October 12, 2014 ______ I would like to get involved __ Other __ Internet __ Newspaper __ Friend _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Heart4nampa.com : 466.0682 417 Almond Street Nampa, ID October 12, 2014 ___ Senior Ministries ___ Single Young Professionals ___ High School / College ___ Children & preschool ___ Ministries ___ Join a Bible Study ___ I’d like to speak with a pastor ___ How to become a member ___ How to become a Christian Want more information? ______ I would like to be baptized How did you learn about us? __ Member __ Regular Attendee __ Returning Guest __ First-Time Guest I am a … _____________________________________________________________ ______ I accepted Christ How Many?____ T-shirt sizes: ______________________________ Did you make a decision today? WATCHCARE MINISTRY How can we pray for you?_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Children & Ages: _____________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________ State: __________ Zip: __________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ( ) _______ - ___________ email: ____________________________________________ Spouse’s Name: ________________________________________________ BD: _____/_____/_____ Name: ________________________________________________________ BD: _____/_____/_____ ___ Mr. ___ Mrs. ___ Ms. Please fill out and put in the offering plate as it comes by. Todays Message: True Happiness Today’s Scripture: Matthew 5:1-12 Todays Teacher: Shaun M. Matako, Lead Pastor Notes: _______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Contact Us Office Phone Hours 9 am – 2 pm M-F 208.466.0682 Pastor Shaun Matako Senior Pastor 208.697.0058 smatako.nfsbc@gmail.com Visiting? __________________________ _______ _____ ____ ___ __ _ Welcome! We are glad you joined us this morning. Please know that you are our valued guest. If you have ANY QUESTIONS about our church, feel free to speak to one of our leaders or visit our website, www.heart4nampa.com. Please take a moment to fill out the guest card located on the other side of this bulletin and put it into the offering plate as it comes by. We look forward to getting to know you. __________________________________ _______ _____ ____ ___ __ _ 208.466.4402 taylorguit5@gmail.com Pastor Butch Schierman Worship Ministries 208.463.4887 bschierman.nfsbc@gmail.com 208.514.5962 rjackson.nfsbc@gmail.com Shawna Strasburg Ministry Assistant & Children’s Ministries 208.284.0870 sstrasburg.nfsbc@gmail.com Rich Mathews Deacon / Care Ministries 208.463.9323 rmathews7@cableone.net Joyce Jones Finance Ministries 208.466.0682 October 13 @ 6:30 pm October 21 @ 6:30 pm If you would like to know more about Missions @ NFSBC please contact Jennifer Johnson. The Deacons will meet in the Conference Room. If you have a special prayer request or family need the Deacons would like to help. Please contact Rich Mathews. More than 100 seniors and disabled person in Nampa are expected to apply for assistance cleaning up their yards through the efforts of community volunteers with Rake Up Nampa. If you would like to be a part of the NFSBC team and help rake up Nampa, Saturday, November 15th, there is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board at the side entrance. For more information please call the church office at 466-0682. Senior Ministries Student Ministries Deacons Meeting RAKE UP NAMPA Pastor Jerry Van Buren Pastor Randy Jackson Mission Meeting Tweet of the week: Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods. ― C.S. Lewis A small shoebox can teach a child about the love of God and lead him or her to faith in Christ. What goes into the box is fun, what comes out is eternal. Be a part of changing lives through the power of a simple gift. More info coming soon. Giving to the Lord’s Work Last Sunday: $2686.05 Year to date:$96,113.28 Requirements to date:$99,338.24 Designated Year to date: $25,310.78 Thank you for your faithful offerings. jjonesnfsbc@gmail.com Please silence your cell phones during the worship service. WATCHCARE MINISTRY The Watchcare Ministry is a chance to let our neighbors know that we are here and that we care for the children in our neighborhood We will once again be helping the children cross the streets safely on Halloween. If you would like to help with this ministry, please sign up using the connection card. We will be ordering t-shirts this year so please sign up before October 15. Coming up @ NFSBC: Quarterly Business Meeting October 12 Directly after this morning’s worship service. Ladies Prayer Breakfast October 18 The ladies will be gathering together @ 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall Celebrating the Lord’s Supper October 26 We will remember the Lord as we gather around His table @ 6:30pm This Week: Sunday— Evening Service @ 6:30 pm Monday—Mission Team Mth @ 6:30 pm On the menu this week: Baked Potato Bar Salad, Bread and Dessert Tuesday—Sr. Bible Study @ 10:00 am Wednesday— DINNER @ 5:30-6:15 Bible Studies for all ages 6:30 pm We are asking for a donation of $3 per person or $10 per household Thursday—Karcher Estates Ministry @ 1:30 pm Please sign up using the connection card! Saturday—Ladies Prayer Breakfast @ 10:00 am
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