The Whistler St. Helens Moose Lodge 591 November, 2014 Newsletter OREGON MOOSE ASSOCIATION St Helens Moose Lodge 57317 Old Portland Rd. Warren, OR 97053 St Helens Moose Lodge 591 LOOM Officers ~ Administrator Paul L Clark ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Birthdates: Robin Bair, ConGovernor nie Beaulas, Judith Brown, Scott Schulte Marvel Brown, Holly Hilton, susan Ginny Horton, JuniorHirschi, Governor Melanie Jenkins, Elsie Jones, Charles Welter Ione Jones, Brenda Lane, Jr. Past Governor Erolyn Lavendar, Mica Lires, Mike Warren shirley Martin, Lynn NordPrelate linder, Marueen Proffitt, Cindy Scott, Jamie StickWoody Stanfill dale,Linda Summers, PresTreasurer leigh Szuma, Hedy ThompBill Lamont son, Mary Trapp, Irene Trustee Van Winkle, Keri Volk, Debra Waltman, Dale Shelli FullerWelter, Lynda Woodall, Bru Benoist, Trustee John Benson, Leslie Brady, Joe Van Winkle Terry Brier, Keith Bunn, Bill Trustee Elliott, Dean Giese, Rory Melvin King ~Sergeant - at - Arms The Governor's Message Hello everyone. November is here, we have a lot of things planned this month. We have a membership luncheon on the first Saturday from 12-1 o’clock. Come and enjoy the snacks and a couple of videos we would like to share. There is a pre turkey dinner on Saturday the 8th with some music and karaoke. Come on down and have a good time. Then on Sunday we are having a veterans breakfast. Vets get their breakfast free & we will be needing some extra help serving. Remember this is to Honor our Vets for their service to us. So please come on down and help. Breakfast starts from 9- 12 o’clock. I want to thank our new Fellow, Hershel Marsh, He and I mounted a couple of new lights on the roof. This was to provide better lighting in our parking lot. We have a higher degree dinner on sat, 22nd . this is to honor our member that have worked hard for this lodge and have been recognized for their achievements. It will be a roast beef dinner. As again I’m asking for volunteers to help in this lodge. If you have extra time please come on down and help out when ever possible. We need your support in keeping this lodge functional. Your Governor Scott Schulte The Administrator’s Message Dear Members: Our Lodge building was built to support a much larger member ship than we have. If each member (men or women) would sign just 1 new or former member we would double our membership. If each member would sponsor two new or former members we would triple our membership. Every member knows someone that is not a member and yet as a member you won’t ask them to join. Why? Is it because you think that everyone else will do it and then you don’t have to? Are you to shy? Each member should talk Moose. Our quota this year is 45 new or former members. We have a long way to go and the year is half over. I know I am talking into the wind to some of you. Hey! Get off your duff and sign a new or former member. The lodge is still hurting financially. If you can help in anyway or in any amount please do so. It will be greatly appreciated. Thanks to those that have already helped. Administrator, Paul Clark Birthdates: Douglas Adams, John Balog, Charles Biggs, Jason Brady, Ron Chisum, Robert Cox, Robert Craig, David Freemen, Roger Fuller, Robert Henderson, Al Hendrickson, Raymond Jacobs, Mike Kinney, William Lenderman, Michael Lewis, Leonard Marson, Norman Mehrer, Ronald Pope, Allen Riedel, LeRoy Schmidt, William Taylor, Donald Williams, Roberta Barlow, Rita Bernhard, Somlux Chisum, Neva Crist, Susan Degerness, Evelyn Eaton, Wilda Eberly, Gloria Folta, Dawn Getzlaff, Rhonda Goldsmith, Lynn Hardy, Hazel Henningsen, Bonnie Kems, June May, Pam Rose, LuVerna Schwappe, Patricia Shaver, Julie Stephens, and Erin Vielmetti. Women of The Moose Chapter 490 WOTM OFFICER ’ S ~ Senior Regent Rhonda Schulte ~ Jr. Grad. Regent Wanita Warren ~ Junior Regent Patti Smith ~ Chaplain Mary Mc Key ~ Secretary / Treasurer Laurie Preston ~ Recorder Shelli Welter The Senior Regent’s Message Hi Co-workers, I hope you all had a great Halloween. November is when we recognize our new colegents. The first Monday of November or November 5th is the night we get dressed up and celebrate all our higher degrees. So please come and join us. Upcoming events are as follows: November 1st is Our members luncheon, November 8th is Star Recorder’s fund raiser PrethTurkey Dinner and Karaoke,ndNovember th 9 is our Veteran’s Breakfast, November 20 Pirate Bingo, November 22 is our Higher Degree Celebration dinner. For our Higher Degree Dinner is for anyone with an higher degree but we would like to celebrate our new Fellow Hershel Marsh, our new Green Cap Wanita Warren, and Sue Marsh who just got her Cap and Gown. We had a lot of fun at our Halloween party. I would like to thank all of our members who donated to it. We had a lot of candy, cupcakes, cookies, popcorn balls. We had music and great costumes for all who took the time to dress up. If you was not here you really missed out. Again thank you to all who donated. We are still trying to collect materials and anything else that would help with putting a quilt together. Anything you need to get rid of; you can donate it to the women of the moose. We are attempting to have another quilt for a raffle. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also collecting yarn for different projects as well. All kinds and colors accepted. You’re Senior Regent Rhonda Schulte To receive this newsletter via email Send an email to With a request to be added to the mailing list.This list is not sold or given to anyone for anything. It is used solely for the purpose of distributing the newsletter IF IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY THIS MONTH BRING IN THIS COUPON FOR A FREE DINNER Maximum Value $7.50 NAME_______________________________ MOOSE ID#_________________________
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