606 Cedarwood Drive Friendswood, TX 77546-4551 281-482-1391 281-482-4886 (fax) Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston www.maryqueencatholicchurch.org www.lasalette.org May 10, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:30 PM Vigil Mass Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM & 5:30 PM (Life Teen) First Saturdays 8:30 AM Weekday 8:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 6:30 PM Wednesday Reconciliation 4:00—5:00 PM Saturday Morning Prayer 8:10 AM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Daily Rosary after 8:30 AM Mass Monday, Tuesday Thursday & Friday (except First Friday) 1st Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9:00 AM—5:45 PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 4:30 PM Tuesday — 5:45 PM Wednesday The Priests who serve Mary Queen Catholic Church are Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette. Pastor: Fr. James H. Kuczynski, M.S. Parochial Vicar: Fr. Benny Thadathilkunnel, M.S. Deacons: Darrell Moulton, 281-482-0939 Kimble Nobles, 281-482-1391 Paul Robison, 713-416-1585 Chuck Turner, 281-482-1391 Priests in Residence: Fr. Maurice “Moe” Linehan, M.S. Pastoral Administration Office Administrator Administrative Assistant Bookkeeper I Bookkeeper II & Capital Campaign Admin. Receptionist Coordinator of Ministries & Functions Pastoral Formation Director, Adult Faith Formation RCIA Coordinator Director, Elementary Faith Formation Administrator, Faith Formation Director, Youth Ministry & Senior High Faith Formation Director, Junior High Faith Formation & Confirmation Administrative Assistant, Youth Ministry Music Ministry Director, Parish Music Ministry Director, Life Teen Music Ministry Carla Martin, ext. 311 Rhonda Hansen, ext. 315 Susan Silva, ext. 313 George Rodgers, ext. 313 Anita Shorosky, ext. 310 Rose Mary Baez, ext. 219 Adam G. Martinez, EdD, ext. 319 Amy Schauss, ext. 334 Cindy Newman, ext. 333 Alice Malek, ext. 328 If you are new to Mary Queen parish or visiting, please stop by with any questions regarding our parish. We would love to meet you!! If you have been attending Mary Queen Church and consider this your parish, please register with the Parish Office so we can keep an accurate census. Registration forms can be found in the: Parish Office Welcome Desk (in Church narthex) Church’s website Come Worship With Us! Manny Bourque, ext. 317 Our Parish community worships together at Sunday Mass, daily Masses, Holy Hour and Morning Prayer. Renee Bourque, ext. 329 Jo Ellen Baker, ext. 318 Join us for Morning Prayer each weekday (except Wednesday) at 8:10 AM. Russell Bolduc, ext. 227 Morgan Guajardo, ext. 310 Food Pantry/Social Concerns Coordinator, Food Pantry/ Social Services Ministry Chris Austgen, 281-482-1950 Facilities Management Facilities Manager Maintenance Coordinator Chuck Turner, 832-618-4647 Charles Ganter, ext. 310 Support Staff Maintenance Maintenance New to the Parish? Have you been here awhile but haven’t registered? We pray the rosary after the 8:30 AM daily Masses (except Wednesday & First Fridays). Ron Johnson Mike Alexander Sacramental Life Sacrament of Baptism: Congratulations for Choosing Life! Parents should contact the Parish Office to register for preparation. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Peace Be With You! Saturday Bulletin Submission & Room Reservations 4:00—5:00 PM or by appointment. Sacrament of Matrimony: The Lord Bless You! Contact one of the priests at least six months in advance for preparation. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: The Healing Love of Christ Surround You! If you know someone who is sick or in the hospital, contact the Parish Office so we can visit and include them in our prayers. RCIA: Christian Initiation of Adults: Journey With Us In Faith! For inquiry into the Catholic Faith, contact the Parish Office. 1 Bulletin announcements must be submitted to Rhonda at rhansen@maryqueenchurch.org no later than 12:00 PM on the required submission date. Please see page 8 for dates. All Ministries and Organizations who need to reserve a room and/or schedule events for the calendar need to contact Rose Mary at baezrm@maryqueenchurch.org. If you have questions, please call the Parish Office, Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM, at 281-482-1391. Mass Intentions This Week in the Parish Sunday, May 10, 2015—Mother’s Day 9:30 & 11:30 AM Masses: Children's Liturgy of the Word (St. Cecilia Room) After all Masses - Vacation Bible School Registration (Church Narthex) After All Masses - Mary Queen Cookbook Presale Orders (Church Narthex) 8:00—11:30 AM Knights of Columbus Mother's Day Breakfast (Main Hall) 4:00 PM Youth Council (Youth Room) Monday, May 11, 2015 7:30 AM Stretching for Strength Class (Mini Hall) 6:30 PM Bear Den (Room 118) 6:30 PM Tiger Den (Room 116) 6:30 PM Webelos I (Room 119) 6:30 PM Webelos II (Room 114/115) 6:30 PM Wolf Den (Room 117) 7:00 PM La Salette Prayer Group ( St Ann Room) 7:00 PM Boy Scout Troop #452 Meeting (La Salette Hall) 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal (St Cecilia Room) 7:00 PM RCIA Mystagogy Session (Main Hall) 7:00 PM Women's Ministry Meeting (Mini Hall) Tuesday, May 12, 2015 9:30 AM Mary's Chain of Love Crochet/Craft Ministry (Room 114/115) 10:00 AM Mary Queen Seniors (Mini Hall) 10:00 AM Meals on Wheels Meeting (Retreat House) 1:00 PM Women's Study Group (Retreat House) 4:30 PM Exposition for 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration (St. Joseph Chapel) 7:00 PM Men's Ministry Prayer Group (La Salette Hall - St Ann Family Room) 7:00 PM Orchestra Rehearsal (St Cecilia Room) Wednesday, May 13, 2015 9:00 AM Christian Meditation Prayer Group (Bride's Room) 9:30 AM Queen's Bee Quilters (Mini Hall) 9:30 AM Special Friends Reading Class (Room 118) 5:45 PM Benediction concludes Eucharistic Adoration (St Joseph Chapel) 7:30 PM Life Teen Music Practice (St Cecilia Room) Thursday, May 14, 2015 9:30 AM Special Friends Reading Class (Room 118) 12:30 PM Rosary for Our Nation (La Salette Hall - Divine Mercy Chapel) 6:45 PM First Eucharist Rehearsal (Church and narthex) Saturday, May 9 5:30 PM Tony Diotalevi, Dan Foster, Living and Departed Loved Ones of Al & Joan Radous Sunday, May 10 7:30 AM Jose & Rosa Bosch, Rachel Ford, All Our Parishioners 9:30 AM Joyce Runte, Barbara Zwingman, Boonkong & Larri Mumee 11:30 AM Goldie Witucki, Ernest Gionta, Lawrence Del Papa 5:30 PM Armando Rico, Jim McBride, Karel & Phyllis Van Eps—Anniversary Blessings Monday, May 11 8:30 AM Living and Departed Loved Ones of Ben & Beth Drone, Vilmo Mosangini, Josephine Leggio Tuesday, May 12 8:30 AM Fr. Jim—42nd Anniversary of Ordination, Jim & Joanne Walls—Anniversary Blessings, Alex Anastas—Birthday Blessings, Living and Departed Loved Ones of Lou Porter Wednesday, May 13 6:30 PM James Walls Family, Mike Vukelich, Respect Life, Living and Departed Loved Ones of the Curdie & Leos Families Thursday, May 14 8:30 AM Robert Ferstl, Rick Smart, Living and Departed Loved Ones of Jeff & Cindy Oberlin Friday, May 15 8:30 AM Joseph Navarro, Levenia Belan—Birthday Blessings, Tommy & Joan Blake and Family Saturday, May 16 5:30 PM Marjorie Debbrecht, Stanley Saccomanno, Living and Departed Loved Ones of Clint & Dottie Carlin, Phillip A. Bossert, Jr. Sunday, May 17 7:30 AM Woodly & Della Credeur, Johnny Brugueras, Pat Goodale 9:30 AM Matthew Kozlowski, Fortonato Azura, Mary Butler 11:30 AM Ernest Gionta, Nena Chirafis, Melissa Bender 5:30 PM Leola McBride, All Our Parishioners, Margaret Murray Parish Financial Information 7:00 PM Bay Area Serra Club (Mini Hall) Friday, May 15, 2015 7:30 AM Stretching for Strength Class (Mini Hall) 6:30 PM Scout Pack Meeting (Main Hall) Saturday, May 16, 2015 After All Masses - Men's Minstry Talks (Church) After All Masses - Mary Queen Cookbook Presale Orders 7:30 AM Men's ACTS Faith Sharing group (Room 110/Library) Sunday, May 3, 2015 Envelopes $21,448.00 Loose $1,788.00 Youth $271.30 Total $23,507.30 Envelopes: 441 Master’s Plan: $6,475.00 Future Development & Maintenance: $4,001.81 Food Pantry Report for April 2015 7:30 AM Men's Ministry Prayer Group (Retreat House) 10:00 AM Queen's Bee Quilters Military Workshop (Mini Hall) 1:00 PM First Eucharist Mass followed by Reception (Church and Main Hall) 4:00 PM Reconciliation (Church) Food Assistance Utility Assistance Other Expense Total Expense Families 133 29 People 524 91 Expense $621 $1520 0 $2,141 2 Today’s Gospel. Gospel : John 15:9-17 So I have loved you. Let us pray in thanksgiving that God loves us without our having earned it or deserved it. Daily Readings Sunday, May 10 Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48, 1 John 4:7-10, John 15:9-17 Monday, May 11 Acts 16:11-15,John 15:26 — 16:4a Tuesday, May 12 Acts 16:22-34, John 16:5-11 Wednesday, May 13 Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1, John 16:12-15 Thursday, May 14 Acts 1:15-17, 20-26, John 15:9-17 Friday, May 15 Acts 18:9-18, John 16:20-23 Saturday, May 16 Acts 18:23-28, John 16:23b-28 Sunday, May 17 Acts 1:1-11, Ephesians 4:1-13, Mark 16:15-20, Choose one of the following activities as a way to further reflect on the Sunday readings: • Make a list of newcomers to your community. Choose one family and think of a way you can welcome them. • Jesus extends God’s love to all. Find out about a group that works for social justice in your community. Invite someone from the group to explain the group’s activities to your family. Decide if there is a way you can help. Second Collection for Nepal Sunday, May 16th & 17th A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal in the late morning of April 25th, toppling buildings and homes, causing widespread panic, and claiming thousands of lives. Our Church mourns the terrible suffering of our brothers and sisters affected by this powerful earthqueake. Please join with the Catholic community across the United States in responding to our suffering brothers and sisters through a special collection for the work of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in Nepal. CRS is the official humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the U.S. and is already responding to urgent needs for shelter, water and food in Nepal. For more information, go to www.CRS.org. 3 In Our Year of the Family God gives us a Spiritual Mother The Month of May is a month for mothers! So step aside dads, its mom’s month! And how important is the mother in the life of the family! And so we set this time aside to honor them and the important role they play. From the Cross, Christ gives us His mother. There is a maternal dimension to Christianity as well -- a spiritual maternity. In giving birth to Jesus physically, Mary also gives birth to us spiritually, becoming our spiritual mother and mother of the Church. And this is highlighted at the Cross: “This is your Mother” (John 19:26). It’s not just a symbolic gesture; Christ gave us the gift of his mother for a purpose. As our spiritual Mother, Mary has a special role to play. As a woman, moms have a special gift – the gift of the feminine. Through the writings of St. Edith Stein we gain some deeper insight on the role of women and motherhood in particular. Such were the insights too of Pope St John Paul II (Christifideles Laici, n. 51): 8 in a special way the human being is entrusted to woman, precisely because the woman in virtue of her special experience of motherhood is seen to have special sensitivity toward the human person and all that constitutes the individual’s true welfare, beginning with the fundamental value of life. Motherhood lies at the center of the New Covenant, because the Father entrusts His Son to a mother. This applies to every child as well, trusting our care totally to a mother as we pass through the “utter helplessness and dependency” stage. This precedes coming to know the father. And this applies too in our relationship with God the Father. We must first be entrusted to a mother before there is any possibility of our coming to know the father, whether human or divine. And what a mother we all have! So -- Let us entrust our Families to Mother Mary! The motherhood of Mary serves as a model for all motherhood F and for life! She is the incomparable model of how life should be welcomed and cared for. How willingly will she hasten to our aid for our families when we need her! With what love will she refresh us, and with what strength sustain us! So we individually, and also collectively as a family, should trust Our Lady to lead us to Christ and help us in our daily struggles. We come to knock at the door of Mary’s house. She will open it and let us in and will show us her Son. But F will ask us to F “Do whatever he tells you!” Rich May, Communications Subcommittee Prayer Groups & Scripture Studies Adult Scripture Study Join us on Sunday afternoons 3:45-5:15 PM in Room 114/115, and on Thursday nights, 7:00-8:30 PM in the Mini Hall. Classes are offered in 4 to 5 week sessions so please see the parish website for scheduling or contact Adam Martinez at adammartinez@maryqueenchurch.org in the Adult Faith Formation Office. Christian Meditation Prayer Group All are invited to join us on Wednesday, from 9:00—10:00 AM in the Bride’s Room (enter through the side door of the church). Contact Sandy at 281-482-1784 or ghsorrell1@gmail.com. Our Lady of La Salette Prayer Group Join us on Mondays in La Salette Hall—St. Anne Room. at 7:00 PM. We praise the Lord and exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Join us for worship, song, teaching, testimonies and prayer for healing. For information, contact Brother Roger at 281-648-2764. Divine Mercy Stained Glass Window In November, 2014 a group of Mary Queen parishioners requested and received approval for a community sponsored full sized stained glass window of the Divine Mercy Image. The window is to be located in the front of the Church opposite the St. Ann’s Room. If you would like to contribute to this community sponsorship, please contact George Rodgers in the church office at 281-482-1391 with your contribution amount. For questions, you may contact Deacon Paul Robison at 713-416-1585. Jesus said to St. Faustina, “I desire that this image be venerated, first in your chapel, and then throughout the world (Diary, 470).” Men’s Ministry Prayer Groups All men of the parish are invited to join us for prayer, reflection, and faith sharing on Saturday mornings in the Retreat House from 7:309:00 AM, or on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 PM in La Salette Hall. This is a great opportunity for men to support one another in our faith journeys. Love of God and Love of Country All are invited to join us every Thursday at 12:30 PM in La Salette Hall—Divine Mercy Chapel. We pray the Rosary for the needs of our country. We study the writings of the Founding Fathers of the Republic, deeply rooted in the Christian faith. We also discuss events, legislation and social trends that are shaping the country's direction. 2015 “Year of the Family” Parish Survey The Mary Queen Pastoral Council would like to hear from you regarding our parish theme "Year of the Family". Please take a moment to fill out our survey and let us know what we are doing well, what you would like to see changed or what you would like to see implemented in regards to our parish family. The survey may be found on the Mary Queen website at www.maryqueencatholicchurch.org, in the church narthex or in the parish center. Please return your survey by Monday, May 18, 2015. Neophytes We have followed the catechumens in our parish as they went through the process with the various rites and dismissals. We watched them be sent to the cathedral for election and come back called the “elect.” Now, after they have completed their initiation, they are called “neophytes.” The word means a beginner or novice. They are just beginning their journey as fully initiated members of our Catholic community. We share their joy and offer them our support and prayers. Copyright © 2014 Resource Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Men’s Ministry Formation All men of the parish community (18 and over) are invited to the Parish Hall at 1:00 PM, Sunday May 31st to discuss and to shape the new Men’s Ministry at Mary Queen. The Men’s Ministry is looking to have a positive impact on the Mary Queen community through prayer, service and social activities. Please RSVP to Anita at 281-482-1391 or anitashorosky@maryqueenchurch.org. Join us for lunch and let your opinions be heard! 4 PRESCHOOL & ELEMENTARY FAITH FORMATION 281-482-1391 Alice Malek, Administrator, Ext. 328 Cindy Newman, Director, Ext. 333 NOW AVAILABLE 2015-2016 FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATIONS 2015-2016 Faith Formation Registration Forms are available at the reception desk or on the Mary Queen website at www.maryqueencatholicchurch.org PLEASE REGISTER EARLY. Forms are now available online at www.maryqueencatholicchurch.org. Vacation Bible School “Hometown Nazareth” Monday - Friday July 13-17, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM For children entering Kindergarten - Grade Six in the fall. Registrations open Sunday, May 3rd at the Parish Festival and re-open on Saturday & Sunday, May 8th & 9th after all Masses in the Narthex for immediate family members of Mary Queen registered households. Cost: $30 per child or a maximum of $90 per household. Non-registered households: Open registration begins Monday, June 15th CHILREN’S LITURGY Needed: Volunteers with VIRTUS training at 11:30 AM Mass on the 5th Sundays of the month (quarterly) Children’s Collection Envelopes Jesus calls these children friends because they love others through acts of service to their families - Nicholas C., Kendall L., William L, Hailey M., Joseph M., Ethan S., Ingrid S., Kirstin S., Bryan, Jake and Victoria played with Sister, helped with dishes, cleaned half of the bedroom, fed the cat, and helped clean the house. They also recognize that their talents of gymnastics, swimming, and ballet are gifts from God. Remain in Jesus’ love and your joy will be complete! John 15:9-17 Total children's collection for May 3rd: $271.30. 5 2015-2016 Faith Formation Registration Forms are available at the reception desk or on the Mary Queen website at www.maryqueencatholicchurch.org Jr. High Day Camp: Just a reminder that the final payment for the camp is due by June 2, 2015. Don’t forget to like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter for the most up-to-date information! facebook.com/maryqueenyouth @MaryQueenYouth Mother’s Day Breakfast Today, Sunday, May 10th 8:00 - 11:30 AM Main Hall - Parish Center Volunteers Needed Sunday, May 24, 2015, at 2:00 PM, Mary Queen will be hosting the Archdiocese Adult Confirmation. We are in need of volunteers to help with registration, greeting and ushering for this liturgy. We need volunteers who can speak Spanish and English. If you are available to volunteer, please contact the parish office at 281-482-1391. The Knights of Columbus would like to invite all Mary Queen Mothers and their families to join them in the Main Hall on Mother’s Day for breakfast. We will be serving a complimentary breakfast to all mothers of the parish, family members $8.00 for adults, $6.00 for children under 12 and children under 4 are free. There is a maximum $25.00 per each family unit (limit 6 people). Breakfast will be served from 8:00 - 11:30 AM. Bring Mom and have a wonderful breakfast prepared by our Knights. Happy Mother’s Day! Year of Consecrated Life Being a disciple means being constantly ready to bring the love of Jesus to others, and this can happen unexpectedly and in any place: on the street, in a city square, during work, on a journey. —Evangelii Gaudium, "The Joy of the Gospel" (127) Come to the Water Mary Queen Cookbook We Need Your Recipes In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Mary Queen's first Mass, we are putting together a Mary Queen Parish Cookbook. We plan to include recipes from the first two (1973 & 1990) Mary Queen Cookbooks and part of the third (2000/2004) cookbook. In addition to the usual recipe categories, we have also included a section for Holidays and Pets. We encourage you to write a short personal note about each recipe you submit. All are welcome as we join together, with a merciful heart, on Thursday, May 28th at 7:00 PM. We will come together as the body of Christ to embrace the “Works of Mercy” and discuss how we can reach out to the poor, the hungry, the sick and the sorrowful. Please contact Terri Kettle at tlkettle@comcast.net or 713-560-4503 for more information. Restore Hope Mary Queen Church offers a support group, Restore Hope, to women who have had an abortion at any time during their lives. This ministry seeks to help them heal, experience God's love and mercy and find forgiveness within a small group setting. All information is kept confidential. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact the group facilitator at restorehopemq@gmail.com. Please submit your recipes online at www.typensave.com, User ID: Mary Queen and Password: mary. If you do not have access to a computer, you may drop off your recipes at the Reception Desk in the Parish Center or mail them to the Parish Office: 606 Cedarwood Drive, Friendswood, TX 77546. Pre-sale dates, after all Masses: May 16th, 17th, 30th, 31st and June 13th & 14th Adult Help Wanted for the Mary Queen Nursery If you love working with children, ages 1-3 years of age, this could be your opportunity to do so. The Nursery has a part-time opening for 1-2 Sundays a month, during the 9:30 AM Mass, 11:30 AM Mass and for special occasions throughout the year. The candidate must be 18 years of age or older and must be VIRTUS Certified or willing to obtain certification after being hired. For more information or to apply, contact Carla Martin, Office Administrator at 281-482-1391, ext. 311 or Juanita Solis, Nursery Coordinator at 281-996-0372. 6 Summer Grocery Program The Food Pantry will be offering a grocery program again this summer to assist families whose children receive assistance through the school breakfast, lunch and backpack buddy programs. This will be the third summer that Mary Queen has offered this program. Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners, the program has been very successful and greatly appreciated by the recipients. We are making a few changes this summer which will allow us to add additional schools and serve more families. The participating schools will provide the registration information to those families in need. The program is limited to 25 families. The Mary Queen Food Pantry will be open on Saturday, June 13th & 27th, July 11th & 25th and August 8th & 22nd, from 9:00 - 11:00 AM to distribute groceries to the registered families. Volunteer Opportunities: * People who have trucks/trailers/SUVs are needed to pick up groceries from the Galveston County Food Bank every other Friday. * Shop the Friday before the scheduled Saturday. * Organize groceries the Friday afternoon before the scheduled Saturday. * Set up at 8:00 AM on Saturday morning. * Greet and direct the clients on Saturday morning. Suzie Blake Outstanding Christian Leadership Award If you know a graduating senior who has the following qualities, please write a letter of recommendation and nominate them for this award. The Mary Queen Women’s Ministry is seeking nominations for deserving High School Seniors who show good leadership traits at home with their families, in their church, in the community and at school. A person of this character would receive a $500 cash prize from the Women’s Ministry Scholarship Committee. The person making a nomination must be over the age of 21 and a member of Mary Queen Catholic Church. The nominee must be a confirmed Catholic and an active member of Mary Queen Catholic Church. Your letter of recommendation must be turned in or mailed to the Church office no later than Friday, May 15th. Please put the letter in a sealed envelope with “Attention: Joan Blake—Women’s Ministry, Suzie Blake Outstanding Christian Leadership Award” written on the outside. * Hand out the groceries on Saturday morning. If you have questions, would like to donate to the grocery program and/or volunteer for any of the above opportunities, please contact Chris at 281-482-1950 or chrisaustgen@maryqueenchurch.org. The donations will provide eggs, milk, meat, fresh produce and a variety of other items. VIRTUS Refresher Mary Queen will be offering the VIRTUS - Keeping the Promise Alive refresher class on May 30, 2015 in the Mini Hall, from 10:00 -11:30 AM. This class is required for anyone volunteering in ministries involving children within the parish, and who took the basic class before May of 2010. Online signup is through the VIRTUS website at http://www.virtusonline.org. You will need your original VIRTUS User ID and Password to sign up for the refresher class. If you do not remember your User ID and password or have other questions about the VIRTUS Certification, please contact our parish coordinator, Daniel Barineau, at 281-300-5481. 7 Ladies of Mary Queen! The next Women’s Ministry meeting is Monday, May 11th, in the Mini Hall at 7:00 PM. If you haven’t attended one of our meetings, please consider joining us and learning more about our mission. There are no dues and all women of the parish are automatically members. Being part of the Women’s Ministry activities and events is a wonderful way of demonstrating your stewardship. There is always something to fit how you would like to participate with your special time, talent or treasure. The Women’s Ministry continues its commitment this month to the Mary Queen Food Pantry. Please consider donating one or more of the following personal hygiene products when you come to the meeting: bath soap, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, razors, toilet paper, and women’s feminine products. For more information, please visit the Mary Queen website at www.maryqueencatholicchurch.org. If you have any questions or would like to get on the Mary Queen Women’s Ministry e-mail distribution list, contact Phyllis Rinehart at ut75am76@sbcglobal.net. Thank you. Parish Festival Yard Signs THANK YOU for displaying the sign in your yard! We know it helped bring folks to the festival and make it the success it was. Please return your festival yard sign to the Welcome Desk in the church narthex before any of the Masses this weekend or next. Be sure to give your name to the person working the desk so we can mark your name off of our list. To save costs we reuse the signs each year, so we appreciate you returning them promptly. Knights of Columbus Mary Queen Council 8494 Announces 2015-2016 Education Grant Applications The Knights of Columbus are again pleased to announce that Education Grant Applications for the school year beginning in the Fall of 2015 are now available at the Mary Queen Church reception desk. Education Grants for $1,000 each will be awarded to two well-deserving students, who exhibit a substantial financial need. The chosen recipients will receive a $1,000 check for the 2015-2016 school year. All the guidelines and requirements for the education grant applicants are included on the first page of the application. Application Deadline: Fully completed applications and transcripts must be received or postmarked by June 1, 2015. Contact Dave Allen at 713-501-0618 with any questions you may have. Special Needs Mass Kits The Mary Queen Women’s Ministry has assembled 8 Kits to welcome and encourage families with special needs children to attend Mass together. Each kit contains items to soothe and entertain young children during Mass. The kits may be picked up before Mass and returned after Mass to the cart behind the Welcome Desk in the Narthex. Instructions and a contents list is included in each kit. Good Shepherd Book Club Monthly Book Study/Caregiver Prayer/Support Group The Good Shepherd & The Child, A Joyful Journey Friday, May 22nd 9:30 - 10:30 AM Mary Queen Parish Center - Room 120 & 125 Mary Queen Parish Festival in a Nutshell Beautiful weather—Lots of people—Delicious food Great entertainment—Fun with family & friends Thank you to all!!! Watch future bulletins for detailed updates. Mary Queen Crochet/Craft Ministry NEEDS YOUR UNUSED YARN!!! If you have yarn that you would like to donate, please drop it off at the reception desk in the Parish Center. Come and share your gifts, while growing in our faith together. We meet every Tuesday, at 9:30 AM, in Room 114/115. If you are interested, contact Cindy Dittrich at 832-282-6346 or cdittrich2000@yahoo.com. ALL ARE WELCOME! The Mary Queen Adult Choir The Choir needs more singers for the new liturgical season. The choir at Mary Queen is a group of volunteers who enjoy singing and praising God through song. They share their time and talents by leading the musical worship at the 9:30 AM Mass every Sunday. Rehearsals are Mondays from 7:00—9:00 PM in the Church. If you are interested in joining the choir, please contact Russell Bolduc at 281-482-1391, ext. 227 or russellbolduc@maryqueenchurch.org. We are in need of voices for all sections; sopranos, alto, tenor, and bass. For more information, please contact Mary Ellen Ried at meried@sbcglobal.net Adult Orchestra Bulletin Submission Dates - Due 12:00 PM May 17th Bulletin—due May 11th May 24th Bulletin—due May 15th May 31st Bulletin—due May 20th If you are skilled in a musical instrument (brass, wind, strings), and are interested in sharing your talent during liturgies, please contact Russell. We practice the 1st and 2nd Tuesday of the month from 7:00 - 9:00 PM in the Church. 8 New Members April 2015 Jeffrey & Colleen Cardenas Ryan Dixon Jose & Juanaelisa Cardenas Richard & Rita Hinton Steven & Heather Suhey Nicole Dehoyos & Joshua Resendiz Alex & Mercedes Rivas Erick & Sukeelem Jara Kevin & Sarah Alley Ashley Rabalais Michael & Frances Cortez Henry & Mary Rogers We Pray For …... Charlotte Alexander Genie Balderaz Brian Barnard Jan Barnard Jay Barnard Belle Beatty Mary Behne Larry Bishop Martha Boedeker Kathryn Brezina Brad Bumber Jackson Burgett Nola Carter Margie Carreon Peter Cataal Annetta Courtney Dwight Courtney Courtney Family Jacob Daniel Roger del Valle Tim Dorsey Mindy Dorsey Blanca Eubank News Around The Area Ministry for the widowed: This ministry is dedicated to walk with the widowed on their journey of hope and healing. A monthly Holy Hour and Tea Time gathering is held every second Thursday of the month at the Warren Chapel, St. Dominic Archdiocesan Center, 2403 Holcombe Blvd. from 3:00 5:30 PM. This event is free of charge. For more information, please call 713-741-8708. Loving Embrace Infertility Support Group Meets the 3rd Thursday, each month, 7:30 - 9:00 PM, monthly meeting rotation: Couples Dinner, Ladies Dinner, and Couples Discussion. Loving Embrace is a Catholic educational support group for couples who have endured or are presently enduring the pain and suffering of infertility. The group provides support for coping with infertility and explores resources, methods, and options that are morally faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church. For rotation information contact Shannon Lassen at infertilitysupporthouston@gmail.com or 832-9786716. Please join the Bay Area Deanery Council of Catholic Women (BADCCW) at their installation luncheon and May meeting, 11a.m.1p.m., Wednesday, May 20 at Villa Capri Garden Restaurant on the Lake in the Casa Mia, 3713 NASA Pkwy, Seabrook, TX 7758. Luncheon is $14 and includes dessert and tip. CCW is an affiliated network of dedicated Catholic women who come together for fellowship, to grow in spirituality, leadership and service to Christ, His church and society. Space is limited so reserve early! To make reservations or for more information or to carpool, contact Karen Davis at 713-446-0011 or karendavis823@gmail.com 9 Cameron Faulk Kelly Ferguson Barbara Fontenot James Fontenot Rachel Ford Friedrichsen Family Lucille Fricano Andrew Garcia Vera Garcia Trudy Ann Gaspard Shirley Geerts Pat Goodale Carina Guerrero Candy Guterrez Ed Handwerk Gary Handwerk Family Rubye Hasenmiller Helen Hervada Byron Holt Tran Huong Ron Johnson Kent Kaufold Eva Mae Kelemen Sue Kernan Willy Kik Robert Knight Helen Krieger Stacy Krieger Evelyn Kreuz Carol Lorance Michael Lotief Family Karen Lowe CJ Massingill Jim McBride Leola McBride Steve Melton Marilda Mendoza Kristy Michael Phyllis Middleton Eddie Mikes Rose Ming Vera Mireles Margie Monnat Maxine Murphy Emma Nesrsta Sharon Neuner Judy Palomares Agatha Peterkin Vennoy Racca Norbert Reil Mildred Ripple Mary Riveron Jennifer Rose Jack Rosenberger Russell & Choir Saturnino Santiago Glenn Skrabanek Pat Scroggins Donald Smith Rachael Soto Nancy Soyke Special Needs Families Lori Speiser Hal Taylor Delores Thomas Kim Thomas Lorraine Thulin Huyen Tran Gale Truman Esther Tucker William Vasen Jesse Vasquez Bruce Wahl Betty Wellen Jackie Will Bobby Wilson Danelle Yerkey Cindy Oberlin Sandra O’Day Emily Oliff Robert Zimmerman Malcolm Zurek Lord Jesus, who went about doing good and healing all, we ask you to bless our friends who are sick. Give them strength in body, courage in spirit, and patience with pain. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. ~ In Memoriam ~ Please pray for the repose of the souls of Jean Maloney, mother of Megan Balderrama Elton Rohan, brother of Marilyn McMahon The Sanctuary Candle is in memory of Arnoldo DeAlejandro, Sr. for the week of May 9th - May 15th We offer the Vigil Candle as a Memorial Candle each week to interested parishioners who would like to request that it burn “In Memory of” or “In Honor of” a loved one, living or deceased. Contact the Receptionist in the Parish Office at 281482-1391. The name of your loved one will be published in the bulletin and near the Sanctuary Candle in the Church. ❇❯✥✦❚❚■ ❘✧★✩✪✫❘➤ P✬✭✮✯✰✮✱✲✴✭ 311 N. Friendswood Drive (281) 992-7200 www.jeterfuneralhome.com ➇➈➉➊➋➊➌➍➌ ➎➈➊➏➐➑ ➒➓➌➔→➊➋➣ ❪❫❴ ❵❛❛ ❛❵❜ ❝❞❜❢ ❣❤✐✐❥ ❦❞❜❧♥♣❧❵❥✐❜♥ qrst✉rqt✈s✇✇ ②③④ ⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨ ⑩❶❷❸❹❺❻❼⑥⑥❺ ❽❶❾❿ ⑤⑧❸ ➀➀ ➁ ⑩❶❷❸❹❺❻❼⑥⑥❺❿ ➂➃ ④④➄➅② ❲❲❲❀❁❯❂❃❄❅❂❙❊❆❇❋❋●❀❍❋■ ❏❑▲▼P◗➆▲ ❱❡❨❩♦♦❬ ❭① ✷✵✶✸✵✵✹✸✺✻✼✼ ✽✽✽✾✿❀❁❂❃❀❄❅❆❈❉❉❃✾❋●❍ ❚✐❄❅❆❇❉❋●❍✐ ■❏❑❇❇▲▼◆◗❉❇❄❍❇▼❄ JC Christian ❘❅❙❙ ❯◗❇■❅❱❳❑✐ ❙✐❑❍❨✐❙ ❩❬ Apparel Co. ❭❪❫❜❦❵t❵s✇ ❫ ❴❵❜❞❫❣❪❤❪❥❣❫ ❵ ❜❴❵❦❵❫ ♠ ❤❞♥♣ ❵ ❣♥q❵ t ①✇❜❦③♣❣ ❭❫❵❪❜♣❪❜ ❪❜❵t❜ q❵⑧ ➘➴➷➬➮➱✃❐➬❒➬➴➷✃➷❮❮❰Ï❰✃➷❮ ♠♣❞❣♥q❜t④❪❥❣⑤❞♣❫ ❪tt❭♥t❜❵t④❜❦❵❫ ❞❴❵♣⑥❵♣⑦✇ Ð❰Ñ➷❰ÏÒ❰Ó➮Ô➴❰Õ❐Ô❮➮ÖÐ➷× ØÙÚÛÜÝéÜÞêßàáâÜ âìÞÜÝåææçíìéâÜãæÞâî ÝïåìéæèèáÞÜ ÙÛÙÞéâÞãÙâëÝâÙåâìÚÙã äåáÚÞæèìé ÜéìàçÝÙåÙâæÚéÙãßÚåæñàÜ Ù ÛÙÚêæáÚÞÙÙðâìÚ â è ìç ç ñÙìÚ Ù åÙÚ Ù é æ ìÞâ ñ ÙÚé å ⑨⑩❶➆❾➇❺➈❶➃ ❷❸❹❺❻❻ ❼❽❾❿❺➀❺➁ ➂➍➃➃➄❾❺❿➀❺➁➅➆❾➇❺➈❹❾➇➇❺➁ ➄➃❽➉❻❸❿❺➁ ➊➋ òóØåÜÚéâ ôõÙÚöæÚèìÞÝÙ ïÙìÚô÷ìéÙÝìçâî ß æÚ ➌ ❺ ❼➁ ❾ ➍ ❺ ➄ ➂ ➃ ➄ ❺ ➎➅➏❿➐➑➒➄ ➑❾➁ ❺ ➓➔→➣↔↕➙➛➜➝➧➨➩➫↕➞➟➙➞ ➛ ➠➡↕➞➢→➣➢➔➤➥➞➦ òæéÙ øìßâôùææíÜÙâúäìÞäææçÙÚâ ôûÞðüáÝå üæÚÙý ➵➵➵➛➽➞➢➥↔➤➾→➵➔➔➾➚➪ ➸➢➝➢➸➺→➔➝↔➩➸➢➭➯➫➥➔→↔→➶➹➻↕➢ ➤→➛➲➩➳➭➻➺→➸➞➥↕➻➛➝➛➼➔➻➼➔➻ þÿ ÿÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ✃❐❒ ❮❰ÏÐÐÏÑ ÒÓÔ ÒÓÕÔ Ö❐❒ × ØÕÙÐÓÕÚÛ ÜÝ ÞÞ❐ßà àÖ✃á❐❐Öá❐âÖ❒ Ö✃❒Ö ãÔ ❮ÚÏäåæäç × èÕäÚ❰äéåÛ ÜÝ ÞÞ❐àê àÖ✃á❐❐Öá❐âê❒ A PRO AIR HEATING AND A/C, INC. ✷✄☎✆✝✄✞✆✝✟✷✠ ✡☛☞♦✌✍✎❈✏✑✍✈✒✓✑✔✑✕✍❧✕✖✗✳✓♦✘ ❏ ✁✂ ✄☎ ✆✝✂✞✟ ✠✡✂✞❛❏ ❛ ☛☞✞✌ ✍ ✎✏✑✒✑✓✔✒✕✑✖✓ ✇✇✇☎✳✂✗☞❡ ✟☎✗ ♦✘✙✗☎✗ ✞❛❏✚❛✂☛✂✛✛✂✞☞✝☎✗ ♦ ✙✗☎✗ ✞❛❏✚❛✂☛✂✛✛✂✞☞✝✜✢♦✂❛✝☎✗ ♦ Dick Daugird Agent Over 47 Years As A State Farm Agent® ❊✹✺♦✻✻ ✼✹ ✽✾✹✿ ❀❁✾❂❃t✼♦✹❃✻✿ ❂✺❀❃t✼❄❀ ❂✻❃❡❡❀❡ t♦ ❯❅❇❊❈❉● ❨❖❯❍ ■●❏❇❑➆❉ ▲❖❚❊❅❚❏❈❇ ▼◆◗ ❘❱ ❳r✐❩❬❭❪❫❴❴❭ ❵r✐❛❩❜ ❳r✐❩❬❭❪❫❴❴❭ ❝❬❩①❞ ❞❴ ❢✉❣❴❬❤ ❳❴r ❭❩❞❥✐❦❪ ❧❴❬❞❥❧❞ ✉❪♠ ❫❫❫❱♥✐❭❪♣❦❴❴❣❦❦❧❱❧❴❣ q s✈▼✇✈✈◗✇②◗③◗ ➸➺➻ ➼➽➾➚➪➶➹➘➴ ➷➽➬➮➾➮➱➹➺ “In the Lighthouse” Larry Holdorff Scott Gordon Darla Winters Mylinda Barrera Sales • Service • Installation FREE Estimates on HVAC Equipment Replacement TACLA000147C ❲✙ ✚✛✙✜ ✢✣❊✤❝✥✦✧★✩✪✫✬✭✚✮✯✰✣✢✱✰✚✣✚✲ Pr★❝✥✴ P✥r❢✩r✵✫✪❝✥✴ ✶✉✫✬★✧② ✢✣❛ ✸✥r✹★❝✥✺ 281-482-4455 3502 FM 528 Friendswood, TX 77546-5005 Ö×ØÙ ÚÛÜ×ÝÙÛÚ Tune Ups • Complete Installations • 24 Hour Emergency Service 100% Financing on Equipment Purchases* ÞßÖÛÜ ÚÛÜ×ÝÙÛÚ àáâãäåæãçá è éêêëìíî ïåçðæìíî ïâìãâñ www.DickDaugird.com www.statefarm.com Carpentry, Tile, Masonry • Commercial & Residential ❡ ❖ ✁✂✂ ✻✽✼✾✿ ✾❀❁❂✼❃❁❁ òóôô ôõö÷øùöúõ û üý þýÿ Providing Insurance & Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Allstate VanMeter Agency íú íù î ó ùñû î ì ð ùðïî ü Ph: 281.993.8257 Fx: 832.569.4565 ❖❘❚✁❖❉❖◆❚✂❈✄ ✥❖❘ ☎✆✝✞✟✛✚✠ ✡ ☛✟✗✞✖✕ ✔☞✌✍ ãÔ ❮✎✏✑✒✓✑✘Û Ò✙✜✢✣ ✦ ✧ è✣✑✎★✑✩✒Û ÜÝ ❳❳✍✪✌ è✫✏✩✣✬ ✔✪✌Ô✭✪✍Ô✮☞☞✯ ✧ ✰✑✱✬ ✔✪✌Ô✭✪✍Ô✯✯❳✮ ✲✲✲✳✴✵✵✶✷✸✹✺✻✸✼✸✽✺✶✾✷✳✾✸✿ ý þÿ ➃➄➅➇➈➄➉➇➊➈➊➊ ①r✐①♥❝①❡ ❛ss✐♦♥❡ ✁♥t①✂r✐t②❡ ýý CROWDER Funeral Homes A Catholic Family Serving Families Since 1959 Webster Pearland 281-280-9000 281-412-3000 ➡➢➤➹ ➘➴➪➵➳➵➸➫➷ ➥➞➜➦➧ ➨➡➡➩ ❆✄☎ ✆✳ ✝♣✞❧❧✟✄✱ ✠✡☛☞✱ ✠❤✡✠☞ ➙➛➜➝➞➟➠➛➜ ➫➭➯➲➳➵➸➺➻➼➳➭➽➾➳➚➪➶➾ ➳➚➚➾➚➬ P✌✍✎✏✑✒✥✒✏✓✑✔✕❞✎✍✖✗✌ ÐÑÒ➱❰✃ÓÏÔ➱❰ÕÖ××❒❰Ï➱Ø ❈✘✙❚✚✛✚✘✜ ✛✚✢✕✢❈✚✕✣ P✣✕✢✢✘✙➍ ✤✌✏✦✑✍✑✍✗✧✒✌ ➮➱✃❐❒❮❰Ï➱ÙÚÛÜÝÞÜßàáÛ ❙★✩✪✪✫✬✿✾✼❀✽❁ ✭✮✯✼❂✻✺❃❄✹❅ ✰✲✲✴✵✩✭✶✫✲ ✷ ✸✹✺✻✼✽✾ ✸✹✼❇✽✺❇✾❍❊❇■ âãäåæçèéêëìíîïïìðèñåòêóôõ ❄❢ ✷♠✾✹✺✸✹✺❃✾ ❉✺❊✼❊❇✺✼❀ ❋✾✹✻✺❇✾❃● çèéøóõôùââúûúääâ êëìíîïïìñö÷ ❏❑❑ ▲▼ ◆❖◗ ❘❯❱❖◆❲✈❳❨ ❩❬❱ ❭❪❪ ❫▲❱❴❵❬❱❯ ❜❣ ❏❏❭❥❦ ❽❾❿➀➁ ➂❿➀➃➄➅➆➆ îîîæ ü êèý éëþêèýÿî è æ ï ➇➈➉➊➋➌➎➏➊➐➑➒➓➔→➣↔↕↔ q✉✇③④③⑤⑥⑦⑧⑧⑨✉⑩q❶⑥❷③❸❹❶❺q❻❼⑦⑤❹✉⑤⑥⑦⑧⑧⑨✉③❸❹❶ ✤ ♠ ♠ Russell R. 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Broadway, Ste. 106 • Pearland DAROL NORONHA, Instructor ❙✎✏✑✒ ✫ ✒❙❙✓✔✎✒✑✕❙✖ P✗✔✗ Published by Messner Publications, Inc. For Advertising Information Call 1-866-651-2111 • www.messnerpublications.com ▲❊✣✤■❊ Our Family Serving Your Family in Friendswood Since 1994 with Professionalism and Dignity 281-482-3339 ➘➘➘➴➷➬➮➱✃❐✃❒➷➬➮❮❰ÏÐÑ➱ÒÑÓ➴Ô❒Õ Crystal A.M. Brady, D.D.S., F.I.C.D., Diplomate Periodontal and Implant Surgery “Parishioner” 521 Orchard St. • Webster, Texas 77598 (281) 332-7563 • Fax (281) 332-0617 16-0103-O JETER Funeral Home
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