May-June 2015 T h e Pe t a l Little Flower Parish Newsletter Newsfeed · Updated website with new functions launches in May. · Join us for Father’s Day breakfast on June 21 · A new parish photo directory is coming to Little Flower. Watch for info and photo sitting dates in August and September. Life Lessons from Mary The Bible doesn’t say a lot about Mary, but it does give us glimpses into her life, and it can tell us a lot about her humanness. We know she is the Mother of God, was conceived without sin, and is the Mother of our Church. But what can we learn from her today? (or even a small one), do I follow her example? Mary, a virgin, learns from the angel Gabriel Do I have the faith to respond positively to God, that she is to conceive and bear a son, the even when I don’t understand the “why” behind long-awaited Messiah. This is the moment His requests? of her great fiat, her “yes” to God, and we Mary, Mother of the Church in our lives. Ask yourself: where in my life – Sacrament of First Reconciliation my family, marriage, work or friendships – can I live out my relationship with God as 2 Easter Triduum 2 New Presider’s Chair in place 3 April Baptisms 3 Solemnities and Feast Days Mary does? Do I keep Jesus close to my heart? Are thanks and praise to God part of Introducing 2 Carolynn Meginbir 4 Parish/Community 4 Events store for her. Ask yourself: given a great mission Mary, Mother of God are challenged to respond in a similar way Inside this issue: Vol. 10, Issue 4 my daily life? When her son is crucified, Mary is there, at the foot of the cross. She again surrenders fully to God’s will and experiences the greatest suffering any mother could – giving up her own son for the sake of others. Here Christ entrusts his Blessed Mother and his beloved disciple into each other’s care, effectively making her spiritual mother of us Mary Most Holy all. Ask yourself: is there something in my life I Gabriel begins his greeting to Mary with the could ask Mary’s help with? Is there something in words, “Hail, full of grace.” We understand my life she can help me surrender to God? this to mean that from the moment of her Mary, even in her suffering at the Cross, trusted conception, Mary was redeemed and born God’s plan. Ask her to pray for you, that you without original sin. Still, she was human. might more closely follow her example and live She was greatly troubled by the angel’s your life for Him. words and pondered them, knowing they meant a great mission from God was in Page 2 T h e Pet a l Celebrating First Reconciliation in February Neilson Jan Hans Samantha Aurezia Victoria Jesse Lily Matthew Jhoanna Jack Julia Samuel (Jay-R) Meagan Riel Hannah Layla Zoe Earl Profession of Faith and Confirmation Little Flower parish extends a warm welcome to RCIA candidate Carolynn Meginbir who received the Sacrament of Confirmation and became a full member of our church community at Easter Vigil this year. Congratulations, Carolynn! Page 3 Vol. 10 , I ssue 4 Easter Triduum Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday Serving, as Christ HE IS RISEN! At Easter Vigil on Saturday, we celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord served, by washing feet at Thursday’s Mass of the Lord’s Supper Proud craftsmanship is hallmark of new Presider’s Chair Built of maple and walnut that compliment the woods in our altar, the Presider’s Chair, side chair and table delivered in April are the first items purchased with parishioners’ contributions to the Liturgical Items Replacement Fund. Local woodworker Cam Carlson of Artisan Furniture is skilled in crafting innovative, functional pieces that exactly suit his customers’ needs. His incredible workmanship harkens back to ancient Egyptian craftsmen and their techniques of building without nuts, bolts, screws or nails. These pieces will last a lifetime. Agnes Fahlman and Jered Kirkland of Globe Fabrics provided excellent personal service and advice in selecting the cushions, which come in interchangeable colours Special thanks to John to match each Liturgical season. and Tillie Fahlman, whose The parish is very grateful to the Fahlmans and to everyone who has contributed to generosity made this pur- the Liturgical Replacement Fund. Rest assured that great thought goes into spending chase possible all donations wisely. Welcome, little ones! Baptisms in April Did you know? We’re launching a new website for our parish. The address remains the same, What’s new? A different look, it uses Google Translate, and it`s optimized for your cell phone. Check it out! Jude Jordana and Mekenna Little Flower R.C. Parish Solemnities, Feast Days and Liturgical Dates 420 College Avenue Regina, Saskatchewan S4N 0X2 Phone 306-522-8583 Fax 306-522-8585 May 17 — SOLEMNITY OF THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD May 24 — PENTECOST SUNDAY May 31 — SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY June 7 — SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST Office: Fr. Jose: In Our Parish FOOD DRIVE weekends (second Sunday of the month) are June 13/14, July 11/12 and August 8/9. MEN’S CLUB BREAKFAST on June 21 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $5 for adults and $3 for children 12 and under. Tickets will be available at the door. PHOTO DIRECTORY SITTINGS will be available for booking August 17-20 and Sept. 16-19. Watch for details from the Vocations & Family Life committee. In Our Community Holy Cross Cal Murphy Memorial Golf Tourney Sunday, June 14. Call the office, 306-757-1325 for info. Sacred Heart School Editors Mike Zimmerman Diane Goski 306-565-0083 book donations of quality primary books for a summer reading program. Contact Michelle Fiske, 306-791-1707. World Meeting of Discernment House Families 2015, Philadelregistrations for fall phia, PA. Sept. 22 - 25, with 2015. Sisters of the Presen- Papal visit Sept. 26-27. tation offer a faith-based home-away-from-home to Catholic women ages 1935 who work or study in Saskatoon. www.PresentationOfMary. ca. Contact Sr. Lucie, 306-244-0726 or email The world’s largest Catholic gathering of families. Visit for details. Holy Child Parish Pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes, Oct. 4 - 13. Contact Sr. Anna for info, 306-789-8276.
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