Split Up Syllabus – IX 2015-2016 Month Days April SOCIAL SCIENCE 23 Chapter No ve Octo Septe Augu July mb ber mber st er June 20 December FA1 26 FA2 22 21 SA1 24 7 26 H-1 The French Revolution G-1 India -size and location G-2 Physical Features of India G-3 Drainage Pattern C-1 Democracy in the contemoarary world C-2 What is democracy? C-3 Costitutional design C-3 Costitutional design (contd.) Eco-1 Story of the village palampur Eco-2 People as Resource H-3 Nazism and the rise of hitler H-6 Peasants and Farmers SA1 exams C-6 Democratic Rights ECO-3 Poverty as Challenge Eco-4 Food Security in india ( contd.) Jan 22 Feb 24 H-8 Clothing-A social History C-4 Electoral politics G-4 Climate G-5 Natural Vegetation and wildlife G-6 Population Revision+ Preboards March 26 SA2 FA3 Hindi pa# FA-1 2Ul kaVy s.cyn rEdas ke Vyakr` v`R-ivC7ed pd leqn ivwag p5- Api#t AnOpcairk gd\ya.x AnuC7ed Api#t pd\ya.x p5- Api#t AnOpcairk gd\ya.x AnuSvar Anunaisk FA-2 du:q ka Ai2kar igLlU nuKta ]psgR-p/Tyy SA-1 2Ul du:q ka Ai2kar 0vreS3:merI ixqr ya5a rEdas ke pd rhIm ke pd AadmInama igLlU v`R-ivC7ed Sm<it AnuSvar AnuC7ed Api#t pd\ya.x Anunaisk ic5-v`Rn pi#t gd\ya.x nuKta s.vad-leqn pi#t pd\ya.x kLlU kuMhar kI ]nako3I tum kb jaAoge Aiti4 ]psgR-p/Tyy iv)apn leqn s.i2 ivram-ivh\n FA-3 vE)aink cetna ke 0k fUl kI mera 7o3a-sa injI vahk cah puStkaly ]psgR-p/Tyy p5- Api#t AnOpcairk gd\ya.x p5- Api#t AnOpcairk gd\ya.x s.i2 ivram-ivh\n FA-4 vE)aink cetna ke 0k fUl kI mera 7o3a-sa injI vahk cah puStkaly kIcD_ ka kaVy gIt-AgIt haimd qa> AnuSvar AnuC7ed Api#t pd\ya.x 2mR kI AaD_ AiGnp4 idye jl ]#e Anunaisk ic5-v`Rn pi#t gd\ya.x nuKta s.vad-leqn pi#t pd\ya.x v`R-ivC7ed n0 xuk/tare ke sman [lakeme., quxbU rcte ha4 ]psgR-p/Tyy iv)apn leqn s.i2 ivram-ivh\n SA-2 vE)aink cetna ke 0k fUl kI mera 7o3a-sa injI vahk cah puStkaly kIcD_ ka kaVy gIt-AgIt haimd qa> 2mR kI AaD_ AiGnp4 idye jl ]#e p5- Api#t AnOpcairk gd\ya.x AnuSvar AnuC7ed Api#t pd\ya.x Anunaisk ic5-v`Rn pi#t gd\ya.x nuKta s.vad-leqn pi#t pd\ya.x v`R-ivC7ed n0 xuk/tare ke sman [lakeme., quxbU rcte ha4 ]psgR-p/Tyy s.i2 ivram-ivh\n iv)apn leqn English FA 1- L-1-How I taught my grandmother to read. P-1- The Brook Integrated grammar Writing - letter-formal and informal, E-Mail, Diary entry F.A-2- L-2-A Dog named Duke P-2- The Road not taken Integrated grammar Writing- speech, article, notice, report writing S.A-1- L-1-How I taught my grandmother to read. L- 2-A Dog named Duke. P-1- The Brook P-2-The Road not Taken P-3-The Solitary Reaper P-4-Lord Ullin’s Daughter D-4-Villa for Sale Integrated grammar Writing- Letter-formal and informal, E-Mail, Diary entry, speech, article, notice,report writing, message, Bio graphical sketch ,Description, Dialogue writing, Data Interpretation, Essay, paragraph, Debate, story writing NOVEL – GULLIVER’S TRAVELS (Part-1 and 2) F.A-3- L-3- The Man who knew too much P-5-The Seven Ages Integrated Grammar Writing-All of the above mentioned in S.A-1 Syllabus. F.A-4 –FOLLOWED BY S.A-2 SYLLABUS - L-3- The Man who knew too much L-4- Keeping it from Harold L-5-Best Seller P-5- The Seven Ages P-6-Oh,I wish I’d looked after me teeth P-7- Song of Rain D-2-The Bishop’s candlesticks Integrated Grammar Writing- letter-formal and informal, E-Mail, Diary entry, speech, article, notice, report writing, message, Bio graphical sketch ,Description, Dialogue writing, Data Interpretation, Essay, paragraph, Debate, story writing NOVEL – GULLIVER’S TRAVELS (Part-3 and 4) S.A-II – ALL MENTIONED ABOVE IN THE SYLLABUS OF F.A-4 F.A-1Ch-1 Number system Ch-2 Polynomials Ch-3 Coordinate geometry F.A-2Ch-6 Lines and angles Ch-7 Triangles Ch-12 Heron’s Formula S.A-1Ch-1 Number system Ch-2 Polynomials Ch-3 Coordinate geometry Ch-5 Intro to Euclid’s geometry Ch-6 Lines and angles Ch-7 Triangles Ch-12 Heron’s Formula F.A-3Ch-4 Linear equations in two variables Ch-8 Quadrilaterals Ch-9 Areas of parallelograms and triangles Ch-11 Constructions F.A-4- followed by S.A-II SYLLABUS Ch-10 Circles Ch-15 Probability Ch-13 Surface areas and volumes Ch-14 Stastics ( S.A- II- ALL MENTIONED ABOVE IN THE SYLLABUS OF F.A-3 & F.A-4) Science FA-1 FA-2 SA-1 FA-3 FA-4 SA-2 1. Matter in our surroundings 5. The fundamental unit of life 8. Motion 2. Is matter around us pure 6. Tissues 9. Force and Laws of Motion 10. Gravitation ( First Half) 15. Improvement in food resources 1. Matter in our surroundings 5. The fundamental unit of life 8. Motion 2. Is matter around us pure 6. Tissues 9. Force and Laws of Motion 10. Gravitation ( First Half) 15. Improvement in food resources 3. Atoms and molecules 11. Work and energy 13. Why do we fall ill 10. Gravitation(Second half) 4. Structure of atom 7. Diversity in living organisms 12. Sound 14. Natural resources 3. Atoms and molecules 11. Work and energy 13. Why do we fall ill 10. Gravitation(Second half) 4. Structure of atom 7. Diversity in living organisms 12. Sound 14. Natural resources
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