Hello... welcome aboard service 40 We’ve made some changes to your local buses: •Revised route and timetable with buses running via Auchendinny part replacing service 15 and no longer serving Asda and Dryden Terrace. An earlier Sunday morning return journey is introduced. Reasons to travel Our buses are CCTV filming Our modern EASYACCESS to help fleet of with ramps combat buses meet and wheelchair anti-social strict emissions space behaviour standards Service frequency During the day Mon-Sat Evenings and Sunday every every mins mins 30 60 For everything Lothian Buses www.lothianbuses.com 0131 555 6363 Keep up-to-date with Lothian Buses For service updates follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/on_lothianbuses Get real-time departures from your local bus stop: mybustracker.co.uk Got something to say? Email us at: mail@lothianbuses.com Phone us on: 0131 554 4494 or write to Customer Services at Lothian Buses, 55 Annandale Street, Edinburgh EH7 4AZ Route Penicuik Town Centre, St. Kentigern Way, John Street, Edinburgh Road, A701, Graham’s Road, The Brae, A701, B7003, Penicuik Road, Roslin Main Street, B7006, A701, The Loan, Loanhead High Street, Lasswade Road, Wadingburn Road, Lasswade Road, Elm Row, Hillhead, Bonnyrigg High Street, Lothian Street, Eskbank Road, Tesco Hardengreen, Bonnyrigg Road, Eskbank Road, Buccleuch Street, London Road, Newmills Road, South Street, Dalkeith High Street, Musselburgh Road, A6094, Whitecraig Road, Carberry Road, Inveresk Village Road, Newbigging, Musselburgh High Street, Bridge Street, North High Street, Edinburgh Road, Seaview Terrace, Joppa Road, Abercorn Terrace, Portobello High Street, Seafield Road East, Marine Garage (King’s Road). Return via outward route reversed to Dalkeith High Street then Eskbank Road, then outward route reversed. Whilst we’ve taken every effort in the preparation of this guide, Lothian Buses Ltd cannot accept any liability arising from inaccuracies, amendments or changes. The routes and times shown are for guidance – we would advise customers to check details by calling 0131 555 6363 before travelling. On occasion due to circumstances beyond our control and during special events, our services can be delayed by traffic congestion and diversion. PORTOBELLO Musselburgh Police Station Fisherrow h t r (Ship Inn) No t King’s Road Joppa Portobello Town Hall Hig hS Inveresk Eastfield Terminus A6 12 4 Some service 44 buses also serve Whitecraig – see service 44 timetable leaflet for details. Whitecraig Salters Ro a d The web’s on us... Service 40 is fitted with free wi-fi for your convenience. Don’t forget to download our free app too! Thornybank roundabout Dalkeith Town Centre Eskbank Toll DALKEITH Hardengreen Tesco Lasswade Post Office Bonnyrigg Toll BONNYRIGG LOANHEAD Bilston Roundabout Muirfield Gardens Roslin Rosslyn Chapel Gowkley Moss Auchendinny Glencorse Barracks Beeslack High School PENICUIK Penicuik Town Centre 40 Portobello • Musselburgh • Whitecraig • Dalkeith • Bonnyrigg • Loanhead • Roslin • Penicuik 05000525055006200650071507450825085509200950 0506 0531 0556 0626 0656 0721 0752 0832 0902 0927 0957 0512 0537 0602 0632 0702 0727 0759 0839 0909 0935 1005 05200545061006400710073508070847091709431013 then 05300555062006500720074508170857092909551025 every 05360601062606560726075208240904093510011031 05410606063107010731075808300910094110071037 mins 05450610063507050737080408360916094510111041 until 0550 0615 0640 0710 0742 0809 0841 0921 0950 1016 1046 05590624064907190752081908510931100010261056 06040629065407240757082408560936100510311101 06120637070207320806083309050945101410401110 Portobello King’s Road Eastfield (Musselburgh Road) Musselburgh Police Station Whitecraig Dalkeith Jarnac Court Hardengreen (Tesco) Bonnyrigg Toll Lasswade Loanhead (Muirfield Gardens) Roslin Hotel (for Chapel) Auchendinny Penicuik Town Centre 2002 2102 2202 2008 2108 2208 2014 2114 2214 202121212221 202921292229 203421342234 203921392239 204321432243 2047 2147 2247 2055 2155 2255 210022002300 210822082308 30 1520155216221652173718071852 1527 1601 1631 1701 1746 1816 1859 1536 1610 1640 1710 1755 1825 1906 1544161816481718180318331914 1556163017001730181518451925 1602163617061736182118511931 1608164217121742182718571937 1612164617161746183119011941 1617 1651 1721 1751 1836 1906 1946 1627170117311801184519151955 1632170617361806185019202000 1641171517451815185819282008 Monday to Friday Portobello King’s Road Eastfield (Musselburgh Road) Musselburgh Police Station Whitecraig Dalkeith Jarnac Court Hardengreen (Tesco) Bonnyrigg Toll Lasswade Loanhead (Muirfield Gardens) Roslin Hotel (for Chapel) Auchendinny Penicuik Town Centre 40 Penicuik • Roslin • Loanhead • Bonnyrigg • Dalkeith • Whitecraig • Musselburgh • Portobello 0616064607110741082108570927 0625065507200750083009060936 0630070007260756083609110941 0639 0709 0736 0806 0846 0921 0951 then 0643071307410811085109260956 every 0647071707460816085609311001 0652072207510821090109361006 mins 0700073008000830091009451015 until 0707073908090839091909541024 0716 0750 0820 0850 0930 1005 1035 0722 0757 0827 0857 0937 1012 1042 0729080608370907094610211051 30 152715541626165617261756182619122012 153616051635170517351805183519212020 154116101640171017401810184019262025 1551 1620 1650 1720 1750 1820 1848 1934 2033 then 155616261656172617561826185319392037 every 160116311701173118011831185719432041 160616361706173618061836190219482045 mins 161516451715174518151844191019562052 until 162416541724175418241853191920042100 1635 1705 1735 1805 1834 1903 1929 2011 2107 1642 1712 1742 1812 1840 1909 1935 2017 2113 165117211751182118471916194220242120 60 2312 2320 2325 2333 2337 2341 2345 2352 0000 0007 0013 0020 Monday to Friday Penicuik Town Centre Auchendinny Roslin Hotel (for Chapel) Loanhead (Muirfield Gardens) Lasswade Bonnyrigg Toll Hardengreen (Tesco) Dalkeith South Street Whitecraig Musselburgh Police Station Eastfield (Musselburgh Road) Portobello King’s Road 40 Portobello • Musselburgh • Whitecraig • Dalkeith • Bonnyrigg • Loanhead • Roslin • Penicuik 40 0608 0638 0706 0734 0804 0834 0900 0930 1200 1220 1250 1720 1750 1854 2002 2102 2202 0614 0644 0712 0741 0811 0841 0907 0937 1207 1227 1257 1727 1757 1901 2008 2108 2208 0620 0650 0718 0748 0818 0848 0915 0945 1215 1235 1305 1735 1805 1908 2014 2114 2214 06280658072607560826085609230953 then 122312431313 then 174318131916202121212221 0637 0707 0735 0805 0835 0905 0933 1003 every 1235 1255 1325 every 1755 1825 1926 2029 2129 2229 06430713074108110841091109391009 124113011331 180118311932203421342234 06480718074608160846091609451015 124713071337 180718371937203921392239 mins 125113111341 mins 181118411941204321432243 06520722075008200850092009491019 until 1256 1316 1346 until 1816 1846 1946 2047 2147 2247 0656 0726 0755 0825 0855 0925 0954 1024 0705 0735 0805 0835 0905 0935 1004 1034 1306 1326 1356 1826 1855 1955 2055 2155 2255 0710 0740 0810 0840 0910 0940 1009 10391311 1331 14011831 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 0718 0748 0818 0848 0918 0948 1018 1048 1320 1340 1410 1840 1908 2008 2108 2208 2308 30 30 Penicuik • Roslin • Loanhead • Bonnyrigg • Dalkeith • Whitecraig • Musselburgh • Portobello Penicuik Town Centre — 0727 0757 Auchendinny — 07360806 Roslin Hotel (for Chapel) — 0741 0811 Loanhead (Muirfield Gardens) — 0751 0821 then Lasswade — 07560826 every Bonnyrigg Toll — 08010831 Hardengreen (Tesco) — 0806 0836 Dalkeith South Street 0745 0815 0845 mins Whitecraig 0754 08240854 until Musselburgh Police Station 0805 0835 0905 30 1657 1722 1752 1822 1847 1912 2012 2112 2212 2312 1706173118011831185619212020212022202320 1711 1736 1806 1836 1901 1926 2025 2125 2225 2325 1721 1746 1816 1844 1909 1934 2033 2133 2233 2333 1726175118211849191419392037213722372337 17311756182618531918194320412141 22412341 1736 1801 1831 1858 1923 1948 2045 2145 2245 2345 1745 1810 1839 1906 1931 1956 2052 2152 2252 2352 1754 1819 18481915 194020042100220023000000 1805 1830 1858 1925 1950 2011 2107 2207 2307 0007 Saturday Portobello King’s Road Eastfield (Musselburgh Road) Musselburgh Police Station Whitecraig Dalkeith Jarnac Court Hardengreen (Tesco) Bonnyrigg Toll Lasswade Loanhead (Muirfield Gardens) Roslin Hotel (for Chapel) Auchendinny Penicuik Town Centre Eastfield (Musselburgh Road) 0812 0842 0912 Portobello King’s Road 0821 0851 0921 40 1812 1836 1904 1931 1956 2017 2113 2213 2313 0013 1821 1843 1911 1938 2003 2024 2120 2220 2320 0020 Portobello • Musselburgh • Whitecraig • Dalkeith • Bonnyrigg • Loanhead • Roslin • Penicuik 071208070903 0718 0813 0910 0724 0819 0917 073208270925 then 074108360935 every 074708420941 075208470946 mins 075608510950 until 0800 0855 0954 080909041004 081409091009 082209171017 60 180319032003 1810 1909 2009 1817 1915 2015 182519222022 183519302030 184119352035 184619402040 185019442044 1854 1948 2048 190419562056 190920012101 191720092109 Sunday Portobello King’s Road Eastfield (Musselburgh Road) Musselburgh Police Station Whitecraig Dalkeith Jarnac Court Hardengreen (Tesco) Bonnyrigg Toll Lasswade Loanhead (Muirfield Gardens) Roslin Hotel (for Chapel) Auchendinny Penicuik Town Centre 40 Penicuik • Roslin • Loanhead • Bonnyrigg • Dalkeith • Whitecraig • Musselburgh • Portobello 08300927 08380936 08430941 0852 0951 then 08560956 every 09001000 09051005 mins 09141014 until 09231023 0933 1033 0940 1040 09471047 60 162717271827192520152115 163617361836193320232123 164117411841193820282128 1651 1751 1850 1947 2037 2137 165617561855195120412141 170018001859195520452145 170518051903195920492149 171418131910200620562156 172318221918201421042204 1733 1831 1925 2021 2111 2211 1740 1837 1931 2027 2117 2217 174718441938203421242224 Sunday Penicuik Town Centre Auchendinny Roslin Hotel (for Chapel) Loanhead (Muirfield Gardens) Lasswade Bonnyrigg Toll Hardengreen (Tesco) Dalkeith South Street Whitecraig Musselburgh Police Station Eastfield (Musselburgh Road) Portobello King’s Road
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