PREPRIN_ NO 1574 (B2) DISTORTION POWER By Dr CORRECTION IN AUDIO AMPLIFIERS M J University Colchester Essex Hawksford of Essex Presentedat the 65th Convention _r_ 1980 February25 through 28 London Thispreprint has been reproducedfrom the author's advance manuscript, without editing, correctionsor consideration by the Review Board. The AES takes no responsibility for the contents. Additional preprints may be obtained by sending request and remittance to the Audio Engineering Society, 60 East 42nd Street, New York,New York 10017 USA. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this preprint, or any portion thereof, is not permitted without directpermission from the Journalof the Audio EngineeringSociety. AN AUDIOENGINEERINGSOCIETY PREPRINT Distortion Correction in Audio Power Amplifiers Dr M J Hawksford Audio Research Group Department of Electrical University of Engineering Science Essex Colchester Abstract An audio power property of minimising Class amplifier A and Class A modified suited AB output feedback of the has been minimal cmossover The paper f_om which linear stage° Consequently model From this theoretical illustrate implement amplifier only modest negative to design feedback in transfer of modest can resistance a power yet attains damping feedforwax_/feedback several circuit circuits the output That can compensate curTent by describing which the is pa_'ticularly with an adequate a generalised the distozvtion co.action The papem concludes whereby model, that only that The technique it is possible overall is derived and non-linear Stages. and mfnimise together initially a system voltage modest distortion presents that has that is generated identified gain chamacteristic that uses fairly is presented distortion stages. technique the transfer output a_pllffeP power technique to the design of nea_ unity lineartse which design the non-linear factor. structure for both non- characteristics. examples a_e presented complexity are needed to techn{que. a design is appropriate overall negative philosophy for both bipolar feedback for an audio and FET devices, is necessary. 1. Introducti_ This paper in class use is addressed A and class of output to the problems AB audio power voltage derived negative of the output transistors in an attempt to achieve acceptable exhibit transistors are generally distortion There are negative (i) within the audio Since crossover together voltage distortion thus input inte_odulation inte_al component exhibits non-linearity, A technique output cumrent is described device transfer. Hence loop limits amplifiers, gain, the deg_'ee _put pD0cess audio signal. is non-zero load Hence, (independent is an if the load components are again fed staze. an amplifier that can dramatically philosophy + (iv)). 2 stages disto_ion_ both with respect to voltage reduce the problems outlined ((i) is fed back as the di_ortlon stage loop. dis%ortton stage of the then the loudspeaker then the Transistors especially of the output in this paper characteristics and of wide tile pre-output exceed that in the feedback back to the amplifier's 30dB are possible. severely plus the output is impaired feedback), bandwidth in nature feedback Consequently, signal resistance of any overall when using behaviou/, is required high frequency by the output can significantly If the output suppression possible. derived negative input circuitry. bandwidth falling loop delay, that is generated both tBe desired output amplifiers: of only is transient suppression the successful of limited then loop &ains with the resulting (iii) In output in power are usually distortion of success since all that can be encountered thus if non-dynamic then the inevitable of distortion to the band, then biassing is limited. distortion transistors the de_ees However, into cut-off, problems distortion and appropriate and that in pamticular, techniques fT = 1 + 5MHz), bandwidth, (iv) these to minimise Bipolar power feedback lineamity. operated several fundamental feedback (typical (ii) non-linearity using crossover Traditionally, has been applied with varying transistors of the of minimising amplifiers. evolves linearise transfeF and that helps to the 2. The Theoretical The principle of the distortion by considering Figure 1. Model the generalised In this network, feedback applied general case, the system, is defined of N, thus around will deviate distortion there as the difference can be described structure is both ezTor element, input N is unspecified. shown in sensing feedforward N, where The error signal used between However, in the the input and the output in all practical thus the error and in the most (i.e. N = 1), then the error signal is applied. from unity, technique feedback the non-linear if N is ideal and no coz_sction cancellation error signal is zero amplifiers, represents N the exact due to N. Analysis Let Vn and N(V n) be the input examination of the signals and output in Figure of the N network, thus 1 reveals: Vou t = N(V n) + b{V n - N(Vn)} Vn eliminating c Vin + a{V n - N(Vn)} Vn, Your = N(V n) {(1 - b) - _/_} + ih Vin ........ 1 If (l-a) = h ........ 9 then ¥out= Vin ........ 3 Thus providing cancellation The result solutions feedforward stability results (equations extending is maintained when equation 2 and and Vn remains 3) indicates fTom an ezTor finite, then distortion 2 is enforced. that there feedback system is a continuum through cf to an error system. It is interesting to note that the therefore be derived structure providing directly stability a = O, b = 1, then the classic input of N is derived input of N is unspecified, is maintained. feedforward f_om the output then the Quad 1'2 feedback structure Figure 1). 3 it may from V n or indeed any other point within the For example system results, by putting where if the of the error difference results (see dotted amplifier, connection in In this paper we consider the input of N is equal by Llewellyn in 19_13 Cherry _ in 1978. particularly the opposite to Vn. to the design with modest is possible. The theory 3. Circuit Power current amplifiers loudspeaker generally If distortion is type output in performance of devices Linearisation output Consequently transistors when configuration, correction to the amplifier feedback then it is possible results technique follower improvement load as seen by the base temminals contributes stage Eain, to show that linearisation Sta_e emitterfotlower Thus when combined and later by that this feedback dramatic use bipolar gain. and therefor_ sensing, circuitry, for Output current in a complementary is of the type first discussed amplifiers of unity is extended a = 1, b = O and gain is also feasible. Topologies low, non-linear to valve It will now be shown stages, where with non-linear This system in relation relevant extreme where with voltage error that can be driven are used the transformed is rendered non-linear distortion. is configured to compensate that exhibit such devices to include input current for changes in current sensing feedback, gain. a unity gain from a stage with a finite output resistance. In Figure sensing 2, the schematic circuitry how a practical Analysis shows circuit (Figure 3) may with both voltage system and current is configured to illustrate be realised. k1 = 1 + --2R1 R2 .......... 5 R1R 3 = R2R _ .......... 6 gain is unity even when the base currents finite and VBe/I e introduce As a point of design resistance of the driving not required the when; that the voltage are of a system is shown, where interest, to have zero of T1 and T 2 non-linearity. the resistor R1 includes stage, consequently output resistance. the output the driving amplifier is Corollar_ Since of the the voltage gain stage is zero, is unity, then it follows even when the output 4 that the output resistance resistance of the drivin E stage is finite. feedback output As a result, system, does not voltage derived negative speaker damping. Also, from the overall feedback loudspeaker generated of the power output gain stage 2. products complementary circuits from reaching are shown the louddecoupled input circuitry simplified to show the modest attractive the output amplifier 3, 4 and 5. and is have adequate then current circuits circuit sensing. sensing of Figures requirements The circuit as the transistors error difference devices transistors), the much only error voltage in Figures current sensing if the output or Dsrlington As a result, to realise is particularly 4. adequate and it is this factor that prevents However, 4 and 5 are illustrated for biassing an overall load is then effectively 3 has both voltage and (e.g. MOSFET is unnecessary. needed uses this error correction loop to achieve the loudspeaker distortion of Figure derived from Figure current feedback loop, that have to rely upon amplifier. Three practical The circuit an amplifier in principle that are of Figure 5 T3, T4 form both a as well as 'amplified diodes' transistors. Conclusions This paper has described non-linear distortion by simple, fast acting, of linearity an approach generated local to power amplifier by the output circuitry that is appropriate design transistors that can result to class where the is compensated in a high degree A and AB follower type output stages. The technique low feedback should when distortion output stage be aided error find favour amongst school of design, in the output (N) is designed by parallel designers as corrective stage who adhere feedback is generated. If, therefore, to be as linear as possible, connection of output to the is only applied transistors, the a fact that can then only minimal signals result. Since output isolated stage from the produce modest attempt to produce and loudspeaker input voltage gains, In practical as large a linear amplifier. and the loop bandwidth well in excess generated stages, then these can be high, of the audio amplifier distortions stages loop gains only to are not required Consequently enabling are in principle are required in an the loop gain is low a non-dynamic loop behaviour bandwidth. design, 5 the sensitivity of adjustment of the balance conditions output is dependent transistors, extremely low biassing. adjustment overall largely where on the critical It has been is non-critical, also prototype proved effective. encountered Darlington circuits have In these other than transistors merles stage cozTection with been appear circuitry References 1. P J Walker, feedback 3. P J Walkem, levels, by modest F B Llewellyn, technique In practice, enables power due though the bandwidth fast correction it is partly suppression of In fact, is minimal, has have been to oscillation was employed. In fact, the the speed of of the of distortion compared system. 'Current of the AES, 'CurTent 81, No 1480, 17 June _. bias problems on layout. instability is high which M P Albinson, of 50th Convention where no stability critical loop that enables a greater an overall Vol of the under is aided investigated the susceptibility which non-linearities. 5. 2. only for normal sensitivity amplifiers, Zobel circuitry of the correction with found that that to the low loop gain load dependent output bias current results feedback. Several standard quiescent adjustment dumping audio pp 560-562, dumping amplifier', Proceedings 1975. power amplifier', Wireless World, Decen_ber 1975. _Wave translation systems I, US Patent 2, 245, 598, 19_1. E M Cherry, applications 'A new result to audio Vol 6, pp 265-288, in negative power 1978. feedback theory, amplifiers t, Circuit Theory and its and Applicatlons, to 4J .cj ! Z t- > .... I I .o c c o u 'o 0 A1, A2non-hnear gains output devices. of R2 p_ R01, R02 nonlinear bias Ix .- ,wvv,. resistors. :R3 VI I "_k:VE --O V_." R01 "3 "02lVo R4 _O R2 F__]g2 Current and voltage error sensing feedback !R3 R& R1 o I( Fig 3 Circuit sensing schemotic of current ou___._tputstgge__ end vo[tclqe error o I I 2R1 $ 2R1 ¢t Vc T1, T*'*7'TS' ,r_or omplm_r 12'l-3,'amphfied diode' bias T1 T5.T6, garhngton _'7 trans_stors T5 T. R1 Vout Yin T3 T/. 2R1 Fig. /, Example 2R1 of voltaqe error sensing O/P circuit I I I Tl, T2, 'amplified I Driving Stage 1'3 diode' biasing and error amplifier I T3, T4, driving transistors J J T5, T6, Darlington O/P transistors I J Bias equation: J If k= I !_3 RI. IRT-_"Zl j Balance equation: j thenR2=R1(1k) -v_ I I F.__iig. 5 Voltage error diodes' as sensing error circuit amplifier. using 'amplified
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