Lander programs provide a major opportunity for scientists and space entrepreneurs alike to get their hardware and instruments into space relatively soon and cost effectively during the test phase for these privately funded platforms. Presentations by scientists and engineers from NASA, commercial companies and educational institutions will disclose the cutting edge engineering and science of Lunar Polar ISRU, with an in-depth look at NASA's Resource Prospector Mission. Lunar Surface Applications (LSA 5) will provide important updates on the four US-led Lander programs, their payloads and the science that can be performed from these platforms. Friday’s focus will be on Entrepreneurship in the Space Industry. Many presenters from the Central Florida Small Satellite Community will share their new technologies and knowledge about running companies in today’s commercial space industry. Lunar Landers NASA’s Lunar CATALYST (Lunar Cargo Transportation and Landing by Soft Touchdown) program has partnered with Masten Space Systems, Astrobotic Technology, and Moon Express to deliver payloads to the Lunar surface. Join us for updates from these major players in the lunar lander arena. Surface Science The lunar surface represents the range of conditions found throughout the solar system with its rugged terrain, long diurnal cycle, and wide range of extreme thermal and illumination conditions. Lunar volatiles and dust and their interactions with fields and particles are of particular interest in future space exploration. Lunar ISRU ISRU (In Situ Resource Utilization) is crucial to future space exploration, as it will minimize the amount of materials carried from earth.Imagine if the raw materials needed to sustain a crew on the moon could be found or manufactured on the moon, an asteroid, or another planet. The uses of various ISRU material for life support, propellants, construction materials, and energy will be presented. Friday: Entrepreneurship in the Space Industry Lunar Surface Applications LSA 5 888-874-0560 888 5th International Workshop on Lunar Surface Applications (LSA 5) Lunar Landers, Lunar Surface Science, and Lunar ISRU April 14th-17th, 2015 Cocoa Beach, Florida Session Topics Tuesday – April 14 Wednesday – April 15 Thursday – April 16 Friday – April 17 Morning: Morning: Morning: Morning: Lander Leg Applications: What is Next? High Priority What Can You Measure with Surface Measurements. Your Foot on the Ground? Lunar ISRU: Small Business: Resources on the Lunar Surface And Beyond. Lunch Keynote Lunch Keynote Lunch Keynote Lunch Keynote Afternoon: Afternoon: Afternoon: Afternoon: Landing Sites & Missions: Collaboration & Partnerships: Lunar Surface Science: Lunar Catalyst Program & Lunar Landers. Communications and Software: The Road to the Moon is Open: Getting the Data Down: It is Harder Than You Four US based Lunar Think Lander Program. Posters & Networking Russell Cox, Keynote Finding and Utilizing Valuable Showcase Central Florida Old and New Destinations Paving the Lunar Road in For Science, Habitability The Lunar Renaissance. And Notoriety Dinner Keynote Important Dates for LSA 5 Presentation Abstracts Due Presenters Notified Clearance from Presenter’s Organization Final Day for Exhibitor/Sponsor Commitments Early Bird Event Registration Ends Early Bird Hotel Registration Ends Presentation Slides Due Remote Presentations Scheduled Remote Presentations Recorded Set Up Day for Exhibitors February 16 February 23 March 9 March 15 March 16 March 16 March 16 March 16 March 23 April 13 Upcoming Events 5 th International Workshop on LunarCubes (LCW 5) October 6-9, 2015 2 nd International Workshop on Scientific Opportunities in Cislunar Space (SOCS) November 8, 2015 The Lunar Workshops 888-874-0560 888
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