Scope. March 2015 Scope. Penicuik South Church Newsletter. Hello from the Manse, The SU Bible Reading Notes later on this month take us through the concluding chapters of the Acts of the Apostles – as many have observed - a misnamed biblical book that should be called the Acts of the Holy Spirit. Tertullus goes head-to-head with Paul; with Felix playing the referee. The politics is particularly direct in coming off the page. Paul engages directly on political issues. Is he right to do so? Good grief, Ian – not politics again – we’ve had enough after last September. Paul keeps it focused on God, but he doesn’t shy away from the politics of the accusations against him. Not convinced? Now depending on your theological inclinations, I can readily imagine quoting some C. of E. bishops won’t really help to convince you much of anything. But perhaps this is one situation to make you think again. I do know the C. of E. was ‘caught’ not paying all its employees the living wage, while urging British business to do so. The fact remains the House of Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on the General Election had some good stuff in it – I think even Paul might have approved. They called on all political parties to discern "a fresh moral vision of the kind of country we want to be, ahead of the General Election in May of this year.” asking politicians to attempt to "build the kind of society which many people say they want, but which is not yet being expressed in the vision of any of the parties?" But they didn’t just have a go at the politicians. They also addressed the electorate: asking us to put aside self-interest and vote for 'the common good'. "The privileges of living in a democracy mean that we should use our votes thoughtfully, prayerfully and with the good of others in mind, not just our own interests." And they directly spoke to the idea - one very common idea: "It is not possible to separate the way a person perceives his or her place in the created order from their beliefs, religious or otherwise, about how the world's affairs ought to be arranged. The claim that religion and political life must be kept separate is, in any case, frequently disingenuous - most politicians and pundits are happy enough for the churches to speak on political issues, so long as the church agrees with their particular line." "Unless we exercise the democratic rights that our ancestors struggled for, we will share responsibility for the failures of the political classes. It is the duty of every Christian adult to vote, even though it may have to be a vote for something less than a vision that inspires us." Wow! Direct stuff or what. Nonetheless just about every assessment of the British electorate makes it very, very plain: people are profoundly disillusioned with politics in the UK today, moreover many Christians (like most other people) feel let down and hesitant to trust the promises of any politician from any party. Many folk feel that none of the major parties support Christian values, and that the secular political system is unfair to Christians. So should you simply not vote at all at this election, as some Christians suggest. Despite obvious disillusionment, what’s equally clear is that Christians across the UK do engage in politics – and markedly more than the general population. Whether that’s being a local councillor, meeting regularly with their MP or signing petitions, Christians are getting involved. Evangelicals are twice as likely as the general population to say they are certain to vote on 7th May 2015. There’s a Wilberforce spirit within Christians that means folk engage more than most people. Evangelicals clearly care about the common good and how politics impacts the vulnerable in our society, considering poverty and inequality to be the most important single issue facing the UK today. Read some of the blogs listed our below. Don’t let political weariness justify not engaging. This year’s chance to vote is exactly what the bishop’s say it is: a Christian responsibility that we should all fulfil. Yours sincerely, Ian Cathcart. P.S. There are many election blogs / resources – consider these: I have been thinking recently about friendship with God. That Jesus called us His friends (John 15:15), and Holy Spirit dwells in us as our teacher (J I have been thinking recently about friendship with God. That Jesus called us His friends (John 15:15), and Holy Spirit dwells in us as our teacher (John 14:26). I have been thinking about the basic elements of friendship: love and communication, and how while much is taught of God’s love for us and of how we are to love him and pray to him, not so much is said about conversations with God. Perhaps we are all having them and just not saying! Perhaps we are calling this ‘prayer’, as it rightly could be classified, but I wonder if we are explaining that to younger Christians? About 10 years ago God sent me to someone who showed me how to hear God speaking to me, in the many ways He does, and who showed me how to ‘pray’, in the many ways we can, and so started the best conversation of my life. A conversation that continues to this day and gets better and better. Prayer is so multifaceted and diverse, it can't be limited to a definition or timescale because it fits perfectly with every diversely created person. Paul said he prayed without ceasing and urged us to do the same (1 Thess 5:17). This is an overwhelming thought unless we know that we are in an everlasting friendship with a creative conversational God, through the indwelling Holy Spirit. Christ in us, the hope of glory! Your prayerfully, Hilary. (CLAN Manager (and coffee maker) CLAN Prayer Evening Saturday 28th March from 4pm until 9.30pm at Holy Trinity Church of Scotland, Wester Hailes, Edinburgh. This will be a time of joining together in worship, prayer and proclamation. Prayer Highlights Our prayer co-ordinators, Steven and Angela Boler, are hoping to increase the prayer base for our ministry and will be sending out a CLAN Prayer Highlights every few months. Any time commitment is welcome - bullet prayers while you read to set aside time! All appreciated and needed. If you would like to receive the letter please reply to this email and we will sign you up. Prayer Ministry is available at all our events and it is also possible to be part of our Prayer Ministry team and receive training in this. Join the team! Become a Friend of CLAN If you would like to support the work of CLAN through regular financial contributions why not consider becoming a Friend of CLAN? Whatever you can give makes a real difference, and enables us to plan for the future. Christian Aid Week- 10th-16th May 2015. This year’s Christian Aid week considers one of the greatest injustices of our time: discrimination against women. Women do two thirds of the world’s work, earn one tenth of the world’s income and own only 1% of the world’s property. Loko lives in Ethiopia. With an absent husband and no livestock, she is shunned by her community Loko’s choice in life is simple: ‘If I can’t collect firewood, my children will die.’ Four times a week, in a remote corner of Ethiopia, Loko makes a back-breaking eight-hour trip to gather wood. It’s a task she dreads, but she steels herself to do it because if she doesn’t her children will starve. Photo credit Christian Aid/M Gonzalez-Noda She prays to God as she walks. ‘I ask him to change my life and lead us out of this,’ she says. Just £5 could give Loko a loan to start her own business buying and selling tea and coffee, freeing her from her desperate task and allowing her to spend more time caring for her family . Jesus challenges us to love our neighbour. Together, this Christian Aid Week, we can answer Jesus’ call to walk with women like Loko, working hard to transform people’s lives now and inspire lasting hope for the future. Please prayerfully consider getting involved and doing something for women like Loko and becoming a collector for Christian Aid this year. Alternatively think about your own ideas for fundraising – all monies will be gratefully received! Contact: Ellen Walley -01968 672014. World Day of Prayer - Friday 6th March, 2015 The World Day of Prayer will be held in Penicuik South Church this year, on Friday 6th March, 2015 at 7.30p.m. The Order of Service has been written by Christian women of the Bahamas . You are cordially invited to attend, and tea will be served after the service. Sheena Allan and Audrey Roy THE RAVEN TRUST Six more boxes of knitted goods, toiletries, pencils, pencil cases etc were sent off to be dispatched on 14th Feb. Many thanks to all the Penicuik ladies who are knitting, sewing or contributing these goods. Knitted goods , especially mitts are in great demand. Writing items are all sent in special schoolpacks. Towels in good condition are also needed. If you would like to help with this work, please call Jean Thorburn ( North Kirk ) on 01968 672022 Debbie Hall CHRISTMAS SHOE BOXES Thank you to all who contributed to the shoebox appeal, to make up boxes with toys, sweets and toiletries for needy children. While most of us don’t know where our boxes go, we were pleased to hear from our visitors from Kiev, that they were able to distribute some of these boxes amongst children at their church and school programmes. It was lovely, in their overhead slides, to see the joy on the children’s faces, opening their boxes, showing us how worthwhile a project this is. Hopefully you will all continue to fill boxes next year. Bill Bruce March ‘15 Sun 1st 11.15am Service Worship Themes Readings Lent with all our Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength: At the beginning of Lent let’s get behind the Deut 1: 19Trypraying project – not so much do you know 33 of this booklet but have you gone into enemy territory and used this booklet - incl Communion Going through 2 Corinthians: Sun 1st – 7pm Sun 8th 11.15am Sun 8th Consistency is key to Paul’s non-defence of his ministry in Corinth – called to a warts-&all honest lifestyle. 2 Cor 1: 1-14 Lent with all our Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength: Acts 24: Britain is now fully into pre-election mode – 1-21 politics assails us every day. Paul as well has to deal with the politics of the ancient world but stay fully focused on the real issues – it’s easy to lose focus. Lent with all our Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength: God intercedes for those who intercede for Him Acts 25: 13-27 – 3pm Sun 8th 7pm 15th 11.15am 15th - 7pm Worship Service Lent with all our Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength: Paul has been beaten, jailed wholly rejected and is going to be martyred but still simply goes into a situation to lay-on Acts 28: hands and seek to heal in Jesus name. Don’t 1-10 over-complicate it – copy it. (Mother’s Day) Healing Service March 22nd 11.15am Lent with all our Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength: Luke 6: A service with a Barnabus Fund focus – 17-26 whither Syria specifically or the Middle East generally, the call to bear one another’s burdens remains, as Luke 6 shows clearly. Going through 2 Corinthians: 22nd –7pm ‘Let your yes be yes and your no be no’. Respectful, plain, straight talking is what Paul asks of us then and now. 2 Cor 1: 1-22 Easter Week with all our Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength: Palm Sun 29 March–Easter Sun 5 April Palm Sunday – an All-Age Family Service – remembering a most spontaneous of celebrations (Note - British Summer times begins today Aghh – we ‘lose’ an hour!) Luke 19: 28-40 29th – 7pm Palm Sunday Service – St Mungo’s - 30th - 7pm Holy Week Monday - Penicuik South 31st - 7pm Holy Week Tuesday - Penicuik North 29th 11.15am April 2015 1st - 7pm Holy Week Wednesday - Sacred Heart 2nd - 8pm Maundy Thursday – St James The Less 3rd - 7pm Good Friday – Penicuik South – Luke 23: 23-46 EASTER SUNDAY WORSHIP Sun 5th8.00am Penicuik South: Come and remember His death and resurrection incl Communion Luke 24: 36-49 Sun 5th 9.30am Howgate: Come celebrate the key event in world history and worship your Saviour Luke 24: 1-12 Sun 5th 11.15am Penicuik South: Luke starts his gospel addressing doubts and finishes the same Luke 24: 1-12 Sun 5th 3.00pm Penicuik South: A service of sung worship with address and communion Luke 24: 13-35 Sun 5th 7.30pm Usher hall - Origin Easter Resurrection 2015 – (free – with an offering for event costs) - News from Maurice and his daughters. Here is my dramatic news, I had a severe stroke on Tuesday evening the tenth of February 2015. I was watching an episode of CSI when about 11:30pm I noticed that the vision in my right eye was impaired. My memory and functionality then started to do strange things. I can remember being close to the TV aerial and it seems I switched the TV off at the wall. I can remember seeing the contents of the coffee table being strewn over the carpet. I saw that the coffee table was broken , but no recollection of falling on it. I can remember trying to sit on the settee but not able to manage it and just falling over, how may times I do not know. I can remember getting to the bedroom, how I do not know. I can remember lying on my hands and knees at the foot of the bed and Mary starting to panic, she did not know anything until that point. Somehow I got into bed with my trousers off, don't ask me how. I was transported to the ERI by the paramedics where everything becomes very very vague. I had various tests, of which the only thing I can vaguely remember is a CT scan. During that time I was administered with a drug called Thrombolysis, which has to be given within 4hours of the stroke, just made it by 30 minutes. I am eternally grateful to everyone for being there for me. The doctor who administered the drug came to seem me afterwards and said it meant so much to him to see the positive results. Apparently only about 1 in 8 are admitted and treated in the time period and not all of those are successful. The one thing I can say about the drug is that it preserved my life. I should have been discharged on the Friday but there was a doubt with my heart, which turned out to be old damage. I was eventually discharged on Tuesday with full mobility and mental health and no follow up treatment other than my local GP. Now it's rest and recuperation and build up my confidence. All thing being taken in, I am blessed to be still in 'functional health', and am thankful for the support and prayers of my family and friends, both social and the church. I am doubly indebted to the medical staff for their care and attention. I was tended to by a league of nations and bless all the Staff, of whom many were immigrants. Maurice Dower. Written by daughter Susie 11/02/15 Today, I am a thankful daughter. Thankful to our mum who realised something wasn't right and called the doctor. Thankful to the Paramedic crew who worked tirelessly to save a man's life. Thankful to the on - call Consultant who answered the phone at 2am and made a decision to still administer the wonder drug which was fast approaching it's chance to work . Thankful to the Docs and Nursing Staff at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary for caring. Thankful that our Dad is still alive after suffering a monumental stroke and cos of reasons above has been so far left with little after effects. Lastly thankful for my wonderful hubby, brother, sister and mum without whom I would have really struggled to cope today. Yes - today I am thankful oh and just a little tired & emotional xx Written by daughter Elaine. 12/02/15 Stroke, what stroke?! Honestly, if you saw my dad now you would not even believe that he even had a mini stroke, let alone a monumental one which almost cost him his life. Thank you to the staff at RIE for acting so quickly on my dad and administering the wonder drug that has not only saved his life but pretty much eradicated any side effects that usually come about with a stroke. Am sure once we get him home, he will be back to the grumpy old man we all know and love!! WHAT’S ON IN MARCH. Fri. 6th World day of Prayer 7.30pm South Church Sun. 22nd Thank Offering Day Mon. 23rd South church AGM 7pm in West Street Hall THANK OFFERING DAY Sunday 22nd March The purpose of Thank Offering is to thank God for our blessings as a fellowship, by blessing the community or other Christian projects. Usually we divide the Thank Offering into 1/3 for a local project and 2/3 for worldwide charities. This year 1/3 of Thank Offering will go to Penicuik YM, which is having financial difficulties to continue it’s work in the community, and 2/3 will go to charities working with persecuted Christians in Syria. You will get an envelope with Scope to put your offering in, or you can pick up an envelope in church, if you get Scope on line. If you are a tax payer, please fill in your church Gift Aid number or your name and address, so that we can increase your giving with Gift Aid. SONGS FROM THE PAST Thank you to the older members of the congregation, who have thought long and hard to remember the choir members , who led the Songs of Praise service at South church in 1969. The names we have so far are : Ina Workman, Ella Rutherford, Chris and Douglas Edie, Margaret Bennington, Phyllis and Bob Wilson, William and Effie Lunn, Fred Watson, Florence McNab and Rosemary ? Perhaps you can remember some more ? Mary Darling Contact us ; Minister ; Rev Ian Cathcart. 01968 674692 Assistant; Minister Rev. Fred Harrison. Session Clerk; Rosie Townsley 01968 679103 Scope; Mary Darling. 01968 660585 01875 820908 and Lindsay Swan. 01968 661887 House Group ; Ash Wood 01968 380450 and Kathleen Downey. 01968 672153 Pastoral Care; Wilma Wilson. 07719 665 505 Safeguarding Officer; 01968 675115 Jackie Ringan THIS MAY 7TH Scope. Penicuik South Church, Scottish Charity SCO11871.
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