DANISH LIVING CRASH COURSE - Hard facts and soft features about Denmark and the Danes THE PURPOSE OF THE COURSE: Is to prepare foreigners for what to expect from Danes, - both at work and in social settings. The course enables the participant to crack the cultural code and become familiar with the ‘cultural grammar’ of the Danes through an introduction to Danish society, history, working culture and life in Denmark in general. With the new knowledge, the participants can place themselves several steps ahead in the sometimes-troubled transition to life in Denmark and thus avoid the most common setbacks for successful adaptation and pitfalls for professional performance. Even though this is a group course, the participants leave the course with a personal action plan, defining near-future actions for getting the best out of their stay in Denmark. • • • • • Dr. Barbara Mozalzierz, participant at Danish Living Crash Course Infobox CONTENT: • • ‘I found it insightful intellectually challenging, utterly useful and great fun’ _________________ What is culture and why does it matter? Identifying Danish core values and their impact on general Danish behaviour and preferences Brief introduction to Danish history that impacts the mentality and cultural values Through a case, we discuss what to expect of Danes in the workplace, – both as a manager and a colleague We also discuss what to expect of Danes when socializing, e.g. written and unwritten social rules Presentation of the expat cycle and strategies to a successful adaptation in a new country Development of each participant’s individual action plan Date: May 19th, 2015 Duration: 8 hours 1 day (09:00-17:00) Place: On site or at the premises of LIVING INSTITUTE Language: English Target group: Expats in Denmark and their spouses Participants: Preferred 12 _________________ Contact & Registration: Ahead of each course, each participant receives an invitation to fill out a pre-survey about e.g. his or her situation and expectations for the course. The answers allow us to tailor the course to the specific needs of the participants. We recommend this course for assignees and spouses. www.livinginstitute.com Email Phone+45 35262626 info@livinginstitute.com Phone: +45 35262626 e-mail: info@livinginstitute.com METHOD: Research based knowledge made practically applicable, conveyed with a high degree of participant involvement. The training is based on theory, presentations and practical exercises. The content is based on extracts and conclusions from Dennis Nørmark’s research, presented in his most recent book “Stone-Age Brains – how to work with Danes and beyond. The book is included in the price. ABOUT LIVING INSTITUTE: Our mission: “We enable corporations to reach their global goals through enhanced diversity excellence” By infusing cultural intelligence and gender intelligence we enable companies and their people to harvest the benefits of diversity. We do so by providing training and consultancy, enabling our clients to conduct business effectively in the global market place. As a market leader LIVING INSTITUTE work on all levels in organizations - all over the world. 140+ workshops in 7 different countries was conducted by LIVING INSTITUTE within the last year LIVING INSTITUTE by the numbers www.livinginstitute.com Email Phone+45 35262626 info@livinginstitute.com
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