Grass Valley Moose News Grass Valley Moose Family Center Lodge #2217, Chapter #1767 15694 Allison Ranch Road, Grass Valley, CA 95949 Phone: 530-273-1070 - Office 273-9052 MOOSE—THE FAMILY FRATERNITY: AN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF MEN AND WOMEN, DEDICATED TO CARING FOR YOUNG AND OLD, BRINGING COMMUNITIES CLOSER TOGETHER AND CELEBRATING LIFE. November/December 2014 Welcome Aboard What's Inside Birthdays/Anniv 7 Calendars 13, 14 Dinner Specials 5 Events 10—12 Lodge Meetings 2 Social Quarters Hours We would like to extend a warm Moose welcome to the following new LOOM & WOTM. Congratulations and welcome to our family center. We look forward to getting better acquainted with you and seeing you at our dinners and functions. LOOM New Member James Doyle Mike Elliott Robert Jaramillo Larry Salem WOTM Sponsor Cindi Hermosa Candy Elliott Walt Meek William Thompson Monday thru Friday 1:00 PM - 11:30 PM Saturday Noon - ??? Sunday 9 AM - 7 PM Hours may vary due to attendance or special events. Governor’s Message New Member Michelle Albanese Pam Baxley Lorissaa Berglund Marla Burnham Heather Johnson Annette Oftedal Patty Puppe Linda Sacco Janet Wheeler Christy Summer Sponsor Illa Meek Ashley Baxley Sharon Runyon Sharon Runyon Zola Stoneback Bill Chappell Denise Clank Sandy Castle (re-enroll) Donna Summer Ron Hilger Governor GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS Published Bi-Monthly by Grass Valley Moose Family Center #2217 Loyal Order of Moose 15694 Allison Ranch Road Grass Valley, CA 95949 Editor: Loretta Strom Hello all, Many of you will be familiar with me from around the lodge, but might be surprised to find me in the role of Governor. Believe me, I know how you feel; I was somewhat surprised myself at first! But with help from my fellow officers and lodge members I believe this will be a smooth transition. I’d like to thank Bill Chappell for making the difficult decision to step down as well for his ongoing help and advice, and I’d also like to thank Ron Strom for taking on the huge task of being our Administrator and for doing such a great job at it. I’m a team player, and look forward to working with all of you to help make our lodge a better place and to continue to be a positive force in our community. Fraternally yours—Ron Hilger-Governor 1 Phone: 444-0849 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 L.O.O.M. #2217 Officer and Chairmen 2014-2015 W.O.T.M. #1767 Officers and Chairmen 2014-2015 Governor Ron Hilger 444-0849 Senior Regent Vacant Administrator Ron Strom 401-6595 Junior Regent Vacant Jr. Past Governor Bill Chappell 273-7776 Chaplain Loretta Nelson 268-9102 Junior Governor Vacant Jr. Grad Regent Beverly Cramer 265-5534 Prelate Terry Ingram 263-8651 Sec/Treasurer Loreen Chapman 477-8584 Treasurer Don Sander 478-0501 Recorder Rosemary St. John 274-8982 3 Year Trustee Jon Sylvia 477-1142 Guide Charlie Crosby 269-1822 2 Year Trustee Mike Trost 575-4224 Assistant Guide Cindi Hermosa 269-0668 1 Year Trustee Vacant May -Membership Kathy McCammon 272-6289 Applications Review Walt Meek June -Publicity Janet Regusci 272-7858 July-Youth Involvement Myrl Trost 575-4224 273-4727 ASSOCIATION MID-YEAR CONFERENCE Atlantis Casino Resort Spa Reno, Nevada March 26 – 29, 2015 INTERNATIONAL MOOSE CONVENTION 2015 (July 3—7) Nashville 2016 (TBA) St. Louis Aug. -Acdmy of Friendship Nita Jacobsen 477-5003 Sept. -Star Recorder Brenda Abbott 274-0141 Oct. -Mooseheart/Haven Carolyn Sanders 478-0501 Nov. -College of Regents Donna Recker 272-5480 Dec. -Community Service Bonnie Benfield 268-4791 Jan. -Ed. Advancement Joni Holland 269-1822 Feb. -Family Involvement Candy Elliott 798-3619 Mar. -Moose Charities 272-2749 Patti Wood Apr. -Health Awareness Diane Wilson 272-6299 Audit 272-7858 Janet Regusci Lodge Meetings November 4, December 2 LOOM Officers Meeting 6:00 p.m. November 4, December 2 November 4, December 2 November 18, December 8 November 18, December 8 November 19 LOOM General Meeting Joint Board Meeting House Committee Meeting LOOM General Meeting Joint Orientation 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. November 11, December 9 November 11, December 9 WOTM Officers Meeting WOTM Chapter Meeting 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. November 25, December 23 WOTM Business Meeting 7:00 p.m. 2 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER Ron Strom Administrator From the Administrator These last two months flew by and so did summer. We have a change in Governor, Bill Chappell has resigned and our former Jr. Governor, Ron Hilger has stepped up to become our new Governor., making Bill our Jr. Past Governor and Don Sanders has been elected to the office of Treasurer . I’m very excited about all the up coming events we have coming. Just take a look at the calendars. Starting November 2nd, we have a member retention campaign, nation wide. So if you’ve sponsored anyone and you haven’t seen them for a while, give them a call and let them know we are doing a lot of new things and we appreciate their membership. Remember it’s your Lodge as much as any other member. We will soon have a credit card & debit machine to make it more convenient to support your Lodge. We now have a new jukebox in your social quarter, with unlimited music and a couple new video game machines with latest games. Come on in and enjoy. Let’s help Moose charities, raise money for our Endowment Cradle Fundraiser. I have the information posted in our dining room. So many of you are great people and it is my pleasure to be part of this Frateral Organization with you. Thank you for supporting your Lodge. Ron Strom Chris Johnson Legion Secretary Moose Legion Activities Committee District meeting in Yuba City Roll call taken with humor…..New Rule, Governor and Administrator are required to attend at least fifty percent of District meetings. If you as a lodge miss to many meetings your Lodge will be contacted by the powers above and your social quarters will be closed for three days. So lets attend all required meetings, third offense, the Board of Officers will be removed and social quarters will be closed for seven days. The campout was a great success, monies that were collected were broken down and distributed to Moose Charities. There will be a National Karaoke Contest for all lodges to participate. More information to follow. Legion meeting that was held in Folsom, I did not attend. Completely my fault! I will strive to represent our Lodge better in the future. Our Legion meeting was held September 20th 2014 We discussed our new pavers, (that were put in before) and the Crab Feed which is postponed till further notice due to cost of the crabs, but don’t worry it will happen! We are going to be having food at the Sunday football games in the afternoon. So come on down and eat, drink and be merry, cheering for your team. Hope you all had fun with our Octoberfest celebration. We need help on the Lodge Clean up days. It is only one to two hours of fun and sweat for the Lodge . Do Some Good Thing For Someone Each Day Chris Johnson 3 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 EVERY THURSDAY 6pm POOL LEAGUE Dinner by Brenda Message from the Social Quarters Manager Hello All!!!!! Walt Meek Social Quarters Manager I would like to thank all the members who read my letter. My last letter was not very positive, but because of the the members response we are doing much better, business is better in the social quarters and thanks to Mike and Candy our dinners get better every week!! If you have missed Wednesday night gourmet burgers its your fault, they are delicious and you can create your own with lots of stuff to choose from. We have lots of things to do with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years coming up. Please sign up early as we need to know how much ham, prime rib etc. to order. When I thanked my bartenders in the last newsletter, I forgot to thank Kelly, THANKS. If you can get a chance come in and see the new Juke Box, thousands of songs and it is hooked up to the internet. Don’t forget it is your lodge and only your support keeps the bills paid...Happy Holidays to all. Thanks—Your Social Quarter Manager, Walt Meek Weekly Activities Monday—Taco Night Tuesday—Moose Hour and Snacks Wednesday—Free Pool and Gourmet Burgers $9 Thursday—Moose Hour and Food $5/plate Friday—Friday Night Dinner Specials & Karaoke Saturday—Lodge Events Sunday—Sunday Breakfast Specials 4 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER JULY/AUGUST 2014 Friday Night Dinner Specials November November 7 Southern Fried Chicken November 14 Lasagna November 21 Chicken Parmesan November 28 Fajaita $12.00 December December 5 Mike’s Meaty Meatloaf December 12 Chicken Fried Steak December 19 Candy’s Chicken December 26 Chinese Buffet In addition to the above specials, we have a full Menu. If you haven’t tried us out, come down and see what you have been missing. Remember we are a Family Fraternity not a bar and our survival depends on our members! Come and participate in one of our many upcoming events! Family Activities Dinner Breakfast Dogs & Football Tacos Moose Hour and Snacks Free Pool Mike’s Gourmet Hamburgers Moose Hour Bingo Lodge Food Special/$5.00 plate Pool League Karaoke Moose Riders Meeting Family Cards Veteran’s Breakfast (free) Lodge Clean-up Lodge Moose Legion Meeting Joint Orientation Moose Legion Mouth-Watering Dinner Mighty 190 Celebration Conferral @ Roseville Thanksgiving Dinner District Meeting @ Folsom Decorate Lodge & Present wrapping Karaoke Contest (Cash Prize) District Meeting @ West Sacramento Free Brandy Egg Nog Social New Year’s Eve Dinner Every Friday Every Sunday Every Sunday Every Monday Every Tuesday Every Wednesday Every Wednesday Every Thursday Every Thursday Every Thursday Every Thursday Every Friday November 2, December 7 November 2, December 7 November 9 November 15, December 20 November 15, December 20 November 19 November 15, December 13 November 16 November 22 November 23 December 6 December 12 December 14 December 24 December 31 5 6 to 7:30 p.m. 9 to 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. to Closing 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. After Dinner 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Noon 10:00 a.m. After Dinner Noon 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 2014—2015 Youth Awareness Program—Students Wanted Can teenagers persuade younger children to make positive choices in life? “YES!” say the teens and adults who work together in the MOOSE YOUTH AWARENESS PROGRAM. For more than 25 years, we have organized high school students into a highly effective “speakers’ bureau” with the goal of educating preschool and elementary school children on a variety of topics, such as drug and alcohol abuse, child abuse, “stranger danger”, bullying and peer pressure and healthy habits and nutrition. At the Association Student Congresses, students focus on creating Moose KidsTalks, which are presentations to be given to 4 to 9 year-olds in their communities. Adults may provide information and inspiration, but the ideas for the students’ KidsTalks are all their own. They develop ways to empower children to make healthy choices or resist danger, and go home determined to put them into practice. Each year, approximately 60 students, who attended Association Student Congresses and completed the minimum of three (3) Moose KidsTalks, are selected by their peers to attend the International Youth Awareness Congress. Grass Valley was honored to have two local students selected for the 2014 International Youth Awareness Congress held earlier this year in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The 2015 International Youth Awareness Congress will be held in Orlando, Florida from April 30 – May 4. At the conclusion of the International Congress, five students will be selected by the attendees to receive scholarships. The awards are: 1st Place - $12,000, 2nd Place - $8,000, 3rd Place - $5,000, 4th Place - $3,000, and 5th Place - $2,000. The exact dates of the Youth Awareness Congresses are still being “firmed-up” and will be posted when made available. For more information please contact the Administrator. Annual Holiday Food Baskets for Needy Families Holidays Are Coming—Donations Are Needed. It is that time of year again to start collecting non-perishable food items for families in need. A donation barrel will be in the lobby of the Social Quarters. Suggested items are canned vegetables, cranberry sauce, dressing mix, cake & frosting mix, canned fruit, peanut butter, jam, cooking oil, jello, pudding, syrup, pancake mix, etc. Cash donations will also be gratefully accepted so that we may buy the perishable items. Please find it within your heart to donate to the less fortunate. Thank you in advance for whatever you contribute so that these families can have a nice Thanksgiving and Christmas. They will appreciate it beyond words. VETERAN’S DAY BREAKFAST To thank all our military women & men We invite them to enjoy free breakfast November 9th from 9-11am 6 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 Bir thdays November 1 2 2 3 3 5 5 6 6 6 8 Frank Benfield Kevin Behle Don Terrell Christine Anderson Mary Parsons Larik Butyrin Patty Puckett Drew Gonzales Terry Ingram Sandra Terrell Doris Warnas December 1 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 9 Judith Hecox Barbara Hammond Sandy Terronez Dave Zelhart Chuck White Ruth Coffelt Robert Crow Jon Hecox Don Gaughan Al Angulo 9 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 16 17 19 Gregory Lutz Susan Weller George Laffoon Dan Mitchell Tony Olivolo David Klein Beverly Cramer Dave May Mary Ramos Steve Toms Linda Carlon 19 Joe Kasza 20 Richard Isaeff 22 Karen Barbour 22 Rhonda Churchman 22 Shawn Clark 22 Doug Green 24 Michael Brockman 24 Karleen BrudigamJones 24 Barri Whitaker 26 Emily Martin 26 26 28 28 29 29 Ann Smouse Patti Wood Suzanne Beck Jim Darnell Richard Bucher Patty Dinwiddie 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 Rolly Brown Lester Shufleberger Jim Brower Jill Dermer Dick Osgood Doris Haralson Shirlyn Vogel Karen Long Steve Novak Andy Garcia Harvey Hart 15 15 18 18 20 21 22 22 24 25 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 30 30 31 31 Jerri Kelley David Nurenberg Georgia Gross Mark Kangas Sabrina Giannoni Susan Olsen Margaret Garcia Jesse Bandy Eddie Haskins Jerry Morris Karen Peck Marc Metcalf John Slusser Brad Hoekstra Leo Wyles Carolyn Sanders Laraine Sherriff Lorissa Berglund Tom O'Flanagan Sandi Eyre John Allochis Ted Bivert Anniver saries November 5 6 9 10 24 25 December Mike & Candy Elliott Harvey & Karen Hart - 1976 Jay & Nita Jacobsen - 1985 Joe & Rose Cuffe - 1962 Clint & Caren Wallington Richard & Judy Bucher 18 19 26 28 Walt & Illa Meek - 1965 Eddie & Susan Haskins - 1964 Steve & Lila Spjut - 1975 Mel & Tricia Berry - 1962 KARAOKE Every Friday-After Dinner Family Card Day 1st Sunday every month at 2pm THURSDAY’S 7 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 Important Information for All Members as a result of the 2014 International Moose Convention 1. Key changes that impact most Moose members include: a. The option of reducing the number of Lodge Officers. Currently, the General Laws provide for three Trustees to be on the Board. The revision gives our lodges the choice between the current officer configuration and reducing the number of Trustees from three down to one. Dispensation from the General Governor’s Office is required prior to reducing the number of Trustees. b. Co-sponsorship between men and women. Members of the Loyal Order of Moose can now sponsor women into the Women of the Moose, and vice versa. Despite this change, the sponsorship rules still require an endorser from the lodge or chapter, as well as the review and approval of all candidates. Further, with the change in sponsorship policy, all individuals over the age of 21 are now considered candidates; therefore the guest policy of two visits before membership is required applies to all individuals, including lady friends of male members and gentlemen friends of female members. The only exceptions are spouses of current members, who still have no limits to the number of times they may visit. c. Expired Members can now re-enroll after six months. Expired members who do not wish to retain their prior years of service in the Fraternity may now re-enroll into a Lodge after six months. They must complete an application, mark it as a re-enrollment and submit it with all applicable fees. Only a Lodge vote is needed to re-enroll back into their previous Lodge; while an application review and Lodge vote is needed to re-enroll into a different Lodge. 2. A New Member Orientation Program is now available. a. The program, complete with a new 15 minute video, was previewed during several breakout sessions during the International Convention. Also to be included are video presentations of the Lodge and Moose Legion Rituals. b. The entire package, including outline, scripts, videos (DVD format), etc. will automatically be sent to all Lodges. The video is also posted to the Moose International YouTube video site. Orientation NEXT JOINT ORIENTATION Our next orientation will be held on Wednesday, November 19th, at 7:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 19, 2014 This is a very relaxed, and informal social gathering. If you are a new member and 7:00 P.M. have not attended an orientation, this is a good way to find out more about the Moose Organization and your lodge and chapter. The program is followed by a social featuring finger food and light snacks. New members will be contacted and invited to attend. 8 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 This is a letter to all the WOTM members. As the Jr. Graduate Regent I have seen an alarming decrease in attendance at the Chapter meetings, and I am at a loss to know why this is happening. We ae required to have a minimum of seven members, including the officers, to hold our Chapter meetings. In September on both the meetings we had to ASK women that were at the Lodge to attend so there would be a quorum to hold our meetings. This confuses me. When we all joined we professed a desire to participate in the WOTM. If the women don’t come to meetings and speak up and let the committee chairmen and the officers know what you want to happen, how are we supposed to know what activities to schedule? PLEASE, please, take the time to come to at least one meeting a month...It is MY OPINION that without more participation our Chapter will not be able to keep going, and that would be horrible for the Lodge. Beverly Cramer—Jr. Grand Regent Grass Valley Moose Riders Hello again all of you Moose Riders, the holidays are right around the corner and for Thanksgiving we would like to support our Lodge by volunteering our services by cleaning up, food or whatever is needed. If interested call Amy. We would like to ask everyone coming to the Thanksgiving dinner, if you can afford to bring a gift a child to be donated to the Nevada County Toy Run, which runs th on December 13 2014, at 9am – 3pm, starting at the Eric Road Building in Nevada City and ending at the fairgrounds, where the toys will be donated. This helps support our Community through our lodge. Moose Riders will be donating $50.00 to the Toy Run, which in turn adds us as a sponsor and Moose Riders will be added to the back of the t-shirts for that run. For those of us who don't have bikes, we will be supporting this event standing on the street cheering on the riders. Join in on the fun, it's truly an unbelievable event, on another note the Moose Riders campout, at the Lake of the Springs, had a huge turnout with tons of fun and Karaoke. A big thanks to all who volunteered on Taco Nights, our Lodge members appreciate those tacos. At the last convention on September 6, 2014 in Reno Nevada, Moose Riders were installed officially in the Nevada /California Moose Riders Association. To our newest members: Jerry & Donna Recker. Welcome! Written and submitted by your Secretary/Recorder, Denise Clark Gosney Questions call Amy (President) at 530-263-1590 For upcoming events, see our bulletin board in the Social Quarters at the Moose Lodge. Moose Riders President email: Amy Benfield: 9 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 Moose Legion Dinners Mouth-Watering Entrees’ With all the fixin’s Saturday November 15th 6 p.m. Pot Roast Saturday December 13th 6 p.m. Standing Rib Roast Contact the Lodge for Details Sign up sheet and tickets in Friday, December 12th (after Friday night dinner) Social Quarters Sing like a ROCKSTAR and win CASH! v LIVE COUNTRY MUSTC December 31st CANDY’S Prime Rib Dinner 6 pm HIGH SIERRA BAND Sat., Nov. 14th @ 8pm $10 admission 10 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 WOTM Christmas Party & Gift Exchange Tuesday, December 17 at 7 p.m. We will have our WOTM Christmas Party at our chapter meeting on Dec. 17th. Please bring a dessert or finger food to share and if you wish to participate in the gift exchange—a $10.00 gift for our exchange. Hope to see you all there! Decorate our Christmas Tree & Lodge Saturday, December 6. The fun starts at 1 p.m. Adult Christmas Party 6pm Dec. 20th It all starts with Dinner Let the Fun Begin!! Pirate exchange. steal from another or except a gift. Bring a gift to play the game. Sing your heart out at Karaoke KIDS CHRISTMAS PARTY 12pm Dec. 20th 11 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 COLLEGE OF REGENTS CHAPTER NIGHT TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 @ 7 P.M. Please come to this chapter meeting to help us celebrate with Illa Meek as she receives her Red Stole. Jo Farrugia and Kathy McCammon are both going to have their tassels changed from green to red. We will have snacks and lots of fun. Hope we can count on you all to come to this celebration. Brenda’s Country Western Hoe Down Cribbage Tournament I want to thank everyone who participated in the Cribbage Tournament. Sorry I’m a little late in thanking everyone who helped make my Country Western Hoe Down Dinner and Dance a success. A great night was had by everyone who attended. The band was excellent and the food was great. A special thanks goes out to the following moose members who graciously helped. Terry Ingram for cooking such wonderful steaks, Donna and Jerry Recker for greeting and checking in the guests. Cindi and Candy for serving, and a wonderful Kitchen Crew, Susan, Carol and Joni. Couldn’t have decorated and put the finishing touches without the help from Mike Trost and Robert Jaramillo. Thnak you soooo much, you are all the greatest! Fun was had by all and congrats to Jerry Recker 1st place winner. Cindi Hermosa Watch for future tournament dates Brenda 12 Reser ved for 13 Reser ved for 14 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 15 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE GRASS VALLEY MOOSE FAMILY CENTER #2217 15694 ALLISON RANCH ROAD GRASS VALLEY, CA 95949 Non-Profit org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Grass Valley, CA 95945 Permit No. 76 FORWARDING SERVICE REQESTED Address Label We are in the people business and without people we are Out of Business! Nov. / Dec. 2014 Newsletter $1.00 TACOS Every Monday 5:30 p.m. 16
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