Executive Director The Executive Director (ED) shall serve as the chief administrative officer of the Association. He/she shall serve as the advisor of the Board of Directors (BOD) and chair of the Board of Advisors (BOA). He/she shall contribute organizational knowledge and skills necessary to the non-profit, health policy, community service, and advocacy functions of the organization. He/she shall also directly supervise all operations and office matters of the Association including all administrative or business matters. Term of Appointment: Contractual (Renewable) Duties a. Supports the overall administrative and operational function of the organization. b. Responsible for overall the stability, development, and efficiency of the organization. c. Develops organizational short and long term strategic plan in conjunction with planning committee, BOA and BOD. d. Formulates new policies and recommendations for consideration by the BOD. e. Acts as the organizational contact between LMSA and external entities. f. Oversees the organization of all national events, conferences and BOD meetings. g. Safeguards an archive of organizational documents and agreements including Constitution and Bylaws, MOUs and other essential records h. Oversees management of membership database, records, and recruitment. i. Develops and maintains good relationships with business and lay communities as well as the media, policy leaders, government agencies, and external organizations. j. Seeks and recommends new partnerships with the media, businesses, community groups, government agencies, and external organizations. k. Supervises the management of the organization’s finances according to organizational bylaws and BOD policies. l. Assists the CFO in developing an annual budget as well as three year and five year fiscal projections which must be approved by BOD. m. Responsible for assisting CFO in performing an annual audit of the organization's finances. n. Assists the National President to conduct a biannual performance evaluation of national officers and BOD members. o. Responsible for professional and leadership development training of BOD and national officers. p. Responsible for identifying, moderating, and resolving internal conflicts. Appointment The Executive Director (ED) shall be appointed to serve a defined and contracted term. A committee composed of the National President, the CFO, both Vice-Chairs, three BOA members, and three BOD members shall propose ED candidates for appointment by the BOD. The ED shall be subject to an annual performance review conducted by the BOD. Renewal of the ED contract shall hinge on outcome of performance review. Page 1 of 22 National President The National President is responsible for scheduling all meetings and conferences throughout the year. The National President is the equivalent of the Corporation’s President or Chief Executive Officer. He/she is the official spokesperson and representative of LMSA, and is responsible for ensuring that the efforts of LMSA regions (West, Southwest, Southeast, Midwest, and Northeast) are incorporated into a national agenda. He or she should be aware of all matters pertaining to the organization, both internally and externally. The National Coordinator is responsible for overseeing all LMSA officers, the board of directors, committees, and taskforces. Notably, the National President should directly communicate with both the Vice-Chair of Internal Affairs (VCIA) and Vice-Chair of External Affairs (VCEA) ensuring that all inter-liaising is handled effectively. Finally, he/she should be able to manage the affairs of LMSA in a timely and dependable fashion. Term of Appointment: 1 Year A. General 1. Shall be informed of and in agreement with all decisions regarding the LMSA and shall be in communication with and have equal access to all important ancillary personnel. 2. Shall schedule a private meeting with the Executive Director and VCIA and VCEA at the Garcia Leadership and Advocacy Seminar (GLAS, at start of new fiscal year) to ensure adequate transition of the position and familiarity with office operations for all. 3. Shall attend or delegate attendance at meetings where LMSA’s representation has been approved by the delegates or BOD when the House is not in session, or the Executive Committee when the BOD is not in session. The LMSA will pay for all such travel. 4. Shall serve as the primary national spokesperson of the LMSA by attending events and meetings of importance to the Association within its financial capabilities as designated by the BOD. 5. Maintain and strengthen relationships between the LMSA and other partner organizations, particularly through representation in alliance relationships alongside work completed by the VCEA and respective sub-committees. 6. Shall work with respective executive committee members to ensure implementation of mandates and resolutions accepted by the delegates. 7. Work with the executive committee and national committee chairpersons to increase involvement, enthusiasm, and diversity of the medical student, pre-medical student, and professional membership of LMSA. 8. Submit recommendations for action to the BOD and to delegates at our annual national conference. 9. Communicate regularly with membership, board of directors, and executive committee through emails, conference calls, and other feasible means. 10. Implement the Executive Agenda, with the input and assistance of the Executive Director, VCIA, and VCEA. 11. Shall assist in the development of an Annual Report along with other officers executive board. 12. Shall co-sign charters for newly chartered chapters. 13. Submit articles to all issues of the Journal of the Latino Medical Student Association. 14. Shall preside and give the inaugural address at the formal opening meeting of the LMSA National Conference. 15. Shall give a farewell speech at the Presidents Luncheon at the LMSA National Conference. Page 2 of 22 B. National Committees 1. Shall appoint, subject to ratification, all National Committee Chairpersons and present those appointments to the BOD for their ratification at the closing session of the BOD meeting of the LMSA National Conference, as terms expire or vacancies occur. 2. Take primary responsibility for the fulfillment of committee goals and objectives and the implementation of programs administered by National Committees, as approved by the BOD and member delegation. 3. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees. 4. Shall review the responsibilities of each committee chairperson with them before their appointment. 5. Shall communicate with all committee chairpersons on a regular basis to discuss the progress of each committee’s goals and objectives. 6. Shall report on committee progress at each Executive Committee meeting. 7. Shall inform all committee chairpersons of any decisions made by BOD or Executive Committee that pertains to that committee. C. Executive Committee 1. Shall serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee. 2. Shall report to the Executive Committee on progress of the National Committees and all other areas which the President oversees. 3. Shall relay all decisions of the Executive Committee regarding a particular committee to that committee’s chairperson. D. Board of Directors Meetings 1. Must attend all BOD meetings and submit a quarterly report detailing their activities since the last BOD meeting. 2. Shall present all Presidential appointments to the BOD for ratification. If it is between BOD meetings, such proposed appointees must be confirmed by the Executive Committee before assuming the proposed post. 3. Shall work with the Executive Director to design the agenda and logistics of the BOD meetings. Page 3 of 22 Vice-Chair of Internal Affairs The Vice-Chair of Internal Affairs (VCIA) shall act for the National President in the event of the National President’s absence or disability, and if the office of the National President becomes vacant, the VCIA shall then serve as National President for such unexpired term, as well as for the term of one year thereafter. The VCIA shall perform such other duties as may be determined by the Executive Board from time to time. The VCIA shall be responsible for reporting monthly communication with all standing committees, verifying that a meeting was held and a report was submitted. The VCIA will also communicate with all national board members who have not submitted a monthly report or attended the most recent national teleconference, to verify that the board member is aware of their responsibilities. A. General 1. Work with the President in the implementation of the Executive Agenda. 2. Shall officiate for the President in his/her absence or at his/her request. 3. Assume the duties and powers of the President for the remaining term in the case of the President's removal by resignation, illness, death or other cause 4. Submit articles to issues of the Journal of the Latino Medical Student Association. 5. Serve as the key person for program development within LMSA. Employs content expertise in evaluation metrics, deliverable goals, sustainability, and long-term planning for initiatives. B. Board of Directors Meetings 1. Is a voting member of the BOD and is required to attend all BOD meetings. 2. Shall employ skills in strategic organizational thinking, long-term planning, resource allocation, and advocacy to update and guide the Board with regard to LMSA’s missiondriven student programming work, steward resources and participate in all board-level decisions, represent the needs and leadership of all committees, interest groups, and other programming bodies. 3. Shall provide a typed report at each BOD meeting detailing their activities during the past quarter and any progress or complications regarding the national projects. C. Executive Committee 1. Is a voting member of the Executive Committee. 2. Shall report any updates with the national projects to the Executive Committee. D. National Committees 1. Support all committee and team chairs as they plan and guide the work of their respective committees. This will include planning monthly meetings to assess progress. 2. Work closely with the Community Service Committee to provide support to the regions and chapters regarding implementation of national protocols and programs. This is instrumental in providing measurable outcomes for any grant funding provided for said endeavors. Along with the Community Service Committee, coordinate the National Community Service Forum at the National Conference 3. Shall serve as a member of the Elections Committee. Page 4 of 22 Vice-Chair of External Affairs The Vice Chair of External Affairs (VCEA) oversees the aspects of LMSA dealing with Policy, Public Relations, Mentorship, and Fundraising. The VCEA maintains and regularly reviews a record of all of LMSA National’s MOUs, contracts, and agreements in order to be aware of LMSA’s commitments. The VCEA then informs the appropriate positions about the necessary actions to take. In addition, the VCEA facilitates collaboration between the different departments of LMSA National and external organizations. The VCEA, together with the Vice Chair of Internal affairs and the President, also outline the vision of LMSA’s External Affairs, and provides a strategy to obtain that vision. Responsibilities: A. External Affairs a. Improve the collaborations of LMSA with external organizations. b. Appoint liaisons to partner member organizations with approval of BOD. Liaisons should be full members in both organizations. i. Liaisons to Partner Organizations Goal: Facilitate the exchange of information between LMSA and the respective organization. Serve as main point of contact between the leadership of the LMSA and the respective organization. ii. Objectives 1. Attend at least one national meeting of the respective organization/ association during their tenure in the position. 2. Send a letter of introduction to the organization’s leadership or main contact and maintain regular communication. 3. Draft and present a preliminary schedule of the affiliate organization’s meetings for the upcoming academic year at the June BOD meeting. 4. Keep detailed documentation on the organization’s activities and events, and advertise that information to the LMSA membership. 5. Submit articles, with the review of the National President, to the respective organization’s newsletters and/or journals to highlight LMSA activities, events, etc. c. Advise LMSA liaisons and coordinate their external communication efforts on important current LMSA initiatives, programs, and policy positions. d. Address issues concerning LMSA’s interaction with other organizations. e. Research and identify organizations with which LMSA would benefit from endorsement and/or partnership and recommend these organizations to the Board of Directors. B. MOU’s a) The VCEA maintains and regularly reviews a record of all of LMSA National’s MOUs, contracts, and agreements. b) The VCEA is responsible for knowing deadlines, and commitments, and expiration dates on all MOUs, informing the appropriate officer responsible for said commitment, and the ultimate completion of the action. c) The VPs give the VCEA any MOUs, contracts, agreements, or documents that need to be approved by the National Board of Directors. d) The VCEA informs the VPs about their respective responsibilities with regards to LMSA’s active MOUs, contracts, and agreements. Page 5 of 22 C. Executive Committee a) The VCEA regularly meets with the Executive Committee composed of the Vice Chair of Internal Affairs, President, Executive Director, and Chief Financial Officer. b) The VCEA shall provide updates about all components of the EAB, including upcoming projects and MOUs, contracts, agreements, and documents. D. External Affairs Board a) The VCEA meets monthly with the External Affairs Board (EAB), consisting of the VCEA, the VP of Public Relations, the VP of Policy, the VP of Mentorship, and the VP of fundraising. b) At the meetings, each VP gives an update about its department. Upcoming projects are discussed, and the VCEA facilitates collaborations between the VPs to ensure said projects proceed smoothly. c) Shall inform the EAB of pertinent updates Executive Board Page 6 of 22 Chief Development Officer The Chief Development Officer shall keep and maintain membership database. He/she shall maintain an appropriate membership packet for new schools to start a chapter through their region. He/she shall be chairman of the Development Committee and Alumni Relations Subcommittee. The Chief Development Officer shall also aid in regional development of logistical operations and recruitment of members. He/she shall be aware or regional updates to allow proper placement on the national website and aid in inter-regional flow of communications. I. General A. B. Goals i. Respond to membership needs. ii. Incite enthusiasm in the membership for the organization and its purpose. iii. Increase membership recruitment and retention through membership drives, chartering of new chapters, and informing membership of available membership benefits. iv. Collaborate internally between regions and national board. v. Be accessible to external affairs. vi. Enhance membership communication. Responsibilities i. Employ skills in strategic organizational thinking and long-term planning for membership recruitment and retention. ii. Evaluate new member recruitment and engagement at the end of each year. iii. Spearhead membership drives for all categories (pre-medical students, medical students, and alumni) of membership. iv. Establish and maintain engagement with Regional Chief Development Officer. 1. Monitor and evaluate recruitment goals 2. Schedule and facilitate monthly conference calls 3. Facilitate membership interaction and networking across chapters and regions v. Communicate regional events, resources, and membership needs or concerns to the Vice-Chair of Internal Affairs vi. Address National’s membership concerns and/or requests to Regional Chief Development Officers. vii. Consult with Chief Financial Officer regarding membership fees. viii. Assist the National President and the Financial Committee with the investigation and maintenance of membership benefit contracts. ix. Maintain communication with members 1. Advertise membership benefits 2. Inform members on the history and founding principles of LMSA. x. Inspire, challenge, and uplift our members, as well as highlight those chapters and members who exhibit the true strength of this unique organization. Work alongside National Publication Chairs and Public Relations Chair to compile chapter/regional level highlights for distribution. xi. Ensure effective transition to the next Chief Development Officer including current progress and future direction. Page 7 of 22 II. Committee Structure A. Chief Development Committee Consists of Chief Development Chairs from each region. Refer to regional position descriptions. B. Alumni Affairs Sub-Committee a. Goals i. Establish and maintain a mechanism for exchange of information and support between past members LMSA "alumni" and current members of LMSA. ii. Work with past alumni to coordinate activities, mentorship, maintaining contact information, planning and promoting LMSA specific events. b. OBJECTIVES i. Maintain alumni database. ii. Maintain and update a residency survey for distribution to graduating LMSA members. iii. Maintain and update an annual alumni survey regarding changes in career status (positional and location changes). iv. Solicit recent LMSA graduates, encouraging continued LMSA membership as physician/patron members or life members. Page 8 of 22 Chief Financial Officer The Treasurer shall maintain of the Corporation as directed by the National Executive Board. The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in the books belonging to the Corporation; shall render periodic financial statements to the Executive Board, Board of Directors, and National Finance Committee as specified below; shall prepare an annual budget; and shall perform other such duties as are incident to the office; and shall undertake such other duties as are required from time to time by the National Executive Board. A. General Responsibilities 1. Provide guidance and make recommendations on financial matters affecting the organization. 2. Collaborate with the National President to prepare and adhere to the organization’s budget. 3. Shall keep and maintain the organization’s checking account and ensure proper management of all bank and investment accounts. 4. Maintain adequate documentation for the organization’s finances and finance-related materials. 5. Manage reimbursements of the national officers, BOD, and national committees in a timely manner. 6. Collaborate with the National President, the National Finance Committee, and Vice President of External Affairs to establish and maintain financial support for the organization from individual and corporate donors. 7. Serve as chairperson of the National Finance Committee. 8. With the National President, the Treasurer shall ensure that the bills get paid. 9. Shall have signing authority on the organization’s petty cash account. 10. Shall present to the BOD: (1) a financial report of all financial activity from previous fiscal year, and (2) a report of accounts payable and accounts receivable since the start of the new fiscal year, at the Business Meeting of National Conference. 11. Shall be directly involved in fundraising duties for the National Conference in collaboration with Vice President of Fundraising and/or Regional Fundraising Chair and Regional Chief Financial Officer for hosting region. 12. Secure consistent funding and/or marketing sources for printing and distribution of publications in collaboration with Publications Chair and Vice President of Fundraising. 13. Collaborate with Vice President of Fundraising and Vice Chair of External Affairs in maintaining a list of possible corporate and agency sponsors and oversee the application for corporate funding. 14. Shall maintain 501(c)3 status for the National Organization, and assist Regional Chief Financial Officers in maintenance of their status, as necessary. 15. Shall maintain and update the LMSA National Treasurer Operations Manual throughout the year, providing the most updated document to new Chief Financial Officer upon transition. 16. Shall complete full transition of all physical and electronic documents, financial records, account access, and signing authority to new Chief Financial Officer by end of June following appointment of position. 17. Shall complete full transition of all physical and electronic documents, financial records, account access, and signing authority to new Chief Financial Officer by end of June following appointment of position. B. Board of Directors Meetings 1. Chief Financial Officer is a non-voting member of the BOD. 2. Shall report biannually to the BOD detailing the present financial condition of the organization, including: Page 9 of 22 a. Year-to-date income statement detailing all expenditures and received revenues b. All accounts payable and accounts receivable c. Present bank balance of all National accounts. d. Separate account of any national debts. 3. Shall present a proposed budget for the fiscal year to the BOD at the June BOD meeting for approval. 4. Shall present a final fiscal year report for the previous year at the National Conference BOD meeting. 5. Shall review bank statements of previous years, as applicable, and report on management of accounts to the BOD. C. National Executive Committee 1. Shall serve as a voting member of the National Executive Board. D. National Finance Committee Chair Chief Financial Officer shall serve as the chairperson of National Finance Committee to address the financial needs and growth of the National organization through communication with Regional Chief Financial Officers from every region; provide guidance to the Board of Directors on matters related to income and expenditures for current operations, and for recommending future fiscal objectives. 1. Responsibilities: a. Develop and present annual budget for the June BOD meeting and the mid-year financial report at the January BOD meeting. b. Review and advise on all budgets submitted by national or regional committees. c. Provide guidance and make recommendations to the BOD on any expenditures. d. Collect, review, and distribute biannual financial reports from Regional Chief Financial Officers between regions and to BOD. E. National Finance Committee The purpose of the National Finance Committee is to assist the Chief Financial Officer, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, the Vice Chair of External Affairs, and Vice President of Fundraising in establishing relationships between regions to secure the necessary revenue to support National and Regional LMSA activities. 1. Structure a. Committee will be composed of one Regional Chief Financial Officer from every region (5), the National Chief Financial Officer (to serve as Committee Chairperson), and any additional members of the Organization interested in serving on the committee. 2. Responsibilities a. Submission and review of biannual financial reports from each Regional Chief Financial Officer. b. Serve as resource in collaboration with Vice President of Fundraising and Vice Chair of External Affairs to develop and/or update a corporate outreach plans at the beginning of academic year, with annual evaluation at the June BOD meeting. c. Foster collaboration with Vice President of Fundraising and Vice Chair of External Affairs to maintain and update the database of actual and potential corporate sponsors, in addition to a corporate solicitation, marketing and sponsorship packet d. Collaborate with Vice President of Fundraising to make available to regions and chapters all possible fundraising opportunities and information. Page 10 of 22 Chief Information Officers I. Secretary General (Secretary) The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all National meetings. Further, the Secretary shall attend to the giving and serving of all notices of the corporation. The Secretary shall properly keep, or cause to be kept, the record books of the Corporation. In general, the Secretary shall have all duties incident to that office, as well as other such duties as the Executive Board may determine from time to time. A. General Responsibilities 1. Ensuring the meeting minutes are transcribed, edited, and distributed in a timely manner. 2. Assisting the National president with BOD national emails. 3. Shall assist the National President in the compilation of the monthly National President’s newsletter, if requested. 4. Shall sit on the Internal Affairs committee for the compilation of the Policies and Procedures Manual and other documents as necessary. 5. Shall assist in the collection of chapter reports. 6. Shall notify the chair of the Membership committee of the status of all chapter reports two weeks after the deadline date for chapter submissions to the national secretary. B. Board of Directors Meetings 1. Is a non-voting member of the BOD. 2. Shall keep written minutes of the BOD meetings , shall maintain audio recordings of said minutes, and documents submitted for national BOD meetings. 3. Assure that BOD minutes are kept close to verbatim including recording exact, verbatim motions, i.e. Action Items, at each BOD meeting, along with the maker and second of the motion. Submit them to National President for review. Once note editing is complete, shall distribute minutes to the organization. 4. Shall compile all recommendations submitted to the BOD within BOD reports and distribute them to the BOD members as the Chairperson distributes the meeting agenda. 5. Shall maintain a roll of all BOD members in attendance at each BOD meeting. 6. Shall manage the BOD listserv for the distribution of quarterly committee and officer reports. 7. Shall work with National President to schedule BOD meetings and set the agenda. II. General (Parliamentarian) The Parliamentarian is responsible for the application of Roberts Rules during all meetings and conferences. The Parliamentarian is also responsible for conducting all voting and elections, including tallying votes during an election and ushering in newly elected officers. In addition to the above responsibilities, the Parliamentarian is also responsible for updating any amendments to the By-laws and ensuring the accuracy of the By-laws. A. Responsibilities 1. Oversee the Constitution, its interpretation, and its amendments 2. Maintain correspondence with the BOD and Regional Parliamentarians 3. Incorporate amendments adopted into the existing Constitution. 4. Assist with the updating of the Policies and Procedures Manual. Page 11 of 22 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Develop and coordinate parliamentary procedure workshops (PPW) for the national and regional level. Prior to the first BOD meeting, shall initiate a review process of all regional constitutions and bylaws that have undergone revision during the prior administrative year to ensure compliance with constitution of the national organization. Shall report the results of the above review process at the first BOD meeting of the administrative year. Shall present and obtain a vote for all proposed amendments during term of office Chair the Constitution and Bylaws Subcommittee of the Internal Affairs Committee. a. Constitution and Bylaws Subcommittee is composed of the 5 regional parliamentarians or equivalent position and any LMSA member who is interested in participating in this subcommittee. b. The role of this subcommittee is to relay information regarding amendments and changes done to the regional constitution/bylaws to national parliamentarian. C. Board of Directors 1. Serve as a non-voting member of BOD 2. Submit a written update to the BOD meetings 3. Application of Roberts Rules during all meetings 4. Conduct all voting and elections, including ensuring quorum, tallying votes during an election, and ushering in newly elected officers. Page 12 of 22 Vice-President of Mentorship Serve as National voice and advocate for pre-medical students and PALS chapters in each region. Works to provide resources and opportunities to premedical members. A. General 1. Assist the President in the implementation of the Executive Agenda as it pertains to premedical students 2. Serve as Chairperson of the Mentorship Committee 3. Respond to information inquiries from pre-medical students 4. Serve as a resource for the Community Service Committee regarding premedical enrichment programming by LMSA chapters 5. Shall implement and maintain new established projects for the betterment of the premedical membership. 6. Oversee the activities, documentation, and leadership of PALS chapters. 7. Work with the Development Committee and the BOD to maintain an up to date active PALS chapter roster and promote an associate membership drive. 8. Shall act as an advisor to the Regional mentorship chairs including serving as a resource for pre-medical student conference programing planning. 9. Shall work with the executive committee and the conference planning committee to plan premedical programing at the national conference. 10. Shall communicate with the PALS membership via national newsletter. 11. Shall strive to achieve optimal communication with pre-medical members, Regional MAPS Liaisons and MAPS Committee B. Board of Directors 1. Shall provide a quarterly report detailing his/her activities to the BOD in time for distribution before the BOD meeting. 2. Shall represent the interests of pre-medical members and communicate feedback on policies to the BOD. C. Mentorship Committee Chair 1. Goals: Serve as an extension of the Vice-President of Mentorship. Inform the BOD and the membership of pre-medical student concerns. 2. OBJECTIVES i. Work with the Development Committee in updating the PALS chapter roster and in coordinating the associate membership drive to increase the number of PALS chapters and members. ii. Work with the National President and the Vice-President of Mentorship to expand the premedical audience through outreach, event planning, speaking engagements, and information distribution. iii. Maintain regular communication with PALS chapters through mailings, newsletters, and electronic resources, and oversee the collection of PALS chapter documentation. iv. Ensure associate membership awareness of the MCAT awards, scholarships, events and other premedical opportunities. v. Research and identify non-LMSA sponsored pre-medical conferences, events, and publications in which LMSA representation would be beneficial. General Responsibilities Membership Education/Recruitment Page 13 of 22 Professional Recruitment Allied Health Student Liaison Recruitment Pre-medical Section of the LMSA Website Page 14 of 22 Vice-President of Policy The Policy Chair will be held accountable to the national executive board duties and expectations, be the liaison between the LMSA Policy committee and LMSA Executive Board, Regional Board Policy Chairs and LMSA general body. Should be responsible for preparing final policy stance proposals, and present voting items that require LMSA National support. A. General (Health Policy & Legislative Affairs) 1. Spearhead LMSA advocacy efforts. Educate members about legislative and policy developments affecting Latino medical education and health care. Create opportunities for LMSA members to train, participate, and actively engage in the LMSA Policy initiatives and objectives. Identify policy themes in areas, such as Latino medical education, health care reform, LGBT, nutrition, immigration, health access, and women’s health, among other high priority areas. B. OBJECTIVES 1. Ensure that policy chairs are elected in each region and provide leadership and programming support for LMSA advocacy initiatives at the local and regional levels. 2. Guide regional policy chairs on how to lead and instruct LMSA members to write and develop resolutions. Ideally, resolutions must be initially approved by the region, subsequently submitted to national, and, if approved, then presented at the LMSA Policy Summit. 3. Create member-driven policy caucuses in areas, such as medical education, health care reform, healthcare access for the underserved, and minority and women’s health. Resolutions will be created by the members in the caucus and affiliated partnering organizations. 4. Develop and strengthen partnerships with other organizations and leaders that specialize in issues affecting education, health care, and minority and women’s health policy. 5. Create internships and career development opportunities within partner organizations for members to gain experience in Latino health advocacy and expand the LMSA political reach and network. 6. Assist in the creation of the LMSA Policy Summit planning committee, which will include subcommittees in Fundraising, Marketing, Plenary, Logistics, and hospitality. Work with LMSA National to allocate resources and support for LMSA Policy Summit and planning committee. i. Regularly meet with LMSA National Board of External Affairs in order to discuss needs of both the LMSA policy team and collaborative efforts with other Executive Board members 7. At the discretion of the VP of Policy, additional leadership positions can be recommended and constituted to fulfill the aforementioned objectives. C. LMSA Policy Committee Structure and Responsibilities • 1. Vice President of Policy Elected by the Board of Directors at the National Conference, ensure that policy chairs are elected in each region and provide leadership and programming support for LMSA advocacy initiatives at the national level. Page 15 of 22 • • • Regularly meet with LMSA National Board of External Affairs in order to discuss needs of both the LMSA policy team and collaborative efforts with other Executive Board members. Responsible for the direct oversight and advisement of Internal and External Policy Chairs. Responsible for identifying mentors within NHMA 2. Internal Policy Co-Chairs Jr./Sr. (2) Appointed by the President, with consult from the Vice-president of Policy, and voted in by the Board of Directors, guide regional policy chairs on how to lead and instruct LMSA members to write and develop resolutions. Assist regional policy chairs on the development of regional programming events and serve as the liaison to the LMSA National Policy Committee and Board of Directors in issues related to advocacy. i. Chairs actively advise and support their regional chairs, schedule and facilitate meetings. Chairs foster advocacy training among active LMSA members through advising, effective feedback, and recognizing and developing strengths in these leaders. ii. Chairs lend their expertise on Latino health policy to LMSA Regional Policy chairs and members. They assist in the layout of short and long term goals of the LMSA Policy Committee. 3. External Policy Co-Chairs Jr./Sr. (2) Appointed by the President, with consult from the Vice-president of Policy, and voted in by the Board of Directors, coordinate efforts to strengthen partnerships with other organizations and leaders that specialize in issues affecting education, health care, and minority and women’s health policy, as mentioned above. They work closely with the Vice-President of Policy and the Vice President of External Policy to develop long-lasting relationships with allies of LMSA including SNMA, AMSA, AMA among other organizations 4. Regional Policy Chairs (at least 1 per region) Appointed or elected by each region, coordinate the activities of the regions to further national goals, serve as a resource for regions and chapters, plan regional advocacy efforts, and provide information and instruction on key issues in Latino health policy. 5. NHMA Liaison Appointed by the President, with consult from the Vice-president of Policy, and voted in by the Board of Directors. Coordinate efforts to strengthen partnerships with NHMA, such as policy conference planning other organizations and leaders that specialize in issues affecting education, health care, and minority and women’s health policy, as mentioned above. The NHMA Liaison will sit in the NHMA meetings; will facilitate collaboration and communication between that body, the policy committee, and LMSA National. 6. Physician Policy Advisor Identified and recommended by the Vice-president of Policy and Policy committee in consultation with the President and the Board of Directors. Will serve as the physician advisor to the LMSA Policy Committee. Will help LMSA Policy Committee identify and recruit experienced physicians and leaders in policy, develop mentorship opportunities between physicians and LMSA policy leaders, and provide continuity and transition. It is strongly preferred, that the physician advisor would have served as a Vice-President of Policy or Policy Chair in LMSA as a medical student. Goals of the LMSA Policy Team Page 16 of 22 • • • • Strengthen LMSA policy through advocacy events (LMSA Policy Summit) and caucuses (ex: , networking opportunities, and dissemination of Latino health care knowledge among local chapters, regions, and nationally. Empower medical students to actively engage in political and social movements by educating them about policies and the policy process so they may feel comfortable and capable to take action. This includes projects initiated by LMSA members outside the framework of national and beyond their years in medical school. Actively encourage LMSA membership to develop resolutions on topics related to Latino health Develop relationship with partnering organizations that have similar policy goals to LMSA, work with the Vice-President of the External Affairs to develop formal MOUs with these organizations Page 17 of 22 Vice-President of Public Relations Vice President of Public Relations (VPPR) shall assist the national president in increasing awareness and strengthening the voice and brand of the LMSA on a national level through the media and branding opportunities. In order to achieve this goal, the VPPR shall coordinate with the public relations committee (PRC), composed of the Regional Public Relations Chairs (RPRCs), reach out to national media organizations, and regularly update LMSA National’s electronic media. 1. The VPPR has regular meetings with the PRC. Any media outlet that a RPRC has made successful contact with, if that outlet has a national branch, the VPRP contacts in order to begin a relationship. a. The VPRP works with the publication and membership chairs to publish articles on the national blog or publications about achievements that the regions, chapters, and members have accomplished (These stories may be written by the VPRP, or by any member of the LMSA. b. The VPPR facilitates and oversees the standardization of all logos, templates, and websites across the regions and National, in order to present a unified presence to the public. c. The VPPR shall maintain all logos, templates, publicity language, etc. in order to be distributed to regions, chapters, other organizations, or media upon request and the creation of video documentary, public service announcements, and media kits. 2. The VPPR shall seek out national media outlets (television, radio, newspaper, online articles, etc.) to develop contacts and form relationships with to publish Chapter, Regional, and National stories. 3. The VPPR drafts press releases about upcoming National events or pertinent organizational news. These are brought before the board to be ratified, and are then released to the national media outlets with which the VPPR has made contact. 4. The VPPR actively updates LMSA National’s social media. Stories, press releases, interesting articles, or papers for the membership shall be posted on social media sites at the discretion of the VPPR. There should be interaction between national and regional social accounts to include liking and retweeting of posts. 5. Works with the webmaster to keep the National website up-to-date. 6. The VPPR will participate in the regular meetings of the External Affairs board. The VPPR will give updates on Public Relations Business, and will collaborate with the other Vice Presidents by handling the PR side of any current projects. The VPPR will publish all accomplishments of the other departments through its national media outlets. Page 18 of 22 Community Service The Community Service Chair will be held accountable to organize a National Community Service Event among all the LMSA regions and establishing a committee to oversee and communicated with the different regions. A. GOALS Assist in the implementation and publicity of the LMSA's community service initiatives and community outreach efforts. Oversee accurate tracking and documentation of initiatives and other projects. B. OBJECTIVES 1. Serve as a resource for local chapters and regions in the implementation and documentation of national initiatives and other community outreach projects. 2. Work with the National Vice-President of Internal Affairs on the compilation of the statistical report of chapters performing national initiatives and other community outreach projects. 3. Assist the Conference Planning Committee in coordinating the Community Service displays and the Community Service project at the Annual Conference. 4. Assist the National President with the implementation of joint community service projects with other member organizations. 5. Select chapters to be featured in the Journal of the Latino Medical Student Association, the President’s newsletter, on the website, or through other media as examples of excellent initiative implementation or outreach activity. 6. Advertise and award community service grants to chapters. 7. Assist the regional Community Service Liaisons and chapter presidents in the implementation of the health education and prevention initiatives through nationwide education campaigns and distribution of resources. 8. Assist the National Vice-President in data collection surrounding the health education and prevention initiatives, their audiences, and their evaluation. 9. Solicit agencies, organizations and companies for collaboration, donation, and support of local implementation of the initiatives. Conference Chairs The responsibility of the National Conference Chair is to oversee the National Conference committee and be the point person for the planning of the National Conference while keeping the Board of Directors of all progress. Work in conjunction with other key National Committee and Executive Committee members to coordinate conference plenary sessions and fundraising efforts. Form and oversee convention-planning subcommittees to be composed of local LMSA membership. A. Objectives 1. Select a committee consisting of members from each local school and members of the past Convention Planning Committee, and form the appropriate subcommittees (fundraising, speaker/workshops, social, logistics, etc.). 2. Select a theme and logo for the Annual Conference. 3. The coordination of scheduling, room assignments, workshops, events, and programs og the Conference. 4. Work with National BOD and Regional Directors to distribute advertising material to the chapters, potential sponsors, and potential exhibit hall participants. Page 19 of 22 5. Work with the Community Service Committee to coordinate the national community service project at the Annual Conference. 6. Coordinate the National Research Forum B. Committee Structure Suggested local sub-committees are: 1. Workshops 2. Logistics 3. Entertainment 4. Pre-Med Forum 5. Marketing & Correspondence 6. Sponsorship/Fundraising Each subcommittee chair will report directly to the Conference Co-Chairs but the subcommittees can run semi-autonomously. This will limit the amount on micromanagement necessary for the Co-Chairs although they are still responsible for all parts of the conference as described above. Fundraising The VP of fundraising is involved with collecting and maintaining lists of current and past donors. He/she Should participate with the conference and publication committees to maintain lists of sponsors, exhibitors, and advertisers and their contact persons up-to-date on a regional and national level. He/she should work with the chief financial officer to plan fundraising events including collecting donations at conferences and events. Furthermore, should be aware of potential grants that the organization may be eligible to apply for. Publications The publications committee serves as the primary literary body responsible for written distribution of information throughout the organization via web-based and print publications. The National Publication Chairs will coordinate and publish a quarterly newsletter for LMSA. He or she will be the lead Editors of the Residency Guide and assist in the Conference program editing. They will also produce a national edition of the Journal of the Latino Medical Student Organization (JLMSA). Publications shall be posted to the organization’s website. The Publication Co-Chairs shall be responsible for publishing at least one article per year by a LMSA member in the nationally distributed professional periodical or web site. Solicit and obtain complete and relevant articles for the JLMSA. Will work with Chief Financial Officer, Fundraising chairs, and External Affairs to obtain advertisements. Duties 1. Periodic and regular review of submitted manuscripts by membership 2. Seeking out students with interesting experiences and perspectives for interview and highlight in publications along with the membership chairs. 3. Seeking out students with journalistic skills and an interest in writing for publication assignments. 4. Solicitation and formulation of manuscript topics and focus of publications 5. Submission of a year-end report. Page 20 of 22 Publications shall 1. be provided to each member who elects to receive the journal, to each individual subscriber and to related complementary readership as determined 2. The magazine shall contain commercial advertising (display and classified) depicting goods and services of personal and professional use to physicians-in-training, i.e., the readership. 3. All advertising shall be represented in a tasteful manner, inoffensive to any human group, and represent a quality and truthful product or service. 4. LMSA shall retain the right to reject any advertising deemed to be untruthful or misleading, offensive, or presented in bad taste. 5. The magazine shall carry advertising of LMSA programing, based on availability of space, to promote AMSA's membership services, educational products or educational programs. 6. The magazine shall be viewed and managed by the organization as an "objective journalistic instrument," having protected integrity and sole purpose to provide the readership with unbiased and truthful research and reporting. 7. The magazine's editorial mission shall be to pursue and present news and issues of interest and importance to the readership and the organization in an unbiased manner through objective research and reporting. 8. The magazine shall serve as a primary educational tool for the readership and will provide educational aids of high quality and utility to physicians-in-training of a clinical or non-clinical nature. 9. The magazine shall not carry any political messages or advertising reflecting the opinions of any internal or external group. There shall not be advertising for specific campaigns, including advertising for political candidates and political parties. 10. The magazine shall routinely carry timely and important news concerning the LMSA and its affiliates. 11. The magazine shall not be used by the organization and any subgroup of the organization or any group external to the organization for the purpose of pursuing or presenting, in any format, issues of special interest. Scholarship The Scholarship Chair shall be responsible for ensuring that all the LMSA National awards will be granted to deserving individuals. The Scholarship Chair shall lead the scholarship committee. The Scholarship Chair shall assist in the fundraising efforts for scholarships. The Scholarship chair shall make recommendations and assist the National Board in developing new awards. Scholarship Committee ● ● The purpose of the Scholarship Committee is to develop and assist in the administration of the Association’s scholarship programs. The Scholarship Committee shall also be responsible for evaluating scholarship applications and recommending candidates for scholarships to the LMSANational Board. The Scholarship Committee shall be comprised of no fewer than three (3) members. Scholarship Chair and two other Active Members shall be eligible to serve on this committee. Page 21 of 22 ● Scholarships will be voted on by the Advisory Council made up of physicians and not members of the LMSA National or Regional boards. Page 22 of 22
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