SAVE THE DATE LONG BLUE I-INE SILENT AUCTION FRIDAY, MARCH 27 ,2015 LONC DLUI LINI ouCtion September 2014 Dear Friend of the MUWAA Columbus in Spring is so beautiful and it is such wonderfultime to celebrate our "V1/'! Spring Homecoming at MUW is set for March 27-29,2015. Alums and friends of The W are encouraged to attend this joyous reunion of the Long Blue Line and enjoy the many activities scheduled at our beloved alma mater. We'll be holding the Mississippi University for Women AIumni Association's LONG BLUE LINE SILENT AUCTION on the evening of Friday, March 27h. We are requesting help from all MUW Alumni and friends of MUW to make the LONG BLUE LINE SILENT AUCTION a success by partnering with us as a Sr'Ienf Auction Donor or aTable Sponsor. Please consider donating art, gift certificates, pottery, products, services, travel spots or vintage MUW memorabilia to our worthy cause. Or, you may consider becoming a $ilent Auction Table $ponsor at $100. This sponsorship entitles donor to table signage, recognition at the event and on the online auction site, and publicity. Event Donors will receive event recognition as well. Your very generous gift of a Silenf Auction Item or Tabte Sponsorsftip or Event Donor will help us raise the necessary resources to fund the MUWAA Legacy Scholarship and Faculg Grants. This gift is tax-deductible; the MUW Foundation Tax-lD number is 23-?050?1?. Please make all checks payable to the MUW Foundation. A donation form is attached for your completion. *Rememher to kry a copy for yaur records, please thoughtfully consider your level of support as the mongys raised fiom the silent auction are used tCI fund the MUWAA Faculty Enhancements Grants, New Faculty Award, and Legacy Scholarship. The MUWAA Faculty Enhancements Grants provided to faculty members of each college enhance their educational and professional activities. The MUWM New Faculty Award is given to a deserving new facufty member in recognition of their hard work in supporting the academic mission of MUW. The Legacy Scholarship is awarded to an exceptional family member of an alumnalus who has ben admitted to MUVI/ as a new, fulltime sfudenl Each Grant, Award, and Scholarship is as important as the last and all play a pivotal part in MUWs continued academic success! Thank you in advance for your generosity and support of the Mississippi University for Women Alumni Association! d*:is, f,"LQ tUv\-}6.iW MUWAA LONG BLUE LINE AUCTION DONATION FORM Please complete and return form with each donated item or sponsorship. Each completed form, along with a picture of the item if available, should be emailed to DONOR: As you wish it to appear in promotion. CONTACT NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: PHONE: EMAIL: ZIP: DONOR SIGNATURE: LONG BLUE LINE AUCTION DONATION ITEM DONATED: DESCRIPTION: ITEM VALUE: MUW CLASS YEAR: ___DONOR WILL SHIP/DELIVER PRE-HOMECOMING Ship or deliver to Lyndsay Cumberland, Director of Alumni Relations, 1100 College Street, MUW-10, Columbus, MS 39701. ___HOMECOMING DELIVERY Pre-arranged Item donations will be accepted on Friday, March 27th from 9am-12pm in the lobby of Shattuck Hall. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES TABLE SPONSORSHIP ___$100 Sponsorship includes signage, opportunity to place promotional materials on table recognition. EVENT DONATION (limited space) and event ___$25 ___$50 ___$75 ___$100 ___Other_________ ___ Donors will receive event recognition. All donations will benefit the MUWAA Legacy Scholarship and Faculty Grants. FOR MORE INFORMATION Katherine Shell Benson, Class of '03 901.361.2989 On behalf of the Mississippi University for Women Alumni Association and the MUW Foundation, we sincerely appreciate your generous tax-deductible donation. Checks should be made payable to the MUW FOUNDATION; please put “Long Blue Line Auction” in the check memo. Please complete one copy of this donation form for each donated item or sponsorship and keep a copy of the form for your records. MUW FOUNDATION Tax-ID number is 23-7050717.
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