Agenda - Board of Directors Meeting Math & Science Academy Thursday, March 26, 2015 5:00 p.m. – Workshop 5:45 p.m. - Board Meeting 8430 Woodbury Crossing, Woodbury, MN 55125 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call of Members: Tim Tydlacka – Chair Alice Quammen – Vice Chair Heidi Bardwell - Secretary Shannon Froberg – Treasurer Dan Keller 3. Approval of Agenda Moved by: Jessie Heydt Joe Burianek Mona Hayashi Deb Ledvina Judith Darling BDKA - Contracted Financial Manager (ex-officio) Shailaja Radhakrishnan (Student Representative) Bob Kreischer (ex-officio) Second: Vote: 4. Open Forum 5. Approval of Meeting Minutes from: Tuesday, February 23, 2015 (Pages 10-13) Moved by: Second: Vote: 6. Chair’s Report 7. Director’s Report 8. Standing and Focus Committee Reports (Reminder: should be in writing included with agenda): Standing Committees Academics Committee (Dan) (Pages 14-15) Communications (Heidi) (Pages 16-17) Finance/Budget (Shannon) (Page 18) Policy (Deb) Focus Committees Annual Fund (Mona) (Pages 19-22) Building Committee (Mona/Deb) MSHSL – MN High School League Activities (Shannon) (Page 23) Parent Team (Mona) Student Committee (Shailaja) Technology (Joe) 9. Consent Agenda 10. Items for Discussion and Decision a. April 28 testing and early release (Page 24) b. Approval of designating identified official to authorize user access to MDE (Pages 25-27) c. Proposed “block schedule” for 2015-16 (Page 28) d. Approval of 2015-16 calendar (Page 29) e. Lego Robotics Summer Camp (Pages 30-31) f. Hiring of new Director update (Pages 32-33) g. BOD Election update h. Safety Building Committee – review building(s) safety i. Approve Strategic Plan - Technology j. Hiring Process k. Approve Policy 206 (Pages 34-41) l. Policy 205 (Pages 42-51) 11. Future Agenda Items: a. Date and time of next BOD Meeting – Monday, April 20, 2015 12. Adjourn Moved by: Second: Vote: BOD Committee liaisons/chairs: Schedule committee meetings at times that best fit committee members’ schedules; post committee meetings on global MSA calendar through Joell Pundsack; and send Board Chair your committee meeting notes to include in BOD packets. BOD Calendar: BOD meetings at 5:30 p.m.; meeting times and dates may be revised by BOD in advance should there be schedule conflicts. BOD Workshop – 5:00 p.m. 1. Update on hiring of Director
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