B.U.I.L.D. Minutes LOUISVILLE – WE’RE CLOSER THAN YOU THINK April 7, 2015 Catered by Subway Members and guests present: Terri Scholting, Dee Arias, Diane Heard, Linda Behrns, Roger Behrns, Alan Mueller, Lisa Scheve, Rafael Weddle, Mark Leibman, Brenda McCaul, Chris Funk, Dan Wiles and Robyn Lipins. Terri called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance. Introductions were made. The minutes from the March 3, 2015 meeting were read and approved. Treasurer’s Report – Diane Heard. The B.U.I.L.D. account balance is $4,668.98. Old Business: Linda Behrns and Chris Funk from WasteCap gave a report on the recycling survey taken recently. Chris presented written results including history, opinions and recommendations. Some of those recommendations are: education, collective contracting with all businesses and managing your business waste. If your business is interested in a more extensive waste assessment by WasteCap, please contact Linda Behrns. Businesses have been invoiced for replacement lights. Once money collected, Joel Jones will purchase the lights. A separate invoice will be sent for the labor of replacement. New Business: Dee discussed the new directory. Cutthroat Printing has given a quote and will do the design work for free if all modifications are done at one time. It will be patterned off the last directory and map done. Dee, Nancy or Brandon Benson will be visiting with each business to discuss ads. Quarter page ads will sell for $30 with 2,500 directories being printed. COMMITTEE REPORTS Events Committee: Last Hot Sunday in July plans are moving forward. Welcome Committee: No report. Presentation Committee: The banners have been changed on Main Street. Discussion will be held later on replacing the spring flags. Marketing Committee: Nancy sent a report that the Cass County Tourism Committee approved the advertising grant for the Last Hot Sunday in July car show. Community/Economic Development Committee: Alan Mueller reported that construction continues and house sales are up. Mill Creek Auto relocation/expansion is in progress and was awarded a loan/grant from LB840 funds. Lisa Scheve reported that REAP (Rural Enterprise Assistance Program) will be visiting with B.U.I.L.D. in June. REAP can help with business plans and are looking to have a QuickBooks training class soon as well as other services. Fund Raising Committee: No report. Other Information: Chris Noda sent word that he is holding Summit Health Education Talks monthly. The first is th being held Thursday, April 9 at 6:45 p.m. and the topic of discussion is: Weekend Warrior and Athletic Injuries. The next meeting will be at noon, Tuesday, May 5, 2015 – location to be determined.
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