ANTLERS & TALES Loyal Order Of Moose Louisville Lodge #5 Family Center 502-499-8875 WWW.MOOSELODGE5.COM ESKEW’S ESSAY Congratulations, Jim Galloway, for winning the $50 Thornton’s gift card in our membership drive! We want to let you know of some changes that the Board is considering. For the last several years, we have seen a steady decrease in attendance for the live music nights. While Wednesdays remain relatively strong, Fridays and Saturdays have declined considerably. We've tried a wide range of entertainers and have seen no improvement. It has become more difficult to warrant live entertainment three nights a week. Therefore, the Board is considering the elimination of either Friday or Saturday live music. Sundays and Thursdays have always been the nights for Karaoke, with Thursdays the better of the two. A suggestion made by a couple of members was to move Karaoke from Sunday to Saturday. Since a lot of our participants are still of working age, it might be logical to have a Karaoke night out without having to work the next day. Ready for some good news? By the time that you read this, the new carpet should be installed in our Lodge. We were approved for the grant of almost $21,000 and this will be a great start to renovating the Lodge. Hopefully, we will have final plans for the lounge renovation at this time too. The KY Singles Dance Club has signed a six month contract for dances on Sunday nights. Their guests love our ballroom and bar and several have become members. We have also hosted the Louisville Poker Society. This group wants to use our card and dining rooms for their events. This has led to new and transferred members. Just a reminder - Moose members are encouraged to bring guests to our Lodge for fun and entertainment. You may bring the same guest two times to see the Lodge and enjoy the activities. They must be signed in by the member and may not make purchases. If the guest comes a third time, they must join the Lodge. These are the rules set by Moose International to satisfy our qualification as a “not for profit” organization. As a Board, we are committed to keeping your Lodge a true destination place; a place where members are comfortable and safe, can enjoy themselves and feel as though they have ownership. We are constantly trying new activities and we welcome your suggestions. There is a suggestion box in the hallway, or you can come to our monthly Lodge meeting every third Tuesday. Suggestions should include current members and their guests, what day for the activity and the name of who would oversee the event. I will also take suggestions via e-mail Thank you! Paul Eskew, Governor FEBRUARY & MARCH 2015 Governor: PAUL ESKEW Senior Regent: KELLY HAMSLEY KELLY’S KORNER Happy New Year to all of you! I sure love this Lodge and Chapter of ours. I have met so many interesting people from all walks of life. Each of you have something to contribute and continue to do so, whether it be volunteering, increasing and maintaining membership, attending meetings, being a committee chairman, planning or donating to fundraising efforts. THANK YOU! WOW! December was a busy month! First, I want to thank everyone who came out to help decorate the Lodge for Christmas. It looked great as usual. The Children’s Christmas Party was wonderful. I want to send a huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped. And thank you, Santa Claus, for taking time to stop by. It wouldn’t be Christmas without you. The Mitten Tree was a giant success. Thank you to everyone who donated money or items. Because of you, we helped the children at Mooseheart stay warm this winter. Thank you, Barbara and Jerry Russell, for delivering the items. Also, congratulations to Barbara Russell, who was the winner of the bracelet for our Membership Drive! Nominations and elections of WOTM Board of Officers for 2015-2016 are on the horizon. Please consider submitting your name for one of these positions - Senior Regent, Junior Regent, Secretary/Treasurer, or Recorder. Your Board of Officers is necessary for the Chapter to continue. If you are considering one of the four positions or want to nominate someone who you think will be an asset to the continued success of this Chapter, please contact any of the current Board members. We will be holding three nomination committee meetings in February, elections in March, and installation in April. Check the calendar for dates and times. It is important for all Moose members to be involved in our Lodge and Chapter. If you have not been involved in the organization and would like to do so, come to a meeting. That’s a great place to start. It’s also a place to meet people and make new friends. If meetings aren’t your thing, you can still volunteer to help. “Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.” YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! See you all at the Lodge! Kelly Hamsley, Senior Regent BOARD ELECTIONS: ENTERTAINMENT NEWS MEN’S BOARD OF OFFICERS ELECTIONS: Nominating committee meeting, Tuesday February 17, 7:00 pm Nominating committee meeting, Tuesday March 3, 7:00 pm, Ballot box out Nominating committee meeting, Tuesday March 24, 6:30 pm, Ballot box in Election, Tuesday April 7, 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm WOMEN’S BOARD OF OFFICERS ELECTIONS: Hope you all had a good start to the year and are free of the flu. We had a real nice New Year’s Eve party, with many more than last year. Ricky and the horn players did a great job. We got lots of compliments. There were quite a few new faces as guests. Maybe some new members? We thank the members who invited them. Nominating committee meeting, Tuesday February 3, 6:45 pm Nominating committee meeting, Tuesday February 17, 6:45 pm Nominating committee meeting, Tuesday February 19, 6:30 pm Election, Tuesday March 24, 6:30 pm Ricky, Cal and Rob are our main stays in the lounge in February and March. Dave Van Tassel will be gone for six weeks, but will be back on March 28. Barb & Eddie return on a couple of Saturdays, February 21 and March 21. That is always a great time. Joint Installation of Officers, Tuesday April 25, 7:00 pm Valentine’s Day is Saturday, February 14. Bring your sweetheart and celebrate with your friends here at the Lodge! Ricky will entertain us. These are the men’s elected offices. You may only nominate yourself. Governor - Been an active member of the Lodge for at least six (6) months immediately preceding the date of election and completed at least one (1) year in another elected office (not a combination of offices) of the Lodge in which he seeks office. Junior Governor - Been an active member of the Lodge for at least six (6) months immediately preceding the date of election. Prelate - Been an active member of the Lodge for at least six (6) months immediately preceding the date of election. Treasurer - Must be an active member of the Lodge. Trustee - Must be an active member of the Lodge These are the women’s elected offices. You may nominate someone, but you must have their permission. Senior Regent - presiding officer, submits reports, attends training sessions and conferences. Junior Regent - assists Senior Regent; presides in her absence. Secretary / Treasurer - keeps minutes, verifies certain records, assists Recorder. Recorder - maintains all records, finances, and applications for the Chapter; enters and transmits all reports in a timely manner; attends training sessions. Of course, this is a brief summary of all duties. If interested, see a current Board member. Thank you! WOTM SUNDAY DINNERS: The Alexander Steak Dinners have been a excellent addition to our dinner menu for three years now, but they have decided that they need a break. So, February 8th will be their last dinner. We want to thank Carl and Chrissi and their family for giving of their time and energy to bring such a wonderful dinner. We hope that you will let them know how much you have enjoyed it as well. That being said, we need people to help us with the dinners. First and second Sundays are offered as a fundraiser for the Women of the Moose and we need volunteers to make that happen. Would you be interested in helping us one Sunday of the month to serve dinners to your friends and family? Please speak to one of our officers and answer any questions you may have. St Patrick’s Day is Tuesday, March 17 and we are having a party in the ballroom! This has been a special event for the Moose since we’ve been around and usually a real hoot. Doors open at 5 pm with $6.00 admission. Dinner is 5:30 to 7:30 pm with corn beef or ham dinner plates for $5.00. Ricky Powell and the Sax Man will entertain us for dancing, with some special St Pat’s theme songs. Drink specials by Shane all night long. So, PUT ON THE GREEN and join in the fun! See you at the Moose! Keep dancing! Ken & Toya KENTUCKY MOOSE ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP PROMOTION ** This promotion would be any member who sponsors a new/former member during the designated period. Each sponsorship receives one entry (i.e. John sponsors 11 new/former members, his name is entered into the drawing 11 times). ** A drawing will be held every quarter and the name drawn will receive Registration and one Reverse Drawing ticket or one Monte Carlo buy in, based on the convention or conference designated. ** Each entry is valid only during the quarter that the individual is a sponsor. ** The prize is not transferable. Only the member selected may use the package. 3rd Qtr: 1 Nov 2014 - 31 Jan 2015, valid for Mid-Year Conference March 2015 4th Qtr: 1 Feb 2015- 30 Apr 2015, valid for Annual Convention in September 2015 1st Qtr: 1 May 2015- 31 July 2015, valid for Annual Convention in September 2015 2nd Qtr: 1 Aug 2015- 31 Oct 2015, valid for Mid-Year Conference 2016 TOP SPONSOR ** The member who sponsors the most new or re-enrolled memberships from 1 Nov 2014 to 30 April 2015 will receive two nights hotel room plus registration for the KMA Convention in September. ** In case of a tie, a drawing will be held to determine the winner. ** This prize is not transferable. Only the sponsor selected may use the package. Again, Carl, Chrissi, and Alexander gang, thank you so much for your service! BIRTHDAYS Bud Farmer Jim Aro Karen Houston Ruth Sutter Bonnie Eskew Carol Skyrm Charlie Farmer Doug Butler Jim Hoagland Marty Taylor John Baker 2/5 2/6 2/14 2/17 2/17 2/20 2/21 2/22 2/26 2/27 2/28 Margaret Winot Candy Schade Robann Meyer Jim Galloway Jamie Houston Mary Mangis Jean Koop Joe Gilbert Charlie Hall Joe Schneider, Jr Stacy Buckler ANNIVERSARIES 3/6 3/9 3/9 3/13 3/15 3/20 3/21 3/21 3/22 3/23 3/30 Jim & Denise Galloway Gene & Betty Jo Fawbush Bernie & Barbara Carr Mary & Hank Dahl 2/28 2/4 3/18 3/22 17 years 66 years 67 years 48 years LOOM OFFICERS: Paul Eskew Pat Hamsley Ed Redding Steve Meyer Kenneth Wheat Bobby Allen Jim Galloway Cecil Pretty Carl Alexander Elmer Davis Danny Green COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS: Governor Junior Past Governor Junior Governor Prelate Treasurer Trustee 3 year Trustee 1 year Administrator Sergeant at Arms Inner Guard Outer Guard 216-5145 541-3500 491-5200 445-1988 267-4326 or 931-2278 494-3889 426-4310 955-5872 or 314-7688 Auditing & Financial Community Service Cornhole Darts Drink machine Editor Endowment Entertainment Family Activities Golf Govt Liaison Horseshoes WOTM OFFICERS: Historian Kelly Hamsley Senior Regent 290-8053 Investigating Committee Bonnie Eskew Junior Regent 693-2445 Karaoke Bev Zehnder Chaplain 968-5534 or 553-1579 Library Laura Meyer Secretary/Treasurer 445-1888 Maintenance Judy Pretty Recorder 955-5872 or 417-5832 Media Marketing Jeanette Fulkerson Card Chairperson 964-1410 Membership Moose Legion Secretary FROM THE PRELATE and CHAPLAIN: Moose Riders Welcome to our information corner, where we keep you updated on members Orientation who are sick, in the hospital, recuperating at home, or have passed away. But Pilgrim/Fellowship we need your help. If you know of anyone, please call us at the phone numbers Pinochle below. Pizza Sunday Please pray for those who are ill, including Sadie Summerfield, Kitty Lawson, Pool League Retirees Nancy Koerner, Doris Johmann, Jeanette Fulkerson, LaVerne Effinger and Sports Brenda Franck; for Chrissi Alexander and BJ Gilbert who have had recent surgeries; and for Sherry Butler who is scheduled for surgery. Ways & Means Youth Awareness Those who have passed on include Harold Huckeby, Norma Vessels, Ray Gahafer, Gladys Smith-Weaver, Charles Burton Jr, Ella Rose Lampe, Jim Davenport, Beatrice Nalley, Leon Chestnut and Kay Hodges. Our thoughts and prayers go out to their families and friends. Thank you! Prelate Steve Meyer 502-445-1988 Chaplain Bev Zehnder 502-968-5534 The Governor’s Puzzle: Unscramble the following words. Then find the bonus word. Be the first to e-mail Paul at and win a prize. le(w)l rskind MOOSE CARD NIGHT Many people have asked about playing card games other than poker or pinochle. So, on the 3rd Saturday of every month, we will have different card games. February 21 - Euchre March 21 - Spades April 18 - Hearts Start time is 6:30 pm. If you don’t know how to play, we will teach you. There is no cost at this time. TRIVIA PURSUIT: Starts January 26th at 7:00 pm Description of questions is on display in the main hallway Teams of up to 6 people $5.00 per person All money paid to winning team, split between members Come out and join the fun! Jerry Russell Patrick Hamsley Walt Douglas Judy Pretty Ken Wheat Lee Fowler & Trish Meyer Jim Galloway Ken & Toya Theiss VACANT Cary Dabney Jerry Russell Joe Drescher Ronnie Toon Bob Hill Dan Green Dennis Dickerson Carl Alexander Barbara Russell Jim Galloway Elmer Davis Barbara Russell Ron Houston Ron Houston Yvonne True Cecil Pretty Vern Black Kathy Phillips Ken Wheat Joe Gilbert Ron Houston __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ izpaz (n)aydus __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ nw(e)dontme __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ iva(r)it __ __ __ __ __ __ lisgens nec(a)d __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ nw(e)dontme __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ tilnosee(c) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ mforeers(p)r __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ kesat gi(t)hn __ __ __ __ __ Bonus word: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Hint: What will make our Lodge more appealing? If you have questions, see Patrick Hamsley. Thank you. MOOSE BOOSTERS THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Cecil & Judy Pretty Larry & Bettie Judy Wheat Kenneth Wheat BJ & Joe Gilbert Claude W. Price Jane C. Saylor Ken & Margie Connors Lois Katzman Denise Galloway Jim Galloway Bonnie & Paul Eskew Joe & Linda Nason Libby & Leroy Lange Rodger Helm Mary & Jerry Peggy Dudley Trish & Jeff Meyer Mary & Hank Dahl Bettie & Larry Bruce & Susan Donna & Bob Baechle Doris & Kay Cecil & Judy Pretty Margaret Black Jim Staten Jessie Spontak Ronnie Toon Rick Rachford Denise Galloway Jim Galloway Juanita & Larry Bettie & Larry Joe Nason Linda Nason To be a Moose Booster, sign up in the office and make a donation of $1 or more, to help cover the cost of printing this newsletter. LADIES!!! YOU ARE INVITED TO THE LADIES LUNCHEON & AUCTION!!! LOUISVILLE LODGE #5 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE 4615 FEGENBUSH LANE LOUISVILLE, KY 40228 SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1-3 PM LIGHT LUNCHEON AUCTION OF PURSES, DERBY HATS, FASCINATORS JEWELRY SALE Tickets $7 in advance, $8 at the door DONATIONS NEEDED: Gently used purses, Derby hats / fascinators, and jewelry Gift cards $5 to $25 to be used as prizes See Trish Meyer, Ways & Means Chairperson for tickets and questions. THANK YOU! Disclaimer: There will be no pre-sales of merchandise prior to the auction. ANTLERS & TALES PUBLISHED BIMONTHLY ISSUE 02-2015 ST. PATRICK’S DAY ST. VALENTINE’S DAY Saturday, February 14th RICKY POWELL will get you on your feet! Tuesday, March 17th ROCKIN’ RICKY & The Sax Man Grab your sweetheart and dance the night away! Come on out & Dance a jig! TOP GUN POKER PINOCHLE We have a poker tournament at the Lodge every Friday and Sunday evening. This is an enjoyable and inexpensive way to spend an evening with your friends at the Lodge and a great opportunity to meet other members. Come out and join us. You might win, but we know you will have a good time. On Friday and Sunday, the tournaments start at 6:30 pm and end at 9:30 pm. Recent winners include Rick Rachford, Sue O’Bryan, Kelly Hamsley, Bobby Crabb, Annette Slayton, Brenda Hendren, Linda Nason and Chrissi Alexander. The pinochle group has been meeting since 1984. Frank & Lois Howell and Dave & Evelyn Wild were part of the original group to help set up each week. Many of you may recognize Lois Howell from the poker games and Evelyn Wild still plays pinochle each week. The group meets for a tournament on the second and fourth Fridays of the month and would love to have people come play. They also meet every Sunday afternoon at 2:00 pm, which is a good time to meet the members and if you are a beginner, learn to play. Please come out and join them. Some recent winners include Bob Baechle, Junie Whitworth, Ernie Batliner, Evelyn Wild, Marva Rudolph and LaVerne Effinger. KING OF THE MOOSE We also have King of the Moose poker tournaments, which follow the same rules as Texas Hold ‘Em. We play at 6:30 pm on the second, third and fourth Wednesdays and every Saturday. You’ll see this on the calendar as well. Recent winners include Kelly Hamsley, Trey Kamer, Pat Hamsley, Gil Kaelin, Bobby Allen, Sam Brown and Denise Allen.
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