AGENDA PAPER 1 Lake Joondalup Baptist Church Inc. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Sunday 29 March 2015 Notice is hereby given to Members of the Lake Joondalup Baptist Church Inc., that the Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 29 March 2015 immediately following the 9.30am Worship Service. AGENDA 1 Opening by Chairman 2 Present & Apologies (to be recorded on register pages at Meeting) 3 Confirmation of Minutes: 3.1 3.2 4 Annual General Members’ Meeting held 23 March 2014 General Members’ Meeting held on 30 November 2014 Matters Arising 4.1 4.2 Church Facility Development (details still pending) Possible Church Plant 5 Presentation of Annual Reports (as per previously circulated Annual Reports booklet) 6 Financial Reports 7 6.1 Annual Financial Report for the 12 months ending 31 December 2014 (included in Annual Reports booklet) To be discussed, received, and adopted. 6.2 Auditor’s Report for the 12 months ending 31 December 2014 (included in Annual Reports booklet) To be discussed, received, and adopted. 6.3 Monthly Financial Report for the period ending 28 February 2015 (Attached) To be discussed, received, and adopted. Pastoral Appointment The Elder Board RECOMMENDS to Members that it has approved the appointment of Daniel Rodgers to the position of Youth and Young Adults Pastor at Lake Joondalup Baptist Church to commence upon the completion of his ministry obligations at Birkdale Baptist Church in Brisbane, but anticipated to be during July 2015. A comprehensive briefing Profile of Daniel and his wife Anna-Claire is ATTACHED. For Discussion 1 AGENDA PAPER 8 2 Elder Appointments 8.1 Ratification of Appointment of Elder The Elder Board appointed Mr Neale Judd to the Board in June 2014. Under the terms of the Constitution, as Mr Judd was a new appointee, his appointment remains valid until further appointment is ratified by the next Annual General Meeting. Therefore, § The Elder Board MOVES the appointment of Mr Neale Judd as an Elder, due to retire at the 2019 Church Annual General Meeting. (Vote Required) 8.2 Conclusion of Term of Appointment as Elders The Elder Board ADVISES Members that the following Elders conclude their current term of appointment as Elders at the Annual General Meeting. All three are eligible for re-appointment: § Pastor Wayne Belcher; § Dr David van der Moezel; § Mr Andre Van Der Merwe 8.3 Retirement of Elder The Elder Board ADVISES with some sadness that Mr Andre van der Merwe has declined a nomination for a further term as Elder. The Elder Board MOVES a vote of thanks in appreciation for Andre’s very committed Godly service to Lake Joondalup Baptist Church and asks that this motion be received with acclamation for Mr and Mrs Andre and Petro Van Der Merwe. 8.4 Appointment of Elders The Elder Board MOVES that the following be re-appointed for a further four year term as Elders, and therefore due to retire at the 2019 Church Annual General Meeting: • Dr David van der Moezel • Pastor Wayne Belcher (Vote Required) 8.5 Retirement Date of Other Elders – For Information Only The Elder Board ADVISES Members that the following Elders conclude their current term of appointment as Elders at the 2017 Church Annual General Meeting: • Mr David Darling; • Mr Chris Olsen; • Mr Barry Percival 9 General Business 10 Meeting Close 2 AGENDA PAPER 3 MINUTES Annual General Members’ Meeting Sunday 23 March 2014 Meeting commenced immediately following Morning Worship Service In attendance: David van der Moezel - Chairman 76 Members in attendance 7 Non-Members in attendance Apologies: 21 Apologies noted 1 Opening of Meeting The Chairman opened the meeting with prayer. 2 Present and Apologies Names of Members, Attendees and Apologies were recorded on Record of Attendance pages which showed that 76 members were present, with 21 apologies and 7 nonmembers also recorded. A quorum was satisfied for this meeting. 3 Confirmation of Minutes 4 3.1 Annual General Members’ Meeting held 24 March 2013 The Minutes of Meeting were received and confirmed. Moved by Alf Binks, Seconded by Chris Telschow. Carried. 3.2 General Members’ Meeting held 23 November 2013 The Minutes of Meeting were received and confirmed. Moved by Chris Olsen. Seconded by Wayne Belcher. Carried. Matters Arising 4.1 5 Church Facility Development It was noted that this matter is still pending with the likelihood that no development will take place in the immediate future that will require a church discussion and decision. Presentation of Annual Reports The Annual Report, as tabled, was ADOPTED. Moved by Neale Judd, Seconded by Chris Telschow. Appreciation was expressed to all who have contributed to the preparation of the Annual Report. The possibility of the Annual Report being distributed electronically was discussed. This was considered possible for the 2014 Annual Report. Ps Ed Devine noted, with thanks, the contribution of Tom Houghton to the work amongst youth. AGENDA PAPER 4 Minutes: Annual General Members’ Meeting 23 March 2014 Page 2 6 Financial Reports 6.1 Annual Financial Report for the 12 months ending 31 December 2013 Alf Binks presented this report in the absence of the Treasurer, Andre van der Merwe. The Report was discussed: - Explanation for the reduction in Missions giving was noted, and the fact that some missional causes did not require ongoing support. It was noted that it had been a wonderful year financially, and that God has continued to bless His people. The glory is His. Following discussion it was Moved by Alf Binks, Seconded by Stephen Nosworthy. REPORT ADOPTED. 6.2 Auditor’s Report for the 12 months ending 31 December 2013 Thanks were expressed, by acclamation, to Ted Smith for his work in auditing the Church accounts. Moved by Alf Binks, Seconded by Ed Devine. AUDITOR’S REPORT ADOPTED. It was noted that a previous theft of a Sunday Offering resulted in an insurance cover of $2,500. Systems and security had been assessed with a number of changes implemented to provide greater protection. 6.3 Monthly Financial Report for the period ending 28 February 2014 Alf Binks presented this Financial Report. Whilst noting that expenditure appears higher than budget, most of this was timing in the calendar year. There was nonetheless great cause for continuing thanks early in a new year with a budget requirement of $7,200 per week and an average weekly giving of $7,171 as of the end of February. Moved by Alf Binks, Seconded by Ed Devine. REPORT ADOPTED. 7 General Business Nil 8 Meeting Close Following prayer, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 11.35am AGENDA PAPER 5 MINUTES General Members’ Meeting Sunday 30 November 2014 Meeting commenced immediately following Morning Worship Service In attendance: David van der Moezel - Chairman 70 Members in attendance 9 Non-Members in attendance Apologies: 15 Apologies noted 1 Opening of Meeting The Chairman opened the meeting with prayer. 2 Present and Apologies Names of Members, Attendees and Apologies were recorded on Record of Attendance pages that showed that 70members were present, with 15 apologies and 9 nonmembers also recorded. A quorum was satisfied for this meeting. 3 Pastoral Comments re Church Staff Appointments Pastor Stephen discussed the changing nature of the Church staffing during 2014, from nine staff of varying nature of part to full time hours, down to five staff by the time of the General Members’ Meeting. This had meant some changes to provision of ministry through the Church, none the least was the changing nature of pastoral care delivery by the College to its students. This background laid a platform for Pastor Stephen’s comments about the discussions at recent Elder Board meetings and the advice that an advertisement was being lodged on Christian web sites, and had recently been placed with Vose Seminary, for a Youth and Young Adults Pastor. It was not yet known if the Church would be best suited by a person called to full time ministry, or by a person still completing their pastoral ministry studies at Seminary. It was intended that applications would be received until mid January, with a process determined early in 2015 for interviews, referee checks, and recommendations to the Elder Board with name/s and appointment process to be finalised. After some questions and subsequent brief discussion Pastor Stephen’s briefing was acknowledged. 4 Finance 4.1 Finance Report to 31 October 2014 Mr Neale Judd, Treasurer, discussed the financial report to the end of October 2014. Neale Judd’s commentary included: AGENDA PAPER 6 Minutes: General Members’ Meeting 30 November 2014 Page 2 • • The Church is ahead of anticipated budget performance, but this is primarily due to an underspend in employment costs; and Some previously non-allocated funds were used for the 25th Anniversary week of celebration activities. These will be caught up in the overall under spend of the year to date budget. After several comments and questions the Financial Report was RECEIVED. 4.2 Ministry Budget 2015 Pastor Wayne presented and discussed the 2015 Ministry Budget. This was going to be a challenge to the Church, particularly in light of the anticipated additional pastoral staff discussed earlier in the Meeting. In real terms the increase being sought in Ministry Budget in 2015 was an approximate 10% increase based on income for the current year. The 2015 Ministry Budget included: • An increase in Missions giving to specific purposes; • An overall increase in Missions giving to 10% of the total anticipated revenue – a position that the Elder Board felt is appropriate for the Church to take in determining “giving to missions”; • This has meant that there is an as yet unallocated $9,000 in the Church Ministry Budget for 2015; Pastor Wayne responded to several questions about the proposed Ministry Budget. At the end of those questions, Members present ADOPTED the Ministry Budget for 2015, in summary committing the Church to $7,700 expenditure per week. 5 General Business 5.1 6 “Where Do We Stand” – Asylum Seekers Forum Pastor Wayne discussed the recent “Rock the Boats Forum” and the Position Paper “Where Do We Stand” – Off Shore Processing of Asylum Seekers. The rationale of the church community being able to discuss moral and ethical problems of the day across a wide variety of subjects is a key to our development and growth together as a people of God. The recent Forum was a beginning for this new ministry activity and further forums will be held in 2015 and beyond on a range of matters presented and discussed the 2015 Ministry Budget. This will be a great challenge to us all to seek God’s guidance from Scripture. Meeting Close Following prayer, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 11.50am AGENDA PAPER 7 AGENDA PAPER 8 AGENDA PAPER 9 AGENDA PAPER 10 LAKE JOONDALUP BAPTIST CHURCH Ministry Description Associate Pastor: Youth & Young Adults FRAMEWORK OF MINISTRY We anticipate that this role, and the responsibilities attached to it, will reflect the Youth & Young Adults’ Pastor’s own personal relationship with God. This will be characterised by a life of reliance on God together with a passion to extend His kingdom. In keeping with the key missional statement of Lake Joondalup Baptist Church of “seeking to present everyone mature in Christ”, the Youth & Young Adults’ Pastor will cast vision and implement strategy that specifically targets those between the ages of 13 and 30. The purpose of this role is to effectively develop and lead dynamic ministries that reach youth and young adults with the gospel, grows them as disciples of Christ, equips them as disciple-makers, and assimilates them in a healthy way into the church fellowship. An emphasis on partnering with and equipping families and building and leading strong ministry teams is essential. QUALIFICATIONS • • • • • • • • • Possesses a passion for a relationship with God through frequent time in Word and prayer Has a strong desire to see youth and young adults grow in their walk with Christ Possesses good communication and teaching skills Can recruit, equip and manage volunteers and ministry teams in a multi-generational setting Possesses solid Biblical understanding and agreement with the doctrinal statement of Lake Joondalup Baptist Church Has a demonstrated commitment to teamwork Displays a relational style that attracts, engages and motivates others Demonstrates creativity as well as maturity Have a theological degree or actively engaged in obtaining a theological degree KEY AREAS OF MINISTRY INVOLVEMENT The Youth & Young Adults’ Pastor’s primary areas of responsibility in the life and mission of LJBC will include, but not be limited to, the following: Vision • • • • Intentional and ongoing pursuit of God’s leading for youth and young adult’s ministry Communicating and connecting the ministry vision with the wider church community Development and execution of strategies that see youth and young adults come to faith in Jesus Assisting youth and young adults to progress in their relationship with Jesus and with others, towards effective Godly living Leadership Development • • • • The Associate Pastor is responsible for helping identify and equip emerging leaders To develop a team approach within each area of ministry To foster a sense of enthusiasm and confidence in emerging leaders by helping them identify and develop their calling for the benefit of the wider fellowship To provide pastoral oversight to ensure that existing leaders in ministry are supported and encouraged AGENDA PAPER 11 Teaching • • • • • The Associate Pastor will demonstrate proficiency in, and a commitment to, Biblically based preaching and teaching. They will exhibit a passion for communicating and applying Biblical truth in meaningful ways The encouragement of teaching that is ‘life changing’ rather than merely informational It is anticipated that the Associate Pastor will preach and teach in Sunday Church services To maintain and co-ordinate a Sunday morning programme for teenagers To ensure the co-ordination and facilitation of a small group ministry amongst youth and young adults. This also includes the equipping of suitable small group leaders for these study groups. Nurture • • • • The Youth & Young Adults’ Pastor will both model pastoral care, and ensure the development of appropriate systems of care for youth and young adults They will be instrumental in creating a culture that inspires and empowers people for life and ministry They will be a leading advocate for the development of church community that is characterised by its: voice of hope, expression of love, and life of faith To liaise with the Lake Joondalup Baptist College Chaplaincy Team in ensuring an ongoing effective work amongst those in years 7-12 at LJB College, including Camps ministries, College small group structure and facilitation Administration and Duty of Care • • • Communicate effectively with office staff on ministry related issues Oversight of specific ministry related budget and financial decisions To ensure the child/youth/volunteer protection process is operating within current safety guidelines as defined by Baptist Churches WA ‘SafeChurch’ program and LJBC’s own ‘Safe LJ’ Emerging Ministries • While not currently taking place, it would be anticipated that the Associate Pastor will work strategically with the Ministry Team to initiate potential new ministries in the Alkimos and Banksia Grove areas as well as the exploring of possibilities at Edith Cowan University Joondalup campus Personal Growth • • Maintain a growing relationship with the Lord across all personal disciplines of the Christian life and faith Continue to develop leadership gifts as well as an understanding of youth and young adults ministries through on-going training, ministry networking and personal development ACCOUNTABILITIES • • • • The Youth & Young Adults’ Pastor is ultimately accountable to God (Hebrews 13:17) The Youth & Young Adults’ Pastor is accountable to Lake Joondalup Baptist Church to undertake ministry with integrity, proficiency and grace Functional day-to-day accountability for the Youth & Young Adults’ Pastor will be to the Senior Pastor Lake Joondalup Baptist Church is accountable to pray for, support and encourage the Youth & Young Adults’ Pastor – to make their work ‘a joy, not a burden’ (Hebrews 13:17) REMUNERATION This shall be as per recommended guidelines of the Baptist Churches WA for accredited and non-accredited pastors AGENDA PAPER 12 Daniel Rodgers Following a prayerful process that included the placement of an advertisement on a national Christian website, the Lord led a small Pastoral Review Group to initially consider two potential applicants for the position of Youth & Young Adults Pastor at Lake Joondalup. The Pastoral Review Group comprised myself, Chris Olsen (Elder), Nina Bergmann, Phil Espie and Dawn Nosworthy. It has been a pleasure and privilege to work alongside such a thoughtful, rigorous and prayerful group, and I give thanks to God for them and for the work they have done to bring Daniel’s name before the church. Daniel is a graduate of Malyon Bible College (the Baptist Theological College in Qld) and is currently Associate Pastor at Birkdale Baptist Church in Brisbane where he oversees the ministry areas of children, youth and worship. He freely admits that his passions do not lie in the area of children’s ministry (a poor fit) but rather in ministering alongside youth and youth leaders and in sharing the amazing good news of life and hope in Jesus Christ. Daniel and his wife, Anna-Claire, have been married for more than three years. They are both children of ministry families, with Daniel spending his early life in Indonesia (Baptist Missions) and Anna-Claire in Papua New Guinea (Missionary Aviation Fellowship). Daniel’s father currently pastors at Dalby Baptist Church and Anna-Claire’s parents are involved at Birkdale Baptist Church – both in Qld. A brief résumé is attached which outlines aspects of Daniel’s studies and experience. It was with confidence and great encouragement that the Pastoral Review Group was able to interview with Daniel on two separate occasions (Skype) and for me to have a number of phone conversations with him that brought clarity for both and a growing belief of a good and positive working-together possibility. Daniel & Anna-Claire came over to Perth a few weekends ago and attended both morning and night church services as well as meeting with the Elders and having a general look around Perth. This has all been extremely helpful. In regard to Daniel’s ministry perspectives, he writes of himself; During my time at Birkdale Baptist Church, I have learned that my passions lie within the area of mentoring and discipleship, preaching, vision casting and team building. Although I was not responsible for the Young Adults Ministry at Birkdale Baptist, I ran a home group for up and coming young adult leaders and I mentored several young adult guys. I have a heart to see young people understand who they are in Christ, the incredible plans that He has for each of their lives, and the power of a group of people united behind the Gospel. I have read over Lake Joondalup's Mission, Vision, Framework and Statement of Faith documents and can see a shared passion for the Gospel, discipleship and God's Word. I would have no problem upholding the vision and beliefs of the Church as is written. Anna-Claire is currently a chaplain at a state high school and she shares in youth ministry leadership at Birkdale. They state they have a shared like of good coffee and that Daniel is an avid supporter of Tottenham Hotspurs FC, the Golden State Warriors basketball team in the U.S., and Daniel Ricciardo. It is a pleasure for me, together with the Pastoral Review Group and the Elders, to bring a recommendation to the Church that we extend a pastoral call to Daniel Rodgers as Youth & Young Adults Pastor at Lake Joondalup. Given that Daniel will need to give approximately three months’ notice of conclusion of ministry at Birkdale, it is most likely that he and Anna-Claire will relocate to Perth early in July with Daniel being able to commence ministry at that time. Thanks Ps Stephen AGENDA PAPER 13 Daniel Rodgers EDUCATION • • • • Year 12 Certificate, 2007, Nambour Christian College Certificate IV in Fitness, 2008, Sunshine Coast of Insitute of TAFE Bachelor of Ministry, 2012, Malyon College Pastoral Award for Ordination, Ongoing, Malyon College WORK HISTORY • • • • 2008-‐2009: Personal Trainer, Responsible for training, managing and maintaining clients 2009-‐2010: Students Pastor, Riverlife Baptist Church, involved in Youth and Worship Ministries 2010-‐2012: Student Pastor, Birkdale Baptist Church, Overseeing Youth Ministry & Night Service 2012-‐present: Associate Pastor, Overseeing Children’s, Youth and Worship Ministries THREE PRIMARY GIFTS AND STRENGTHS IN MINISTRY • • • Preaching Shepherding Vision Casting CORE CONVICTIONS • • • • • I believe relationships are very important. I believe mentoring requires trust and relationship. I believe genuine relationship brings unity, because love produces grace. I also believe evangelism is done best in relationship and the way we relate to one another is a witness to those around us (John 13:35). I believe we’re called to make disciples not converts, which puts the emphasis on journeying beside someone wherever they’re at (Matt. 28:18-‐20). I also believe in the power and importance of prayer, I believe prayer is the engine room of a Church. It’s Christ who builds His Church (Matt. 16:18-‐19), it’s Holy Spirit who challenges, encourages, guides and equips; which means we need to regularly and desperately seek God and His power. I also believe in the power of the Gospel, and I believe that if it’s communicated effectively and faithfully that it will change lives (Rom. 1:16). I also believe that Worship is a part of our purpose in life. We were created to Worship and as we Worship God both corporately and individually in everything we do, it brings our life into balance, it places us in submission to God & it gives Him the glory He deserves.
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