Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries The Danish AgriFish Agency AUTHORISATION G ERTI FICATE COMPANY PERFORMING ORGANIC ACTIVITIES Documentary evidence to the operator according to Article 29(1) of Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 complemented by the Danish Act on Organic Agricultural Production No. 41 6 of 3 May 201 1 , section 7, subsection 1 and 2 1. Name and address of Aps 2b. Name and address ofthe bookkeeping i 3. Scangrain Hovedgaden 29,1 TH DK-4050 Skibby, DENMARK P-No./DAFA- N o.2 : I O 1 9307 27 8 DVFA feed Appro.JReg.No.3: - P-No./DAFA-No.: 1019307278 DVFA feed Appro.JReg.No.: - of t-. Aps Scangrain Hovedgaden 29,1 fH DK-4050 Skibby , DENMARK +45 Mobile phone: +45 40948951 +45 Ejvind Andersen Ref.No.: 14-6201/l-000078 Name and address address i The Danish AgriFish Agency Centre for Control Organic Control Nyropsgade 30 +45 Phone: Phone: DK-1780 Copenhagen V, DENMARK Mobile phone: +45 40948951 +45 Fax: Phone: +45 33958000 Fax: +45 33958080 Fax: Manager: Contact: Ejvind Andersen E-mail: E-mail: E-mail: Website: CVR-No.1: 31862493 CVR-No.: 31862493 Code number of control authority: DK-øKO-o50 Authorisation No; 11042M 'Possibleproduction-and/orslorageaddr€ss(es),orsub@ntrador'sunitsrelatedlotheadhorisedunitwillappearonth6backsideoftheauthorisationcertilicate. ' The CVR-No. is an official lD-number isued by the Danish authoraties for each ømpany in Denmark. 'TheP-No.isaæmplemenlarlD-numberforeachoflhe@mpanysproduction-orstorageunits.TheDAFA-No.isusedonlybylheDanishAgriFishAgencyone.g.smal'storagosunits. The authorisation includes following products and activities: PRODuction, ST lMPort from third countries, SAles, EXPort to third countries 4a. Productscategories 4b. Productspecification c I .9 cq o o o co E c -l-: lo lo c o o ,E E c i o 6 o c o 6lE -1-. I Parallel non-organic activities kl6 plY (X=yes) GMO risk crops (X=yes) E l Mixed feed stuff for fish Vitamin and mineral mixtures Seeds ffi Other farm products (e.q. bread Fertilizers and soil conditioners and/or Separate production j building installations I and/or handling line 6. Validity period: The authorisation is valid until 31 May 2016, or until new authorisation certificate is issued. Date of control:1 3 May 2014 Separated in I time NoX The authorised unit is associated with (a) extra production and/or storage address(es): lf applicable, the address(es) is listed below. THE DANISH AGRIFISH AGENCY CONFIRMS, THAT SCANGRAIN APS IS AUTHORISED TO PERFORM ORGANIG ACTIVITIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ORGANIC LEGISLATION 8. Statement This document has been issued on the basis of Article 29(1) of Regulation (EC) No. 83412007 and of Regulation (EC) No. 889/2008. The declared operator has submitted his activities under control, and meets the requirements laid down in the named Regulations. The authorisation is issued in accordance with the Danish Act No. 416 of 3 May 201 1, section 7, subsection 1 and 2, and the Danish Order No. 716 of 27 June 2012 on Organic Agricultural Production, section 27. The Danish AgriFish Agency can withdraw this certificate at any time if the provisions of the organic legislation are infringed. Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries The Danish AgriFish Agency Place: Date: lssued by: Copenhagen 17 March 2O15 Linda Henriksen Centre for Control , Organic Control Nyropsgade 30 DK-'1780 Copenhagen V d;e fk"x\cq\_ Stamp and siglluturo on behalf of the issuing contrd authority
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