NOTES AND COMMENT AN AUTOMATED TECIINIQUE FOR DETERMINING CHAIN-FORMING THE GROWTH RATE OF PI~YT~IXANKTON INTRODUCTION METI1ODS El-Sayed and Lee ( 1963) have described the use of a Coulter Counter, Model A, for the enumeration of unicellular algae, They concluded, however, that the instrument is not particularly suitable for counting algal species where long chains of cells are encountered and suggested that the Model B Coultcr Counter with an automatic cell-size distribution plotter could be used to distinguish between a mixture of algal species of different cell size. Their suggestion has been investigated and verified, but what appears to be of greater importance is the use of this newer instrument for measuring the growth rate of chain-forming diatoms. In many coastal areas the predominant diatoms are chain-forming spccics; the commonest is probably Skeletonema costatum. On occasion a phytoplankton bloom may be largely composed of one species, or an association of several species may account for most of the standing stock. At present, however, there is no way of determining the growth rate of the individual species in a plankton bloom except by the laborious technique of microscopically counting individuals, a technique that is not sufficiently accurate to show an increase of much less than about twofold. In addition, the microscopic enumeration of phytoplankton gives little indication of changes in cell volume. The Model B Coulter Counter, used in conjunction with an automatic cell-size distribution plotter ( Model J ) , can be used on mixed cultures or on natural populations to measure the growth rates of individual species if there is sufficient difference in their ccl1 volumes. If two species have similar cell volumes, the growth rate of the two can be determined as an average. Some parts of the work carried out here arose from suggestions made by Dr. D. Cushing, Lowestoft, U.K. Cullzcres-In one experiment, two culturcs of diatoms were grown in oceanic seawater (ca. 32% salinity) enriched with 500 lug-at. N/liter as KNOZ, 50 PI;-at. P,/liter as KzHPO.1, and 500 pg-at. Si/liter as IICIneutralized sodium silicate. In addition, I ml/liter of vitamins and trace metals were added as dcseribed by Jitts et al, ( 1964). The diatom cultures were obtained from Dr. J. D. H. Strickland, Institute of Marinc Resources, La Jolla, California, and arc described as follows: Skeletonema costntum (R. Guillard, isolate from Long Island Sound ) ; Coscinodiscus concinnus ( 1%. W. Holmes, AD-1 ) . Experimental procedure-The general operation of Coulter counters has been described in a number of recent publications (El-Sayed and Lee 1963; Maloney, Donovan, and Robinson 1962). In the following cxperiments, a Model B Coulter Counter with a Model J automatic cell-size distribution plotter was used for all the electronic counting. The apparatus was fitted with a 400 p aperture and calibrated using ragweed pollcn to record 100 E,L~ per threshold unit at an amplification of 1 and an aperture current of %. Plots of the volume distribution of different species were obtained at this setting or at some multiple that allowed for a total range of particle volumes from 5 X lo” to 2 x lo7 /LY The actual number of particles in one volume setting was determined from a separate count by allowing 2 ml of culture to flow through the aperture. The number of particles in all other volume scttings was obtained as a simple ratio of the height of the cnumcrated setting to the height of each of the other settings. The total cell volume of the species was obtained from the sum of the number of particles times the mean volume for each volume setting. The log,,, of the total cell 598 NOTES s AND COSTATUM 0 FIG. during 1. Cell volume 7 days growth. plot of S. costatum cells volume at time t2 minus the log,, of the total cell volume at time tl divided by the time interval, tZ - tl, was used to obtain the growth constant of the species. Coincidence corrections were not applied to the total counts, because it was assumed that the counting error caused by coincidence would be the same for counts at times tr and t2. This assumption is not entirely correct, because the magnitude of the coincidence correction increases with the number of particles counted and would be greater for counts at time t2 than at time tl. However, the magnitude of the coincidence correction, which also increases with the size of the aperture, can be reduced by counting low numbers of cells. In these experiments, a volume setting was chosen for enumeration in which the total count was < 5 x 101:< particles in 2 ml of medium. Below this level of counting, coincidence corrections should still be applied, however, for large differences in total counts or if the absolute count is required. The growth constant as measured above was compared with the growth constant obtained from the increase in cell numbers per field as estimated by use of an inverted biological microscope on a settled volume. Two experiments are reported here as examples of the technique. In the first ex- 599 COMMENT periment, cultures of S. costatum and C. concinnus were grown in enriched seawater at 15C under fluorescent lights. After the cultures began to grow, they were combined. The number of cells per microscope field were counted on the next day (Day 1) and on the 2nd and 7th days. Cell volumes were measured with the Coulter Counter for Skeletonema on days 1, 2, and 7, and for Coscinodiscus on days 2 and 7. Cells were kept in suspension during counting by manual agitation of the medium with a glass rod. In a second experiment, natural seawater was taken during the winter from Departure Bay, British Columbia, and incubated for 6 days at 15C under fluorescent lights ( 16 hr light, 8 hr dark). The volume of particulate material was measured- on the 1st and 6th days at different amplification and aperture current settings. Growth rates were estimated after day 6, when the growth of phytoplankton had increased significantly above the detrital background. Chlorophyll a was estimated in this experiment by the procedure described in Parsons and Strickland ( 1963). RESULTS Figs. 1 and 2 show the increase in cell volumes of the mixed culture of Skeletonema and Coscinodiscus as traced from the cellsize plotter. As the volume of Skeletonema ( Fig. 1) increased beyond the range setting for the 7th day, a second range setting was employed. The range setting for particles of < 800 $ for the first two and 7th days were not included in the estimations of the total volume, because particles in this size range were less than the mean cell size of the species (ca. 1.4 x lo” $) and represented background particulate matter in the culture medium. The increase in the chain length of Skeletonema in the culture medium is reflected in Fig. 1 as an increase in cells in different volume settings; new volume settings were occupied as the chain length of the species increased. In Table 1, the growth constant of the species, determined from Fig. 1 and the cell count as measured automatically, is compared with 600 TABLE NOTES 1. A comparison of growth constants Skeletonema Time AND estimated /‘c,, (days)-I, Volume Day 1 to 2 Day 2 to 7 Total cell volume (pL3/2 ml) 11.4 22.3 434.0 3.74 x 10G 7.08 x 10" 158.2 x 10' constants, and microscopic Coscinodiscus Coy$ydper 1 (mean of 10 fields) W/2 Growth by electronic costatum Total cell volume ml) Day 1 Day 2 Day 7 COMMENT 0.28 0.22 the growth constant obtained by microscopic enumeration, The growth of Coscinodiscus is shown in Fig. 2. This organism was too large to be recorded using the range settings shown in Fig. 1. Similarly, SkeZetonema was too small to interfere with the volume estimate of Coscinodiscus shown in Fig. 2. Skeletonema is recorded in Fig. 2 in the first volume setting together with other particulate material in the culture medium and appears to be larger in volume than shown in Fig. 1 because the plotter sensitivity has been greatly increased to enumerate the relatively low number of Coscinodiscus cells. The growth constant of the Coscinodiscus cells, as measured automatically and by microscopic counts, is shown in Table 1. Fig. 3 shows the result of incubating natural seawater for 6 days. The background of detritus was measured on the first day when the chlorophyll n concentration was 0.46 pg/liter. At the beginning of the light period on day 6, the size distribution of phytoplankton and detritus was measured. This was repeated 10 hr later, and the difference in cell volumes was used to determine the growth constant. From microscopic examination, the phytoplankton were found to be a polymictic bloom of small flagellates and diatoms, in which S. costatum and Thalassiosira sp. predominated. - - By changing ^_ the _volume settings and the sensitivity of the plotter, it was possible to record the amount of growth of enumeration concinnus Coy;ydPer (mean of 10 fields) 3.5 5.6 6.15 306 x lo" 349 x 10'; as measured by the two methods CoTzydper Volume Com&per 0.204 0.0066 0.009 0.30 0.215 these two species and of the remaining mixture of small diatoms and flagellates. The latter plot included some of the Skeletonema cells in the size range BOO-l,900 p3. The Thalassiosira sp. was considerably larger than the Skeletonema and could be plotted without any overlapping with another population. Growth constants were estimated for the three populations shown in Fig. 3 by subtracting the detrital background in each volume setting from the phytoplankton volumes before and after the lo-hr The results showed that rapid period. growth occurred during the lo-hr period as follows : kl, for small flagellates and diatoms, 0.026 hr-l; k10 for S. costatum, 0.041 0005 FIG. 2. during 7 0225 051 Cell volume days growth. 077 J.?I 106 I02 plot of C. concinnus I cells NOTES 100 AND 601 COMMENT . SMALL AND S. COSTATUM FLAGELLATES THALASSIOSIRA SP. DIATOMS DAY 6 DAYS a IO 0 BACKGROUND HOURS 6 l-J3 FIG. 3. Cell volume water for 6 days. plot of a mixed phytoplankton hr-I; and kl, for Thalassiosira sp., 0.043 hrl. The chlorophyll a content of the culture at the end of the experiment was 26.0 pg/liter. Thus, the total population had an average growth constant of 0.011 hr-l during the 6.5 days. The difference between this value and the values for the three individual populations might be explained if appreciable growth was delayed until after the 3rd day; this phenomenon, the “lag” phase of growth, has been observed by others (see Strickland 1960, for discussion and references). DISCUSSION The growth constant of Skeletonema as estimated by the Coulter Counter is in close agreement with the growth constant based on the actual cell counts (Table 1). For Coscinodiscus, however, there is some disagreement. It appears from Fig. 2 that this may be explained by the change in mean cell volume of this organism that occurred during the 6-day interval. Thus, on day 2, a greater proportion of cells had a volume of less than 1.02 x 10” $ than on day 7. This change would be difficult to DAYS 8. IO HOURS )A3x IO3 A3 population grown after incubation of natural sea- detect by microscopic examination, and it must be considered that the automatic volume count gives a better estimate of the growth rate of this organism. In any study of natural populations or cultures, it now appears possible to estimate the growth constants of individual species in a mixture of species, provided their cell volumes are sufficiently different (Fig. 3). While the level of chlorophyll c1 (26 pug/liter) in the second experiment was higher than values encountered in the oceans, the sensitivity of the plotter in the first size range could have been increased eight times. Since a smaller increase in the relative number of cells than is shown in Fig. 3 would still be measurable, the lower limit of sensitivity for the smallest organisms would be at a standing stock level of at least a tenth of that employed in the experiment reported here. Using an aperture smaller than 400 p, it would be possible to lower this limit of detection further. For an organism with a mean generation time of 24 hr, an increase of 1.15 in the cell volume would be expected after 5 hr. Thus, if sam- 602 NOTES AND COMMENT ples of seawater are withdrawn and incubated (as in 14C studies), a volume plot at zero time and after 6 to 12 hr would give results similar to the lo-hr interval shown in Fig. 3. By the use of different amplification settings, plots can be obtained of species having different volumes, and the growth rates of the individual species can be determined in a polymictic bloom. The difficulty of eliminating background detritus from the total volume count appears to be less than might be supposed. From optical studies of seawater, much of the detritus in the oceans is composed of particles of less than 20 ,.Lin diameter (Parsons 1963). For phytoplankton larger than this, estimates of cell volumes can be made by selecting an amplification to give a volume range in which these particles are confined to the first volume setting (that is, < 3 x lo” ,1..2), For species of the same size as the particulate detritus, the background may be assumed to remain constant during an incubation and, if appreciable growth of the phytoplankton can be measured, an estimate of the amount of biomass produced per unit time can be made. In using the Coulter Counter to determine biomass, however, attention should be given to the interpretation of what is actually measured in terms of volume when nonspherical shapes pass through the aperture. A com- COLLECTION OF SLICK-FORMING prehensive discussion of this is given by Hastings, Sweeney, and Mullin ( 1962). T. R. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Pacific Ocennogrnhic Group, Nnnaimo, B.C. REFERENCES B. D. LEE. 1963. Evaluation of an automatic technique for counting J. hlarine Res., 21: unicellular organisms. EL-SAYED, S. Z., AND 59-73. AND HASTINGS, J. W., B. M. SWEENEY, 1962. Counting and sizing MULLIN. M. M. of uniN.Y. Acad. Ann. cellular marine organisms. Sci., 99: 280-289. JITTS, H. R., C. D. MCALLISTER, K. STEPHENS, ANII 1964. The cell division J. D. H. STRICKLANII. rates of some marine phytoplankters as a function of light and temperature. J. Fisheries Res. Board Can., 21: 139-157. MALONEY, T., E. DONOVAN, AND E. ROBINSON. 1962. Determination of numbers and sizes of algal cells with an electronic particle counter. Phycologia, 2: l-8. PARSONS, T. R. 1963. Suspended organic matter in sea water, p. 205-239. In hl. Sears [ed.], Progress in oceanography, v. 1. Pergamon Press, London. 1963. Dis3 AND J. D. H. STRICKLAND. cussion of spectrophotometric determination of marine-plant pigments, with revised equations for ascertaining chlorophylls and carotenoids. J. Marine Res., 21: 155-163. STRICKLAND, J. D. H. 1960. Measuring the production of marine phytoplankton. Bull., Fisheries Res. Board Can., 122: 172 p. MATERIALS A factor that can alter many properties of the air-sea interface is a layer of adsorbed surface-active organic matter. Such layers, usually monomolecular films, can cause significant modifications in the capillary wave structure and a consequent change in the albedo of the area. According to Jarvis ( 1962), the adsorbed film may also alter the surface temperature of the sea and interrupt the normal mass and thermal convection processes occurring just beneath the air-water interface. A monomolecular film inhibits the formation of small waves, the breaking of waves, and increases the PARSONS FROM THE SEA SURFACE rate of decay of capillary ripples (Garrett and Bultman 1963; Davies and Rideal 1963). Blanchard ( 1964) postulated that organic films on the sea may influence the oceanic production of cloud-forming condensation nuclei and modify the sea-to-air flux of charged particles. Knowledge of the chemistry of organic films at the sea surface is fundamental to an understanding of these effects. The objective of this research was to develop a technique to collect and recover the constituents of natural oceanic slicks so that their chemical composition could be determined.
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