14 - Lucan Newsletter

Established 1967
Sub. 50c.
Sunday 14 December 2014
Rejoice and be glad…………………
Many people hit a downer at this time of year, the psychologists tell us that it is seasonally
affected by the short days and long hours of darkness. We can all hit a downer at some times
in our lives – sometimes it originates in something beyond ourselves – the death or serious
illness of a loved one, the breakdown of a relationship, financial worries and insecurity about
the future, worries about children and grandchildren….the list is endless. Facing these life
crises can be a draining and de-energising experience and we can feel very low indeed.
At other times the downer originates within our own self, some unresolved issue from our
childhood that refuses to go away and brings a lack of self-esteem and feeling of
worthlessness and insecurity and again the medics respond by describing a chemical
imbalance that can sometimes respond to medication and for many people this alleviates the
This Sunday the church invites us to Rejoice and be glad – the voice of John the Baptist
bellows Good News – the Saviour is near. We are being invited to lift our spirits and join in
the spirit of rejoicing that characterizes GAUDETE (or Joyful Sunday).
The people of Israel longed for the coming of the Messiah the one who would make Israel a
great nation and free them from the yoke of the Roman occupiers. Their expectation was of a
mighty warrior King wielding power on behalf of the nation – a carpenters son from Nazareth
simply didn’t fit the bill. God was indeed answering their prayers but in a way they could
never have expected. When we pray and turn to God in our desperation we should be aware
that sometimes he answers us in ways that we could never imagine. The reality is that Jesus is
with us in all our ups and downs and sometimes in the most unexpected people and
circumstances. So if you’re not in rejoicing mood this Gaudete Sunday (Dec 14th)
turn to him in your need – and be prepared for an unexpected answer.
A king born in a stable to a lowly and insignificant family, who entered the holy city on a
donkey and ended his life on a cross – such a king is capable of anything!
So rejoice he is near!
Fr. Philip Curran
Lucan Citizens Information Centre
Taking Care at Christmas
Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan
Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930
Email Lucan@citinfo.ie,
Shoppers - Make sure that you have a proof of
purchase (a receipt, cheque stub, credit card
statement or invoice) when buying any item.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday
10 am to 1 pm and 2pm to 4 pm
each day, closed for lunch 1 pm to 2 pm.
The Garda have issued the following safety advice
and tips for Christmas:
Citizens Information Phone Service (CIPS) 0761
07 4000 - opening hours 9 am to 8 pm Monday to
Free Legal Advice Clinic (FLAC) on Thursday
nights from 7 pm to 8.30 pm. FLAC telephone and
referral line 1890 350250.
Please note that FLAC provides a Free Legal
Advice Clinic and not Free Legal Aid.
MABS (Money Advice and Budgeting Service)
helpline and MABS Mortgage Arrears Information
Helpline are both on the same number 0761 07
2000 from 9am to 8pm Monday to Friday.
Christmas Closing - we'll be closed from Wed.
24/12/14 until Thursday 1/1/15, both dates
inclusive, and we reopen as usual on Friday 2/1/15.
The FLAC (Free legal advice clinic) will take place
as usual on Thursday 18/12/14 and Thursday
Fuel allowance
A Fuel Allowance is a payment under the National
Fuel Scheme to help with the cost of heating your
home during the winter months. It is paid to people
who are dependent on long-term social welfare and
who are unable to provide for their own heating
needs. Only one Fuel Allowance is paid to a
household. The fuel allowance is a means tested
payment and terms and conditions apply.
Means test for Fuel Allowance - If you are getting
a non-contributory payment you are accepted as
satisfying the means-test. If you are on an
employment support scheme or if you are getting a
Back to Education Allowance you are entitled to
keep your Fuel Allowance if you continue to satisfy
the conditions – including the means test.
The Fuel Allowance means test is linked to the
maximum rate of the State Pension (Contributory).
You can have a combined weekly income of €100
above the maximum State Pension (Contributory)
for your situation and still be eligible for a Fuel
Allowance. This means that you can have
capital/savings, providing they are less than
€58,000, and be eligible for a Fuel Allowance.
(€58,000 is equivalent to just over €100 a week
under the capital means assessment rules.) More
information and application forms are available in
the centre.
1 Drink alcohol responsibly. Wherever the
celebration - Everyone should promote safe
2 Plan your night out, tell someone where you’re
going & when you’ll be back.
3 You, your family or friends should never walk
home alone, remember safety in numbers. If you
have no other option, walk in well lit areas.
4 Take care when carrying your handbag, smart
phone or tablet in crowded areas. Keep them in a
safe location, within view.
5 Watch out for pickpockets in crowded areas. Keep
handbags zipped and don’t put your wallet in your
back pocket. In bars and restaurants take care about
where you store coats and handbags.
6 At ATM’s, only take out as much money as you
need. Cover your pin number and call the Gardaí if
you believe the machine has been compromised.
7 Take care of your Christmas shopping and never
leave it unattended, especially in your car.
8 Park your car in secure, well lit areas and make
sure to lock it.
9 Avoid burglaries at Christmas – Secure all doors
and windows and use your alarm.
10 Don’t leave Christmas presents in view from the
outside of your home.
11 If you’re expecting deliveries, always make sure
someone is there to collect it or arrange for a trusted
neighbour to take it in.
12 If you’re going away for Christmas, make your
home look occupied, leave a light on and get a
trusted neighbour to check on your property.
Visit www.garda.ie for more Seasonal Safety
Lucan Active Retirement Assoc.
Whist Results 9th Dec: 1
Billy Doyle, 2 Marie
Rafferty, 3 Robin
Our Christmas Party is
on Thursday 18th December – members only.
Esker Friends of the Elderly
We wish all our members a very Happy Christmas
and a great New Year, and are looking forward to
seeing everybody back in February 2015, for the
start of our 35th Year!
Featuring LCB New School of Music
Students in association with
St Mary’s GNS and BNS Choirs
Sunday 14th December
at 6pm
Admission: Free
Venue: Main Hall in St
Mary’s GNS Lucan
The concert will end at
around 7.30pm.
NOTE: We wish in particular to welcome
supporters of our junior musicians many who are
performing in public for the first time. Further
details of LCB New School of Music are
available in the concert program or by
contacting: lucanconcertband@gmail.com
Red Cross Christmas Party 2014
As a former Hon. Secretary of the Lucan Branch of
the Irish Red Cross I attended the Christmas Party
on 7th December in Finnstown Castle Hotel as a
senior citizen. I was so impressed with the
organisation and congratulate the current branch
members on a wonderful day. It was a pleasure to
be present and hopefully I will be able to attend
next year. Happy Christmas to all.
Ann O’Neill
Our volunteers have just
started their well earned
Christmas and New Year
We plan to get back in action in early February.
We hope you noticed that the stone walls along St
Edmunsbury are looking really well now that the
masses of overgrown ivy have been cut back.
Its a similar story on the Lucan Road up from the
Methodist Church.
It took a lot of effort over a number of Saturdays to
clean up these walls but we feel its worth it.
Anyway we want to thank everyone who helped us
during the year, the businesses, the Lions Club,
South Dublin Council, the schools, the general
public, and in particular the intrepid volunteers who
kept it all going.
We want to wish everyone a happy Christmas and
our happy band are looking forward to a successful
Kevin O'Loughlin, Chair
Lucan Newsletter
Christmas Issue
Next week – Sunday 21st December will
be our final issue before Christmas. All
items for publication should be in by
Wednesday 10pm.
Our first issue of 2015 will be for Sunday
11th January. All items for publication
should be in by Wednesday 7the January,
Lucan Lions Club
Carol Singing for Simon
Our Annual Carol Singing around the Estates and
beyond in aid of the Dublin Simon Community
takes place on Friday 19th and Saturday 20th
December 7pm to 9pm. We require Singers and
Musicians of all Ages and Standards. Carol sheets
Covered by Garda Permit. Accompanied Children
welcome. Come along and bring your friends and
stay for as long or short as you like.
We meet at lay-by in front of St. Joseph’s Girls’
Secondary School at 6.45pm. Phone Eoin at 086
0661184 if you can make it or want to join at any
Thanks to all who supported the
first of our many Christmas
Appeal collections which are
happening each weekend
until Monday 22nd December.
We appreciate all donations made at Tesco Lucan &
Tesco Celbridge, be assured that all food/funds
collected will be used to make the festive season a
little more bearable for so many. You will see
Lucan Lions Club out again this weekend, at
Eurospar, Ballyowen and Marks & Spencers, Liffey
Valley. If anybody has a spare couple of hours this
weekend, please contact Lucan Lions Club at
lucanlionsclub@gmail.com.Thanks as always.
Jim Brady, President, Lucan Lions Club
Parish Notes
Holy Communion for the sick and housebound
If you wish to avail of this service or if you know
someone who does, please contact one of the
St Mary’s, Lucan
The Giving Tree
Christmas Fair
We are nearly there ! All set for the longestrunning Fair in Lucan in
St Mary's Parish Centre
this Sunday 14th
(after all morning Masses )
The stall-holders are putting final touches to
their wares, the artists are ready to hang , the
Raffle prizes are assembled, Santa is in great
ho-ho form , so a SUPER FAIR is
Its all in aid of two needy charities the
Simon Work for the Homeless, and the
Ebola Crisis.
Please help us to help them
Christian Meditation
We meet each Tuesday night at 8pm in the Nuns
Chapel. Everyone welcome.
Sr. Geraldine, 6217158.
Mass Times for Christmas
Christmas Eve: 6pm: Children's Vigil Mass
8pm: Vigil Mass
10pm: Vigil Mass
No Midnight Mass
Christmas Day: 8.45am, 9.45am, 11am and
No evening Mass.
Parish Ministry
It is an important part of our ministry to support
people in times of sickness and bereavement. We
would greatly appreciate it, if you would let us
know if someone in your family is ill or admitted to
hospital. Phone Parish office – 6217041 weekdays
between 9.30am and 2pm. (except Thursday).
St Mary’s Folk Group
Our next Mass will be this
Sunday at 12.15pm.
Come along and join in the singing.
Bethany Group
Bethany Group is available to listen to or just be
there for anyone who is feeling lonely or lost
following the death of a loved one. We meet on the
2nd Monday of each month from 10.30am-11.30am,
also on the 4th Thursday of each month from 8pm 9pm. Parish Centre – 6217041.
St. Vincent de Paul Annual Christmas
Takes place THIS weekend
13th /14th at all Masses.
Thank you for your generosity which makes
Christmas easier for so many needy, local
families and is much appreciated.
Church Art Calendar now on sale
in the Parish Office and Sacristy
Price €1.20
Parish of Divine Mercy,
Lucan South
Friday December 19th at 7.30 pm
in Divine Mercy Church.
All welcome - donations only.
In aid of Teenline and Foodbox
The Advent Penitential Services
St. Mary's Parish - Monday 15th December at 7.30pm
Divine Mercy Parish - Wednesday 17th December at 7.30pm
St Patrick's Parish - Thursday 18th December at 7.30pm
Medjugorje 2015, 11th to 20th May,
Spiritual Director Fr. Tom Gilroy, From €580 p.p.s.
Call Pat or Phil: M: 086 0677392/086 2437653
Facebook: Medjugorje Mass Lucan
Email: Medjugorjenewslucan@gmail.com
For those who have lost loved ones through
21ST December 2014
Aspen Counselling Lucan
In conjunction with
Teen-Line Ireland
Are holding a
Candlelight Vigil
on the Village Green, Lucan
From 7pm to 9pm
All Welcome!
Come and Fellowship with the Holy Spirit
Venue: Bush Centre, Balgaddy, Lucan South
Day and time: Every Saturday from 6pm - 8pm.
Call: 087 3744782.
Come and experience the Lord.
Nagarhope Christmas Cards
Lovely colourful cards, mixed designs.
Pack of 12 for €5
Giving a future to kids in Nepal
Available from 191 Beech Park
087 0666891 or niamhclandillon@hotmail.com
Lucan Senior Citizens
Thank you to everyone who attended our 'Festive
Flowers' evening. Our demonstrator Richard
Delmer made 10 beautiful Christmas Floral
Arrangements and kept us entertained with his
stories. Thank you to our Committee Members who
provided the delicious home baking for supper and
helped on the night. Total raised €1,000. We have
also made a donation to Simon Community
Essentials for women (sleeping bags etc).
Thank you again for your generosity.
Christmas Cards for sale
At St Mary's Parish Centre
In aid of:
Peter McVerry Trust - 10 cards for €5
Pieta House - 9 cards for €5
A Lifeline For Troubled Marriages.
Retrouvaille helps couples to rebuild loving
Next programme starts Friday 13th - Sunday 15th
February 2015. Contact Tony & Anne 01 4953536
See www.retrouvaille.ie
For regular inspiring posts, like us on facebook :
Retrouvaille Ireland
Retrouvaille is a non-profit organisation run by
volunteers who have gone through the programme
themselves. There is a cost to participate in
the programme to cover room hire costs on the
weekend and the 4 follow-up Sundays. After this
there is no cost to participants when we have
monthly meetings in one of the volunteers homes. If
couples cannot afford to pay, they may still attend
(details available from Tony and Anne).
Retrouvaille Ireland .
Retrouvaille is the name of a programme designed
to help heal and renew marriages.
Bethlehem Sky
Moving Crib
42 Parnell Square, Dublin 1
Opening times:
Weekdays - 2 to 6pm
Weekends - 11.30am to 6pm
Opened until 11th January 2015.
Closed: 24th, 25th, 26th December and 1st January
Admission Free
With Liam Lawton
In Gardiner St Church
Tuesday December 16th at 8pm
Tickets €10 available from Gardiner St
Parish Office, Pro-Cathedral Office and
Friends of the Elderly, Bolton St.
A beautiful evening to prepare for
Christmas is promised and a chance to join
Liam in Christmas Carols by candle-light
The wife and daughters of the late Philip Galligan
would like to thank most sincerely all those who
sympathised with us on the sad loss of Philip. To
our wonderful neighbours and friends who helped
and supported Philip through his long illness, thank
you. To all who called to the house, attended the
church, sent flowers and mass cards, thank you. A
special word of thanks to Fr. John Hassett and Mary
Barr for their help and support during this time. We
would like to extend our gratitude to the staff of St
James's hospital, St Vincent's hospital and Our
Lady's Hospice Harold’s Cross for the wonderful
care given to Philip. Thank you to the staff of
Cunningham’s funeral home also. As it would be
impossible to thank everyone individually, please
accept this acknowledgment as a token of our
Philip’s months mind will be held on Saturday
December 13th at 7pm in St Patricks Church
Esker. Mass will be offered for all intentions.
4th Anniversary – 14th December
Also remembering Noel’s Birthday on 9 th
I never fail to think of you
I never fail to care
I only wish I could come home
And find you sitting there
I never thought of losing you
And maybe that was wrong
You always seemed a part of me
That would go on and on.
Missed every day, Lorraine
4th Anniversary – 15th December
Late of ‘Wynyard’, Balgaddy.
Quietly today your memories we treasure
Missing you always, forgetting you never
Time and years slip gently by
But love and memories never die
Deep in our hearts you will always stay
Loved and remembered every day.
Sadly missed by your loving family
4th Anniversary – 1st January
There’s never a day that passes by
That we don’t think of you
You were the heart and soul of everything we do
Unseen, unheard but always near
So loved, so missed, so very dear.
Loved always by wife Imelda, daughters and sons
31st Anniversary – 13th December
5th Anniversary – 16th December
(Late Esker Lane).
Fondest memories of a very dear Dad, Mam,
Grandad and Nana.
A little tribute small and tender
Just to say we still remember
Sadly missed by Janet, Lorrain and family
11th Anniversary – 11th December
The day you left us mother
Our hearts just broke in two
The smallest part is still with us
And the biggest part with you.
Loved and missed today and every day, by Kevin,
Olive and Anne, sons in
law, daughter in law, grandchildren, and great
Also remembering Dad, (Kevin) and sister, Mary
No-one knows the grief we bear
When the family meets and you’re not there
The tears we shed will wipe away
But the ache in our hearts will always stay
Love always, Jennifer, Linda, Barry and their
Baptismal Candles
Available from St. Mary’s Parish
or Sacristy. Cost €5.
Winter Patterns
Its’ early morn and round about
Jack Frost has been so early out
Painting all the windows bright
Tinting with his brush of white
A gnarled old tree is bending down
Rigid in her icy gown
Meadowland’s a frost glow
Earth lies sleeping ‘neath the snow
Crystal laces trim the hedge
Scallops rim the window ledge
Fairy patterns grace the door
Wintertime is here once more.
Mildred L. Jarrelli
Lucan Drama
Thank You to Tidy Towns
The cast and crew of 'Angel on my
Shoulder' are working extremely hard
to make sure that we have two very
entertaining nights on Friday 19th and Saturday
20th December in the beautiful Boyne Suite of the
Spa Hotel .. 5 course Dinner is served at 7 30pm.
Play Dinner and Music €35 - really good value!!!
So book now on 6280494.
A big thank you to Lucan Tidy Towns for the
fantastic work they did, clearing up the overgrown
hedges along St. Edmundsbury wall.
From a very grateful Resident
'Angel on my Shoulder' is a nice warm hearted
story. Donna's (played by Sara Downes) life is a bit
out of control but with the watchful eye of an Angel
on her Shoulder anything can happen!!
Mary Ryan, Sheila Corrigan (back stage) and Niall
Cassidy (Director) are a very steadying presence
and supporting the cast during rehearsals
Our thanks also to the Management and Staff of
The Spa for their continuous support and indeed
friendship throughout all our productions.
The Awards night in Liffey Sound was a great
success and cheques were given to the winning
entrants whose plays will be aired on Liffey Sound
96.4 fm in 2015 so be sure to watch this space for
details ..Many thanks to the Liffey Sound team for
all their help and publicity. A huge thanks also to
the hard working people in the Newsletter for
always printing our notes, and indeed for attending
all our plays.
Well done and huge congratulations to Michelle
Reade on winning Best Actress in The All Ireland 1
Act finals last weekend in Ballyshannon for a
stunning performance in 'The Unveiling'...
Lucan Community College
Annual Christmas Concert
Conductor Mr Duffy
The Dublin Concert Band
and choirs of
LCC, St Thomas NS and Scoil Aine
takes place in
St Patrick’s Church, Esker
Wednesday 17 December at 8pm.
Tickets €5 available from Mr Morrissey in
the college or at the door. All welcome.
Lucan ICA
Tues 16th Dec: This is our last
Craft Morning before we close
for Christmas, in the Parish
Centre 10 – 12.30.
Wed 17th: As we have our Christmas Party on
Friday night there will be no meeiting tonight, Fri
Next Season we will be having readings for 'Run for
your Wife', a hilarious farce...details to follow in the
New Year.
Christmas Dinner and Play in the Spa Hotel wil tak
place at 7.30 sharp for meal in the ballroom.
Contact details: www.lucandrama.com
Find us on Facebook
Sheila 0872547725; Bernie 0864015794
We close this night for Christmas holidays and open
in The Bungalow on Tuesday 3rd Februray for
Crafts, and on Wednesday 4th for Business.
Happy Christmas to all Members!
Pauline, President.
Goal Mile
Christmas Morning from 10am – 12 noon
Lucan Harriers Track
Newcastle Road.
Inviting all athletes, walkers, families and
keep fit people to take part in the Annual
Goal Mile. Everyone welcome.
Info, Sponsorship Cards etc
Gerard Martin 087-2132244
or Email: areuactive@gmail.com
Happy 4th Birthday
to Conor
on the 13th December
And to his little brother Eoghan
who turns 1 on the 17th December.
Lots of love from Nanny and Granddad
Don’t forget – next week, Sunday 21st
will be our Christmas issue. Notices
for anything between then and Sunday
11th January 2015, should be with us
for that issue.
Big Congratulations this week to
Jimmy and Bridget McMahon who were awarded
‘Neighbour of the Year’ on Ray D’Arcy’s show.
They were nominated by their neighbours in Beech
Little People’s Christmas Cards – nice to see so
many little people making cards for various
charities in their playschools – starting young!
Christmas lights on the Village Green and Santa
waving from the top of Courtneys, as well as all the
other Christmassy things around the village and in
the various churches, cheer us all up these days.
Some of us took off to Andrea Rieu’s gig at the 3
Arena last weekend, and enjoyed a fabulous show.
Once again, it seemed like half of Lucan was there!
Treasures of Lucan
By Mary Mulhall & Joan O’Flynn
On Sale:
Carey’s Newsagents,
Lucan Village
St. Mary’s Parish
Price €12
Lots of interesting
photos and facts
about Lucan
An ideal stocking filler!
Liffey Sound 96.4fm
Continuing our efforts to increase
the community participation in
Liffey Sound's programmes, we are
pleased to announce that members
of our local Garda Siochana will
address issues relating to the Lucan
community each week on Pat McGee's "Music
Parade", which airs each Wednesday from 4 to 6
p.m.The particular slot will feature around 5 p.m.
Avid Liffey Sound FM music programme listeners
may have some noticed Christmas music filtering in
of late, as our station's embargo applies until the 8th
December each year. Enjoy!
Liffey Sound 96.4 FM - Your Station, Your Voice.
Another offering from ‘Man on the Bridge’ –
Arthur Fields shows Santa with Sheila Barrett, and
Lucan girls, Pauline McCormack and Joan Daly
back in days of old.
Check out the website: www.manonbridge.ie/ to
see lots of photos from times gone by! You may
well be surprised as you trawl through the hundreds
of images!!!
to new grandparents,
Denis and Theresa
on the birth of their first
grandchild – a beautiful little
girl, Emma Niamh,
born on the 8th December.
Another name for Santa’s list........
Coláiste Phádraig
Christmas Evening: Well done to all of the
students who took part in Coláiste Phádraig’s
Christmas Evening on Tuesday 9th December in the
The canteen was turned into a Winter Wonderland
for the evening as the talented musicians of the
school entertained family and friends with a variety
of popular festive tunes and songs. From the tin
whistle to the piano, the fiddle to the saxophone and
the keyboard, all musical tastes were catered for on
the night. The crowd certainly got into the act as
they sung along to the Christmas tunes and
everybody thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas
evening. The occasion showcased the enormous
depth of musical talent in the school and there will
be more events held throughout the school year
where our musicians can perform their favourite
tunes, melodies and songs.
Soccer: Congratulations to the senior soccer team
who have qualified for the Dublin West semi-final
after two comeback wins in the last week. Firstly
the team came from behind to defeat Tallaght CS 32 thanks to a sensational hat trick from Darragh
Markey. The team then faced local rivals Lucan CC
for a place in the regional final on Monday 8th
December and emerged triumphant 3-2 after extra
time. Coláiste Phádraig went two goals down early
in the 1st half but they showed tremendous character
and determination to fight back and eventually win
after 110 mins of end to end football. Josh Clifford,
Conor Kane and Darragh Markey grabbed the goals
but Jacob Breaw was voted man of the match after a
tremendous display of tackling, passing and
aggression. If the team win the regional final, to be
held in January, they will advance to the Dublin
League semi-finals aswell as qualifying for the
Leinster Champions League so we wish they luck.
The u15 soccer team have qualified for the Leinster
Minor Cup 1-4 finals after defeating Coláiste Éanna
4-1 in impressive style last week. Aaron Rogers,
Séamus Curley and Yasser Mahrouk (2) scored the
goals in another fine team display. The team have
been training hard every week since September and
they are reaping the rewards of their efforts now on
the pitch. The 1st yr soccer team advanced to
the 2nd round of the Leinster Cup after their
opponents withdrew from the competition at
late notice. They will face Drimnagh Castle
in the next round in early January.
Debating: The debating team attended
Belvedere College on Monday 8th December
to take part in a debating workshop run by
Oxford University. The school have entered
two teams into the regional round of the
Oxford Union Schools Debate which takes
place in Dublin on January 12th. The
workshop covered the rules of British
Parliamentary format, content of a speech,
strategy of preparing and speaking, role
fulfilment and opposition strategy and the
students then got to take part in a mock
debate with other schools in attendance. The
debaters found the whole experience extremely
useful and hopefully the workshop will help them
qualify for the finals of this prestigious international
debate in Oxford in 2015.
1st yr trip: Well done to the Gluais team who
brought over 130 1st yrs ice skating at the Winter
Funderland in the RDS on Wednesday 10th
December. iSkate is Ireland’s coolest and newest
skating event and it is the largest ice rink in the
country with over 1,000 square metres of real ice.
The Gluais team organised the entire event
themselves and they are to be commended for their
initiative and maturity. 8 teachers also braved the
ice rink, much to the delight of the students, and a
great time was had by all despite a few inevitable
falls and a few aching muscles afterwards!
Exam news: It’s that dreaded time of the year again
for students as they face into their Christmas
exams! Hopefully they have all been putting in the
extra hours of study that will get them the grades
that they wish to achieve.
Christmas Wishes: The staff and students of
Coláiste Phádraig would like to take this
opportunity of wishing everyone in the community
a very Merry Christmas and a all the best for 2015.
Nollaig Shona agus Bliain úr faoi mhaise daoibh
Greetings one and all, it has been six
months since my last Nagarmail
We have had a busy year to date. At the beginning
of 2014 we started construction of our school in
Gurung gaun / Sathikurya, and a lot of hard work
later, we finally opened the doors to 27 children in
mid-May. Apart from the builder who was
contracted to build the school and source all the
materials, our Nagarhope Nepal committee
voluntarily put in a great effort throughout each
stage of building. Then to finally equip the class
with materials and furniture it was a great
achievement that of which we are proud.
May-We had a string of volunteers come and help
with different stages including sanding down and
painting windows and doors. A big thanks to Gali
from Israel, Amelie from France and Alexandra
from Sweden, who also donated carpets, teaching
materials and toys. Alexandra, her mother, and 2
friends are also funding the teachers that we employ
in the school.
As this is a pilot year for Nagarhope running preschool classes, there are a lot of visits up and down
to the village from Nagarkot, interacting with
students, teachers, parents and locals, all of whom
have many suggestions on how to improve the
surroundings, both inside and outside the
June 2014 was another World Cup year, and we ran
the Nagarhope 2014 World Cup Sweepstake. There
were a few surprises, not least eventual winners
Germany’s thrashing of hosts Brazil in the Semifinals. Our beautifully made replica wooden World
Cup trophy, carved by our committee member
Chandra Tamang was won by Aine Ghimire
Clandillon, beating Aiden McKelvey’s Argentina in
the final. Thanks to all for taking part.
In July, 5 students who passed their School Leaving
Certificate were given scholarships to go to college,
some full and some half. Two of these students,
Sushma and Menuka, give back their time by
volunteering in one of our tuition centres in
Nagarkot and Teku.
To beautify our land and provide for the future, we
undertook a tree planting program, which consisted
of planting over 100 saplings, including many fruits
and macadamia nut around our grounds.
August- We renewed the rent on Nagarhope’s
tuition centre in Teku, Kathmandu for another nine
months. A college called Hilbert College which is
renting the land where our centre has stood for 6
years has been telling us that they will also open a
school on the grounds and that they will need the 2
classrooms that we occupy. We are hopeful that we
can come to some sort of mutual agreement that
allows us to stay there – it is a vital part of our
Kalimati Kidz program helping urban families’
children through education, extracurricular
activities and family support.
As ever, Umbrella Foundation Nepal, have been
generous, and they gave us the proceeds of their
weekly Pub Quiz in Kathmandu, which also
brought in some donations from staff and students
of Terenure College in Dublin who have been
making an annual trip to Nepal to volunteer for the
last few years.
Our Nagarhope Nepal Annual committee trip this
year was to Kalinchhowk, about 6 hours drive from
Kathmandu. 8 of our members made the trip and
had a great time.
September- in September, Niamh and Seamus
Clandillon, Nagarhope Ireland committee members
made a 3-week trip to Nepal and took in a visit to
our Sathikurya School and Sunrise School in
Nagarkot. A great reception was ready for them in
Sathikurya and a lunch of Nepali Dal-Bhat was
provided to all who attended including our students.
It was good timing, coinciding with the biggest
Nepali festival of Darshain.
Sodha Gurung, our Nursing student, entered her
final year of Nursing in Iwamura College of Health
Sciences. She has consistently been scoring well in
her exams and has a bright future ahead. She asked
me to convey her thanks to the several sponsors
who have committed to funding her education.
Our Saichik Kala, or “Educational Art” programme,
where we paint the walls of schools for a nominal
fee has been ongoing. Saroj Tamang, our full time
painter goes from school to school, bringing colour
and life into the environment and providing a vital
teaching and learning aid to each school.
Aiden Twomey AKA magician “Jack Wise” since
his visits to Nepal with The Smile Project a few
years ago has been raising money to fund a centre
for mentally and physically disabled children in
Bhaktapur called Satprayas (Endeavour) Nepal. For
his 40th birthday this year he asked friends and
families to donate cash and not gifts and whatever
was raised, he doubled and donated the proceeds to
Satprayas. They have been able to upgrade their
facilities buying furniture and educational materials,
and also to provide a better salary to the hardworking and vastly underpaid staff. Go raibh mile
maith agat Aiden, you have many invites from
Satprayas to come back to Nepal.
October- After a hiatus of a few years, Dave Cutler,
one of the founders of Umbrella, visited Nepal. As
ever, he made a very generous donation to
Nagarhope’s cause for our Kalimati centre, which
will be used to take some of the older children up to
Nagarkot for a trip in the coming months.
November- A dentist & volunteer called Mary from
Sweden had contacted us a while back through our
Website, asking if she could come and visit our
organisation and do a free dental check on our kids.
She took the time out from a very packed schedule
to come to Teku and check all our kids’ teeth. She
also invited 2 children for a free follow up in her
friend’s Dental practice in Swayambhu. A million
thanks Mary for spreading your good word and
gifting each child a free toothbrush.
Nagarhope’s new look website
(www.nagarhope.com) has been up and running for
a few months now. Ken Baird, a long time friend
from Ashbourne, took the time to put this together.
We cannot express enough gratitude to Ken for his
fine work. Many thanks to Tadhg also for guiding
Ken through the process of what goes where. Check
out Ken’s website www.3halvesdesign.com.
South Dublin County Council follows
Operation Transformation with Lucan
Operation Transform
Lucan - Let’s Get Lucan
South Dublin County Council in partnership with
South Dublin County Sports Partnership and Lucan
Sarsfields GAA Club are starting an Operation
Transformation Group in January 2015. The
programme will run alongside the TV show. The
Group will be open to both members and nonmembers of Lucan Sarsfields GAA Club, the entire
community of Lucan is encouraged to sign up and
participate. Participants will be encouraged to use
the Operation Transformation website, select a
leader and follow their programme.
We would also like to thank the many people
involved in fundraisers and events over the last
while, including those who collected and donated
for the Lucan and Esker Parishes Church Gate
Collections, Martin Mc Nulty and family of
Newcastle Golf Centre for supporting our 2nd
Nagarhope Par 3 golf Classis organised by Michael
and Séamus, Lucan Sarsfields' Bar, John Condon
and Maureen Ryan for their collection box
proceeds, Collette Condon for organising “Arthur”
in Sarsfields' clubhouse, and Esther Keenan for her
collection at Ladies Keep Fit (Sarsfields) and
various schools who organised fundraisers for
Nagarhope, including Lucan BNS, Loreto Abbey,
Dalkey and Coláiste Phadraig BNS.
Lucan Sarsfields GAA Club will organise
•Organised walks along safe routes around Lucan 23 times per week
•High Vis vest supplied
•Track your weight loss
(Confidential weekly weigh-in)
•Expert Nutrition Talk & Advice
•Expert Walking& General Fitness
•Group Support
If you are interested in joining this
Group or would like more information please
contact Mary Flannery 087 7469143 or Mary
Reynolds 087 7687376
The work that goes on both sides, by both
committees, volunteers, sponsors and donors
enables me to be able to write this mail and report
on each step that we take in trying to ensure that a
handful of Nepali children and communities have a
better path to walk on towards a brighter future.
Your small gestures are making big changes to the
lives of people we touch on the ground in Nepal.
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each
and every one of you for the part you are playing.
And the people who we assist have also grown
evermore thankful for the way in which their lives
have slowly improved.
May all of you have a very peaceful, pleasant,
loving and heart-warming Christmas and New Year,
I hope Santa Claus brings you all something nice in
return for the gift you have bestowed on others less
fortunate than yourselves.
Mise le Meas mo chairde,
Fachtna ‘Doc’ Clandillon, Bhaktapur, December
3rd 2014
There will be a once off charge of €20
Essentials for Women is an event I have created in
support of the Simon Community in order to help
predominantly Homeless Women by providing
them with those essentials that we all take for
granted. While doing your shopping If you could
please put some of these much needed items (see
list below) into your trolley for this very worthwhile
Hillcrest, Lucan, up to Thurs 18th Dec 12.00
Items Needed: Ladies pants (new) (all sizes),
Men’s Underpants, Ladies & Men’s Socks,
Sanitary Towels, Tampons, Tooth Paste & Tooth
Brushes, Face Wipes, Soap, Razors, Deodorant,
Hats/ Scarves/Gloves, Spare Sleeping Bags.
Many thanks for your kind support.
Aideen Mahady, Organiser (085 113 1997)
Political Notes
Cllr. William Lavelle - Fine Gael
Chairman of SDCC Planning & Transport Committee.
36 St. Andrews Drive, Lucan
0874107885. wlavelle@cllrs.sdublincoco.ie
Takeaway at former Abtree shop unit? I will be
objecting to this planning application at SuperValu
Shopping centre. Limited details have been
submitted. I don’t want to see another takeaway
here given the proximity to three schools and
concerns regarding loitering and anti-social
behaviour. Contact me if would like support in
lodging an objection.
Lucan/Adamstown Community Centre
Campaign: Earlier this year I held a public meeting
on how to progress delivery of a new
Lucan/Adamstown community facility. This would
provide a long-awaited sports hall for Adamstown
Community College as well as much-needed access
to indoor community space for local groups across
Lucan. Last Friday, Bord Pleanala ruled on the
Adamstown SDZ masterplan and I have since met
with the Council’s Chief Executive to push on this
campaign. More details shortly…
Minister Frances Fitzgerald TD
Fine Gael. Constituency Office open full time: MonFri, 10-5, 457 7712
Frances.fitzgerald@oir.ie www.francesfitzgerald.ie
Investment in local services for young people:
Last week, I was pleased to announce the good
news of Government funding for a number of local
clubs and services doing excellent work to promote
the mental and physical wellbeing of young people
in our area. The Marie Keating Foundation
(€15,000), Palmerstown Boxing Club (€5,000) and
Aspen Counselling, Lucan (€5,000) were awarded
grants from the Department of Children & Youth
Affairs for the many and varied ways they
contribute to the lives of the youngest members of
our community. Having these services in the heart
of Lucan and Palmerstown adds so much to their
quality of life, and this Government investment is a
reflection of that ongoing work.
Best Neighbour Award: Congratulations to
Bridget and Jimmy McMahon of Beech Park,
winners of the Today FM/Bord Gais Energy Best
Neighbour award!
Caitríona McClean
Rúnaí Connolly Sarsfield cumann Fianna Fáil Lucan
086-3898327 nó ag cmaemcclean@hotmail.com
nó ag http://caitrionasthoughts.blogspot.ie/
Water: I met many ordinary people very concerned
about water charges and privatisation on
Wednesday the 10th in Dublin. We need a
referendum on ownership of water and to scrap
Irish Water.
Rat Race: Kew Park Residents Association are
reporting the misuse of the slip road which drivers
are now using to bypass congestion on the N4.
Please note there is a 50 km speed limit here. I have
asked SDCC to consider more signage.
Buses: A number of people are calling for an earlier
bus from Dodsboro. Overall, there seems a greater
demand than service now for public transport from
Lucan. We need more options for public transport
moving forward.
Cot: Anyone able to lend/give full size cot for
visiting grandchild of Lucan lady on fixed income
over Christmas?
Councillor Guss O’Connell, PC
Independent Community.
0876838254. goconnell@cllrs.sdublincoco.ie
Water: Just back from the water demonstration,
huge turnout and very efficiently marshalled. Away
from street action, I had an emergency motion
passed at Monday’s meeting calling on the Minister
NOT to sign away Irelands EU exemption on
domestic charges when renewing our River Basin
Plan in January. Not even the Troika could take it,
only the Government can GIVE it away.
Adamstown: Very disappointed with An Bord
Pleanala decision. We put a lot of work into getting
a balance but the developers win out; the
Swimming Pool and School/Community Hall are
pushed way down. But, we now know what we
must do.
Council Capital Programme has plenty in it for
Lucan! Community Hall, Adamstown/Newcastle
Road, Weir, Village Traffic Study and €600,000
allocated for Pavilions and I will continue to
campaign for a Lucan one. Back in the 90s I was
campaigning for containers! Things have improved.
Cllr Paul Gogarty – Independent
087-2752489 / info@paulgogarty.com
Water democracy: Following the disastrous rollout
of Irish Water and the huge anger over the current
charges, I tabled a motion calling for water policy
to be put before the people in a referendum,
suggesting a range of options (e.g. no water
conservation-only measures with generous free
allowances or the existing system, with privatisation
and fluoridation options also included). It is not
enough that I and other elected representatives
oppose the current unfair system, citizens should
also have a right to a democratic input following an
informed debate.
I thank my Independent colleagues for
supporting the referendum motion: But all other
Councillors voted against! Tens of thousands have
protested, united in opposition to the Government’s
incompetent water charge plans and political lies.
Yet astonishingly, PBP, SP and SF (the political
groupings claiming credit for these marches) didn't
support letting people have a direct say.
Cllr. Danny O’Brien – Sinn Fein
Member of the Environment, Public Realm &
Climate Change SPC. Ph: 086 857 0828.
Email: dannyobrien@cllrs.sdublincoco.ie
Sports Pavilions: I welcome the council’s decision
for funding for a sports pavilion program, €300,000
for 2015 and €300,000 for 2016 I will be fighting
hard for the first pavilion to be built in the Lucan
Lucan Swimming Pool: My motion was passed at
Monday’s council’s meeting that this council agrees
to write to the Department of Transport Tourism
and Sports and ask for the Government Swimming
Pool Grant Scheme to be reopened as soon as
When I get the reply from the Department I will
post it here.
Deputy Mayor, Cllr. Liona O’Toole –
087-2795274. 10 Brookfield, Finnstown Abbey, Lucan.
Government Funding for local Clubs: Although
these small grants will be most welcome and useful
to the respective clubs and organisations they are in
the larger scheme of things very insignificant. It’s a
sad reflection on our 4 local Government TD’s that
there is still no sign of Lucan getting its much
needed Swimming pool. A swimming pool and
associated recreational and community halls in the
centre of Lucan would have a major impact on the
wellbeing and health of the people of Lucan both
young and not so young. The people of Lucan
won’t be hoodwinked by positive spins from
Government press office as election time
approaches. We need a modern pool and
community facility. I have put the provision of a
swimming pool on the agenda of this month’s
Lucan Area Council meeting.
Derek Keating Local TD - Fine Gael
Transport Users
What a disappointment from the new Minister for
transport who took the easy option as all previous
Ministers did by penalizing the Leaner driver again
by adding more penalty points to them creating the
impression the Leaner driver is the big problem on
the roads and he must have another driver beside
him. If that is the solution to road safety then all
drivers should have another driver beside them to
make them behave. The evidence show and I have
seen it several times that the full licensed holder
misbehaves more on the road than the Learner
driver ask any guard. The learner driver is let down
again as an easy target.
T. Newton 086 3127364.
For Rent
The All Weather Pitches at
Westmanstown Sports
Complex are now available
to rent at very competitive
The fully enclosed area is suitable for most
sports and is available for hire to clubs and
individual groups at any time of the day/night.
The pitches can be booked for once off
occasions or for block bookings.
There are 3 5-a-side pitches
which can be hired separately or
for larger groups these pitches can
become 1 playing area. For people
with young children looking for an alternative
location for a birthday party special packages
are available upon request.
Tel/Text: 087 285 7435. Email: info@derekkeating.net
Aspen Counselling Lucan: I am delighted that
Aspen Counselling has been awarded a further
€5,000.00 to help deliver their valuable services.
I had earlier assisted Aspen Counselling in securing
the 20,000.00 Grant to assist with its vital services.
Lucan Traffic: I am in very regular contact with
South Dublin County Council on traffic related
issues that are requested of my by Local Residents.
If I can help with any specific issue, please contact
Dublin Bus: If you have public transport issues,
please contact me as I prepare to meet Dublin
Bus Senior Management. Thanks to the many
people who contacted me so far.
For any further information or
details of hire costs please contact:
Finula on 087 9657620
or email:
Happy Christmas to all our members, partners,
sponsors and friends. Please support our partners
and sponsors during the Christmas period, spend
local! Full details on our website
Our Christmas Draw is in full swing with 20 great
prizes on offer including €3,000 in cash. Many
thanks to all our sponsors and please support this
important fundraiser for the Club.
Congratulations to our Minor A Camogie Team on
their 5 in a row Championship win.
Hard luck to our Minor B Hurlers and Camogie
Team who lost out in their championship games at
the weekend.
Best of Luck to our U21 Hurlers who are in action
in the Championship A Final on Saturday 10:30am
in O’Toole Park.
Operation Transform Lucan - Let’s Get Lucan
Walking. South Dublin County Sports Partnership
and Lucan Sarsfields GAA Club are starting an
Operation Transformation Group in January 2015.
The Group will be open to both members and nonmembers of Lucan Sarsfields GAA Club, the entire
community of Lucan is encouraged to sign up and
participate. Participants will be encouraged to use
the Operation Transformation website, select a
leader and follow their programme. We will
organise walks along safe routes around Lucan 2-3
times per week, High Vis vest supplied, Track your
weight loss (Confidential weekly weigh-in)
Expert Nutrition Talk and Advice Expert and Group
Support. If you are interested in joining this Group
or would like more information please contact Mary
Flannery 087 7469143 or Mary Reynolds 087
7687376. There will be a once off charge of €20
Lucan Sarsfields won their 5th Minor A
Championship in a row when defeating a gallant
Naomh Jude side 3-09 to 3.05 in an absorbing final
in Parnell’s GAA club in cold windy but sunny
conditions. Jude’s won the toss and decided to play
with the strong wind and early points from Aoife
Molloy and a huge free from goal keeper Faye
McCarthy gave Jude’s an early lead. However
Lucan’s midfields pairing of Amber O’Conner and
Orla Beagan began to take control of midfield and
some driving runs from both resulted in frees which
Orla Beagan calmly slotted over to bring the sides
level. Lucan’s defence, missing their captain and
centre back Annemarie Courtney on the day now
came under serious pressure as high balls were
rained down on them from puck outs and frees.
The Lucan backs ably marshalled by Amy Gorman
and Niamh Byrne dealt with most of these, however
a high ball hit the cross bar and the rebound was
struck into the net by Jude’s to give them lead 1.3 to
2 points after 20 minutes. But this Lucan team were
never going to give up easily and a fine point by
Laura Morrissey cut the deficit to 3 followed by a
great move by Laura O’ Mahoney and Amy Conroy
who slotted the ball into the on-rushing Amber
O’Conner who calmly hand passed the sliotar past
the Jude’s keeper. Ciara Casey added a point from
play to give Lucan the lead but Jude’s rallied and
just before half time scored another goal from a
high ball to go into a 2 point lead at half time.
Lucan 1.04 to Jude’s 2.3.
Wind assisted, Lucan started the second half in
serious fashion when full forward Morrissey
following a poor clearance had the ball in the back
of the net after 2 minutes to restore Lucan’s lead.
Two points from the hard working wing forwards
Laura O’Mahoney and Samantha Fitzgerald gave
Lucan a three point lead. Lucan continued to drive
forward and Orla Beagan maintained her 100%
record with another excellent free. Full forward
Morrissey who cause the Jude’s defence serious
problems all day added another fine point from play
and with three minutes to go she hit the back of the
net again to put the game beyond reach. Jude’s did
score a goal from substitute Hannah Begley in the
final minute but it proved too late as Lucan
deservedly ran out by four point winners 3.09 to
3.05. A very competitive and highly entertaining
game of camogie in mid-December was enjoyed by
all who were there.
Hard luck to our minor B team who were narrowly
beaten in their semi-final by 2 points to Cuala.
Scorers: Laura Morrissey 2.02 Orla Beagan 04(f)
Amber O’ Conner 1.0 Ciara Casey 0.1 Laura
Mahoney 0.1 Samantha Fitzgerald 0.1
Team: Annemarie Courtney (C), Jenny Ryan,
Rachel Leonard, Amy Gorman, Niamh Power,
Orlaith Murphy, Niamh Byrne (VC) Orla Maloney,
Amber O’ Conner, Orla, Beagan, Laura O’
Mahoney, Ciara Casey, Samantha Fitzgerald,
Charlotte Rooney, Laura Morrissey, Amy Conroy,
Meabh Dowler, Emma O’ Flynn, Jess Condron,
Gemma Berry, Sarah Boland.
Our Lucan District Credit Union Academy is on
every Saturday at 1:30pm at the 12th Lock. This
Academy is run by our Club GPO Johnny
McCaffrey and is an excellent introduction to sport
for boys and girls for 4 upwards. All welcome.
Lotto: There was no winner of the €20,000 Lotto
draw numbers were 1, 22, 23 and 24 or the €5,500
prize numbers 5, 11, 18 and 19. This week’s 2
jackpots are €20,000 and €6,000. John Ryan
Accountant are sponsoring, with Diarmuid
Dawson’s Team in charge.
Results – 18 Nett. Gents Class 1 Winner: Paddy
Croke 43 Nett. Gents Class 2 Winner: Ted Flynn 45
Nett. Gents Class 3 Winner: Peter Anderson 42
Ladies Overall Winner: Marie O’Toole 50 Nett
The Bonanza is on next weekend. All Turkey
winners can collect their vouchers on Thursday the
18th December in the clubhouse between 8.30pm
and 9.30pm.
Upcoming Events
Santa will be coming to the club on Sunday the 14 th
December. If coming along please tell a member of
the house committee to make sure that Santa brings
enough goodies for everyone!
Our Christmas Party night is going to be held on the
20th of December. Details to follow.
Santa Dash. Next Tuesday 16th December, Lucan
Harriers juveniles will hold a Santa Dash fun race in
aid of IMNDA, on behalf of Brian Carty a founding
member of Lucan Harriers. This fun event will start
at 6pm on the track and all are welcome, we invite
all past members of Lucan Harriers to attend.
Waterford Half Marathon. On Saturday last,
Colm Munnelly headed to the sunny south east to
take part in the Waterford AC Half Marathon,
coming home in 1.45.17.
Parkrun. Daniel McCann was the first Lucan
Harrier home on Saturday, coming in 22.05,
followed by Deirdre Counihan who did the double,
ran a PB of 22.55 and had a podium finish being
the 3rd lady home, and a second behind Deirdre
was Stephen Rynne in 22.56, Dermot Coakley was
running his first parkrun, and was home in 29.33.
Jingle Bells 5K. Donore Harriers annual Jingle
Bells race took place on Saturday, with 13 from
Lucan taking part, first home was John Canny, in
16.50, Patrick Holden was next in 17.29 and Brian
Lamon got a PB in 18.36, with Garry Mortimor
home in 19.04, Terry Meyler is back to flying form
running the 5K in 21.38, Tom Meade ran this race
in 24.07, with Fiona Hegarty home in 26.18. Una
Cassoni ran in 29.29 and Edel Smyth was just
behind her in 30.00. Josie Dignam was home in
33.02, with Philip Fay in 35.11. Sinead Murphy and
her daughter ran together in 42.08. Check our
facebook page for some great pictures thanks to
Rob Brannighan.
Tymon Park Cross Country. The final Cross
Country League took place in Tymon Park on
Sunday 30th of November. Seventeen athletes
represented Lucan Harriers.
The first to compete were the under 9s and they had
a distance of 500m to complete. Emma Reihill
finished in 4th position. She was followed by
Aisling Fitzpatrick in 14th position and Eimear
Smyth in 23rd position. Eoghan O'Connor, Killian
Connor and Charlie Hughes were our
representatives in the boy’s race and they finished
in 7th, 13th and 15th positions respectively. The
Boys and girls under 10 had a 700m course to
complete .For the girls Hannah Moriarty finished in
2nd position and she was followed by Milly Hughes
in 13th position and Lili Alinquant in 17th position.
Aoife Nealon put in her best performance of the
season to finish in 30th position. James represented
the boys and finished in 21st position. The girls
under 11 completed 1 km and we had three
representatives in this race, Kate O'Connell,
Caoimhe Smyth and Lauren Mulligan. They
finished in 12th, 22nd and 30th positions
respectively. Jenny Doyle competed in the under 12
girl’s 1km race and she finished in 19th position.
Patrick Hughes represented the boys and he finished
in 21st position. Congratulations to all who took
part in the various Cross Country Leagues and
Championships since September.
Last weekend saw a flurry of matches take place
with goals galore! Our U8's and U9's played their
last matches before the Christmas break in what
will be remembered as a pretty cold weekend! Our
Sunday U10's B team won their league with a match
to spare and were featured in last Tuesdays Irish
Daily Star!
Our Academy is still pressing on nurturing the new
talent from the Lucan area! We currently cater for
106 players ages 4-7. This weekend will be last
session until after Christmas and the Academy
Christmas party will take place in Go Kids Go on
Sunday from 4-6pm, book your place with Garrett
on 085 8888042.Last Man Standing saw a huge
number of entries on our first attempt and with a
grand prize of €830 up for grabs, it is nothing to be
sneezed at! Unfortunately during the first weekend
of matches, we suffered 105 casualties, leaving 45
people in the pot to play it out for the big prize!!
Keep in touch with the Club via our website,
www.eskerceltic.ie, our Facebook Esker Celtic FC,
or Twitter @eskercelticfc. Next year is our 25th
anniversary and there will be plenty of activities to
celebrate our achievements over the last quarter
century! We would like to wish all the Lucan
Newsletter team, our players, parents and sponsors
a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Monday 15th December: 10 a.m. Mass for
Deceased members of the Club.
Christmas Prize-giving, followed by Bridge.
Church Notices –14th December 2014
3rd Sunday of Advent
(Gaudete Sunday)
St. Mary's
St. Patrick's
Esker / Dodsboro /Adamstown
Sunday Masses:
Vigil Saturday, 6.30 pm, 8.45am, 9.45am, 11am,
12.15pm and 7pm.
Sunday Masses:
Vigil Saturday, 7.00pm, 9am, 10.30am and
12 noon Folk Mass
Weekday Masses: Monday to Saturday 10am
Weekday Masses: Monday to Saturday 10am
During Advent
Monday to Saturday - Rosary at 9.25am and will be
followed by Morning Prayer
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays after
10am and 7pm Masses
Baptisms: 1st and 3rd Sundays at 12.45pm and 2nd
Saturday at 12.30pm.
At least four weeks’ notice is required to facilitate
preparation. Applications between 10am and
1.00pm Monday to Friday at Parish Office or after
any Mass as Parents are required to attend a preBaptism Meeting. Bookings cannot be
accepted on the telephone or by email.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Nuns
Chapel), on Thursday 2pm-4pm and Saturday
7.30 pm – 9.00 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday after
10 am Mass and after the 6.30pm Mass
Baptisms: Baptism will take place every weekend.
We ask parents to call to the Sacristy to book at
least one month before ceremony.
Deepest Sympathy to the wife, family and friends
of Niall O’Brion, late of Westbury Ave, also to the
family and friends of Vincent Tierney, late of
Esker Lawns. May they rest in peace.
Divine Mercy
Lucan South
Sunday Masses:
Vigil Saturday, 6.30pm. 10.30am and 12 noon
Weekday Masses: Monday – Friday 9.15am
Adoration and Prayer:
Adoration – Friday 10am-3pm
Prayer Group – Monday 8pm-9pm
Scripture Reading – Tuesday 9.45am-10.45am
Baptisms: Parents are asked to attend an
information meeting before making arrangements or
booking dates.
Lucan Methodist
Sunday: 10am Holy Communion
St. Andrew’s
Church of Ireland
Sunday: St. Andrew’s - 9am and 10am
St. Mary’s Leixlip 11.30am
Lucan Presbyterian Church
Sunday: 10.30am Morning Worship
Crèche and Children’s Ministry.
All Welcome.
The Garda Survivors
Support Assoc.
An Evening of Seasonal
Music & Song
Fiona Murphy Soprano
In Concert with
The Band of An Garda Siochana
Musical Director: Inspector Pat Kenny
Compere: Ray Kennedy (RTE)
Westmanstown Sports & Conference
Tuesday 6th January 2015, at 8pm sharp
Wine and Mince Pie Interval Reception
Tickets €25 available from:
Margaret Dixon 086 8451949
Michael & Eileen Griffin 086 8704365
Breda Hand 086 8281651.