2015 Louisiana Conference on Human Resources Thursday, April 9, 2015 It’s SHOWTIME!....And Life Isn’t a Dress Rehearsal by Jon Petz - Our organizations are continually calling for an engaged workforce that has purpose and passion, and this program will help attendees self-identify each. Grasp the importance of MAKING things happen, not watching them happen Create memorable 'SHOWTIME' moments to deliver unique value Discover why focus is critical, but perspective is priceless Recognize and appreciate the impact that one person has in an organization, family or community. Understand that you are never "JUST A" (7 of Hearts Story) Rekindle the passion in who they are and what they do! We'll never know when it might be our time in the spotlight and asked, or expected, to achieve great things. And at that moment . . . It's SHOWTIME Baby! Battling Bullies in the Workplace - Cynthia Krosky, CSP, LCSW - Work can be a volatile place when pressures increase and personalities clash, however the tension rises tremendously when someone feels he or she is being bullied. If you ever heard the cliché that knowledge is power, then the more we learn about what bullying is, why it happens and what we can do to be prepared for battle against it then the more powerful we are. Bullying is often call the "silent epidemic," yet it affects over 53 million people in America. Bullies are far from silent. Their comments, sometimes subtle, can soar just under the legal radar screen, costing an estimated $18 million dollars in expenses to companies. So how can you prevent bullying in the workplace? This session will address the answers to this question. What the Technologically Savvy Human Resources Director Needs to Know about Social Media, Privacy, and Cloud Computing - Michelle D. Craig, J.D. - This session will focus on: The Latest in Social Media Related Legal Issues; Updating Your Privacy Policies; Risk Assessment and Management; Developing a Crisis Management Program for Your Company; Data Security and the New Threats. Bridging the Gap - How to Think Like a CEO – Ryan Kohler, MBA, SPHR - It’s no secret that there’s usually a disconnect in terms of communication between HR and a CEO or executive team. In a 2012 survey published by IBM, 37% of CEOs indicated that HR is “too focused on processes and rules” and that they “don’t understand the business well enough” to participate in the company’s strategic development. As a CEO who works closely with thousands of HR representatives, Ryan has a unique perspective into both worlds and knows what it takes to make HR’s voice align with the vision of the company. Secure your position as both an advocate for rules/processes whilst being an invaluable asset when it comes to the CEO’s bottom line. Thrive! Riding the Rapids of Change – Janyne Peek Emsick, Ph.D. - Rapids: Definition: Section of a river where the current speeds up and flows turbulently over and around boulders, ledges, shallows, drop-offs; whitewater. In this practical, interactive, high energy workshop, learn the predictable human dynamics of change and how to maximize focus and positive energy in the midst of rapid change. The audience will develop their leadership skills by learning how to handle change in the workplace. They will gain the knowledge that allows them to embrace the changing environment. The audience members will acquire practical strategies to create focus & maximize positive energy by analyzing human responses to change & how it affects their goals. In this workshop, audience members will learn what stays the same, predictable human response in the midst of a changing environment, and will walk away with a personal action plan that is full of best practices that can be put to work right away. The Plot Thickens: Reframing the Role of HR by Dr. Jarik Conrad - Although there have been some notable exceptions over the past decade, human resources departments are still often viewed, at worst, as barriers to obtaining business goals and objectives, or, at best, as merely tactical areas where necessary paperwork gets done. Certainly, human resources professionals have got to be able to do the technical aspects of their jobs well, but to be transformational, they must have a deeper degree of understanding of human behavior. Not only do they need to understand, appreciate and better connect with others, they must have a profound awareness of their own strengths and developmental areas. In this interactive session, Dr. Conrad will demonstrate how higher order emotional and social skills are necessary to boost the human capital in any organization. Participants will walk away with: • A better understanding of how emotions affect the decision-making progress. • Increased self-awareness and an improved ability to connect with others. • A more keen understanding human differences and how to create a more inclusive work environment. • A better appreciation for the unique opportunity HR professionals have to boost business results. Solving the Accountability Paradox: How to Push Less, but Get More - Ron Paul, MBA Getting the most out of the people you work with is one of the biggest challenges leaders and managers face today. This session analyzes the commonly adopted views of accountability and explores the Accountability Paradox. The Accountability Paradox occurs when someone creates accountability the wrong way. We define this as the harder you try and hold someone accountable, the less accountable they become, resulting in negative experiences and poor results. This actually can result in people shying away from taking greater personal accountability, consequently hindering development and growth in your people. This can lead to disengaged employees or even high turnover. When accountability is done the right way, development is encouraged, employees feel engaged, and the result that it has on your people and organization is invaluable. By having a workforce that knows how to hold others accountable in a positive way, your organization will begin to successfully deliver on expectations while having higher morale and employee satisfaction. Disaster Preparedness: HR Responsibilities Both Before and After a Disaster Strikes, Step-byStep Review - Edward Harold, J.D. - No part of the country ‒ or employer for that matter ‒ is immune from being struck by a disaster. Hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, man-made disasters, etc. all happen too frequently and often without sufficient warning. For HR, disasters pose different sets of responsibilities both before and after. Before a disaster, there is planning that goes into making sure that your employees will be safe and the business experiences the least amount of disruption as possible. This requires advanced planning ‒ having a good communications policy and system in place, reviewing your current policies to make sure they anticipate the post-disaster work environment the best they can, periodic disaster planning drills, and more. In the wake of a disaster there are also “real time” decisions that HR will be required to make. Furthermore, maintaining employee safety and well-being and bringing the business back to its pre-disaster level of operations as quickly and safely as possible are crucial considerations. Your ability to accomplish these objectives, however, will in part depend on the policies and procedures you put in place before the disaster hits as well as requirements that you may not be as familiar with that are contained within the regulations you are accustomed to working with every day. From unfamiliar wage-hour and FMLA requirements to privacy laws, workers’ comp, plant closing laws, and everything between, HR may now be in uncharted waters. Please join Edward Harold, attorney at law, as he reviews step-by-step what HR should do to prepare for a potential disaster as well as offers explanations of the regulatory issues you’ll likely be dealing with afterwards. Understanding what these rules are before a disaster happens should be helpful in establishing policies and procedures that will stand up to the challenges you may face after one has struck. Agile HR: Leveraging HR as a Key Strategic Asset - Gretchen McKinney, SPHR, IPMA-CP and Lee McKinney, MS - Agile HR – What is it? Why should I consider doing it? How can I do it? When can I get started? The streamlined, process-improved workforce has become commonplace, and those who have one boast of the assurance of performance adaptability in response to market changes. What is HR’s role in the adaptability of their organization? How is an Agile workforce different from other popular performance improvement methodologies being employed by the current workforce? The essential role of HR in organizational viability is perhaps understood. Its role in organizational strategy development may be less regarded. We will delve into the idea that an Agile HR organization can lead to enterprise-wide integration through some key workflows and communication. In this session we aim to merge two considerations. HR’s role in organizational strategy development and the adoption of Agile methods into HR that can readily lead to its recognition as a key strategic player, and facilitate the integration of organizational departments. This session will pique the interest of the HR generalist from the 1st year in Human Resources to the retirement year. Key takeaways will be a plan to implement certain aspects of Agile HR immediately in your workspace and provide thought provoking ideas for the future strategic placement of Agile HR in your workplace. Nonverbal Communication for the HR Profession – Jerry Balistreri, M.S., M.Ed., DTE - This training will allow HR professionals to become familiar with the science behind body language, understanding the “tells” or knowing what to look for, and the understanding of the meaning of each tell. The application and use of reading body language in the HR profession has many uses and connects to the HR profession in the following ways: being able to read job applicants better; assisting in resolving workplace conflicts by assessing who may be deceptive with answers; improving negotiation skills by knowing when and what to say based on “reading” the other person; assessing better who is and is not on board with organizational changes. Transformative Leadership: Inspiring A Culture Of Personal Responsibility- Ryan C. Lowe Managing and leading today can have its challenges. An uncertain economy, customer expectations, competition, employee concerns, regulatory issues and doing more with less, can take their toll. In response, many organizations are implementing a culture of transformative leadership, in order to inspire their teams to world class service, continuous improvement, increased sales, having a positive attitude and taking personal responsibility at work. This will be a highly engaging, content filled and fun presentation that will assist both organizations and professionals in the transformation of their leadership culture, in order to prepare their teams for competitive and uncertain times. White Water Leadership – Greg Hawks - An analogy of how work is like white water rapids. Challenging and jolting experiences along with unexpected twists and turns, makes the role of the HR Leader more vital today than ever. A constantly changing workplace can be difficult for employees to succeed in, or remain engaged. The HR Leader can provide significant contributions, both to management and employees on how to navigate these challenges well. In this session we will examine what causes Rapids; the Role of the Rafter; the Role of the Guide; and the elements of a Successful Adventure. The session will offer HR Leaders a framework for developing and executing organizational change that facilitates meeting the expectations of the organization and the employee. Strategies to Retain Top Talent – Nancy McCarthy, MBA - One of the biggest challenges facing professionals in human resource management today is the development of an effective HR strategy that aligns with and supports your organization’s short- and long-term business goals. But even as high unemployment persists, employers are still facing a shortage of candidates with the right skills and experience to fill critical jobs. To further complicate matters, employee engagement is at its lowest level in years, putting you at risk of losing critical talent. That’s why retaining key employees should be a top priority for effective talent management that supports your human resource management strategies and overall corporate objectives. This seminar discusses performance management, succession planning, and compensation management, as well as recommendations for determining organizational readiness and implementing a successful program that drives business results today and into the future. Doing it On Your Own: An HR Department of One - Lori Kleiman, MS, SPHR - This session will give you the self-confidence you need to implement successful HR practices as the sole practitioner in your organization. An HR Department of One should be the leader that drives organizational value forward. Using real world examples, we will explore how you can manage your time and the leadership team in your organization. A focus on strategy, executive skills, action packed tips and technology will work together to move you up the corporate ladder! Friday, April 10, 2015 The 5 Keys to Uncommon Leadership – Adam White - The 5 Keys to Uncommon Leadership is a blueprint for developing a leadership culture. This program will: integrate a leadership language and understanding that the entire organization can speak and follow; quickly shift the culture from positional and title-based to influence-driven leadership; develop a framework for consistently reproducing leaders. You will learn to: lead by permission; lead with passion; become a leader that creates leaders; understand leadership is mentorship; and discover the leadership in me. An Overview of Mercer's National Survey and an Introduction to Private Exchanges – Tyler Bolander - Introduction to private exchanges and how exchanges are a delivery mechanism for employer sponsored health and benefits programs. Private Exchanges are becoming a mainstream strategy to help navigate rough the complexities of the ACA. We will show you how companies are reducing cost, staying compliant, and simplifying their administration burden through the use of private exchanges. Presentation will also include regional, and industry specific data collected from Mercer’s National Employer Sponsored Health Plan Survey results from 2014. This is the largest benchmarking survey conducted nationally, and is considered the “gold standard” for companies comparing their strategies and costs. The data is even more relevant for 2015 as companies finalize their strategies heading into health care reform. Overcoming Difficult Employee Relations - Julie Willoz, M.A. - What happens when your boss is a bully? How do you handle a co-worker who always drops the ball? What do you do when a project leader never listens to anyone’s input? Uncover the answers to these difficult workplace inter-employee experiences and more during this informative session on overcoming difficult employee relations. Unless you learn to master how to work well with the variety of people you encounter in the workplace, you will spend 80% of your time dealing with 20% of the people. You will leave this session with a better understanding of the wide variety of workplace behaviors and effective tips and strategies to help you work more effectively with coworkers, direct reports, and supervisors. Strategically Leading Great Work for Business Results – Jeff Birk - Data from one the world's largest workplace studies, assessing 1.7 million cases of award-winning work, revealed 5 skills that significantly predict higher results than traits. HR leaders can use this data to both influence their people strategies, and directly tie those strategies to tangible business results. This session provides a framework for critical analysis of data, tying what people do (not who they are or fit into the culture) to the results they achieve (not how they feel about the organization). Retirement Plan's Fiduciary Risk: Uncomplicate, Take Control, & Reduce It –Deborah “Deb” Castellani, CFA and William “Bill” Conrad, J.D. - As a retirement plan fiduciary for a benefit plan, you are in charge of the risk involved. Managing risk in this area may seem overwhelming, time-consuming and complicated in keeping up with three governing regulatory agencies - the DOL, IRS and PBGC. However, there are practical strategies to un-complicate regulations and streamline operations to help reduce your risk. This presentation will provide you some risk management techniques, uncover hidden risk areas and review roles/responsibilities you, as a fiduciary, need to know to further reduce risk/liabilities. Learning Outcomes * Understand the top plan sponsor myths and how to avoid them. * Learn the five things you can do today to reduce personal fiduciary risk - yes you are at risk! * Review three things you must do to reduce Plan Sponsor risk. How to Attract & Retain Top Talent to Create an Engaged, Productive Workforce – Kevin Sheridan, MBA - To become the best in the business, it is essential to employ the best people. But how do employers build a staff that is ready and able to take an organization to its next level? Inspired by the best-selling book, this inspiring keynote focuses on how to attract talented employees to the workplace, empower them, and sustain an environment in which they are more likely to stay. Topics covered include: The bottom line benefits of employee engagement; Creating an environment of shared ownership for engagement; The Top 10 Engagement Drivers; Recruiting: the foundation for a magnetic culture; Overcoming demagnetizers: compensation and other challenges for managers; The importance of embracing diversity & inclusion; Engagement trends & best practices. Drawing on years of research and real-world examples from his consulting experience, Kevin Sheridan gives you the strategies and tactics you need to transform your organization by creating and maintaining a Magnetic Culture. Employment Authorization Hot Issues: ICE Subpoenas, Discrimination Claims, Form I-9, and E-Verify– Robert F. Loughran, J.D. - This interactive presentation will examine several issues that are currently affecting employment authorization compliance. It will cover Form I-9 completion, common issues with suspect employment documents, trends in discriminatory labor suits related to employment authorization, and ICE initiated Form I-9 audits. Finally, we will explore the nuances of E-Verify and future development and implementation schedule. Specifically, how to prevent E-Verify compliance problems and determining whether a company should register for the E-Verify program voluntarily. This session will allow each attendee to review common issues affecting employment authorization compliance including Form I-9 common issues and the E-Verify program. Embracing Conflict to Reduce "Fire-Fighting" in the Workplace – Amy Landry, PHR - As a Human Resources Professional, one may feel that they are regularly fighting fires in the workplace. Human Resources Professionals see all types of behavior and sometimes encounter people at their worst. On many days making progress in Human Resources can be overwhelming due to the nature of the complex problems one endures when dealing with people. People come equipped with a plethora of emotions, attitudes, values, needs, and beliefs. People clash because of innate differences, which can lead to conflict. This conflict if unresolved has the potential to become disastrous in the workplace. However, negative results from unresolved conflict does not have to be the case. Imagine turning those clashes into strengths that compliment and figuring out a way to extract creativity from the different perspectives, which ultimately improves the process of doing business. It is possible to be able to identify the real issue and help others appreciate the other person’s needs. Imagine embracing conflict confidently! For this to happen, leaders must be equipped with the skills and knowledge on how to handle conflict and then possess the confidence in their ability to successfully resolve it. This is a skill that many leaders in today’s companies are not able to execute effectively. Many leaders spend a great amount of their time dealing with employee conflicts only to find they have exacerbated the situation. Some leaders create more tension and reduce open communication for their team by not being equipped with this skill. Some leaders possess a fear of dealing with conflict, so they take improper or no action which can back fire and demoralize their entire team in the process. Leaders need the tools to embrace conflict, not to fear it. This presentation focuses on the critical skill of handling conflict and extinguishing employee ‘fires’. It starts with the 5 levels of conflict from discomfort to crisis then delves into tools that Human Resources Professionals can give their leaders to successfully resolve conflict. This presentation will focus on the win/win strategy and how to successfully achieve this outcome when conflict arises in the workplace. This approach is about changing the conflict from adversarial attack to co-operation. It is a powerful shift of attitude that alters the whole course of communication. Rethinking your EAP - Taking Employees from Surviving to Thriving – April Crowell Thurfield – Learn how to utilize the benefits your company may currently have in place to foster employee health and engagement. Learn how to get the most out of a current EAP benefit for not only emergent situations but employee development. With Corporate Wellness programs on the rise, learn how to include the employee who may be reluctant to participate in a traditional program and still drive ROI. HR's Secret Weapon: The Power of Analytics – Joshua Aversa - Once used for only sales and marketing functions, sophisticated analytic approaches are increasingly being used by companies to make fact-based decisions about their human capital investments. HR professionals are looking to advances in big data analysis to understand what impacts whether an employee will stay or leave the organization. Presented by Ultimate Software’s Market Strategist, Joshua Aversa, this session focuses on how advanced analytics can be used to identify factors that might cause an employee's departure and help people managers improve talent engagement and retention. Why Managers Hate HR and What Are We Gonna Do About It – Sandy Michelet, MS, SPHR, SHRM-SCP - Since the beginning of time, HR and managers have been trying to find a way to coexist. We assume that our stakeholders are the executive leadership team and owners, but we often overlook the group that can hold the key to our success....the line level managers. Love 'em or hate 'em, the managers in our organization are the liaison between our message and the employee...the ones who can either support an initiative or easily ensure its failure....the ones who can either lean on our expertise and guidance or discount the importance of the partnership. In this fun and interactive session we will discuss the good, the bad and the 'YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME' in HR and manager relationships. If you prefer to listen quietly from the back of the room then this session may not be for you. But if you like to be engaged and learn with others facing the same challenges as you…then join the discussion and get ready to show your managers you mean business. SHRM Certification Update – Scott Ferrin, SHRM-SCP, PMP, ITIL - SHRM has developed a new HR Certification program based on the competencies required to be an effective HR professional. This certification is the culmination of over three years of research, and based on the SHRM HR Competency Model, which was validated by more than 30,000 HR professionals around the world. Come and learn about the new certification exam that will assess both competencies and HR knowledge. This session will give you an overview of what you can expect as well as gives you the opportunity to ask questions. The Power of Fun at Work - Walt Stasinski - Do you really enjoy your job? Do you finish the day worn out? It doesn’t have to be this way. Yes, you can achieve success and have fun doing it. You will be given practical tools to reduce stress, re-energize yourself, defuse conflict and make your job more fun. As a bonus, humor will help you with your productivity and creativity. Take your job seriously but yourself lightly. Find out how to enjoy the lighter side of your success and even get a standing ovation for all your accomplishments. According to the business journal, Human Resources Focus, 96% of the Executives surveyed said that employees with a sense of humor do a better job than employees with little or no sense of humor. Benefits: • Discover the crucial difference between employees who have fun at work and those who don't. • Reduce the amount of stress hormones in the bloodstream with laughter. • Find out the value of humor in resolving conflicts at the workplace. • Learn the way to end the work week with a laugh and drive home with a smile on your face.
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