Sunday July 13, 2014 10 am Order of Worship We Gather to Praise “My Life is in You, Lord” “Rejoice in the Lord Always” GH 228 “O Lord, You’re Beautiful” We Come into God's Presence Call to Worship/ Greeting of the Lord Silent Prayer We Prepare Ourselves Confession & Assurance “Seek Ye First” GH 209 We Serve God with Our Offerings Offerings: 1st - Bethel Ministries How To Be an Encourager in a Discouraging World Acts 11:22-26 Pastor Kobie duPlessis 2 n d Today: Lighthouse - A Special Request from The Lighthouse: Your offering today will help to fund a summer student, approved by The Lighthouse, to plan and run a two week children's camp for the Chinese Community of Scarborough. Children will learn about God's love for them through Bible stories, songs and games. The guiding influence for The Lighthouse's core values is our Christian faith and the desire to pattern our lives on the life, love and ministry of Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless your giving today. 2nd Next Week: Shalem CAP Offertory: Sunday… 6:30 pm Chosen Ministry Service Monday... 8:00 pm Cross the Line Wednesday.. 12:30 pm Quilters Friday… 7:00 pm TC of JC Bible Study 7:00 pm Cross the Line Looking Forward to upcoming events… July 27 August 11-15 10 am Combined Service at Holland Marsh Vacation Bible School Welcome! A warm welcome to all today. The Lord is good! His mercy is forever, says the Bible. May you experience once again the wonderful freedom of God’s love and forgiveness as we spend time in the Lord's company today. Please join us for refreshments in the hall after the service. Request Cards are available in the pews. If you have needs, questions or a prayer request, please fill one in and place it in the collection plate . In Need of Prayer? If you would like prayer after the morning service, please ask an elder or the pastor. They will be happy to assist you. We Pray for Each Other Recordings: CD’s are available at the sound board after the service. We Hear God's Word Wireless Assistive Hearing Devices are available. Feel free to ask one of the ushers. Congregational Prayer Scripture Reading:Acts 11: 22-26 Page: 1181 Message: How To Be An Encourager In a Discouraging World We Respond to God “He Leadeth Me” RH 440 We are Sent Out with God's Blessing Blessing “Soon and Very Soon” July 13, 2014 What’s Happening This Week... Worship Next Sunday… Pastor Kobie will lead us in worship: We Need Each Other Colossians 4: 7-18 Large Print: There are large print Hymnals and bulletins available. See Frank Dryfhout if you need them. Nursery: is available during the morning worship service. Go down the stairs at the parking lot entrance, take the hall on the right and walk to the room straight ahead. Announcements Youth Ministries New Phone Number: Henry & Louise Lise 905-2353787 GEMS - Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour: Girls age 8-13 meet Thursday evenings at 7pm at church from September to May. Combined Service: There will be a combined service for Newmarket, Springdale and Holland Marsh on July 27 at 10 a.m. This will also include the migrant workers. Holland Marsh will be providing lunch after the service at the park. Bring your lawn chairs, water and sunscreen. In case of rain, we will be serving lunch in the school gym next door. Vacation: Pastor Harry and Vernetta are on holidays in Minnesota and will be returning home on July 15. Pastor Kobie is at a conference on July 15 –17. Clara will be on vacation on July 25 and will be returning to the office on August 6. VBS Jungle Safari – August 11 – 15: As we look forward to hosting VBS at Bethel, please spread the word and invite your neighbours and friends to register online at We only have 100 spots available so encourage them to register early. We are still collecting tin cans with lids for a craft, so keep them coming. God is our Creator, Provider, Protector, Savior and King and we trust that He will bless all our efforts in reaching out to the community through VBS. Call Herb Grootenboer or Debbie Ryzebol with any questions or concerns. Elderberries: The Elderberries are planning a trip by coach to the Shaw Festival on October 1. We will do a winery tour in the morning and see the play “Arm and the Man” in the afternoon. We will have dinner at Tucker’s Marketplace at the end of the day. Friends and family are welcome to join us. The cost will be about $100 per person. Talk to Jackie or Vernetta if interested. Ministries at Bethel Children’s Ministries Genesis Club: Children from JK to gr. 8 go downstairs after the offering for children’s worship from September to May. Contact Jen Kalsbeek @ 905-836-8263 Cadets – Calvinist Cadet Corps: Boys age 7-13 meets Tuesday evenings at 7 pm at church from September to May. Contact Bruce Thompson @ 905535-1855 Fusion: meets twice a month at church for fun and games. Contact Alyssa Ryzebol @ or 905-853-2606 Youth: meets on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm at church. Contact Ben Ryzebol @ 905-853-2606 Adult Ministries Small Groups: meet at various homes every other Sunday. Share and Care: is open every Wednesday evening from 7pm to 9 pm and Thursday morning from 9am to 11:30 am for anyone needing clothes. spiritual fellowship with Christ. Provide ministry to all ages through inspired and blended Worship Services. Nurture and develop youth through seamless Teaching Ministries. Serve others joyfully through the gifts God has given us. Reach into the community through Signature Ministries. Give generously to be good stewards for Christ’s work. Fellowship with each other in Small Groups. Provide facilities and staffing for the enablement of all ministries. Our Core Values: We… Glorify the Triune God through the Holy Spirit. Follow a Biblical Reformed Doctrine in all our ministries. Rely on the power of prayer. Have the courage to follow God’s leading. Recognize all members as active parts of the body of Christ. Love and respect “our neighbours as ourselves”. Are welcoming to ALL. Strive to involve all ages in every aspect of Church life. Are passionate toward joyful Sunday Services. Coffee Break: meets on Thursdays at 9:30 am to 11 am from September to May. Contact Magda Wills 905 -953-9531 Use wisely our God-given resources with accountability Ladies Society: meets Wednesdays at 1:30 pm in the library from September to May. Contact Joyce DeWilde @ 905-836-7372. Reverend Dr. Kobie du Plessis Care Committee: meets every six weeks to discuss the needs of our members. Contact Ann Breukelman @ 905-868-8667 Quilting: meets Wednesday in the fellowship hall at12:30 pm. The women enjoy fellowship while making beautiful quilts for people with cancer. Contact Marg Mount at 905-478-2760 . Contact Information 416- 917-5727 Pastoral Support Pastor Harry Salomons 905-551-1965 Admin. Assistant Clara Kalsbeek Men’s Saturday Bible Study: meets once a month on Saturday at 8 am at the Buttery for breakfast and Bible Study. Contact John VanLeeuwen 905-775-0367 905-895-8341 Bethel’s Vision Sharing Christ’s love with each other and our neighbours. Our Mission: We Will… Encourage each other and our neighbours to grow in Elder of Service: Lloyd Dekkema Deacon of Service: Carl Frankruyter
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