LUCAN N E W S L E T T E R Established 1967 Sub. 50c. th Sunday 17 May 2015 For better or worse………………….. Next week we are invited to go to the polls and vote on the same sex marriage referendum. The media coverage has been to saturation level with many column inches devoted to the topic and the majority of the coverage has been urging a Yes vote, the imbalance is clear. The issue has been presented as an equality issue whereby we are being urged to give parity in law to the marriage of a same sex couple and those of the opposite sex, thus presented the issue seems simple and clear. What is not so clear however is the social consequence of such a fundamental shift in our definition of Marriage, and in particular the consequences for children who will effectively be deprived of the right to a father and a mother under a new constitutional definition. It is implied in much of the coverage that those in the ‘No’ camp, are prejudiced homophobes out of touch with the modern era, dinosaurs from a past best forgotten. Let me state from the outset that I am neither prejudiced nor homophobic and I have no desire to oppress anybody. I know many ‘Gay’ people both male and female and I respect each one of them for the people that they are. However I do recognise a fundamental difference between their relationships and those committed to Marriage, and to pretend otherwise is a nonsense. Marriage is an institution which has served us well not just in this country but in many different cultures and religious traditions and it has been defined in all of these different cultures as the union of a man and a woman. An important element of Marriage is procreation, and it’s stating the obvious to point out that this requires both sexes. We are very fortunate in Ireland that our constitution has given us the opportunity to vote on this important issue, in many countries the issue was decided by a vote of parliament. We should take our responsibility in this regard seriously. At present ‘Gay’ people can enter a civil partnership with a person of the same sex, and this confers on them all the legal protections which had been denied them before the legislation was introduced. A No vote recognises the fundamental difference between the union of a man and woman in Marriage and a same sex commitment; it both respects and honours diversity, and states clearly that equality does not mean that all must be the same. Fr. Philip Curran Lucan Citizens Information Centre Lucan Library Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email Laptops and Lifestyles Tuesday 19 May, 12-1pm Introduction to using internet for shopping, holidays, bills etc. With Catherine & Jennifer, Lucan Library. Booking essential Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10 am to 1 pm and 2pm to 4 pm each day, closed for lunch 1 pm to 2 pm. For your convenience, please arrive before 12.30 p.m. in the morning, and before 3.45p.m. in the afternoon, as we close promptly. 5 Best Things You Can Do for Your Health Tuesday 19 May, 7pm. With Stephen Hussey, chiropractic nutritionist. Booking required Citizens Information Phone Service (CIPS) 0761 07 4000 – opening hours 9 am to 8 pm Monday to Friday. MABS (Money Advice and Budgeting Service) helpline and MABS mortgage arrears helpline are both on the same number 0761 07 2000. Our services are free and confidential. Free Legal Advice Clinic (FLAC) on Thursday nights from 7 pm to 8.30 pm. FLAC telephone and referral line 1890 350250. Please note that FLAC provides Free Legal Advice and not Free Legal Aid. Irish Computer Society Beginners’ Computer Classes Friday 22, 29 May, 5, 12 & 19 June 5 week course. 3 time slots to choose from: 9.30-11.00am 11.05am – 12.35pm 1.05 – 2.35pm Booking essential Separate iPad class: 2.45-4.15pm (bring your own iPad or Android tablet) Booking essential Phone Lucan Library on 016216422, email or call in. Springboard places for jobseekers The 2015 Springboard courses are now open for applications. Springboard+ 2015 which incorporates part-time Springboard courses and full-time ICT skills conversion programmes will provide for 285 courses at 42 higher education institutions across Ireland. Springboard offers free courses at certificate, degree and masters level and aims in particular to opportunities – such as ICT and financial services. In general, to qualify for Springboard you must be unemployed, with a previous history of employment, and you must be actively seeking work and available to take up work. Courses are one year or less and are generally part-time except for ICT skills conversion programmes. Measures announced to support people in mortgage arrears A number of measures have been announced to support people in mortgage arrears. The new measures will include giving Courts the power to review insolvency arrangements, the expansion of the mortgage-to-rent scheme and a greater role for the Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) in offering information, advice and assistance to borrowers in arrears. Find out more on Palmerstown Camera Club Meetings every Wednesday night at 8pm in the Parish Centre, Palmerstown. New members of all ages and skill levels are always welcome. We take pride in being a welcoming & friendly club where we can learn and develop photography skills in a relaxing & fun environment. See to view our schedule and for more information, or email if you have any questions. Lucan Active Retirement Assoc. Club will be closing on 25th June and our outing will be on 2nd of July to St. Mels Cathedral, Longford, and on to Arigna Mines, then to Carrick on Shannon for a trip on the Shannon, and back to the Springfield for dinner. Cost of this trip €50 which must be paid by 4 th June. No money will be accepted after that date. Whist Results 12/5/15 1st Brendan Ryan, 2nd Eithne McDonald, 3rd Bernadette Farrerlly and Niall Marron. However, there have been many anonymous donations, some very generous. We sincerely thank you all. We would also like to thank Fr. Philip for his coverage in his editorial last week. What a tragedy! Who could possibly believe the news early on Monday morning of a second big earthquake in Nepal. These poor people were barely coming to terms with the first quake. Thank God for social media about which I often give out!! Fachtna posted on Facebook very quickly that he and his family were safe and also managed to send a one line text fairly soon after that. We finally managed to speak to him on Wednesday. He and his family slept in the kitchen of his in laws' home for a couple of nights with the door open for a very quick exit. Thank God, it did not come to that. This quake is about the same distance from where he lives but closer to the Nagarkot area where most of his work is centred. There are further cracks in the wall of the preschool so it will not be used for some time, certainly not until after the monsoon season. His plan is to eventually erect a temporary hut of some kind to keep the school running. This will not happen just yet as he, Dhurba, Raju and the rest of the committee continue to help with relief work. Some members of the committee are themselves affected by house damage etc. If you would like to make a donation, you can do so on the website You can also make a donation directly to 191 Beech Park, Lucan. Please do leave a contact name and address as we like to acknowledge all donations. Finally, you can make a donation in any bank using the following details: Account Name: Nagarhope BIC: ULSBIE2D IBA: IE30ULSB98604010122317 Again, please put your name on it. God bless you all Niamh & Séamus Clandillon Liffey Valley Park Alliance - A.G.M. The A.G.M. of the Liffey Valley Park Alliance will be held on Wednesday 20th May 2015 in St Marys Parish Centre, Lucan, commencing at The Alliance is a coalition of local community groups which has been working for the conservation of the Liffey Valley with its great natural beauty and variety of outdoor amenities. From birdwatching to water sports, great houses and parks, angling or golf. The Liffey Valley has it all. Fachtna's main request is for tents as he feels that international aid won't reach the outlying villages around Nagarkot quickly enough. The damage there is immense. The alliance has been lobbying for the promotion of the valley as a tourism destination with potential to create many jobs. He wants thousands of tents and he wants them yesterday!! If you would like to know more about our work come along on May 20th. Everyone welcome. The committee here in Ireland is working flat out on various contacts. We have a good lead in New Delhi, India where we are very hopeful of sourcing tents. This would be the ideal situation as they could be transported by road. In the meantime, we are keeping all channels open. Since the first quake at the end of April, we have been overwhelmed with good wishes and with donations. We thank you all most sincerely for your visits, phone calls, texts and mails. We know that many others have enquired through friends and neighbours rather than bother us. We thank those people too. We thank everyone who has donated to this cause and assure you that it will go directly to earthquake relief, fully overseen by Fachtna and his committee. We have issued receipts and thanks where possible. Hillcrest Residents Association Date for your Diary: Hillcrest Residents Association AGM will take place on Thursday 28 May at 7.30pm in St Thomas' NS, Esker. We need volunteers to help us leaflet drop notices of the AGM to all households. Contact: or text 0862634550 and we will be in touch. Maria Murphy. Esker Friends of the Elderly Our next Social will take place In Lucan Sarsfields GAA Club on Friday 22nd May at 8pm. All welcome. Parish Notes St Mary’s, Lucan First Holy Communion Congratulations to the boys and girls from Scoil MhuireGNS and St Andrew's NS who receive their First Holy Communion this Saturday. Christian Meditation We meet each Tuesday night at 8pm in The Bungalow. Everyone welcome. Sr. Geraldine, 6217158. St Mary's Folk Group Our next Mass will be this Sunday at 12.15pm Please come and sing along with us. Bethany Group Bethany Group is available to listen to or just be there for anyone who is feeling lonely or lost following the death of a loved one. We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month from 10.30am-11.30am, also on the 4th Thursday of each month from 8pm 9pm. Parish Centre – 6217041. Holy Communion for the sick and housebound If you wish to avail of this service or if you know someone who does, please contact one of the priests. Parish Ministry It is an important part of our ministry to support people in times of sickness and bereavement. We would greatly appreciate it, if you would let us know if someone in your family is ill or admitted to hospital. Phone Parish office – 6217041 weekdays between 9.30am and 2pm. (except Thursday). St. Vincent de Paul Church Collection at all Masses THIS Saturday/ Sunday 16th /17th May Many thanks for your generosity. St. Patrick’s Esker/Dodsboro/Adamstown Trip to Knock - 23rd May. Anyone wishing to travel should contact: Marie 087 1226766 or Marie 087 2691786 First Holy Communion Congratulations to all the boys and girls from St. John the Evangelist, Adamstown, Esker and Adamstown Educate Together who received their First Holy Communion last weekend. Also best wishes to the boys and girls from St Thomas' NS who receive their Communion this Saturday May God’s blessing be with them always. Bethany Bereavement Support Group We meet on the third Wednesday of each Month from 8pm to 9pm in the Pastoral Centre, St. Patrick’s Church. This is a free, confidential service and is available to everyone in Lucan and the outlying areas. We can be contacted through the Parish office: Tel: (01) 628 1018 or Email: St. Patrick’s Prayer Group We met every Monday night in St. Patrick’s Pastoral Centre from 8.30-9.15pm. All welcome. Rosary During the month of May 2015 on each weekday evening at 7pm in the small green Beech Park, the Holy Rosary will be offered by some local residents - and there is room for more. All welcome Pilgrimages Lourdes - 13th to 18th September. 4 star Hotel Eliseo. Full board, inc insurance. €659.00 pps. Call Pat or Phil 086 0677392/086 2437653 Medjugorje - 7th to 14th October. Spiritual Director: Fr. Philip Bradley. From €589.00 pps Call Pat or Phil 086 0677392/086 2437653 Special Mass for Exams In St Mary's Church, Lucan Friday 29th May At 7.30pm Students, Parents, Grand-Parents are all welcome The Annual Collection for Crosscare - Youth Services will take place at all Masses NEXT weekend 23rd and 24th May. It will replace the normal SHARE collection. Please give us your support. Amhrán na Bealtaine with St. Mary’s Chorale & Friends Conducted by Eithne Donnelly St. Mary’s Church, Lucan Friday 22nd May at 8pm. Retiring Collection in aid of The Hospice, Harolds Cross The Marie Keating Foundation are seeking Volunteers to help in our bag packing weekend in the following Marks and Spencer stores: Grafton Street, Dundrum, Mary Street, Liffey Valley. The hours are as follow: Friday 22nd May 11a.m – 6p.m Saturday 23rd May 11a.m – 6p.m Sunday 24th May 2p.m – 6p.m. A few hours of your time would be greatly appreciated. If you can help out please contact Fiona on 01 6283728 or Lucan Presbyterian Church at The Lucan Centre, Primrose Lane, Lucan (turning opposite the AIB Bank, in Lucan village) Saturday 20th June 2015 th Saturday 18 July 2015 Saturday 22nd August 2015 10.00 am - 2.00 pm Gates open at 8.30 am for sellers Cars selling items €15.00 - Vans €20.00. NO trailers Free car parking and Free admission to public Refreshments available to purchase Toilet facilities All queries regarding the Car Boot Sale to: or telephone 01 6281182 We here at Diabetes Ireland are promoting our major walk through to parishes throughout Kildare, Dublin, Wicklow and Carlow as all within 90 minutes of the staging of our major walk at the Blessington Lakes. Over 225,000 people in Ireland have diabetes with 90% of these having Type 2 Diabetes, many of whom will be your parishioners based on age specifics. Diabetes Ireland is inviting all walkers to support the charity through registering to take part in an all new fundraising walk. Lap The Lake 2015 is a 28km walk around the Blessington Lakes in Co. Wicklow on the incredibly scenic Lake Drive Rd. Enjoy the stunning scenery of the Wicklow foothills on Sunday June 21st and help raise much needed funds for Diabetes Ireland. Full details at or lo-call 1850 909 909. Stewarts Care Palmerstown Open Day Sunday 24th May 2015 All welcome Can you Spare an Hour for Sunflower? Our Lady's Hospice and Care Services, Harold's Cross and Blackrock are in urgent need of your help. Sunflower Days 5th and 6th June If you could donate an hour or two of your time to lend a hand selling Sunflower pins please contact Imelda on: 01 4911072 or Thank you Overseas Development and Mission Do you want to learn more about the possibility of overseas volunteering and/or training in Overseas Development and Mission? Viatores Christi (VC) will hold an Information and Recruitment Session on Saturday 23rd May 2015 at 12.00 at VC HQ, 8 New Cabra Road, Phibsboro, Dublin 7. Tel: 01 8689986, St Mary’s Parish Centre Coffee Dock Open after daily Mass each weekday. Why not drop in for a cuppa and a chat. Everyone welcome Anniversaries Birthday Remembrance CULLEN (ROSELEEN) 2nd Anniversary – 17th May Loving you is a heartache We do it every day Missing you is a heartbreak That never goes away. Sadly missed by her daughter Patsy, son-in-law Sean, grandchildren, great grandchildren and great, great grandchildren MOFFITT (ANN) 20th May Happy Birthday Mam. Love from Dad, John, Dermot, Anita, Martina, Anthony and your beautiful grandchild Alanna xxx HOWLETT GEORGE BERNARD JOSEPH (BROTHER) LYDIA (SWANNIE) Until we meet again on the other side Know that we all love and miss you. Sadly missed by their sister Jenna , brother in law Walter and niece Marie LYNCH (KATHLEEN) 3rd Anniversary In loving memory of our dear mother, Kathleen. Silent thoughts of times together Hold memories that last forever. Always in our thoughts. Alice, David, Mary, Ken, Anne, Niamh, Evan and Jack MURRAY (SÉAN) 2nd Anniversary – 13th May We think of you in silence We often speak your name But all we have are memories And our picture in a frame Your resting place we visit And put flowers there with care But no one knows the heartache As we turn and leave you there. Sadly missed by your loving wife Lily and loving children Laura, John and Jennie and grandchildren and great grandchild xxxxxxxxxx STEPHENSON (MARY) 5th Anniversary – 21st May Rest in peace dear Mam And thanks for all you’ve done We pray that God has given you The crown you’ve truly won. Sadly missed and loved by Michael, Mary, Mike, Miriam, Georgina and Martha Mass will be celebrated for Mary on Thursday 21st May at St. Patricks Church, Esker. Palmerstown Active Retirement Association Art Exhibition Are holding their Annual Art Exhibition in the Parish Centre, Palmerstown Village. The Exhibition will be open Saturday 23rd May from 10am to 4pm *Admission Free* Migraine Association of Ireland Did You Know? Help is available for Leaving Certificate Students who suffer from migraine. Apply for Reasonable Accommodation from the State Examinations Commission For more information visit Support – Information - Reassurance Helpline 1850 200 378 Art Exhibition at Lucan Library From 5th May to 29th May From the Adult Education Drawing & Painting Class at Lucan Community College Opening times Mon-Thurs 9.45- 8pm Fri & Sat 9.45 - 4.30 Lucan Drama Liffey Sound 96.4fm Wednesday May 27th, Thursday 28th, Fri 29th, Saturday 30th. 8 30pm Spa Hotel is the place to be.....'Run for your Wife' (A comedy) by Ray Cooney will be performed.... Thank you to those Transition Year teachers and students of Adamstown Community College who welcomed Liffey Sound to their school last Wednesday. There we recorded extracts from the three plays selected for broadcast from the twelve entries in our recent Playwright Competition (run in association with Lucan Drama, and kindly sponsored by ReMax Estate Agents). Interviews were conducted with the writers, directors and casts, as well as with one of the teachers and Nicola Whelan of Lucan Drama, who, since January, has put in a huge amount of time, conducting workshops and rehearsals with the students. They certainly paid off, and the students are a credit to their school. Congratulations to all concerned. All will feature in an hour long programme, "Drama at Adamstown C.C." to be broadcast shortly on Liffey Sound, date to be confirmed. Liffey Sound -Your Station, Your Voice. Tickets €12. Concession €7 and of course a great night out for €25 which includes a 2 course dinner plus coffee/tea and ticket for the play. Book on 6280494.Spa Hotel if availing of this offer. (Book early to avoid disappointment). Play commences at 8 30pm so those who are having dinner beforehand should be in Spa around 7ish There will be 4 nights of fun laughter and great performances in 'Run for Your Wife'...a fast moving and witty comedy!! Congratulations to Nicola Whelan and some students from Transition Year who along with teachers Tara and Siobhan are at present recording their own work for Liffey Sound 96.4Fm...It has been a great project and we look forward to hearing these plays in the near future. For further information re Lucan Sheila 0872547725; Bernie0864015794 Lucan Senior Citizens Wed 20th May: Film and lunch in the Spa Hotel. Wed 27th: St. Mary’s Parish Centre. Rota Wed 27th: Moira O’Byrne, Irene Stafford, Carmel Clarke and Anne Beales. Lucan ICA Tues 19th May: No Crafts in Bungalow. We are going on a day trip to Wicklow, meet at lay-by at 8.30am. Wed 20th: Bingo Night and Chat at 8pm. Please come and collect items that were displayed at Howth last week. Results will be in next week’s Newsletter. We had a very enjoyable night with our Grianan Quiz. There are a lot of bright sparks in the guild. Committee Meeting Wed 3rd June, 12.40. ICA LUCAN Hermitage Park Residents Group We would like to thank the residents of Hermitage Park for your support of our recent collection. The money collected will be used for insurance, plants, tools, paint and other items that will help to keep our estate tidy. If you missed your collector and would like to contribute you can drop your contribution (€10 per house) in an envelope with your address on it into John Sheahan at 4 Hermitage Valley or Philip Jordan at 12 Hermitage Crescent. We can be contacted at 087 9807308. Fundraiser Back by Popular Request Award Winning Chef Robert Curley St Mary’s Parish Centre Monday 25th May 2015, at 8pm Raffle Prizes, Fun and Supper Tickets €15, available from Eilish at 01 6241441 Flying High 15 months ago a local girl went to Jerez in Spain in pursuit of a long held ambition to become a pilot. She was the only female student in a class of 25. The Darling Buds of May will be out in as lots of boys and girls in the various schools around Lucan receive their First Holy Communions. Water Bills began arriving in Lucan this week! Grass cutting in graveyard Great to see the grass cutting under way at Esker Cemetery, leaving the place so much tidier and the graves more accessible to visitors. Capt. John Kelly presenting Lisa with her Wings! On the 17th April 2015 her dream came true as after 15 months of extensive study, training and hard work she graduated as a pilot. She is now 1st Officer Lisa Cusack. Lisa is a former pupil of St Thomas and St Anne's Primary Schools and Lucan Community College. Like so many children of her generation Lisa participated in the Esker Summer Project as part of her summer activities and indeed it was while on the Summer Project that she had her first experience of a Jumbo flight from Dublin to Shannon Airport. This exciting option was available to the children as one of the 'away' trips and was much more exciting than the trips to the Zoo or Clara Lara. Anyway there was no holding Lisa back – maybe the seeds of her future career were sown in those distant summer days. Lisa has a further two months training to complete before she commences flying with Aer Lingus at the end of July, just in time for the holiday makers flying to different parts of Europe. Don't forget to listen carefully to the crew names as you prepare for take-off, you might just hear Lisa's name as she will be flying mainly to European destinations. We congratulate Lisa and wish her every success and safe flying. Her great success in achieving her long held ambition to be a pilot is a tribute to her character and determination and is a wonderful achievement. Congratulations also to her parents Annette and Tony, brothers Neill and Eric and her grandfather Paddy Martin who walked every step of the way with Lisa. Congratulations to local author Brendan Nolan who launched yet another book – Dublin Urban Legends – along with a CD of stories and music recorded in collaboration with Uilleann Piper Martin Nolan. Lots of interesting pieces – The Cobbler of Ballyowen – where people brought their shoes for repair to an invisible cobbler at Ballyowen Castle near Lucan...... Fairyhouse Hill is another local one! Dublin Urban Legends is available in Easons and all good book shops, and you can get a signed copy at BEWARE of Bogus Tradesmen! It seems that very professional looking leaflets have been coming in the doors re attic conversions etc, from a company that does not exist! Be very careful and check them out before you part with any money! First Holy Communion Congratulations to cousins Daniel and Dean who are receiving their First Holy Communion this Saturday 16th May. Lots of love to you both from the Coghlan and Murphy families x x x Birthday Greetings Happy 11th Birthday Luke From Mam, Dad and brother Ewan. Congratulations to Barbara and Johnny Cummins who are celebrating their 60th Birthdays this weekend. Hope you have a great time and get lots of surprises Happy 60th Birthday on May 16th Derek! Enjoy all your celebrations. Love from Anne, Sinead and Niamh CHOOL NEWS Coláiste Phádraig Basketball: Many congratulations to our 2nd yr Basketball team who were crowned All Ireland “B” champions last week after a thrilling 13 point victory over St. Mary’s CBS Portlaoise at the National Basketball Arena, Tallaght. Lucan stormed into an 18-0 lead within the first 5 minutes thanks to a phenomenal display from the irrepressible Kris Arcilla. Kris scored 12 points in the 1st quarter and this total was added to by Jack Tighe, Airo Igbiniedu and 2 baskets from Stan Igboeli to give Lucan a commanding 20-2 1st quarter lead. The team never looked like relinquishing this lead and with Kabir Akanbi and Daniel Adeosun in fine basket scoring form the team finished the 2nd quarter 28-14 in front. The 3rd quarter was a titanic battle as Portlaoise finally found their rhythm to reduce Lucan’s lead to 10 points by the end of the quarter. However, Lucan kept their opponents at arm’s length in the final quarter to claim the school’s 1st All Ireland Basketball crown since the u19s won in 2002, on a final scoreline of 47-34. Well done to the coaching team of Ms. Gough and Mr. Gray and also past pupil Omar Arcilla, brother of MVP Kris, who helped train the team. Soccer: Well done also to our u17 soccer team who retained the Dublin League title last week also after defeating St. McDara’s Templeogue 4-0 in the final. Ciarán Kelly gave the team a deserved lead midway through the 1st half with a towering header from a corner Jamaal Eydan doubled the lead soon after with a neat close range finish after some good work out wide by Conor Kane. McDara’s fought valiantly to get back into the game but Emmanuel Lawal stretched Lucan’s advantage early in the second half with a clinical finish from just inside the box. Paul Cleary completed the scoring late on to seal an impressive victory for the team. This latest victory represented the school's 8th major soccer trophy since 2012 (1 All Ireland, 3 Leinster Cups and 4 Dublin League titles). Awards: Congratulations to Jack Clarke from 3A3 who won the Mark O’ Neill Student of the Month Award for April in recognition of his excellent manners and diligence in all of his classes. Well done also to 6th yr Darragh Markey who won in the Sports Star of the Month Award for his match winning performances for the Leinster Schools team in the Centenary Shield which they won. Comhghairdeas freisin le Dualta Higgins ón séú bliain a bhuaigh an gradam “Gaeilgeoir na Míosa” do mhí Aibreáin mar gheall ar an sár-obair atá déanta aige sa Ghaeilge. Fundraising: Well done to the 10 students and 4 teachers who took part in the annual Darkness into Light 5km walk/run for Pieta House last Saturday morning. Our group joined approximately 12,000 other early risers in the Phoenix Park to raise awareness of suicide and to raise funds for Pieta House. SciFest: Well done to all of our participants in this year’s SciFest competition held in IT Tallaght on Tuesday 12th May. The students put a lot of hard work into their projects and well done especially to 6th yrs Michael Wood and Dave McDermott who came first in the Senior Group Biology Section. Under the guidance of Mr. Carey, all students acquitted themselves well on the day and the experience should prove very useful in future Young Scientist competitions. Cricket: Well done to our senior cricket team who have qualified for the Leinster semi finals after 3 impressive group wins. The team defeated St. Andrews College in their opening match by 48 runs. Next up the team defeated Castleknock by 5 wickets before seeing off King’s Hospital thanks to a fine innings from Awais Mohammed. Lucan bowled out their opponents for a miserly 25 runs and they eventually reached this modest target after some early wicket losses. Sports Day: Congratulations to everyone who won a medal on Sports Day which was held in the school on Tuesday 12th May. A competitive day of track and field events saw some very impressive performances with numerous multi-medal winners from the different year groups. Perhaps the highlight of the day was the annual Teachers versus Students grudge soccer match which was a 6 goal thriller! Mr. Sweetman was the star man for the teachers as his stunning hat-trick ensure that the match finished level 3-3 at full time so penalties was needed to separate the teams. In a dramatic and tense shoot-out, Ms. Ryan had the chance to win for the teachers but unfortunately her powerfully struck penalty crashed back off the crossbar to give the students one final lifeline. Luckily the teachers held their nerve to eventually win 6-5 on penalties to claim bragging rights for another year! Trips: Over 135 1st yrs travelled to Portrane Beach IN North Count Dublin on Monday with their Geography teachers for a coastal field trip. The students got to examine cliffs, caves, rocks and blow holes as well as navigating themselves around the various flora and fauna of the area. An enjoyable and educational trip was had by all. Lucan Community College Sports Day: Last Wednesday saw lovely sunny weather for our annual 1st and 2nd year sports day. With every student participating in something be it wellythrowing, high jump, athletics or teamsports, the PE team were very busy organising the day. Thanks to all students for their enthusiastic participation and to all staff for keeping things running smoothly. A soccer match was held between a school girls and school boys team and refereed by Kevin O’Toole in memory of Molly’s enthusiasm for sport and team events. won the long jump. Sarah Dywer (2nd yr) received a silver medal in the 100 metres in the Dublin school finals recently. Scoil Mhuire Girls & St. Mary’s Boys National Schools Annual Sports Day Sunday, 24th May, 2015 in the grounds of St. Mary’s Boys School Lucan. Scifest: Congratulations to the students who worked on their science projects and presented them at the Scifest event during the week to the judges in IT Tallaght. Teachers Ms Healy and Ms Gaffney were extremely proud of the efforts made by students in researching and presenting their projects which are now on display in the science area. Amnesty group: Our Amnesty team invited Sinead from Amnesty to visit and to see a presentation of the various events they held during the year. They also passed on a cheque for over €900 raised as a result of their sponsored sleep-out, to aid the organisation in their efforts to promote human rights. We commend the 4th and 5th year students involved for their hard work this year. First Aid, CPR and Defib training: A large number of TY students participated in training this week on the use of the Defibrillator in the school office. These students are now familiar with the device and its use and are ready to assist in their community should a cardiac event take place. Thanks to teacher Ms Hickey for facilitating this training. Musical DVD: The DVD of Westside Story is now on sale and available through the school for €15. Graduations: Next week sees the Transition Year and 6th Year Graduation evenings. Students and teachers have been busy preparing for these events and we look forward to welcoming parents and guardians to celebrate their son or daughter’s achievements. Bake sale: Congratulations to Hollie and Solveig who supported by a small team of students ran a bake sale to assist with the Nepal Earthquake tragedy. The €80 raised will help to fund a recovery operation being planned by Ian Taylor, mountaineer in September. Athletics: Congratulations to Eoin O’Sullivan (1st year) for winning the 100m and 200 events in Santry recently and to Jennifer Anibou (1st yr) who All parents and children attending both schools are invited to join in the fun. The cost is €10 per family payable on the day. This admission fee includes payment for all activities. Notification of all events will be circulated to the children via both schools shortly. So come along and enjoy a great family day out. St. Joseph’s College Lucan Car Boot Sale, St. Joseph’s College Car Park. Every 3rd Sunday of the Month Next Sale: Sunday 17th May From: 8.30am – 1.00pm Sellers’ fees: €15 Cars and Small Vans (No Large Vans Allowed) Sellers’ set-up time: From 8.00am Public Admission: FREE NO PRE-BOOKING required, just turn up and pay on site. Refreshments: Tea / Coffee available to purchase from Parents Association Toilets: Parish Centre (next door) Monies raised will go to St Joseph’s College. The Car Boot Sales are organized by St Joseph’s College Parents Association Further information: POLITICAL NOTES Cllr. Ed O’Brien - Fianna Fáil Constituency Office: 9/10 The Village Centre, Lucan. Ph: 01 6105811.Mob: 087 7997609 E mail : Fianna Fáil Representative for Lucan Public Transport: I have asked my colleague Timmy Dooley TD to put a parliamentary question to the Minister concerning the railway station at Kissogue which remains closed. This week’s second bus strike highlights the clear lack of public transport alternatives for commuters in the Lucan area and is something which needs to be addressed immediately. Pathway at Esker Park: Following contact from residents of Esker Park I have asked the Council’s roads department to indicate when work can commence of repairing the footpaths at the estate. Funding has been approved for these long overdue repairs and I will liaise with residents once the timing has been confirmed. Minister Frances Fitzgerald TD, Fine Gael Constituency Office 12 Main Street, Lucan, Co Dublin 01 457 7712. Marriage Equality Referendum: I am actively campaigning in Lucan for a YES vote in the Marriage Referendum. I was canvassing with a large group from Yes Equality and local Cllrs Vicki Casserly and William Lavelle at the weekend. I was glad to meet the YES Equality bus at Liffey Valley on Thursday also. I am also supporting a Yes vote in the Age of Presidential Candidates referendum. Please be sure to use your vote on Friday, polls are open from 7am – 10pm. Public Street Lighting Programme: SDCC have announced additional funding to upgrade existing public lights to low energy LED lanterns. In Lucan, there will be LED lanterns installed in the centre of the village, and approximately 99 lanterns will be replaced in Ballydowd Gove, Lucan heights, Roselawn and Sarsfield Park in 2015. Derek Keating Local TD Fine Gael Tel/Text: 087 285 7435. Office: 01 618 4014. Email: Eurospar Ballyowen Castle: I was pleased to be invited to attend at the Official Opening and Family Fun Days last weekend. The weather didn’t hamper the mood and fun was had by all. Crisis Pregnancy: Last weekend, I was shocked to find that a newborn child had been abandoned in Rathcoole. Sadly, there is no news about the mother yet. Should anyone find themselves in a crisis pregnancy situation, there is a lot of nonjudgemental help available. The HSE has a helpful website, on the topic. Lucan Gardaí: There was €100,000 worth of drugs taken off the streets following the discovery of a woman in a serious condition, her having been abandoned at a house in Lucan. The woman later died. Separately in a raid on premises last week, Lucan Gardaí detained one man and recovered suspected stolen jewellery and a firearm. Cllr Guss O’Connell, P.C. Independent Community 0876838254 Local, National, Global: I had a motion agreed at Monday’s Council Meeting calling for a total review of the taxation system; cobbled together, often by stealth, now clearly unfair. The household property tax and the water tax, to mention but two show clearly the link between the local and the national: Councillors can increase/decrease household tax (unfairly based on the value of the house) yet national politicians determine funding local authority. “From each according to their means to each according to their needs” is not the only moral value we have lost. The gap between rich and poor, locally, nationally, globally is widening. Witness the plight of those seeking to leave North Africa and enter the richest continent, Europe. Given the current focus on equality we should remember that if we want people to be equal we must recognise and acknowledge the differences. Cllr Paul Gogarty – Independent 087-2752489. / Pedestrian crossing at Griffeen Avenue: I have received reports that some thoughtless and careless motorists are ignoring pedestrians attempting to cross at this location. I have tabled a motion on this at the next Area Committee meeting. Use your vote: It would not be appropriate for me to advise people how to vote in these pages (my Facebook page has this indicated clearly), but I would urge people to VOTE in both referenda on Friday 22nd. Try and get as much information as possible before making a decision. St. Edmundsbury: Having received queries regarding clearance works at St Edmundsbury and raising with Council/Wildlife Ranger, the Land Manager has confirmed that the clearing of brambles and bushes is preparatory work for planting over 100 trees. This compensatory action is required by the Department of Agriculture following last year’s hedgerow disturbance and removal. Cllr. William Lavelle - Fine Gael Chairman of SDCC Planning & Transport Committee. 36 St. Andrews Drive, Lucan. 0874107885. Deputy Mayor, Cllr. Liona O’Toole – Independent 087-2795274. YES to Equality: I have been actively campaigning in Lucan. As a married man and new father I have absolutely no concerns about the impact of this Referendum on the definition of marriage or parental status. This is about Equality. Please Vote YES! Locking of carparks: Lucan Sarsfields are to be given keys to lock the carpark at Griffeen Valley Park (Hayden’s Lane). This will allow later opening and address concerns about parking on the main road. SDCC have introduced a new 24-7 call-out service for cars locked in car parks at nights. Willsbrook Park: SDCC/HSE have intensified efforts to eliminate the rat infestation. It is hoped that Lucan Sarsfields can re-commence training next week. Adamstown Sports & Community Hall: I am pressing the Council to progress this much-needed new facility. Bin Survey: I conducted a survey on bins within parks which highlights the inadequate level of bins in Lucan and Palmerstown Parks. My survey was received well by council management and my motion that the council reviews the level of bins within Lucan and Palmerstown parks was passed. A copy of my survey can be downloaded from my new website or simply google liona bin survey. Pedestrian Crossing: Following my request council management have agreed to examine the crossing on Esker Road from Arthur Griffith into the Griffeen Park with a view to installing a pelican crossing which will be consider for inclusion in the 2016 Pelican crossing installation list. County Development Plan 2016-2022: The new plan is currently being developed and I have submitted a number of amendments to the draft. These can be viewed on my website. Caitríona McClean Rúnaí Connolly Sarsfield cumann Fianna Fáil Lucan Transport Users 086-3898327086-3898327 nó ag nó ag AGM: I am pleased to say I have been re elected rúnaí of the Lucan cumann and so it will be my pleasure to be with you again for the coming year. Selection Convention: Members please note the Convention for the selection of candidates for the General Election will be held on 27th May at 8.30 pm in Bewleys Hotel, Clondalkin. All voting members are encouraged to attend. Please bring identification. Grass Cuttings: We are now in the gardening seasons and many estates encourage a tidy up of gardens and public areas. Please do not dump grass cuttings in public hedges as they mount up and become unsightly. Cans and Bottles: As the weather improves, please discourage children from abandoning bottles and cans on open spaces and in hedgerows. Cllr Ruth Nolan – People Before Profit Contact no 0868540030. E: Irish Water Bills: The Irish Water bills are starting to filter through Lucan this week. I would say to anyone who wants to boycott this double taxation, don't panic. There are no penalties for the next 15 months, and they will have to bring us all through the courts to get an order of payment. This might never come to pass if a new Government is elected next year. Since Public Transport came under regulatory authority in 1991 under DTI that has now progressed to the National Transport Authority that governs all forms of transport. The bus system has been pushed around with little benefits to the users. This body greatly reduced the city terminals that were so successful for seventy years. They blocked Dublin Bus using the Port Tunnel, they move the tour buses out of the centre area, overloaded Stephens Green area with empty capacity, they pushed up fares unnecessary and now they are pushing for privatisation. This may threaten the free travel pass in time as all the NTA action is inefficient and pushing up costs. This is why we have put forward an alternative transport plan before this body destroys our transport system. T. Newton 086 3127364. Walk for fun and get healthy all year round! Lucan walking group meets in Griffeen Park (2.5km and 5km option). All meet in Lucan Leisure Centre car park Mondays and Thursdays 19.30pm sharp. New members welcome. For more information Contact Áine by email: se.comsp CUMANN NA SÁIRSÉALAIGH LEAMHCÁIN 1886 Many thanks to all the teams who sent in match reports this weekend. Full details can be found on our website over 1500 players in action in the last week across all 4 codes from age 7 to 40+! Membership is now due for 2015 and can be renewed on-line via our website. Clairvoyant Bernie Stokes will appear at the Club on June 13th. Tickets on sale every Tuesday and Thursday at the bar 7:30pm. Fixtures: The weather played havoc with our fixtures over the weekend. Our U14A footballers had an excellent win over Kilmacud Crokes in CBS on Saturday, a great boost ahead of their Div 1 Feile this Saturday in Skerries from 1030am. Our U14B’s have home advantage in Div 5 with the action again starting in the Club at 10. 30am. Summer Camps: Bookings are now open for our Summer Camps Kellogg’s Cul Camp - Football 6th -10th July, Hurling / Camogie Mon 13th July to Friday 17th July, Football Mon 10th Aug to Friday 14th Aug, Hurling / Camogie Mon 17th Aug to Friday 21st Aug, see website for details. Our Golf Classic takes place on June 19th this year. Book your Tee Time now to avoid disappointment. U12 Hurling Div 2 - Castleknock A 2-7 Lucan Sarsfields A 4-13. On a cool blustery Monday evening, the U12A team ventured out to Porterstown for first league match v Castleknock. Previous history for games v Castleknock had been close run affairs, with Lucan typically coming out on top in the end. This game followed a very similar pattern. The early exchanges were tense, with Lucan goalkeeper Adam Whyte being called into action on a number of occasions in the first half – pulling off a few very good saves and ably controlling under pressure. Despite playing with the breeze in the first half , Lucan struggled to make their dominance pay, relaying on some sterling defending by man of the match Michael Young at Centre Back to thwart Castleknock attacks. Lucan made some head-way through scores from among Hugh Cuffe, Neil O’Leary, Brendan Kavanagh, Michael Young and Matthew Coogan., but somehow found themselves only leading by 1 point at half time due to a fortuitous goal from Castleknock right on half time. A rejigging of the line-up for the 2nd half saw Sean Harkness moved into full forward with Neil O’Leary dropping to the backs, Cillian Morrissey coming in to the backs, Adam Whyte moving to wing-forward, Cian Canavan moving to Midfield with James Ryan moving to goal. From the start of the 2nd half, the hurling was more fluid and Lucan competed better in the ruck ball, with Michael Young again excelling. Playing against the wind in the half, ensured on the small pitch that instead of balls going wide that, the full forward line was being serviced , with immediate effect as Sean Harkness grabbed a good goal to push Lucan further ahead. Lucan’s started to dominate in the backs with Aidan Sheary, Diarmuid Keher, James Finn , Cillian Morrissey , Michael Young and Neil O’Leary coping admirably under the high ball , with particularly note for James Ryan in goal for his assured handling in the 2nd half and accurate puckouts. It was from one of these puck-outs to Hugh Cuffe that the best move the game was noted when a quick pass to Matthew Coogan , was forwarded onto Brendan Kavanagh , who with time and space scored a well-deserved point. The tireless work of Sean Harkness, Louis Butler and Adam Gilmore in the forwards frustrated the Castleknock defence throughout the 2nd half and laid the platform for some great scores, in particular the addition of 3 more goals from Sean Harkness, Hugh Cuffe and Matthew Coogan. As the 2nd half continued Lucan pull steadily away from Castleknock, with Lucan running out easy enough winners on a scoreline of 4-13 to 2-7 at the final whistle. U8 Hurling: Great commitment again this weekend, we had 45 players out on a 1st Holy Communion weekend after an incredibly bad week for rain where all SDCC pitches continue to be off since early in the week. As the Green teams match was called off due to waterlogged pitch, we mixed the Green team with the Black and White teams to play in Kiltipper and Bray in what turned out to be a great morning for hurling, dry, warm and sunny!!! All our boys played very well with striking, blocking, tackling very prominent. Team play, especially passing making a very strong entrance into the boy’s skills over the past few weeks but especially today. We had more volunteers than normal for Goal keeping duties as the boys understood that lifting and striking out of the hand is part of Go Games for goalies, on one team two different goalies narrowly missed goals or points from the puck out (45m). Lotto: There was no winner of this week’s €16,500 Lotto draw numbers were 4, 24, 26 and 27. This week’s jackpot is €17,000. Matt Reilly’s Autoparts are sponsoring with Josephine Donohue’s Team in charge. LUCAN PITCH & PUTT CLUB Weekend Results 1 – 4 May (36 Stableford) Gents Class 1 Winner: Paddy Croke 92 Pts Gents Class 2 Winner: David Lee 95 Pts Gents Class 3 Winner: Eddie McCrory 85 Pts Ladies Class 1 Winner: Sandra Keogh 85 Pts Ladies Class 2 Winner: Eileen Loakman 75 Pts Weekend Results 8 – 10 May (18 Nett) Gents Class 1 Winner: Damian Creevey 43 Nett Gents Class 2 Winner: Michael Monahan 42 Nett Gents Class 3 Winner: Danny Kilduff 42 Nett Ladies Class 1 Winner: Trish Tully 48 Nett Ladies Class 2 Winner: Kathleen Grainger 50 Nett This Saturday the 16th of May the competition tee off time will be at 1.30pm due to the Juvenile league match that morning. Apologies for any inconvenience. The competition this weekend is 18 Gross (Stableford). Upcoming Events The annual BBQ is taking place in the club on the 6th of June. This promises to be a great day and night with plenty of fun, a scramble and activities. Music will be by DJ Flanno on the night. Order your tickets from any member of the house committee. We have music in the club on the 23rd May by A great bunch of lads. Come up to see this great band make their debut in the club! Leinster Matchplay Best of luck to all the Lucan players playing in Ryston and St.Bridgets at the weekend in the Leinster Matchplay. On Saturday in St.Bridgets Keith Redmond is playing Paul Tobin from St.Patricks in Enniscorthy. In the ladies we have four ladies playing in Ryston on the Saturday and hoping to advance to St.Bridgets for the semi – finals on the Sunday. In the senior grade we have Mairead O’Brien playing Margaret Keogh from St.Bridgets, Linda Thomson taking on Lily Slattery from McDonagh and finally we have Philo Condron playing Tracey McGrath from Erry. In the inter grade Lucan’s Siobhán McDonnell is playing Eileen Nolan from Fairview C.Y. All support would be greatly appreciated in Kildare this weekend for our players and hopefully we will bring home some crystal! Dublin Leagues The DCB Leagues started last week. All results are online for everyone to keep up to date. Keep an eye on the fixtures as all support to the games is greatly appreciated. Condolences The Captain's, President and members and friends wish to extend our most sincere condolences to Leo Holmwood on the death of his brother "Paddy" and we know he will never be forgotten and may your friends be a comfort to you in these difficult days. May he rest in Peace. The Remembrance Competition The Remembrance Competition is taking place on the 23rd of May. This year the competition will be in memory of P.J McCluskey. The time sheet is up on the board so get your names down to support this great competition. The presentation of prizes will be held that night and all winners will be expected to attend. LUCAN HARRIERS & A.C. After some busy weekends of racing, we had a quite one this weekend. Parkrun. Brian Lamon was 3rd man home on Saturday morning in 18.34, followed by Stephen Rynne in 21.45, with Lorcan Sweeney behind him in 21.45. Claire Murray was the first lady home for Lucan in 26.20 with Dermot Coakley in 29.12. Dublin Graded Meets On Wednesday night last, 4 Lucan runners went to Tallaght AC for the second in the Dublin Graded Meets series, in the 100meters Carol Kearney ran 15.41, in her 100 meters Edith Coakley ran 15.1, John Canny ran the 800 meters in 2.13.50. Gerry Byrne Jnr was second in his race, running 800m in 2.13.9. Vote Early & Vote Often!!!! Lucan Harriers AC were chosen as one of the 3 local community projects in Tesco to get a proportion of €1000.00 allocation. So what happens is that over the next 6 week period if you are shopping in Tesco you will receive a goodwill voucher and you get to vote for Lucan Harriers. The number of votes are counted at the end and that will decide how much of the €1000 we get. So get the word out there, in Tesco Lucan vote for Lucan Harriers AC and ask your cousins, neighbours, friends all to vote for Lucan Harriers St. MARY’S CARDS 1st: Tess Keogh 2nd: Josie Carey 3rd: Eugene McGarrell 4th: Maureen Carty. ST. MARY’S LUCAN BRIDGE CLUB Results: 11/05/2015. N/S: 1st: Jacinta McKelvey & Marguerite Cunningham 2nd: Mary Fitzsimons & Fran Dempsey 3rd: Melita & John Gorman E/W: 1st: Kathleen Collery & Betty Stanley 2nd: Brendan& Marion Dunne 3rd: Noeline Brennan & Maura O’Reilly. Monday 18th May 2015 – A.G.M, a full attendance would be appreciated. Bridge after Meeting. MARATHON for NAGARHOPE Nagarhope is Doc Clandillon's charity, supporting kids in Nepal. At the moment, the preschool is up and running very successfully. Our sponsorship programme is helping to educate more than 200 children, covering fees, books and uniform. Doc is in Nepal on the ground while fundraising continues here in Ireland, particularly in Lucan. There are no administration costs involved. WE NEED YOUR HELP! To make this the biggest JFK walk in Europe we need you, you can walk as much or as little of the route as you can raise a minimum of 50 euro and help us in the fight against cancer. Walk as much or as little as you can, 1 mile, 5 mile, 30 or the whole 50. Although it is a walk we do welcome runners. A 50 mile walk starts with one single step, let’s do it! Register today on and join us to fight cancer. Do you or someone you care about need some help and support? Crisis Support: Console – Helpline 1800 247 247 Console provides a National Free Phone Helpline, 24/7. Support for those who may be suicidal, and for those bereaved by suicide Samaritans - : Tel: 116 123 (open 24 hours) A listening service to support you to talk through your concerns, worries or troubles. Pieta House - 01-6010000. Provides free service to people who are in suicidal distress and those who engage in self-harm. Mon-Fri 9am to 9pm, Sat & Sun 10am – 2pm Are you taking part in this year's women's marathon on June 1st? Why not raise funds for Nagarhope at the same time? For sponsorship cards or further details, contact Niamh on 087-0666891 Bereavement Support - Turas le Cheile -0860566819. Voluntary group providing bereavement support, including those bereaved by suicide. Mon-Fri 9am – 5pm. Moylagh 50 Mile Challenge Rainbows Programme-01-4734175 (National) Leixlip Parish Centre 01-6243741. A voluntary service supporting children & young people affected by loss due to bereavement, separation or divorce. Are you up for a challenge? Moylagh will take on cancer once again with the Moylagh 50 Mile Challenge which has now launched for 2015. The event, which will take place on the 6th of June, will see up on a 1000 participants set off at 6am on a fantastic walk around Counties Meath, Cavan and Westmeath. The challenge, which raises funds for the Irish Cancer Society and LARCC Cancer Support Centre, has raised over €170K to date to support the provision of vital services for cancer patients and their families. Funds raised from the Moylagh JFK 50 Mile Challenge will go towards supporting the Irish Cancer Society’s provision of vital services for cancer patients and their families. These include the Cancer Information Service incorporating the National Cancer Helpline and 12 Daffodil Centres in hospitals across the country, Care to Drive which is a free transport services bringing patients to and from their treatment and the Night Nursing Service which provides care for patients who are at the end of their cancer journey in their own homes through the night. Counselling Services - Connect Telephone Counselling & Support Service Free phone 1800 477 477. Wed-Sun 6pm-10pm. For adults who have experienced abuse, trauma or neglect in childhood. National Counselling Service – Free Phone 1800 234 112. (Dublin South Central/ Dublin South West/ Kildare & West Wicklow. For adults who have experienced child abuse Counselling in Primary Care (CIPC) Counselling service for medical card holders aged 18 years+. Tel: 01-4585743 Kildare Youth Services Youth Counselling Service for 11-25 year olds. Phone: 045-86968/0857830006 Training - Breaking Through Coordinating Suicide Prevention/Intervention Skills Training Further information: Phone-01-6060858/ E-mail Church Notices – 17th May 2015 Sunday The Ascension of The Lord St. Mary's Lucan Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday, 6.30 pm, 8.45am, 9.45am, 11am, 12.15pm and 7 pm St. Patrick's Esker / Dodsboro / Adamstown Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday, 7.00 pm, 9 am, 10.30 am and 12 noon Folk Mass Weekday Masses – Monday to Saturday 10am Weekday Masses: Monday to Saturday 10am Friday 25th Mass for all doing exams at 7.30 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays after 10am and 7pm Masses Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Nuns Chapel), on Thursday 2pm-4pm and Saturday 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday after 10 am Mass and after the 6.30pm Mass Baptisms: Baptism will take place every weekend. We ask parents to call to the Sacristy to book at least one month before ceremony. Deepest Sympathy to the daughter, family and friends of Margaret Kearns, late of Westmanstown, also to the family and friends of Mary Fennell, of Marymount Care Home. May they rest in peace. Baptisms: 1st and 3rd Sundays at 12.45pm and 2nd Saturday at 12.30pm. At least four weeks’ notice is required to facilitate preparation. Applications between 10am and 1.00pm Monday to Friday at Parish Office or after any Mass as Parents are required to attend a preBaptism Meeting. Bookings cannot be accepted on the telephone or by email. Divine Mercy Lucan South Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday, 6.30 pm, 10.30 am and 12 noon Weekday Masses: Monday – Friday 9.15 am Lucan Presbyterian Church Sunday: 10.30am Morning Worship Crèche and Children’s Ministry. All Welcome. St. Andrew’s Church of Ireland Sunday: St. Andrew’s - 9am and 10am St. Mary’s Leixlip 11.30am Adoration and Prayer: Adoration – Friday 10am-3pm Prayer Group – Monday 8pm-9pm Scripture Reading – Tuesday 9.45am-10.45am Baptisms: Parents are asked to attend an information meeting before making arrangements or booking dates. Lucan Methodist Church Sunday: 10am Holy Communion
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