CHEHALIS MOOSE FAMILY CENTER P.O. BOX 426 CHEHALIS WA 98532 NON PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO.5 CHEHALIS, WA RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED NOVEMBER CHEHALIS LODGE 1109 & CHAPTER 250 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 E N E S O O M WS E B M E 01 2 R Kim Durant Fundraiser Dinner 5-730 Chris Gunther 8-12 4 NO KARAOKE 2 Dianne Breakfast 9-11 SPECIAL: French Toast Bloody Mary’s$2.50 V O N 3 Calendar Mtg @ 530 Board Mtg @ 630 Officer Mtg @ 7 Loom Mtg @ 8 4 WOTM Tacos 5-7 5 Doreen/Marty Burger Baskets 5-7 6 Queen of Hearts @ 6 7 Doreen/Marty Burger Baskets 5-7 Bingo @ 630 Texas Hold’em @ 630 Cribbage @ 630 Coffee with Administrator and Recorder from 8-12 Liquor Drawing 8 Marine Ball Social Hour @ 5 Dinner @ 6-7 Dance to Follow Pitch @ 5 Pitch @ 5 Volume 2014 Number 11 This information contained herein is both confidential and privileged and shall be available to and used by good standing members of the loyal Order of Moose for Fraternal purposes. Any use of the information herein for private gain or for any commercial, political or business purposes is strictly prohibited. BAR FOOD BAR FOOD 9 Dianne Breakfast 9-11 SPECIAL: Beef Hash Bloody Mary’s $2.50 10 Joint Off Mtg @ 530 WOTM Off Mtg @ 630 WOTM Mtg @ 7 BAR FOOD 11 WOTM Tacos 5-7 12 Dave/Steve/Guy Burger Baskets 5-7 13 Queen of Hearts @ 6 Bingo @ 630 Legion Committee Mtg @ 6 Texas Hold’em @ 630 Cribbage @ 630 *ABATE BAR FOOD Pitch @ 5 NO KARAOKE 18 WOTM Tacos 5-7 19 Ron/Dianna Burger Baskets 5-7 20 Queen of Hearts @ 6 21 Dianne’s Potato Bar 5-7 $6.00 22 Bingo @ 630 Texas Hold’em @ 630 Cribbage @ 630 Meat Drawing Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge No. 1109 1400 Grand Ave. Centralia, WA 98531 P.O. BOX 426 Chehalis, WA 98532 Phone (360) 736-9030 Phone (360) 807-0226 Chehalis Moose 1109 Officers Chehalis WOTM, Chapter 250 Governor Jr Pst Gov Jr Governor Prelate Administrator Treasurer 1 yr Trustee 2 yr Trustee 3 yr Trustee Sgt of Arms Inner Guard Outer Guard Sr Regent Jr Grd Regent Jr Regent Chaplin Recorder Sec/Treasurer Guide Asst Guide Tony Zwiefel Nick Griffith Bill Troxel Barney Ortega Ron Keller Kevin Herring Ron Walker Jim Clarke George Bird Steve Fenton Pitch @ 5 Chehalis Women of the Moose Chapter No. 250 P.O. BOX 1098 Centralia, WA 98531 Pearl Howell Tina Keller Kim Zwiefel Dianne Young Dianna Smith-Chappell Ruth Worthey Sheila Wink Becky Freeman District 3 Officers District President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Chaplin Ron Keller Rick Councel Cliff Cuellar Bill Newcomer Hours of Operation Monday– Thurs. Friday Saturday Sunday 3pm-10pm 3pm-11pm 3pm-11:30pm 12pm-8pm This Rose Represents Members we have lost. BAR FOOD BAR FOOD 16 Dianne Breakfast 9-11 SPECIAL: Breakfast Burrito Bloody Mary’s $2.50 17 Calendar Mtg @ 530 Board Mtg @ 630 Officer Mtg @ 7 Loom Mtg @ 8 NO KARAOKE 14 Dianne’s Phillies 5-7 $6.00 Chicken Strips $5.00 15 Moose Charity Dance Social 4-5 Presentation Tommy Moose Dinner 5-630 Relay for Life Pitch @ 5 Liquor Drawing Pitch @ 5 BAR FOOD BAR FOOD 23 NO BREAKFAST THANKSGIVING DINNER 11-1 24 WOTM Mtg @ 7 Cribbage Make-Up @2 Pitch @ 5 BAR FOOD BAR FOOD 25 WOTM Tacos 5-7 26 Stacie/Doreen Burger Baskets 5-7 Bingo @ 630 NO TEXAS HOLD’EM LODGE CLOSED 27 Meat Drawing KARAOKE @ 8-??? 28 Harvey/Dianna Burger Baskets 5-7 29 *ABATE TOY RUN BIG BAR Pitch @ 5 LODGE CLOSES @8 BAR FOOD NO QUEEN OF HEARTS 30 Stacie Breakfast 9-11 SPECIAL: Waffles Bloody Mary’s $2.50 Pitch @ 5 50/50 Queen of Hearts Drawings You buy a ticket for $ 1.00. Amount collected will be divided half to the pot and half to the Lodge. If your ticket is drawn, you draw from a deck of cards and if you draw the Queen of Hearts, you get the pot. If a face card is drawn you get a free dinner. Any other card drawn gets a free drink. All drawn cards are not returned to the deck so each draw has fewer cards to try to get the Queen of Hearts until the Queen is actually drawn. Then it starts over with a full deck of cards. If your ticket is drawn, YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO DRAW A CARD. Drawings are at 6:00 pm on Thursday so come a little earlier to get your tickets. If you have any questions on this drawing please contact Ron Keller. CHEHALIS MOOSE LODGE 1109 CHEHALIS WOTM CHAPTER 250 Governors Corner From the Senior Regent Greetings all, November is now upon us so the weather is getting bad so why not come in and join in some of our festivities. We have Texas Hold-em on Wednesday nights and karaoke on Saturday nights when we do not have a band or other functions scheduled. We have a benefit for Kim Durant on the 1st with Chris Gunther that night also. We have a dinner and dance on the 15th plus our regular doings on the weeknights. Congratulations to Ron Sprenger for winning the Queen of Hearts. For the first five people that come up to me this month and say “what do I gotta do to get a drink around here” will receive either a free drink or dinner. Come on in and have some fun. The Govna, Tony Zwiefel Well, October is almost gone and November is just around the corner. More exciting things are in store here at the Lodge. We will have our Thanksgiving Dinner. We are needing donations for turkeys for the dinner. We also need help in the kitchen, serving & etc. The dinner is on Nov. 23rd. The Lodge will be Closing at 8 pm on the 26th and Closed on the 27th. The Woman of the Moose are still looking and accepting donations for this years Chinese Auction in December. That’s it for this time…. ADMINISTRATOR MESSAGE We now have a goal sheet for the new TV in Social Quarters so everyone will know where we stand on getting the TV. A big Thank you to the cribbage club for their donation of 100 dollars to the TV. The smoke room is moving right along and will soon be completed. The next few weeks we are going to be very busy in the lodge with functions almost every weekend. We have fundraisers, dances and private parties scheduled for the big room so check your calendar. We may be in need of volunteers to help straighten the room back up. Please if you have time check to see if your needed for volunteer help. The Holiday Season is fast approaching and tickets for our New Year’s Bash will be on sale at the bar starting in November so be sure you get your tickets early so you can get your seating that you want. We are asking that if you have recently moved or are planning on moving please let the Lodge know your new address as soon as possible so that we are not charged a return fee on your newsletter. Also, we are in dire need for more cooks if you would like to cook on one of our days please let us know and we will show you how to operate the equipment and welcome you into a select few. Thank you for all that you do. Your Senior Regent, Pearl Howell QUEEN OF HEARTS The pot stands at $150 and growing. It will be going soon and we have several new changes to the winners. First the next pot will start at $150 with the following cards giving out the following prizes. The ace of spades is FREE dues for a year, the rest of the aces = dinner at The Junction, The Kings will be breakfast at Main Street Grill, The Queens (except the Queen of Hearts) a dinner at the Moose Lodge, The Jacks dinner at The Limit Tavern and the Tens dinner at Frosty’s Tavern. So come join the fun at your Lodge every Thursday from 5-6 pm. REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR MID # To do this you need to come into the Lodge with your Moose Card and if the last number of your membership number matches the number for the day you will get your second drink FREE!!! First drink must be bought…. This applies to the second drink only and only once a day. Chinese Auction!!!!! We know it’s a little early, but we thought we should get the word out so that we can start collecting items. We will be having the auction in Dec. the same night as the Tom and Jerry Party. If you have any items you can bring them into the lodge and we will keep until we get ready to go….Thank You in advance….. Dianna Smith-Chappell The Administrator, Ron Keller CHRISSY’S OCTOBER FEST!!!! MOOSE KARAOKE CONTEST Think you can sing. Are you the next Moose Musical Star? For the first time ever, the Moose is searching for the finest karaoke singers from across the Fraternity. Where: Chehalis Moose Lodge When: December 6, 2014 Time: 8:00 Any Questions contact Tony Zwiefel A MOOSE IS A STRONG ANIMAL. WE AS MOOSE ARE STRONG PEOPLE. WHEN YOU ARE A MOOSE. YOU ARE A SPECIAL PERSON. WALK WITH A MOOSE. YOU WILL WALK WITH PRIDE. A Thank You to Chrissy Anderson for donating and putting together a great dinner. And her helpers in the kitchen. They raised over 300 dollars. The money raised is to help with the cost of the Big Screen Television in Social Quarters…. KARAOKE If you like to sing come join us every Saturday starting in October for Karaoke in Social Quarters…. Singing will start at 7 and end when we close. NO KARAOKE NOVEMBER 1st,8th & 15th CHEHALIS MOOSE LODGE 1109 CHEHALIS WOTM CHAPTER 250 Moose Legion and Higher Degree Report Our next Moose Legion committee meeting will be on November 12th at 6PM, note the new time. We need to talk about hosting a celebration next year, our upcoming free dinner for Moose Legionnaires and increasing our membership. The following was written by a friend of mine for his newsletter and I thought it should be shared with all Moose members. “In the prime evil wilds of the Northland, two noble Moose leaders of there herds met in deadly combat. Today there locked antlers mute evidence of the futility of antagonism and strife lie bleaching on the plains. We are met today as brothers united in a common cause let the spirit of harmony and fraternal regard temper and guide our deliberations lest we be blinded to the lesson of the “locked horns.” I am a Moose every member of the loyal order of the Moose is my brother, every member of the woman of the Moose is my sister if I act badly, hatefully or hurtfully towards my brother or sister then I have been blinded to the lesson of the locked horns. I may disagree with my fellow Moose but at the end of the day we are brothers and sisters and we can work out anything because we are Moose. My Social Quarters is a haven where I can go and escape all the garbage that people heap on each other in the outside world. It is a refuge where I know I will be accepted and respected by my brothers and sisters. As we move forward let us remember and remind each other the lesson of the locked horns. Let no strife or antagonism into our Social Quarters. Back to Basics with the R’s Recruit, Respect, Renew Dave Montonye, Higher Degree Chairman BENEFIT DINNER, RAFFLE & DANCE Come join us November 1st to help support one of our own Kim Durant in a fundraiser to help offset her bills… Spaghetti Dinner from 5-7:30 Liquor bottle raffle, silent auction and dancing from 8-12am. GOBBLE,GOBBLE,GOBBLE The Woman of The Moose are gearing up once again for the Holiday Season. We are asking any member that would like to donate a turkey this year needs to have them delivered to the Lodge no later than November 17th. The Woman will be preparing a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday November 23rd from 11-1. If you can please bring with you either a side dish or a dessert it would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to help set up or help with clean up crew please get a hold of Dianne Young... MOOSE CHARITIES DINNER AND DANCE Nov. 15th we will be having a dinner and dance for Moose Charities with all proceeds going to Mooseheart and Moosehaven. If you bring in an item of food for the Food Bank or a Toy which will be given to Toys 4 Tots you will get a raffle ticket for each item. We will also be presenting Tommy Moose to our Local Police and Fire Depts. For information call Harvey Chappell (541)-980-1329 or Ron Keller (360)-736-9030 Thank You Moose Charities Chairman Harvey Chappell MARINE CORP BIRTHDAY BALL Will be held at the Chehalis Moose Lodge on November 8th, 2014. This is open to all Branches of the service their spouses, and guests. This is also the kick-off for the Toys 4 Tots. For more information and tickets please call (541)-980-1329 or (360)489-5203 Advanced Sales only NO tickets sold at the door. Pitch Pitch Friday nights starting at 5PM and Sunday nights starting at 4PM. Don’t know how to play come on into the Social Quarters and we will teach you. Ship, Captain, Crew Bring your Quarters and come join us in the Social Quarters every Saturday in a fun game of Ship, Captain, Crew. Game starts at 6 PM. Hope to see you there…….. Texas Holdem The Woman are taking over, Men come join us every Wednesday in Social Quarters. Sign-ups starts @ 6:30. Play time starts @ 7:00. $20.00 buy-in with 100% pay out. Hope to see you there!!!! NEWSLETTER CONTACT INFO Tabatha Fenton 360-508-6424 or Deadline for Newsletter articles is the 18th of each month and can be emailed or dropped of at the lodge... WRITTEN BY A MOOSE MEMBER We want to wish all Lodge and Chapter members who have a birthday this month a Happy Birthday! And also for those members who have an Anniversary this Month a very Happy Anniversary
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