The Whistler St. Helens Moose Lodge 591 October, 2014 Newsletter OREGON MOOSE ASSOCIATION St Helens Moose Lodge 57317 Old Portland Rd. Warren, OR 97053 St Helens Moose Lodge 591 LOOM Officers ~ Administrator Paul L Clark ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Birthdates: Robin Bair, ConGovernor nie Beaulas, Judith Brown, Scott Schulte Marvel Brown, Holly Hilton, susan Ginny Horton, JuniorHirschi, Governor Melanie Jenkins, Elsie Jones, Charles Welter Ione Jones, Brenda Lane, Jr. Past Governor Erolyn Lavendar, Mica Lires, Mike Warren shirley Martin, Lynn NordPrelate linder, Marueen Proffitt, Cindy Scott, Jamie StickWoody Stanfill dale,Linda Summers, PresTreasurer leigh Szuma, Hedy ThompBill Lamont son, Mary Trapp, Irene Trustee Van Winkle, Keri Volk, Debra Waltman, Dale Shelli FullerWelter, Lynda Woodall, Bru Benoist, Trustee John Benson, Leslie Brady, Joe Van Winkle Terry Brier, Keith Bunn, Bill Trustee Elliott, Dean Giese, Rory Melvin King The Governor's Message Hello everyone Well fall is coming. We have done a couple of improvement outside the lodge. We repainted the parking lines and trimmed some of the shrubs around the building. Beside me doing the work, I want to thank Chuck Welter and Woody Stanfill for the help. The ladies had cleaned the kitchen, they were Rhonda Schulte, Wanita Warren, Shelly Welter, and Dianna Stanfill. Thank for the help. Since the fall convention, we will have some new programs to help our membership grow. Come to the lodge and find out what they are. You might also know that I was voted in as your vice-president of the Oregon Moose Association. I hope to do the job as well as your governor. You Might as well know that the lodge is having a few problems. We need to have YOUR IDEAS IN HAVING NEW PROGRAMS. It is your lodge. We need your impute and the help to keep our lodge open. The few volunteers can’t do it alone. So please come and help out. Until next month Governor Scott Schulte ~Sergeant - at - Arms The Administrator’s Message Please see next page for the Administrators’ Message Birthdates: Jana Brecht. Lynn Brown, Evelyn Buchanan, Beth Burns, Lucille Coughlin, Lynda Daniels, Patricia Esler, Delia Frye, Penny Hendrickson, Candy Hilsinger, Lorey Kelley, Karri Kelly, Terri Mathews, Elizabeth McDermott, Teresa Nowlin, Lorrie Obermeier, Rhonda Schulte, Patricia Smith, Lou Spencer, Frances Steinmetz, Cora Templin, Gail Walker, La Raine Wallis, Valerie Watson, Jim Beaulac, Cody Dudley, Melvin Freeman, John Harris, Earl Jones, Chris Nordlinder, Jack Ogden, John Rahm, David Somann, Gerald Stamm, Gary Sewiftt, Steve Templin, Joseph VanWinkle, Gayle Vandersanden, Michael Warren, Michael Weaver, Buster Williams, Louis Wilson, Jr. The Administrators Message Dear Members: It has been a long time since I have come to you to ask for your help. We have recently had a down turn in our finances. We are struggling to get the bills paid and keep things going for the membership. As you know most of our workers are volunteers and even with the volunteers doing most of the work we still are having a shortfall in income. If you can help in any way please donate to the lodge. I know that the donations that you make are not tax deductible but please give what you can as soon as you can. I know that by increasing our membership it will help. But it will only help if the new and old members show up for the events that we have planned. It would be a shame to let this lodge go the way so many others have. It is a great place to congregate with family and friends. Maybe, I should tell you about Mooseheart and Moosehaven. This is why the Moose is in existence. Mooseheart takes care of children that from no fault of their own need a home, caring adults, caring teachers and an education. Mooseheart provides stability for these children . They are cared for and educated through high school. When they graduate they are able to attend college if they so choose. The children there also have a vocation when they graduate and are taught how to survive in this world. They are taught values, honesty and integrity through their education. This is the basic reason for keeping your membership current and donation. Moosehave is a retirement center for those members that have been members for 15 years and are 65 or older and can no longer live comfortably in the outside world. The average age is about 88, I believe. The oldest person there is 106. Yes, Moosehave does take your assets but that is to help maintain your health and medical expenses while you are in Florida’s warm sunny climate. The residents are happy and want for nothing. They are active, go on trips to the mall or wherever. They are cared for by very loving people that like caring for the elderly. Moosehaven has a 5 star rating in the nursing community. If a member goes to Moosehaven and doesn’t like it there, they can return back to where they are from.Moosehave will only keep 1% of there assets at the time of leaving. The budgeting for Mooseheart and Moosehaven is about 45 million per year. Looking at Mooseheart and Moosehave it is a cheap insurance policy for the young and old. This is the reason to keep your dues current at all times. This is also the reason to ask friends and relatives over the age of 21 to join and become active in the lodge. The personal rewards are great. It makes your feel good when you have helped in making something great even greater. Why keep the lodge such a secret? Ask your friends and neighbors to join. Let's get this ball rolling and keep it rolling. Paul Clark, Administrator Women of The Moose Chapter 490 WOTM OFFICER ’ S ~ Senior Regent Rhonda Schulte ~ Jr. Grad. Regent Wanita Warren ~ Junior Regent Patti Smith ~ Chaplain Mary Mc Key ~ Secretary / Treasurer Laurie Preston ~ Recorder Shelli Welter The Senior Regent’s Message Hi Co-workers, Conference is over and I have learned a lot. As we go long I will share more with you on what I have learned. There is a lot happening in October. October is Christmas in October for Mooseheart and Mooseheaven. I would like to give a big big thank you to Shellie Welter and Wanita Warren for all the cleaning they did to get ready for the Supreme Governor’s visit. Even though the visit was cancelled the cleaning was greatly appreciated. The Supreme Governor visit was cancelled because he had a family emergency. Upcoming events are as follows: October 4th is a Fund Raiser. October 11th is District Meeting in Stanfield. October 18th chapter dinner of Liver and Onions and Casino night. October 22nd is Bunco for Academy of Friendship. Pirate Bingo is October 16th. For our Kids Halloween party we have a Karaoke for kids of all ages. It will be held on October 25th starting at 4-7. We will have prizes for the best costume in four categories. Serving hot dogs and chips plus. So dress up and join us in the fun. Calling all Quilter’s if you have any excess in materials that you are trying to get rid of; you can donate it to the women of the moose. We are attempting to have another quilt for a raffle. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also collecting yarn for different projects as well. All kinds and colors accepted. You’re Senior Regent Rhonda Schulte Earn cash for Mooseheart School by clipping the 10¢ Box Tops from hundreds of products. Bring your Box Tops to the Moose Kitchen to be turned in. We need your help….please support Mooseheart/Moose Charities. Each Chapter has been asked to turn in the Box Tops at our Fall Convention in Portland…Top honors to the Chapter who brings the most. Please help us with this project. (Box tops are dated – please not turn in outdated boxes tops, they won’t count) About Moose You may have heard the saying, “A burden heavy to one is borne lightly by many.” This is at the core of the Moose organization and what makes us unique in our Lodges, local communities and charitable “cities” that we support. Our roots can be traced to 1888 and the founder of the Moose, Dr. Henry Wilson, who successfully established the first Lodge in Louisville, Kentucky. In the early years, the Moose was to serve a modest goal of offering men an opportunity to gather socially, to care for one another’s needs and celebrate life together. Since those early years, our fraternal organization rapidly expanded to include valuable service to our communities, care for children and teens in need at Mooseheart Child City & School , a 1,000-acre campus, located 40 miles west of Chicago and care for our senior members at Moosehaven, a 70-acre retirement community near Jacksonville, Florida. To receive this newsletter via email Send an email to With a request to be added to the mailing list.This list is not sold or given to anyone for anything. It is used solely for the purpose of distributing the newsletter IF IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY THIS MONTH BRING IN THIS COUPON FOR A FREE DINNER Maximum Value $7.50 NAME_______________________________ MOOSE ID#_________________________ With a combined membership of over 1,000,000 members, our presence is felt in over 1,500 communities across all 50 states and four Canadian provinces, plus Great Britain and Bermuda.The Moose organization contributes between $75 to $100 million worth of community service (counting monetary donations, volunteer hours worked and miles driven) annually. In addition to Mooseheart and Moosehaven, the Moose fraternity’s Heart of the Community effort is multifaceted with internally developed programs like Tommy Moose. Tommy Moose aids in helping children overcome fears and anxiety during times of stress. Donated to law enforcement, fire fighters and other emergency workers, Tommy Moose plush dolls are presented to children in various traumatic situations. The external focus of our service is directed towards many worthwhile national charities, a few of which are: Special Olympics North America, Salvation Army, Safe Surfin’USA Foundation, Big Brothers-Big Sisters, and St. Jude.In our local Lodges, you will find a wide array of activities to participate in both as an individual and as a family. From holiday parties, dances, sports, themed dinners and live entertainment, the Moose has much to offer. Membership can mean different things to different people. You are the one determining what you want to get out of the organization, and what you want to give back.The Moose is about celebrating life together, serving those in need within our local community, supporting our children at Mooseheart and standing by our senior members at Moosehaven. To find out more information on how to be a Moose, fill out the form below and someone will contact you with more information.
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