May/June 2015 Loyal Order of Moose Moose Nuggets Subscription paid as part of the annual membership. Moose Nuggets is published bi-monthly by the Loyal Order of Moose 1534, 4211 Arctic Blvd., Anchorage, AK 99503. What Did Our Lodge Do This Past Moose Year? A Big Thanks to ALL Lodge and Chapter members. No matter what your level of participation is, a part of your annual dues insures that our Lodge will be able to continue supporting our Fraternity’s mission as well as our Community Service. Volume 14, Issue 1 As the Moose year concludes and we begin another, I would like to share some things your Lodge accomplished during the 2014-2015 year. Your Lodge surpassed last year’s donations to Moose Charities. Your Lodge administered four raffles on our gaming permit. This helped two Youth Sport teams, a school for students with special needs, and cystic fibrosis. Your Lodge donated to local organizations that help the needy: Beans Café, Food Bank, Children’s Lunch Box, Continue page 9 Officers for the 2015-2016 Moose Year LOOM Governor– Ken Deitz Jr. Past Governor– Eugene Roberts Jr. Governor– Mike Douthit Prelate– Terry McIntosh Administrator– Bruce “BJ” Haas Treasurer– Richard Hanna Trustee– Jerome Colding Trustee– Kevin Snodgrass Trustee– Michael Dyar Welcome Supreme Governor Danny Albert WOTM Anchorage Lodge 1534 has been selected to host Danny R. Albert, Supreme Governor of the Loyal Sr. Regent– Colleen McNulty Order of Moose, during his travels through the state of Alaska. This event is scheduled for 5-7pm Jr. Graduate Regent– Irene Douthit Jr. Regent– Vanessa DeBrill on Friday June 5, 2015. Brother Albert rose to become the Moose Sec/Treasurer– Barbara Riley Fraternity’s Chief Presiding Officer on June 24, 2014, elected by vote of Supreme Lodge delegates to a one-year term, at the Fraternity’s 126th International Convention in Las Vegas. Danny has served as Supreme Jr. Governor since May 2013, elected to that post at the 125th International Convention in Milwaukee. Continue on page 3 Recorder– Kim Deitz Thank you to all the outgoing LOOM & WOTM board members and chairman for your hard work during the 2014-2015 Moose year. Moose Nuggets Page 2 Join Us for Mother’s Day Brunch Sunday May 10, 2015 11am-2pm Sunday June 21, 2015 Women of the Moose Members- Mom’s Eat FREE 10am-1pm All other Members and Guest $15.00 Father’s Eat FREE (LOOM Members) Volume 14, Issue 1 Children under 12, $1.00 per year All other Members & Guest $15.00 Carving Station with Roasted Sirloin and Baked Ham, Children under 12, $1.00 per year Quiche, French Toast, Biscuits and Gravy, Home Fries, Scrambled Eggs, Bacon & Sausage, Dessert, Fresh Fruit, As- Carving Station, Bacon & Sausage, sorted Salads and Rolls Biscuits & Gravy, Scrambled Eggs Corned Beef Hash Etc. Winners & Sellers of the $5,000 WOTM Raffle 1st– Brandi Nelson Seller Heather McIntosh 175th– Andee Langdon Seller Devin DiNardo 25th– Richard Gularte Seller Terry McIntosh 200th– Rachel McMillian– Seller Devin DiNardo 50th– Leslie Delaney Seller Jerome Colding 225th– Don Eller Seller Mary Devore 75th– Donna Accuna Seller Terry McIntosh 250th– Dave Behrends Seller Vera Hart 100th– Leo Brandlen Seller Penny Leibolt 275th– Don Snovel Seller Terry McIntosh 125th– Don Eller Seller Megan Clapper 299th– Kevin Snodgrass Seller Heather McIntosh 150th– Jim Burger Seller Jerome Colding 300th– Anchorage Moose Legion Seller Same The following donations were made from the proceeds of the raffle: Mooseheart Wish List- $1000.00 for Home Décor, $100.00 for Hurdles, $500.00 Food Service Sanitation Cert. Moosehaven With List- $1000.00 for Electric Powered Tricycles 6th Grade Classroom Project- $1000.00 Bartlett Boys Baseball Team- $245.00 Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets for the $5,000 Moose Charities Raffle. Mooseheart Child City & School Donors Circle Moosehaven City of Contentment In Memory Of In Honor Of Recurring Gift Page 3 Supreme Governor Albert Visitation continued from Cover Danny has served on of Central Ohio Moose Le- the Fellowship Degree of the Supreme Council, the Fraternity’s corporate Board of Directors, since 2006. Prior to that, he had served two years on the Moose Charities Board, four years before that on the Mooseheart Board, and 11 years prior on the International Sports Committee, including gion 63, Danny also served all chairs of the Degree of Service. Honor in 1977, and the Pilgrim Degree of Merit in 1987. Danny is a Past President of the Ohio State Moose Association, additionally serving the Association as as District Vice President, Prelate, Vice President, Director of Activi- Professionally, Danny retired in 2001 after 34 years as in inspector with the Auditor’s Office of Richland County, OH. as its Chairman. Danny ties and Sports Director. He currently serves the associajoined Mansfield, OH Lodge tion as Golf Chairman. He 341 in 1969; he holds Life was Ohio’s “Sportsman of Membership there. He the Year” in 1992. served all the chairs of his Lodge, including four terms Danny has also served the as Governor, two terms as Jr. Fraternity as Assistant Sgt-atGovernor, a single term as Arms, Assistant Inner and Prelate, and Inner and Outer Outer Guard, and as a memGuard. He is also a member of Mooseheart, IL Lodge 2655 and Cut Bank, MT Lodge 334. A Life Member ber of the Grievance Committee. He is a member of Friday June 5th 5-7pm Anchorage He and his wife Louise re- Moose Lodge side in Mansfield, OH. Special Visitor They have four children, 10 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Supreme Governor Danny Albert All Moose members and their families are invited to attend this special event and meet the Moose Fraternity’s chief presiding officer. the 200 Division of the Moose 25 Club, received Join us May 5th for Cinco De Mayo! Tacos $2.00ea or 3 for $5.00, Taco Salad $6.00, Nachos $4.00 w/ beef $6.00 and Quesadillas $4.00. Life Time Achievement Award Congratulations to Supreme Councilman Warren Cummings from Fairbanks Moose Lodge 911 and 50 plus year member Kathleen Daymude from Anchorage Chapter 139. You both have done many great things for our Fraternity over the years! Thank YOU! Moose Nuggets Volume 14, Issue 1 Lodge Clean Up Page 4 Saturday May 2nd From the Desk of the Administrator Congratulations to the Lodge and Chapter Officers elected for the 2015-2016 Moose year. I am looking forward to working with you. Besides all the duties that come with your office, we must make an “above the call of duty” effort to reverse the ever decreasing membership rolls. Enrolling new members or retaining our present membership MUST become a top priority. My sincere thanks to the 2014-2015 Officers, Chairman and CoWorkers of the Lodge and Chapter. Thank you for your dedication and the many hours you have given. PLEASE share your experience and knowledge with those that come after you. Contact Governor Deitz if you are interested in chairing a standing committee of the Lodge. Continue page 8 10am-until its done Refreshments and Lunch will be served to those who help. Special Steak Night– 06/13/15 Dinner by Iris & Fritz Your choice of Ribeye or T-Bone Steak Winter Carnival Chili Cook-Off Results 1st-Terry McIntosh 2nd– Talyah Carlton 3rd– Colleen McNulty 4th– Katherine Carlton Friday & Saturday Nights 8pm to 12am Once Baked Potato or Steak Fries May 1st & 2nd– Locomotion California Style Vegetables May 8th & 9th– Silver Train Gourmet Salad Bar May 15th & 16th– Shawn LaRose Garlic Bread Music will start again in September $18.00 Proceeds to Mooseheart/Moosehaven Congratulations to Anchorage Moose member Alan Eischens on completing the 2015 Iditarod! What an accomplishment! Page 5 Horseshoe League A Note from our Sr. Regent To the WOTM and LOOM members, Greetings everyone, I am excited and honored to serve as your Sr. Regent for the 20152016 year. I look forward to many exciting activities and events, and hope to engage all of you to participate. There is nothing more fun than volunteering at the kids parties, cooking in the kitchen and even raking leaves on clean-up day! I would like to congratulate and thank in advance the new incoming board of officers and appointed chairmen. All members of the WOTM are encouraged to attend our twice monthly meetings held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, and to work with the new chairmen to fulfill their duties. If I have not met you personally, please Begins May 6th & 7th take some time to stop by @ 6:30pm and visit! And if you have not been asked to We are always in need of volunteer and would like subs, come in and sign up to have this opportunity, today if you would like to talk with any board memjoin the fun! ber. Together we can League plays on Wednesmake this a banner year day and Thursday nights. for Chapter 139! Colleen McNulty Sr. Regent WOTM Chairman for the Ensuing Year Membership/Retention Chairman-Penny Leibolt Community Service– Ruth Bratz Activities/Sports Chairman– Michele Hope Mooseheart/Moosehaven Chairman– Iris Gray Higher Degree Chairman– Connie Haas Congratulations Irene Douthit and Kassie Anderson on receiving your Academy of Friendship Degree in Kenai, AK! Page 6 May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Thu Horseshoe League Begins May 6th & 7th Subs always needed! Luck of the Moose Sunday’s at 4:30pm 3 Breakfast by Kevin & Crew 10am-1pm Moose Legion Meeting 10:30a 4 10 11 5 Officer Meeting 6pm 18 24 Kitchen Closed Kitchen Cleaning 10am Volunteers Needed 25 Memorial Day Office Closed Sat 1 Dinner by Penny & Friends Chicken Fajitas $9.00 6-8pm 2 Lodge Clean Up Day 10am Dinner by Stumpy & Laurie– Steak Night $18.00 6-8pm 7 Dinner by Irene & Mike Rueben Sandwiches $8.00 6-8pm 8 Dinner by Ken & Kim Pork Shoulder Steaks $9.00 6-8pm 9 Dinner by Horseshoe League Steak Night $18.00 6-8pm 13 Dinner by Ken & Kim Monster Burgers Price Varies 6-8pm 14 Dinner by Bing & Crew Halibut or Chicken Burgers $8.00 6-8pm 15 Dinner by Terry & Crew Liver & Onions CK Fried CK $9.00 6-8pm 16 Dinner by Horseshoe League Steak Night $18.00 6-8pm LOOM & WOTM Officer Meetings 6pm 20 Dinner by Stumpy & Crew Reindeer Dogs & French Fries $7.00 6-8pm 21 22 Dinner by Devin Kitchen Closed & Robert Wings & Pizza Price Varies 6-8pm 23 Kitchen Closed Kitchen Cleaning 10am Volunteers Needed 26 LOOM Orientation 6pm LOOM Enrollment 6:30pm WOTM Business Meeting 6:3 27 Dinner by Irene & Mike Fish & Chips or Chicken Tenders $7.00 6-8pm 28 Dinner by Ken & Kim Homemade Clam Chowder & Cheesy Bread $8.00 6-8pm 30 Dinner by Stumpy & Laurie Steak Night $18.00 6-8pm 12 LOOM & WOTM Business Meetings 6:30pm 17 Breakfast by Bing & Crew 10am-1pm Fri 6 Dinner by Stumpy & Crew Grilled Ham & Cheese w/ Tomato Soup $7.00 6-8pm Taco’s 5pm to 7pm Mother’s Day Brunch 11am to 2pm 31 Breakfast by Tim & Mike Special-Pork Chops $7.00 10am-1pm Wed 19 29 Dinner by Stumpy & Laurie Chicken Fried Steak $9.00 6-8pm Page 7 June 2015 Sun Mon 1 2 Officer Meeting 6pm Luck of the Moose Sunday’s at 4:30pm 7 Breakfast by Kevin & Crew 10am-1pm Tue 8 9 LOOM & WOTM Business Meetings 6:30pm Moose Legion Meeting 10:30a 14 Breakfast by Terry & Crew Eggs Benedict $7.00 6-8pm 15 21 22 23 LOOM Orientation 6pm LOOM Enrollment 6:30pm WOTM Business Meeting 6:3 29 30 No Meeting LOOM & WOTM Officer Meetings 6pm Father’s Day Brunch 10am to 1pm 28 Breakfast by Tim & Mike Special Pork Chops $7.00 10am-1pm 16 Wed Thu Fri Sat 3 Dinner by Stumpy & Crew Taco Night Price Varies 6-8pm 4 Dinner by LOOM French Dip Sandwiches & French Fries $8.00 6-8pm 5 Dinner by Heather Philip & Crew Meatloaf $9.00 Supreme Governor Danny Albert Visit 5-7pm 6 Dinner by Stumpy & Laurie Steak Night $18.00 6-8pm 10 Dinner by Ken & Kim Monster BLT’s $7.00 6-8pm 11 Dinner by LOOM Halibut or Chicken Burgers $8.00 6-8pm 12 Dinner by WOTM Ham Steaks & Au Gratin Potatoes $9.00 6-8 13 Dinner by Iris! Special Steak Night-see nugget for info 6-8pm 17 Dinner by Stumpy & Crew Fish & Chips or Chicken Tenders $7.00 6-8pm 18 Dinner by Devin & Robert Wings & Pizza Price Varies 6-8pm 19 Dinner by Alan & Crew Lasagna $9.00 6-8pm 20 Dinner by Horseshoe League Steak Night $18.00 6-8pm 24 Dinner by Mike & Irene Club Sandwich & Fries $7.00 6-8pm 25 Dinner by Ken & Kim Monster Burgers Price Varies 6-8pm 26 Dinner by Irene & Mike Spaghetti $9.00 6-8pm 27 Annual Golf Tournament Steak Dinner by Stumpy & Laurie $18.00 6-8p Moose Nuggets Volume 14, Issue 1 Page 8 Our Defending Circle Has Been Broken LOOM William Morris James Taylor Bernard Jackson Robert Egan Larry Luedke Leonard Przybyla WOTM Pat Green Barb Kuper Claire Deitz Hazel Pullins Members to keep in your thoughts and prayers Rosemary Carter Cathy Woods Jackie Schultz Roxy Lay Patricia Willis Angie Corkran Mary Zamorski Bill Cassel Text 71441– In the message area type loom1534 then send it. You should get a text back indicating you are signed up to receive weekly texts from the Lodge on upcoming events. If you know of any Moose members sick or that have passed please notify the office 563-3502. Its that time of year to CLEAN the Kitchen! May 23rd and 24th 10am We will be pulling out all the equipment, powering washing everything, scrubbing walls, cleaning cabinets and counters, scrubbing the floor, organizing etc. Congratulations to Sara and Randall Havens on your new baby girl Victoria. Congratulations to new grandparents Larry & Cindy Grove. Volunteers are NEEDED! Lunch will be provided Continued from page 4– From the Desk of the Administrator An active chairman, working with the Governor and Officers can cause things to go much smoother. It is truly impossible for one person to get it all done. Working together is not only a lot more productive, it’s a lot more fun. Parents and Guardians of students in the class of 2016 time is running out to apply for the R. Robert Dale Scholarship. Call office for details. Golfers– Get those entry forms in as soon as possible. Terry and Heather McIntosh are putting this event together again this year. If you can help in anyway let them or the office know. Don’t miss this fun event. Please join us for the many events and have a safe Summer. Fraternally, BJ Haas Administrator Page 9 Congratulations to Devin DiNardo who qualified for the new Sponsors of Distinction award by sponsoring 25 members since May 1, 2014. Devin’s name will be included in the renovation project for a commemorative Centennial Mooseheart brick, depicting him as a 2014-2015 Sponsors of Distinction qualifier. The Lodge holds the 9 o’clock ceremony on Saturday Night. All money collected goes to Moose Charities/Endowment Fund. Continued from Cover- What Did Our Lodge Do this Past Moose Year? Clare House, Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission, and the Salvation Army. Your Lodge donated to National Organizations that help those affected by disaster and disease: American Red Cross, American Lung Associa- YMCA. Your Lodge provided facility use for Senior card groups twice weekly, two Civil engineering societies and a non profit Public Works association monthly. Here at the Lodge we were busy also; another was installed and more TV’s were added. A twelve foot antique billiard table was acquired and a billiard room was created. I have listed many, but not all activities your Lodge was involved in. tion, American Cancer Society, March of Dimes and American Diabetes. Your Lodge donated to Hospice, Local Youth Sports teams, Charr Culinary Pro Start program, the Anchorage League of Women Voters student education program, Civil section of the roof was repaired, our Moose sign on Arctic was retro fitted with LED fixtures, a timer and new signs on both sides. Earlier a new power line was run to the sign. The old carpet in the social quarters and family room was removed and Every member should be proud of what this Lodge accomplishes every year. I hope you will share this with friends, relatives, and associates that would like to join our Fraternity and become a part of what we do. Again, my thanks to all Air Patrol, The American Legion Girls State program and Armed Forces replaced with a commercial grade wood looking vinyl, a new glass washer for making this Lodge what it is. BJ Haas– Administrator A Very Long Word from Our Governor! Well here it is another Moose year done. I would like to thank the outgoing board for all the hard who were elected to the board for this upcoming year. The lodge spent a lot of of them are ear marked for certain projects around the lodge. With your continued support, and working with the men’s board this past year. We had men doing WOTM meals and help- work they did and for working together as a team. Hopefully we accomplished most or all of what we set out to do. I look forward to working with the new members money on up keep this past year, most of this would have not been possible without members help. All the fundraisers and raffles that are held aren’t just for fun, most we can keep improving the lodge. So thank you to all that participate. I would like to put a big thank you out to the WOTM for helping ing with their projects, WOTM helping the men with their meals and projects, it was great having both groups work together. We look forward to the joint effort this Continue pg 10 Page 10 Continued from Pg 9- A Word from Our Governor! upcoming year. I would like to also put a shout out to our awesome WOTM and LOOM Volunteers of the Year Rick Lagarde and Vanessa DeBrill. They were there when needed and were always ready to help. No wasn’t a word they used so many thanks you two and job well done. We So yes, here we go, more fundraisers and asking for member’s support. I would like to thank the Moose Legion for all their hard work and support, as you know they are the ones who roll up their sleeves and get the job done. Thank you all Moose Legionnaires. On another note we have Get your teams together and get signed up. See Heather for signup sheets if needed. In closing, I would like to remind everyone the Lodge is only as strong as its members, so let’s all work together to keep the lodge going strong, volunteer, sign up new members, and remind other look forward to your continued Spring cleanup coming up on members to renew their dues, all help. May 2nd, all help will be very much appreciated. Come one come all, there will be free lunch and beer for all those who help. We also have the annual golf tournament coming up Saturday June 27th. This is one of the biggest fundraisers for the Lodge. Heather, Terry and crew put on a this helps. So thank you everyone for electing me to be your Governor for one more year and I hope we can do great things. great event with lots of prizes. Governor This next year brings more projects to the board. We are trying to get grant money from Moose International that they award to lodges with upgrade projects, but they expect the lodge to show active fundraisers and money being collected for these projects. Isn’t it Great to be a Moose! Fraternally Yours, Ken Deitz R. Robert Dale Scholarship available to the Class of 2016. Applicant’s father, mother, stepparent, grandparent or legal guardian must be a member of the Order in good standing. Applications can be found on the lodges webpage under documents or pick up at the lodge office. Must be faxed on or before June 30, 2015. 2015-2016 Moose Campaign– More information coming soon! Page 11 Loyal Order of Moose BOARD OF OFFICERS Ken Deitz Eugene Roberts Mike Douthit Richard Hanna Bruce “BJ” Haas Terry McIntosh Jerome Colding Kevin Snodgrass Michael Dyar Governor Jr. Past Governor Jr. Governor Treasurer Administrator Prelate Trustee Trustee Trustee WOTM BOARD OF OFFICERS Colleen McNulty Irene Douthit Vanessa DeBrill Barbara Riley Kim Deitz Sr. Regent Jr. Graduate Regent Jr. Regent Secretary/Treasurer Recorder 4211 Arctic Blvd., Anchorage, AK 99503 Phone: (907) 563-3502 Fax: (907) 563-9855 Email: Website: AVON Products Akpat 907-563-0506 Cosmetic, Restorative, Crowns, Bridges, Extractions, Root Canals, Partials, Dentures and Whitening 10% off to all Moose Members
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