~ANNOUNCEMENTS & MINISTRY SCHEDULES APRIL 5, 2015~ ~PRAYER~ *HEALING HOUR ~ EVERY MONDAY 6 – 7 P.M. *Miracle Prayer Hour – 5 a.m. Every Tuesday! *Prayer Chapel Hours *Sunday 8:30 – 9 a.m. *Monday to Friday 6 - 7 p.m. *Saturday 7 – 9 a.m. Apostle’s 70th Birthday Celebration! Evening of Elegance Gala ~ July 17, 2015 Held at the Riverfront Chase Center!! GALA ATTIRE: *Men: Tuxedos *Women: Evening Gowns or Semi Formal Attire ~Dinner Cost: $70.00 per person/per seat~ ~Authors Workshop – April 18, 2015~ Have you ever thought about writing a book? Maybe you have written a book and never published it. At this workshop we will provide you with information on how to publish a book with a publisher, self publish and public relations (book signings, tours, etc.). The workshop is at a low affordable cost of $5. The Gathering 2015! Save the Date: May 28 ~ May 30, 2015 Cromwell, CT Host Hotel: Crown Plaza Hotel Bishop Lambert Gates – Friday Night Speaker Reserve your seat on the bus and hotel room today. Sign ups have begun. Our payment plan will make it easy for you to afford the trip! WORSHIP DEPARTMENT Creative Arts/“WOW” Dance Ministry “Come Worship for a Purpose!” *Now Recruiting Worship Dancers/Flaggers - Men & Women *Rehearsals: Thursdays at 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. *Contact: Minister Sandy Jones – worship5@aol.com ----------------------------------------*Music Ministry If you have a love for music and working with children please contact Sister Crystal Oden at oden2sing@gmail.com or Sister Samantha Washington at sbrucelive68@ gmail.com. ----------------------------------------*Creative Arts/Drama *Are you looking for a Creative Outlet? *Check Us Out! Rehearsals: Saturday’s from 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. Contact Number: 302-559-0718 Associate Pastor Michelle Harlee – Director Pastor’s Partners Friendly Reminder Things can happen. So, this is just a friendly reminder for those who signed up as a Pastor’s Partner for $25.00 a month. Any usher can service you with a Pator’s Partner envelope. DELIVERANCE & SPIRITUAL WARFARE Every Tuesday 12 – 1 p.m. in 908. For more information please contact Evangelist Howard Richardson at 646-584-6321. *NO MORE LIES Apostle Weeks teaches the men’s No More Lies class on the 1st Sunday of the month. *Classes are from 7:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. *Honor Roll Parent Team! April 19, 2015 *Each session is held at 6 p.m. in 908* Dates: May 7 & June 18 This is the Best Year of Your Life! BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Please email your bulletin your birthday and anniversary announcement to Evangelist Jacquline T. Norton at wisdomlady1@aol.com by 3 p.m. Sunday for posting the in following Sunday bulletin notes. *Deposits and payment plans accepted. Reservations are nontransferable and nonrefundable. *Reservations will be taken through Sunday, June 28, 2015. *Reserve a Table for a group of 10 for $700. One, $700 payment in full will reserve your table. FELLOWSHIP DEPARTMENT Successfully Single It’s time to “Live Life Like It’s Golden!” Join Successfully Single NDF, Saturday, April 25, 2015 for a relationship conference featuring group seminars and breakout sessions for married and singles. Registration includes breakfast, entry in special drawings and a MP3 of the group sessions! *Registration is only $10, $15 for couples. ----------------------------------------- “Tai-Chi for Health” Adult classes are Saturday mornings at 9 a.m. Tai Chi is a form of exercise that uses very slow and controlled movements. Classes are taught by trained instructors. Interested Adults contact Elder Victor Morgan at 302-379-8788 Associate Pastor Sheree Manlove – Director EVANGELISM DEPARTMENT Missions Ministry The Missions Ministry is in great need of a dedicated secretary. Volunteer must have access to personal computer (word perfect), active cell phone and transportation. If interested, please contact Minister David Bollar asap at 215-410-0108 or 302-472-6610 or contact Pastor Gamble at 302-762-5600. ----------------------------------------- Community Outreach New Destiny Fellowship Street Warriors The Evangelism Department is creating a Taking Back Our Streets Patrol. If you are called to take back our community, please stop by the table and sign up with Brother Lee Miller or contact Pastor Gamble at 302-7625600 for more information. Associate Pastor Mamie Gamble – Director **ONLINE GIVING** You can always give your tithes & offerings online at: newdestinyfellowship.org. Scroll down to ‘Online Giving’. WE CARE CORNER Condolences Apostle, Dr. Weeks and the NDF family extend their condolence to Elder Vernon & Sister Victoria Dupree and family, over the loss of his father, Bishop David Dupree. PRAY FOR THE SICK & SHUT IN Sister Willa Mae McNair Brother Frederick Ray Mother Reba Howard Sister Valerie Watson April Anniversaries Brother Dwayne & Pastor Sheree Manlove – 27 yrs. April Birthdays Mother Rose Perkins Brother Theodore Hudson Sister Adrianna Brown - 13th Mother Reba Howard – 23rd Brother Peter Cox, Jr. Pastor Sheree Manlove Evangelist Hattie Shaw Brother Anthony Franklin, Sr. - 18th th Sister Jennifer Henry – 12 Brother Anthony Franklin Jr. - 17th Sister Cheryl Herring Sister Arian Hitchens Brother Eric Herring Kayana M. Reves (17) - 17th Brother Reginald Jones, Sr. Cranae Satchel - 16th
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