Sunday May 31st, 2015 Our Pastoral Staff Senior Pastor: David Milley Outreach & Discipleship Pastor: Elaine Milley Youth & Assistant Pastor: Shannon Meade Children & Family Ministries Pastor: Lisa Meade June 7th Volunteer Schedule Ushers Greeters Nursery Children’s Church CC Helper Multimedia Dale & Irene Woodworth Ralph Freake & Faye Earle Trudy Philpott & Karen Pinksen Karen Pinksen & Emily Adams Trena Pinksen & Vicki Hedderson Rebecca Stuckless Mike Diego PARENTS!!! THI S W EEK This week’s ministries are cancelled due to VBS. VBS will be Monday to Friday 6:00 p.m. – 8: 15 p.m. (Ladies prayer meeting will go ahead.) Please take a look At the back of our bulletin For a list of ministries available for your children!!! For Further details contact the Church Office At 944-3636 Water Baptism Service UPCOMING EVENTS June 12-14 June 14 July 4 July 12-19 50+ Retreat Water Baptism Service YAM Camp Fire Family Camp Prayer Meeting Cancelled June 2 & June 3 (noon) Prayer meeting will be cancelled due to VBS. Reading Material “Today’s Christian Living” is now available in the foyer. Girlfriends Ministry Girlfriends Ministry th June 11 thEvent will be rescheduled for July. June 11 Event will be rescheduled for July. Girlfriends MissionsMinistry th JuneMissions 11 Event rescheduled for July. Our goalwillforbe2015 is $100,000.00 Missions- Please do your part in reaching our goal. June 14th in the evening service. If you want to be baptised, please contact one of the pastoral staff. SMALL GROUP MINISTRY We need leaders and host homes for September. If you would be willing to open your home to a group, or be trained to be a leader or co-leader, please speak to Pastor Elaine A.S.A.P. Website Wondering what’s happening at the church weekly? Who do you call if you need pastoral help? What ministries are offered at the church? Check out our website at for answers to these and other questions. Service Recordings Summer Office Hours Church Summer Office hours will start June 9th. Hours will be Tuesday –Thursday 9:00a.m.-12:00 p.m. and 1:00p.m.- 4:00 p.m. Our weekly morning and evening services are recorded and may be purchased, either for you or to pass on to someone who may not be able to attend the service. Contact the church office to order. CD cost is $1.00 PLAYDATE Nursery Children ages 0-36 months are entertained in a fun, safe, loving environment while parents take in the church service in our main auditorium. Moms and young children gather to interact and support each other while kids get a chance to play and socialize. For more information on Children’s Church Children ages 3-4 years old discover that God loves them and has a place Children’s Ministries contact Pastor Lisa @ 944-3636 for them. On Sunday mornings children are dismissed prior to preaching . Sunday School Children ages 5-11 learn truths from God’s Word. On Sunday mornings children are dismissed prior to preaching . Fun Factor Children ages 3-11 are invited out every Wednesday night from 6:30-7:30 to celebrate God through music, stories and games. S.O.A.P. A time for children 5-11 to study God’s Word. SOAK August 12 Call church office for details! Youth Service Youth are given opportunity to experience God’s presence through worship and are challenged by the truth of His Word, they are encouraged to participate in the altar ministry. D.I.G. Discipleship in God takes place every second Sunday evening in the Youth Auditorium. It provides an atmosphere to grow in God and gives opportunity for fellowship with other believers. Activities Our youth our involved in several activities throughout the year such as skating, bowling, sliding, travelling suppers, snowmobile trips etc… For more information contact Pastor Shannon @ 944-3636 Glad Tidings Pentecostal Church 610 Hudson Drive * Labrador City, NL Telephone (709) 944-3636 E-Mail Web Page
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