LAPINE MOOSE NOOZE LOYAL ORDER OF mE MOOSE La Pine Moose Lodge #2093 Women's Chapter #1851 . 52510 Drafter Road, La Pine, OR 97739 PO Box 776, La Pine, OR 97739 541-536-3388 Social quarters or 541-536-3721 Office PROUD HOME OF OREGON'S PAST DGR JUDI DA Ws, PAST DGR TERRI BRADFORD, AND PAST DSG DA VB LEA VOLUME 36, ISSUE 9 JANUARY 2015 District #2 Meeting Thurs. January 1st Come join us to watch the Rose Bowl at 1:30 Oakridge Moose Lodge Sat., January 10th at 1pm Higher Degree at 2pm Beans & Ham for $3.00 Spaghetti Dinner at 5pm GO DUCKS!!!!! Karaoke at 7pm District Karaoke Contest 8pm January 30th, A Special Appreciation Chicken Dinner for Sharon Lippincott- 4:30-$8.00 Music by Cheyenne West 6:30-9:30 Hey kids, can you find this b moose hiding in this newsletter? I LA PINE #209'3 MOOSE NOOZELETTER page 2. January 2015 From Your Governor ... LOOM BOARD OF OFFICERS JERRY RAILEY, Govenor DEAN OLSON, Junior governor STEVE HARTING, Jr. Past Governor DAVE FERGUSON, Prelate RICHARD AMATI, Treasurer DAVE LEA, Administrator -RICK MELLOTT, 3- year Trustee CODY MELLOTT, 2-year Trustee BOB DRYDEN- l-year Trustee HOURS: Sunday- 9 am to close / Monday- 11 am to close, Tuesday through friday 11 am. to 10 pm Saturday- 11 am to 11 pm (we may be open later on any night depending on volume of'business and music nights) La Pine Moose Nooze, the official publication of La Pine Moose Lodge, is printed on premise at 52510 Drafter Rd. Our • mailing address is PO Box n6, La Pine, OR 9n39. The office phone is 541-536-3721, social quarters phone is 541-536-3388. To submit an article You can contact Editor Nancy Montgomery . at 541-4Q8-2691 or Email Administrator Notes Thanks to all who helped the Lodge in December. Our Annual Christmas Party for our community was a great success with plenty of children eager to see Santa & Mrs. Claus for presents and candy bags, and enjoy our free Ham & turkey dinner. Thanks also to the Elves who helped pass out presents and to Greg at High Lakes Feed who provided hay rides for the kids. There were over 40 volunteers in the kitchen, kids area, and dining room>"It was great to see so many of you helping! Thank you very much! We'll have our Annual Rose Bowl Party (and Sugar Bowl Party) on January 1st with Ham & Beans for only $3. The Moose Races are on the 9th, The Irish Wake for Darlene is on the 11th, and the Appreciation Dinner for Sharon is-on the 30th. Remember the quarterly District Meeting is on Saturday, the 10th at 1pm in Oakridge and the Beaver Legion Conferral is Sunday, Jan. 11th at 11am in Oakridge. This is also the weekend of the District Karaoke Contest, if any of you are interested in competing. January here already! Jerry Railey, Governor 541-536-4834 A start of another fiscal year and half way through our 'Moose"year. We still need 25 members to be enrolled to reach our goal- That's 5per week average- Get out and ask some one!! A BIG thank you to all who helped with the Annual Community Christmas Dinner. It was a GREAT success. Join us for the Rose Bowl, (and Sugar Bowl) we will have some Ham & Beans to start off the new year and have a great time! On January 15th we will have a 'special/Baby Back Ribs Dinner with LIVE Music by the Soul Searchers. This is an event for the Lodge Pole Dodgers, but Everyone is Welcome!!! We will have enough dinner for all- dinner will be from 5- 7pm- Music will be from 7- 10pm. We ore working hard to keep our prices down. but as you know; everything is going up! If prices change, remember that is how we are able to help our community and the school kids with monetary contributions. We are still the best price in town! Thought for The Month: 'Rome did not cre.ate a empire by having meetings!!!! They did it by killing those that opposed theml!" Dave Lea, Administrator LaPine Moose Legion news- Moose Races, Jan. 9th at 5:30 Moose Legion Conferral at 11am on Jan. 11th in Oakridge Moose Legion Meeting, Jan. 20th at 5pm Jay Davis, Chainnan LA PINE #2093 MOOSE NOOZELETTER page 3. January 2015 Academy of Friendship WOMEN OF THE MOOSE #1851 2014-2015 BO~RD OF OFFICERS Senior Regent, PAT RIDENOUR Junior Regent, KAREN MYERS Chaplain, SHARON LIPPINCOTT SecretarylTreasurer, TERESA BRADFORD Recorder, SYLVIA REMILY Jr. Grad Regent, BERNIE SHOEMAKER Dear Co-workers, We sure have had a busy month. I rll'St want to thank all of you who came down to wrap gifts and put candy together. You all did a great job. Want to than-k Mr. Kenny Ridenour for aU the wonderful toys that he donated for the- children. They were so thrilled! We had a wonderful Christmas dinner. We could sure use more help on the day before • . Their were four ladies, Karen Myers, Syma Remily, Judy Davis and Kitti Rohr. They really worked hard. We had a wonderful dinner thank to Sylvia R., Pat R., Elaine Phelps, Dena T. & Louis T., Judy D~, Genny Schroll, Jo Manning, Alice J., Teresa B & George B., Dottie D.,Jerry R., Dean Olsen, Tony S., Rich B., Gary Hunter, Zach W., Carrie Tompkins, Dionde Poore. & friends, and even Mike, helped. Thank you all so very much. This is what makes our Lodge so wonderful. God Bless aU of you!! We are still giving away $10.00 dollars each month so don't forget to look for your membership number. Itjust might be you!!! Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. LOVE AND GOD BLESSINGS TO ALL PAT RIDENOUR, your Senior Regent FROM THE RECORDER LAPiNE CiiAPTER1S NEW Co",wORkER is SIiARON AlviS, SpONSOR: STAN FRiESE. The Senior Regent has been drawing a co-worker's illnumber and having Nancy Montgomery put it in the newsletter, If you see the number ladies, and it's yours you could win $10. So far 5 women have lost their chance to win. There were 2 WINNERS in December, for the month of November, Robin Railey, and December, Rhonda Williams. Each of these ladies received $10. for finding their number and contacting me. I AM AT TIiE (MAkE SURE If you check LodGE MOST WEEk dAYS FROM lOAM TO IpM. If you wish TO PAY YOUR dUES whlt ME, is MAdE OUT TO WOTM). IiAVE ANY QUESTioNS AbOUT ANyTliiNG PERTAiNiNG TO WOMEN of TIiE MOOSE, pLEASE STOP ANd SEE ME. HAVE A GREAT dAY, SyLviA REMily, RECORdER ~4l ...81~ ... 222~ page 4. Janua.ry Birthdays Larry Ackley 1-12 Ronald Andre 1-5 William Aultman 1-10 Mark Bise 1-21 Ray Bowman 1-29 Sean Christie 1-27 Jason Gaffke 1-11 Rich Goode 1-10 Steve Gray 1-10 Dennis Haniford 1-31 Dwight Hansen 1-5 Nathan Harman 1-30 Stephen Holt 1-13 Darreld Kerlin 1-28 Anthony Lea 1-14 Robert Lehrer 1-24 Scot McClain 1-6 Cody Mellott 1-22 James Miller 1-7 Scott Oakley 1-15 Gany Oleachea 1-19 Dane Parks 1-l(jMichael Reynolds 1-17 Robert Seek~lll-4 George Smith 1-4 Tun Stevenson 1-24 Steve Stewart 1-18 Edward Sunkle 1-31 Rex Tanner 1-10· Lloyd Tennison 1-4 MEALS ON WHEELS To receive a nutritious meal seniors must be age 60 or over, who. are either home-bound, or who are unable to shop or cook for themselves. If you or someone you know is eligible based on the above criteria, please contact Denise Gass at 541-848-9075. Meals are available 5 days a week in LaPine, as well as Bend, Redmond; Terrebonne, Crooked River Rancb, Sisters, Gilchrist, Cresent, Sunriver, and Madras. Michelle Allen 1-24 Billie Aplington 1-26 Lynn Benzel 1-21 Dana Carey 1-31 Lise Clark 1-6 Pam Clevenger 1-1 Carol Davis 1-31 Mary Dobson 1-5 Sheryl Gray 1-4 Danna Griffiths 1-11 Barbara.Heilman 1-21 Joy Hudgins Olson 1-10 Sherry Jentzsch 1- 8 Collette Kinkade 1-21 Betty Lancaster 1-22 Debbie Mellott 1-5 Joyce Mellott 1-15 Samantha Mellott 1-22 Joyce Nelson 1-22 Billie Patrick 1-31 Dyann Phetteplace 1-7 Pam Poeske t-28 MReilly 1-8 Cindy Ridenour 1-21 Shelly Runge 1-20 Catherine Schultz 1-13 Tracy Utterback 1-31 Gwen Walker 1-20 Debbie Wtlson 1-24 Central Oregon Council On Aging Our Lodge Email is: 12-10'_14 moose See "LaPine MOOSENOOZE" Online at: http://www.oregon mooseassociation.comILODGES/ D2ILaPine.pdf !pi" ~.- t • II II I II ... -- • ._,- -- .. - ... ,...--- .. ~· ... ~~,..11111- .. -'~,_.- HAPYf BIRTHDAY : • NAME.... • i I f t It I I I BIRTHDATE I ...... us for an dfd,,...,,,,... ...... "Irish Wake " January 17at 2pm ''Eat Drink, & Be Mer!)," o· ••: I. : l «Only valid during your birthday month» With this coupon, you can have $5 off any Saturday dinner during your birthday month_ (Not valid for Women's Breakfasts or dinners) , •8 4liiiiil~ , :' •• : I : I E"@_H_@:_tiiii-i!!ii!!iB!iiiiti!!!i-- .. _~ ......... tB"!iiiie@jj"'Ii!!!ii!I-~_"",,*· I AU our Sympathy to Mary and Anna Mahoney who lost their Mother Colleen Foltz on Sept. 24thJ 2014 / LA PINE #2093 MOOSE NOOZELETTER January 2015 page 5. Cream Butter & Brown Sugar until smooth, Add Ice Cream and blend well. Can freeze for future use. Mix heaping spoon into cup of HOT water, Add Rum & top off with Nutmeg if desired. Hot Buttered RUm Mix (from Joyce Mellott) 1 pound Butter, room temperature 1 pound Brown Sugar 1 Quart softened or melted Ice Cream Tom & Jerry Batter (from Nancy Schassen) 6 Eggs 1/2 Cup Powdered Milk 1/2 tsp. Cream of Tartar 1 1/2 pkgs, Powdered Sugar Separate Eggs, Beat Whites until thick.' Beat Yolks until thick then fold together. Mix other ingredients into Eggs, Mix until smooth. Serve with 1/2 shot Rum & 1/2 shot of Brandy. Top with Nutmeg or Cinnamon. .. . . January 3Oth- This evening is to thank Sharon for all she has done for her lodge and chapter over the years. Menu·: Chicken Fried Chicken- Breast, Salad, Baked Potato, Veggie, Roll, Orange Dream Cake For $8.00 Please come out and thank Sharon yourselves. Special Music that night by;"CHEYENNE WEST" HOOSE MUNCH BASKET RAFfLE Includes a Scrimshaw Moose Money Clip, Food items, a Moose, etc. Raffle starts January Ist, Drawing on Jan. 31 st. Jo Manning- Educational Advancement Chairman Pizza Nights Jan. 8th & 22nd LA PINE #2093 MOOSE NOOZElETTER January 2015 Page 6. 12.-2.1-1-j:. ~~~~~~~~J • • ney~1f_~"~~~~J~~~ £)~... ~-.£)7~~2.~Cf;~~~. • !~. ' .. .~~~£)~~~~~~k~. ~~~Cf;~~91t~"~9"~~ ~r~?"~~ Thanks to Jo Manning for donating p z dishwasher aprons for the kitchen. Thank You to the Loom for the money to buy gifts for the children. Thank You to the wonderful worm who helped wrap all the toys and boxes for C9hristmas! Thank to all members of our lodge who helped prep, seree, and cook for our C90mmunityC9hristmas1)inner! 1 appreciate you fill! Karen myers, Junior Regent Thanks to Pat Ridenour and Family for the donation of Chevron cars and trucks for Christmas. Thank You to Vat 1(idenour for getting everyone together to play in our '13I~ pool tournament in October! (There were some that have never shot pool before ever) Rick T30rd 5926497 George Bradford for doing the lodge retention program every month. Relay for Life all year and for the help in the kitchen. And most of all for being Santa every year. Thank you, Terri Bradford for doing the chapters retention every month, cooking foe the lodge and chapter a lot, and for being Mrs. Santa each year and thanks for all the fun parties you have done for us. Again thank you both for all you do for the lodge and the chapter, and have done for 36 years ..... Thank you, thank you thank you! Carolyn Marstall LA PINE #2093 MOOSE NOOZELETIER page 7. January 2015 Sundays Poker Game suspended , till after football season. '1'1 POOL TOU,RNAME'NTS Every Sunday in ~ ...... +January 10 people- $10. pot 11-19 people- $20. pot 20 or more people $50. plus a special prize for Monthly Winner For all your haunng needs, e,aUSleve 541-480-8435 serving laPine and Beyond US DOT 290135 Driveway lock • Snow PlowIng • ClndeTS • Did CREATNE HOUSING REALTY o,~~~,.. PeM O~'" I' ~l"Ir.o!lLLJ'.." PRINCIPAL BROKER $414l1B-36511 WN&", TREE SERVICE LLC HAZARD TREES· FUEL REDUcrlON CHIPPING· STUMP GRINDING • LOT ClEARING Custom Pole Buildings: Residential, Farm & Ranch Since 1964 • Lie. #22820 • Bonded' Insured BRAD FOOTE, Builder (541) 420·1103 P.O. Box 1142 • La Pine, Oregon 97739 Office (54') 433-2310· Fax (541) 433-2320 E-mail: Page 8. January 2015 laPine Moose Art Class Featured Artist: S;j~qJ~ Darts Dart Tournaments January I I th & 25th at rpm A New lear:SOPrayer May God make your year a happy one! Not by shielding you from all sorrows and pain, But by strengthening you to bear it, as it comes; Not by making your path easy, But by making you sturdy to travel any path; Not by taking hardships from you, But by taking fear from your heart; Not by granting you unbroken sunshine, But by keeping your face bright, even in the shadows; . Not by making your life always pleasant, But by showing you when people and their causes need you most, and by making you anxious to be there to help. God's love, peace, hope and joy to you for the year ahead. THEVERYPOP'ULAR January 12th- BCS Championship in Arlington Texas, 8pm eastern time. The ColJege Bowl National Championship brings together the top two teams to battle it out for the title. Don't miss your chance to see some of the best college football action LIVE! MOOSE RACES Friday Jan. 9th - Post Time at 5:30pm NEWII! BEER BATTERED SHRIMP BASKET for $6.00 at 5pm by WOTM EVERYONE WELCOME! January 2015 J LA PINE #2093 MOOSE NOOZELETTER Saturday Dinner Menus by the LOOM DINNERS ARE FROM 5PM TO 7PM Unless specified Jan.3rd- Chili & Crackers Sold at the Bar ........................................$3. 00 Sunday Breakfast Menus bytheWOTM BREAKFASTS ARE FROM 9AM TO 11AM Unless specified Jan. 4th Chicken Fried Steak (or Pork) with Country grary, or 3 large sausage links, 2 Eggs to order, hashbrowns, biscuit, fruit, juice. and coffee. $ 7.00 by Dave & Becky Jan. 10th- Pork Chops, Applesauce, Baked Potato, Veggie, & Roll ..... $8. 00 by Todd & Amanda Jan. 11th, 18th, & 25th Breakfast Off Menu 2 Eggs Made to Order Choice 0/ Bacon; Ham, or Sausage Links Hash Browns Choice of White or Wheat Toast, or Biscuit $6.00 No dinner due to PotluckIrish Wakefor Darlene Aultman. 3 Egg Denver Scramble Made with Ham, Peppers, Onion, and Cheese, Hash Browns, Choice of White or Wheat Toast or Biscuit. $7.00 Jan 24th- 3 Egg Omelet Ham & Cheese, or Sausage or Bacon, or Denver Style, Served with hashbrowns and toast. $7.00 Jan 17th- Meat Loaf; Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Veggie, and Roll ..................................... $7.00 by Todd &Amanda Jan. 31st- Liver & Onions or Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes and Grary, Veggie, and Roll & Butter ..................................... $7. 00 Prep by Dave & Becky, Served by Louis, De1'.Ul,and Jo 2 Biscuits and Gravy Add Ham, Bacon, or Sausage Add 2 Eggs $3.50 $5.00 $6.00 2 Pancakes, 2 Eggs, Choice of Bacon, Ham, or Sausage Links, and Hashbrowns $7.0(} On the Light Side 2 Eggs, Choice of 1 Strip of Bacon, or 1 Sausage Link, Choice of Toast or Biscuit. $4.00 JANlIARY2015 Breakfasts are Dinners are from 4:30- 6:30 At the la Pine, Oregon MQose lodge from 9-11am unleSs specified Sunday Tuesday Monday Wednesday Thursday . Rose Bowl 1:30 &: Sugar Bowl Ham &: Beans $3.00 Chili & Crackers Shredded Beef TacoSalad . (at the-bar) $3.00 WOTMfimdraiser $6.00 , New Years Day 4 7 Chiclr:enFried Steak or Pork or Sausage & Eggs 9-11 am $7.00 One Pool Table left open for practice. House 5:30 Officers 6pm Lodge 6:30 Free family Pool 9-11, Pool Tournament 2pm . II Oakridge 13 12 Beaver~on Celebration 9-11 am Breakfast off Menu A ofF One PoolTable Jeft open for practice. ., & B Luncheon lpm Cinco de Mayo 14 Food to order plus special 4:30 No Bingo ts Hostess: Robin Railey . Free family Pool 9-11 B urgers·. rau Darts at lpm Open Mike & Jam . Pool Tournament 2pm Session 4=30pm 19 18 pIZZA texas Hold 'Em Tournament 6:30pm 15 21 Moose Races 5:30 Shrimp Bskt WI French Fries or Onion Rings & Cole Slaw $6. wery. Welcome! S'1pm Oakridge- District Mtg. Oakridge Ipm Higher Degree 1 . Pork Chops Dinner $8.00 Dist. Karaoke Contest 17 Irish Wake 2pm Chicken & Dumplings WOTMfimdraiser $6.00 Music by Bradley D. 24 MartIn Luther king Day Brealifast off Menu Free familyPool 9-11 PoolTOU11lIimem2pm .25 Breakfast .~ One Pool Table left open for practice. 9-11 am BULLETIN 'Legion Mtg. 5pm DEADLINE -Hcuse Com 5:30. except for mtg. Officers Mtg. 6pm __information . LO[)_GE Mt9._6:30 .26 off Menu Food to order plus special 4:30 No Bingo 28 PIZZA Night 4:30 Texas Hold 'Em Tournament 6:30pm 29 WOTM One Pool Table left open for practice. Free family Pool 9-11 Darts lpm Pool Tournament 2pm Burgers & Brauts 9-11 am I BULLETIN FOLDING . LodgePole Open ~lke & Ja. Dodgers Mtg. & Session 4=30pm Banquet-Lasagna Food to order plus special 4:30 No Bingo Busiaess Mtg. Noon Texas Hold 'Em Tournament 6:30pm Shepard Pie WOTMfundraiser $6.00 Meatloaf Dinner $7.00 Music by Bradley D. 30 Slrll1'on's 31 AppreciatWn . . . ._ Chicken Dinner. LIVer & Onions Chicken Fried or Salisbury Chicken Breast, Steak $7.00 Baked Potato, Veggie, Roll, & Dream Caire $8. Musi£by Music by Bradley D .. Cheyenne West . for Darlene Aultrn Bring Pot Luck ishes or Snack Tray . wi Hot Fudge Brownies 23 22 10 Music by Bradley D. .=~ Music by The Soul Searchers 20 9 16 Texas Hold 'Em Tournament 6:30pm . by Dave & Becky Music by Bradley D WOTM Welcome Mtg. Noon then Board . 11am 8 Night 4:30 Food to order plus special 4:30 N() Bing() Saturday Friday 2 1 Happy new Year unless specified
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