INTERACTION OF MARINE SEDIMENTS DISSOLVED SILICA1 Kent A. Fanning Narragansett Marine WITH and David R. Schink” Laboratory, Kingston, Rhode Island ABSTRACT A sample of Atlantic sea floor sediment released SiOa in amounts greater than expected when placed in contact with silica-poor seawater but failed to reduce the concentration of enriched ( 211 ,UM ) seawater. In situ, these sediments had been in contact with seawater containing 30-e silica. The interstitial water from the core held 210~PM silica, suggesting that clay-silica equilibria control this concentration. If this interstitial silica were derived from resolution of clay minerals, then clay-silica equilibria would be a major source of dissolved silica in the Atlantic Ocean. It is far more likely that the resolution of biological silica accounts for the bulk of the interstitial content and this mechanism, might explain the high silica concentrations found in cores from productive regions. In barren arcas, the lower interstitial concentrations may be regulated by clay-silica equilibria. The relative amounts of dissolved silica entering the oceans (~4 x 1Ol4 g/yr) compared to the amount of pelagic clay sedimentation (-2 x 1O1” g/yr) indicate that clay-if it were the major agent of removal -would have to contain 20% hydrogenous silica, whereas the maximum demonstrated adsorption is about 2%. It stems impossible that adsorption on clays is the prime agent for extraction of silica from the present oceans. (1967) prcscnted evidence that this does not occur to any significant extent. Harriss ( 1966) suggested that biological silica deposition exceeds all measured inputs. Mackenzie and Garrels ( 1965) and Mackenzie et al. (1967) prcsentcd evidence that the silica concentrations of the seas are determined by reaction with clay minerals from the continents. They exposed such material to seawater that was either low in silica or abnormally enriched. In both cases, the concentration in solution tended toward the range of values actually observed in the ocean. Various clay minerals showed different rates and final conccntrations, but all reactions appcarcd substantially complete within six months. If clays interact with dissolved silica while falling toward the bottom, they probably continue to react at the sea floor. Deep-sea sediments have a history different than terrestrial clays as well as a different composition. They include terrestrial clays, authigenic clays, other authigenic minerals, and amorphous and crystalline silica from several sources. There is no reason to believe that such a mixture would have the same reaction pattern as terrestrial clays. This paper presents the results of studies on the sediment and on the interstitial INTRODUCTION Considerable uncertainty remains regarding the relative importance of various processes that remove dissolved silica (silicit acid) from the seas. Among these processes are: adsorption on river sediments as they cncountcr marine electrolytes; settling of diatoms and Radiolaria to the sea floor without resolution; uptake by sponges; reaction with clay minerals in the ocean or at the sea floor; and formation of authigenic minerals at the sea floor. One or more of these mechanisms must have the capacity to control the silica concentration in the sea. A similar question concerns the mechanism regulating the silica concentration in the interstitial water of oceanic sediments. Bien, Contois, and Thomas (1958) suggcsted that adsorption of silica on clays at river mouths is an important effect. Stefansson and Richards (1963) and Schink l This research was supported by Office of Naval Research Contract Nonr-390( OS). We are indebted to R. Siever for the loan of his sediment squeezer and to M. Pilson and the late J. Corlcss for valuable discussions of this work. 2 Present address: Isotopes, A Teledyne Company, Palo Alto Laboratories, 4062 Fabian Street, Palo Alto, California 94303. 59 60 KENT A. FANNING waters from a single gravity core. Sediment from the top of the core was mixed with seawater of high- and low-silica content, and the resulting changes in silica concentration in the supernatant water were followed over a period of time. Intcrstitial water from the core was analyzed for silica and chlorinity. AND DAVID R. SCIIINK seawater was enriched with NaaSiOs to a final silica concentration of 211 PM ( 16.7 PM SiOa = 1 ppm SiOZ), but the unenrichcd water had less than 1 PM. Later (6,300 hr) we added another control bottle consisting only of enriched seawater ( 216 PM) made from a different surface water. Samples were kept at room tempcraturc throughout the cxperimcnt. The bottles METHODS were shaken upon addition of the clay but In November 1965 during Cruise 028 of were not otherwise disturbed until just RV Trident, several gravity cores were before the water samples were removed. taken from the North Atlantic Ocean and At intervals over a lo-month period the Mcditcrranean Sea. The one designated samples were shaken; then, when the scdiCA 10 came from a depth of 3,220 m at mcnt had settled, water was removed and 37” 57’ N lat, 24” 15’ W long (just east filtered through a 0.45-p mcmbranc filter. of the Azores). Globigcrina ooze was the The dissolved silica was determined by most conspicuous component of this core. the ethyl-acetate solvent-extraction method Cores from Cruise 028 wcrc retained in ( Schink 1965) or by conventional yellow their plastic core liners with the ends silicomolybdic acid spectrophotometry (Tacapped. They were wrapped in aluminum ble 1). foil, sealed with tape to retard evaporation, After the top 2 cm were removed from and stored under refrigeration at 2C aboard the unstored half of the core, the remaining ship and ashore until opened for analysis portion was cut into scgmcnts. The outside five months later. Then the cores were layer (3 mm) was removed from these segsplit, and half of each core was wrapped ments, and the interstitial water in the and returned to the refrigerator for pos- rcmaindcr was extracted by squeezing sible future analysis. (Siever 1962). The water obtained was The top 2 cm of the unstored half of frozen in polyethylene and stored; later it core CA 10 were used for the experiments was thawed with the bottle caps tightly in on the interaction of sediments with dis- place, then membrane filtered and anasolved silica in seawater. Two portions lyzed for chlorinity with AgN03 solution were weighed and placed directly in sea- using a dichlorofluorcscein indicator. The water. The actual weights wcrc 3.7 g and silver nitrate was standardized immediately represent 2.0 g dry wt based on the water before by titration against a known scacontent of the scdimcnt directly below this water sample of similar size. Because of layer. Another portion of the top layer was the variability of interstitial waters, a prctreated in an attempt to remove organic cision of 0.1% was all that was sought, and material that might adhere and alter rcplicatc standardizations easily achieved solution rates. This material was washed this goal. A separate aliquot was diluted successively with acetone, carbon tetrachlowith low-silica seawater for subscqucnt ride, and acetone. The acetone was re- silica determination by spcctrophotomctry. moved by filtration with Whatman No. 42 Total moisture content of the sediment was paper and the scdimcnt dried in an air determined by loss of weight at 1lOC. stream, Two 2-g dry samples were taken. Supernatant water that came up with As a control sample, 2 g of reagent grade core CA 10 was retained in the core liner, calcium carbonate were similarly treated. which was kept upright until opcncd. This The washed samples are referred to as water was then analyzed for silica and “organic free.” All samples were placed in Concentrations in the overlying polycthylcne bottles containing 500 ml of chlorinity. scnwatcr were obtained from a Nansen cast surface seawater that had been membrane filtered (0.45 p). In alternate bottles, the at the same station. The analyst for chlo- INTERACTION TABLE OF MARINE 1, Silica concentration SEDIMENTS (PM)” -. Uncnrichcd Time start since (hr) 0 2 25 70 73 124 290 865 916 3,525 7,200 9,860 Final pH * Silica dctermincd Untreated scdimcnt Organic-free sediment WJTII DISSOLVED in water overlying ---- curious secliments ~.___ Enriched water Untrcatcd seclimcnt C&O,, control 61 SILICA water Organic-free sediment T”:;“’ 3.7 9.5 0.1 4.7 11.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 211 204 205 211 204 205 15.4 19.4 30 17.2 21.6 31 0.3 0.3 0 200 201 201 198 198 197 47 47 1 201 196 122, 137 7.8 121 136 7.8 2 222 224 7.8 217 218 7.8 0.1 concentrations reported by the conventional 7.9 to 0.1 fih4 were cletermincd silicomolybclic acid method. rinitics was unaware of the independent measurcmcnt of deep scawatcr from this station. The chlorinity of the deep water was calculated from salinomctcr measurcmcnt. Several alternate segments of core CA 10 were weighed, mixed with a known amount of low-silica seawater of known concentration, stirred for 10 min, and filtcrcd. The filtrate was analyzed for silica, and the apparent silica concentration in the interstitial water was calculated to bc markedly above that determined by squeczing, filtering, and so on. The differcncc must be due either to the dissolution of silica from the sedimentary material in contact with seawater or to the depolymcrization of nonreactive forms. Since the filtration rate was slow, variable, and unmeasured, effective control was exercised over neither the amount of silica dissolved nor the rate of solution, but the cxperimcnt does clearly indicate that the experiments reported by Arrhenius and Rotschi (cited in Arrhenius 1963) are irrelevant, RESULTS Interstitiul water The variation of the chlorinity and silica concentraion of the interstitial water with depth in core CA 10 is shown in Fig. 1. by ethyl-acetate cxlraction. Vnhic3 reportccl 216 220 212 207 8.4 to 1 ,uiu were Depths arc those measured on the core sample. Gravity cores are sometimes considered to be shortcncd by as much as a factor of two during collection, and the possibility of such shortening must be considered. The most significant result seems to bc the clustering of interstitial silica concentrations, found between lo-100 cm The in the core, around the value 210 PM. intermediate concentration in the 2-lo-cm portion probably reflects mixing of supernatant water with core material during collection and storage transfers. Point B (the silica concentration in the core supernate) undoubtedly is greater than A ( the in situ seawater concentration) owing to continucd rcleasc of silica from clay material, or from included diatoms, into the overlying solution. Others (e.g., Sicvcr, Beck, and Berner 1965) have repeatedly emphasized the importance of analysis of interstitial water immediately upon collection. Unfortunately, immediate analysis was impossible in this work; hence, it is ncccssary to examine the results for evidence of alteration in the sample during storage. Alteration might occur by loss or gain of water, diffusion of gas through the core liner, biological effects, or slow physicochemical reactions. 62 KENT 0 ’ 0 A. FANNING AND DAVID IL SCIIINK SILICA CONCENTRATION (,uM) 50 100 150 200 250 I ‘A’ I ’ 1 I 1 CH LORI N ITY %o I5 20 I ’ of CORE Top 43 \ I\ \ \ 1 ’ ’ ’ ’ ‘A’ 1 B II // \ 2 0 V W az 0 0 50 50 z I In W 0 100 Bottom of CORE 100 (107 cm 1 Concentration of dissolved silica and chloride in the interstitial water of core CA 10. A rcpFIG. 1. resents concentration of seawater above the core, in situ; B represents concentration of supernatant scawater after Five months storage with sediments. The vertical lines indicate the lengths of the segments of the core before squeezing. The gain of water seems most unlikely. Storage in a refrigerator at 2C is commonly of dehydrating owing to condensation moisture on the colder refrigerator coils. Evaporation through the top of the core was prevented by the supernatant seawater. Moreover, the chlorinity in the supcrnatant water- as measured by titration (Point B, Fig. 1 )-was in agrcemcnt with the chlorinity in the deep ocean (Point A) -measured indcpcndently on the Nansen cast. Ncithcr is thcrc any difference in the bottommost core segment. To test for evaporation through the sides of the core liner, two segments of the core were separated into inner and outer concentric INTERACTION TAIXLE 2. Silica and chlorinity OF MARINE SEDIMENTS concentrations WITH in interstitial DISSOLVED water from 63 SILICA some Atibatic Ocean cores a . ncptll Core WHO1 WHO1 WI101 WHO1 No. A5757 A5798 At1 278-l At1 278-2 3383 3386 CA 10 Lat 31” 32” 33” 34” 32” 32” 37” 02’S 46’ S 25’ N 57’ N 05’ N 06 N 57’ N (ml 4,279 3,795 4,829 5,041 4,920 4,870 3,200 Range 234-400 83465 50-284 83-333 200 250-384 142-229 samples, These inner and outer segments were of identical length and depth. No evidence for evaporation was found in the comparison of chlorinitics and silicates ( Fig. 1) ; nor did the observed percentage of interstitial water suggest any evaporation through the core wall. The interior and exterior water contents of the 40-58 cm segments wcrc 52 and 53% rcspcctively, while the 80-98cm segments both held 48% water. Similar expcriencc with the other cores justifies the conclusion that evaporation-condensation was negligible. Most other alterations arc even less likely. Biological action should be similar to that in the sea floor, since the cores were kept in darkness and at temperatures lower than in deep Atlantic Ocean water. Diffusion of oxygen or carbon dioxide through the core liner would be unlikely to alter the silicate equilibrium unless the pH wcrc substantially affected. The pH values observed in our solution experiments arc essentially the same as those measured by Siever et al. (1965) in Atlantis core No, 258-5 from about this latitude. Even if the in situ pH had been as high as 8.2, a shift to 7.8 would not seriously affect the intcrstitial silicate. Diffusion in unstirred porous media is quite slow, and any alteration should bc greatly amplified in the outer samples, but no inner-outer changes were obscrvcd. One mode of alteration that cannot bc ruled out is a slow shift in equilibrium due to the release of pressure. Some information on the solution equilibria of clays in scawatcr at 200-600 atm and 0-1OC would be interesting. Cores from various depths, which have been proccsscd quickly after Avg Cl%, range 320 320 167 183 200 300 194 17.5-21.6 14.2-20.2 19.3-20.1 19.3-21.5 19.3-19.5 19.1-19.3 15.3-17.1 Refcrencc Sievcr et al. ( 1965 ) Siever ct al. (1965) Siever et al. (1965) Siever et al. ( 1965 ) Harriss and Pilkey (1966) Harriss and Pilkey (1966) This work collection, do not show any systematic effects of depth on interstitial silica content, however. Either the reaction of clay + silica is not markedly dependent on pressure, or equilibrium adjustment is almost as rapid as the rise of cores to the ship. It is our conclusion that cores can bc stored in the manner described without altering the silica equilibria in the intcrstitial water. Less careful storage will certainly cause the silica to vary. The greatest potential danger may be the growth of diatoms on extruded core material kept in the light as reported by Siever et al. (1965). Table 2 compares thcsc analyses with similar data collected by others. We arc unable, at present, to explain our low chlorini ty values. The relative agreement of inner and outer material seems to prccludc condensation during storage. Condensation after squeezing would require the addition of about 2-3 ml of water to each sample (20-30 ml) in a 50-ml polyethylene bottle. After careful review of the procedures used, we believe such addition of water to bc impossible. Equally low interstitial chlorinities have been observed, although not so regularly, by other workers who separated water from sediment immediately; morcovcr, abrupt changes in chlorinities at various layers in cores are not rare. Siever et al. (1965) found variations of 5%0in a distance of 21 cm. In other cores analyzed at this laboratory (unpublished) , we have obtained intcrstitial chlorinities ranging from 11.4 to 21.5%0. For these reasons, we offer our chlorinity results, although we are unable to suggest a mechanism to account for them. 64 KENT A. FANNING AND DAVID R. SCITINK r a 0 i v, --- I I IO I I I IllIll I IIIIII 100 TIME Frc. 2. Log-log mcntnry materials. I MACKENZIE FANNING I andGARRELS(l965) and SCHINK I 1000 OF EXPOSURE (hr 1 plot showing the rate of release of silica to unenriched seawater Sea floor sediments are from the top of core CA 10. Solution experiments The behavior of marine sediments cxposed to scawatcr differs from the behavior of terrestrial clays as reported by Mackenzie and Garrcls ( 1965) and Mackenzie et al. ( 1967). The cxpcriments are compared in Figs. 2 and 3. For about 500 hr in lowsilica seawater, the marine sediments relcascd silica in the manner resembling illite. After that period, silica release continued, and the dissolved silica concentrations rose to higher values than observed for kaolinitc, chlorite, or illitc, although the maximum value does not yet exceed that of pure montmorillonitc. Proximate analysis of the core surface showed 26% carbonate ( as material CaCOs ) , 28% clay or other solids, and 46% water. The clay mineral composition of surface scdimcnts in the region of CA 10 is predominantly illite (50-70%) with 520% each of kaolinite, chlorite, montmoril- I111111 IO, 000 from various scdi- lonite, and quartz ( Biscayc 1964). Although Biscaye’s results cannot precisely characterize the scdimcnts in core CA 10, the large abundance of illitc in this region and the initial agrecmcnt bctwcen the silica-release curves of illitc and the scdimcnts of CA 10 suggest that the early response of the marine sediment in lowsilica seawater is due to illite. Amorphous silica-presumably diatoms-has been shown to constitute 0.5% of the sediment in a nearby core ( Shurko 1966). Rcsolution of diatoms would affect the rate of change of dissolved silica and may be responsible for the continued rise of our silica-release curve ( Fig. 2). In contrast to the clays studied by MRCkcnzie ct al. ( 1967)) the marine sediment did not take up silica from silica-rich seawater (Fig. 3). The difference may be due to the lower initial silica concentrations used, Terrestrial clays extracted SiOz from INTERACTION 2 q 2 400 0 i= MARINE SEDIMENTS WIT11 . \ E \‘\\ E i E 0 i: D,ISSOLVED --- 65 SILICA MACKENZIE, -FANNING t?t 04 (1967) and SCHINK \\\ \” 0’ \ ‘0 a 1001 OF ' 0 I I I I I I I I I 5000 TIME FIG. 3. Removal of siha from enriched mcnts are from the top of core CA 10. OF seawater seawater that was 425 pM in silica, whcrcas our marinc sediment was placed in scawa tcr of 21 l-p3 silica-a concentration much closer to that found in major rivers or in the ocean. It was later found that the interstitial silica concentration was also -210 EA;M. If organic coatings pro tcct sediments from resolution, they are not affcctcd by the acetone-carbon tetrachloridc trcatmcnt. The “organic-free” and untreated sediments are similar enough to be considered duplicate samples ( Table 1). DISCUSSION These experiments focus attention on two problems of much broader range: 1) dots inorganic removal of dissolved silica from the ocean occur directly, or indirectly, or at l0,000 EXPOSURE by various (hr) sedimentary materials. !h floor se& all ( to a significant cxtcnt); and 2) what is the mechanism regulating silica conccn.tration in interstitial water of cores from the sea floor? Inorganic removal Inorganic removal of silica from seawater has been clearly demonstrated by Mackenzic et al. ( 1967) and by Bicn et al. ( 1958) using clays, river mud, and alumina. Of these substances none has clearly been shown to extract silica from scawatcr with a concentration of less than 90 PM, while the range of concentrations found in the deep North Atlantic Ocean is (20-50 PM). On the other hand, release of silica by clays takes place in a few hundred hours when the clay is in waters of low concentration (e.g., O-35 PM) (Mackenzie and Garrels 66 KENT A. FANNING 1965). Accordingly it seems impossible that clay mineral adsorption can occur directly in the North Atlantic water. In the South Atlantic, silica concentrations of greater than 100 PM occur only in Antarctic Bottom Water. Here, too, descending detrital clay particles have more opportunity to deliver silica to the water than to remove it. Since release from clay minerals has not brought concentrations of deep Atlantic silica up to the equilibrium value, let us examine the rather sparse data on the ultimate amount of silica that can be released by such reactions. In our experiments, clay released silica up to 0.4% of the dry weight of sediments. Mackenzie and Garrels’ solution experiments showed a release of from 0.03 to 0.4% by kaolinitc and montmorillonite respectively. Neither experiment was designed to reveal the total capability to release silica, but we are not aware of any proof that it is greater. Silica release in these amounts can be only a minor factor in the silica budget of the Atlantic Ocean. Data on clay mineral uptake of silica arc nearly as uncertain. Mackenzie’s experiments establish a capacity of at least 0.35% Experiments by Bien et al. ( glauconite). (1958) showed that uptake of silica by bentonite, aluminum oxide, and river mud increased when the amount of suspended material per volume of seawater was increased. Possibly this behavior was due to kinetic effects since the uptake was only followed for 24 hr, but the maximum adsorption observed was 0.3% for river mud, 1.8% for bentonitc, and 1.0% for aluminum oxide. These values are probably close to saturation values; we know of no evidence that clays can extract more than this. Unless clays have capacities for silica adsorption much greater than have been demonstrated so far, this mechanism is not important in the overall silica budget of the oceans. The estimatcd sedimentation rate for clay minerals on the Atlantic Ocean floor is about 1 mg cm-” yr-l (Turekian 1965). The rate for the Pacific and Indian oceans is even lower because these larger oceans arc fed by rivers draining a much smaller land area (Lyman 1959). Turckian AND DAVID R. SCIIINK (1967) suggests a value of 0.5 mg cm-” yr -‘. From the area of the Atlantic Ocean, 0.8 X lOls cm2, the total pelagic clay deposition is estimated to bc 2.2 x 1O1” g yr-I. Data from Livingstone ( 1963) show a total river input of 4.3 x 1014 g of dissolved silica per year. If all this silica were adsorbed on newly deposited clay, it would constitute 20% of the weight of the clay, Goldberg and Arrhcnius (1958) have shown pelagic clays to contain about 50% Si02. It seems most unlikely that the preadsorption silica content was only 30%. Actually the case for adsorption may be even worst, since the preceding discussion seems to preclude adsorption on Atlantic sediments. In fact, the available data on sediment adsorption capacity indicate that SiO,-adsorption on pelagic clays can remove at most only 2% of the total river supply, and it probably removes even less. The only other sediments that could bc involved in a net removal of silica from seawater are river sediments that encounter marine electrolytes at river mouths or the sediments of the continental shelves. Bicn et al. ( 1958) claimed that Mississippi River scdimcnts adsorbed all of the dissolved silica at its mouth, but Stcfansson and Richards ( 1963) found that all of the dissolved silica in the Columbia River enters the Pacific Ocean. Schink ( 1967) concluded from the silica budget of the Mcditcrranean that nearly all of the silica entering that sea eventually leaves through the Strait of Gibraltar. The sediments depositing on the continental shelves cannot participate in any direct inorganic removal process, since the worldwide oceanic silica concentrations at shelf depth call for release rather than adsorption. From these considerations we conchide that clay minerals cannot remove silica directly from the Atlantic Ocean, and that indirect removal (e.g., with biological transport and uptake from interstitial solution) in any ocean would probably overwhelm the adsorption capability and would surely alter the gross chemical character of the clay beyond reasonable limits. Accordingly, direct adsorption on marinc scdimcnts is INTERACTION OF MARINE SEDIMENTS not an important means of removing silica from the oceans. A more effective process must be sought; biological deposition seems the most likely candidate Mechanism regulating interstitial silica concentrations If the principles of chemical equilibrium apply to marine sediments (and simple application of these principles to such a complex system is risky), then two possible mechanisms might be controlling the silica concentration in the interstitial waters : 1) the cxtcnt to which clays can react with and take up silica has been exceeded, and the interstitial concentration is dc tcrmincd by the cxtcnt of diatom resolution; or 2) the reaction cxtcnt of the clays has not been cxcccdcd, and the interstitial concentration is controlled by reaction cquilibria between silica in solution and the silicon in or on the clays. Under areas of low productivity, the equilibrium mechanism may control intcrstitial silica concentrations. The final supernatant silica concentrations of Mackcnzie et al. ( 1967) were loo-350 PM, and the interstitial silica concentrations reported for cores from waters of low productivity by Siever et al. (1965) fell in this range. Sediments from GA 10 show a constant interstitial silica concentration of 210 pM below 30 cm ( Fig. 1) and displayed no ability to alter an initial supcrnatant silica concentration of 211 JUM (Fig. 3). Thus under areas of low productivity, the accumulations of siliceous frustules stem to be less than or equal to the uptake capacity of the clays in the sediments. Final evaluation of the significance of the equilibrium between clays and dissolved silica under barren waters awaits measurement of the true uptake capacities of the sediments for silica, But unless thcsc uptake capacities are much greater than 0.3%, the 0.3-1.0% amorphous silica typically found in sediments under barren waters may provide enough silica to saturate the adjacent scdimcnts. Under highly productive areas, the cquilibrium mechanism does not control inter- WIT11 DISSOLVED SILICA 67 stitial silica concentrations. The data of Sicver et al. ( 1965) indicate that sediments under productive areas have interstitial silica concentrations of 600-1,000 PM, and these values are much higher than the “equilibrium concentrations” for clays and WC believe that sediments ( loo-350 PM). the large accumulations of siliceous frustulcs under productive areas have saturated the uptake capacity of the clays for silica. Thus, the high interstitial silica conccntrations in thcsc regions are sustained by the continued resolution of frustulcs after the clays are saturated. These high interstitial silica values are not due to a temporary kinetic discrepancy between release from frustules and the uptake by clays with equilibrium values ultimately to bc rcachcd. Mackenzie et al. (1967) found that terrestrial clays esscntially completed their silica uptake after one year. Grill and Richards ( 1964) found that the particulate silica in a decomposing phytoplankton culture dropped From 52 to 1 pM in 200 days. If siliceous tests from a phytoplankton culture were typical of those that entered the scdimcnt column, the transfer of silica from deposited frustules to surrounding clay grains should be complete within 100 years. But the data of Sicver et al. ( 1965) show that interstitial silica concentrations 600-900 cm below the sediment-water interface are 2-3 times the “equilibrium” values. These sediments arc more than half a million years old, and this seems much more than adequate time for clays to overcome any kinetic discrepancy and take up all the silica they can hold, particularly in view of their demonstratcd ability (Mackcnzic et al. 1967) to reduce the concentration 80-160 PM ( e.g., clay in 200 ml of water) in just 0.1 year. In conclusion, the silicate adso,rptioa-relcase mechanism probably establishes an equilibrium value for the interstitial silica conccntra tion in scdimen ts beneath relatively barren ocean, Waters of high productivity will cause high interstitial silica by furnishing a constant rain of siliceous tests to redissolve in the sediments. The strong concentration gradients that exist 68 KENT A. PANNING between interstitial water and the ovcrlying water of the deep ocean suggest that silica is diffusing out of the! scdimcnts or that scdimcnt cquiIibria might cvcn bc a means of silica input to seawater. REFKRENCES G. 0. S. 1963. 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