High School for all Ages! Refund and Cancellation Policy Adult students withdrawing from a course on or before June 24, 2015 will be charged a $20 administration fee. Adult students withdrawing from a course after June 24, 2015 and on or before July 4, 2015 will be charged a 15% administration fee. No refund will be issued to adult students withdrawing from a course after July 4, 2015. International Students pay $880 - plus books For more information call 403 342-1059 May 2015 SUN 3 MON 4 TUE 5 WED 6 THU FRI SAT 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 Hats On for Mental Health 10 11 Grad Banquet tickets on sale @ Noon 12 13 NO CLASSES Gr.12 MADD Presentation 9:45am City Wide School Council 17 18 19 SCHOOL CLOSED 24 31 21 Club 907 Grad 27 7pm 25 26 School Dodgeball Council 20 Final 22 23 28 29 30 Grad NO CLASSES GRADUATION Assembly in FLEX Grad Parent Meeting 7pm Pancake Breakfast 7:00-8:30am June 2015 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 FNMI Grad Year End Luncheon Choir Concert Rugby Provincials - Edm T&F Provincials - Leth 7 8 9 10 11 Athletic Year End 17 18 Awards Banquet 5:30 pm 14 15 16 12 13 19 20 Band Concert Last Day of Classes Year End Chamber Ensemble 21 22 23 EXAM WEEK 24 25 26 Student’s Last Day EXAM WEEK 28 29 30 27
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