Shawn Ryan, Principal Secretaries: Carri Norton Tammy Johnson 231 147th Ave. SE Snohomish, WA Office: (360)563-4825 Attendance: (360)563-4888 April 23, 2015 MACHIAS SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT Our mission at Machias elementary is to create an environment which promotes life-long learning and, with our community, share the responsibility of preparing children for life. FROM THE PRINCIPAL CALENDAR Dear Parents or Guardians, April 23 APEX Fun Run Day 23 Kindergarten Orientation, 6:30 pm, library 24 PGF—Early dismissal at 1:10 pm; PM kindergarten attends 30 Day of Science May 1 PGF—Early dismissal at 1:10 pm; AM kindergarten attends 7 All School Sing Along, 6:30 pm, Commons 8 PGF—Early dismissal at 1:10 pm; PM kindergarten attends 12 Banding Together Concert, CMS, 7:00 pm I hope this newsleer finds you well! This is always an excing me of year as we look to close the 2014-15 school year and begin planning for the 2015-16 school year. We have had a wonderful year at Machias Elementary School. One of our goals going into the year was to provide our students with more opportunies to explore their talents/abilies beyond the typical school day. A few of these opportunies included: • • • • • • • Chess Club Student Leadership Team Kaleidoscope Academy (Violin Instrucon) 3rd Grade Reading Challenge Team Art Club Missoula Children’s Theater 6th Grade Band I’d like to thank all staff and parents who supported each of these opportunies for our students. This morning I had the opportunity to listen to a few of our Bobcats who are learning to play the violin. I was so impressed by their abilies. The growth they have made since the beginning of the school year is remarkable! Thank you for your connued support. It is sincerely appreciated. Take care, 13 PTG meeting, 6:30 pm, library 15 PGF—Early dismissal at 1:10 pm; AM kindergarten attends Mr. Ryan Principal Machias Elementary School KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION INFORMATION Kindergarten registration for the 2015-2016 school year is in progress at the district's elementary schools. Both a half day program and a full day, tuition-based program are being offered. Students will need to be 5 years old by midnight of August 31, 2015 in order to be eligible for kindergarten. Please bring your child’s birth certificate, immunization dates, and proof of residency when you come in to register. For more information, please call Machias School at 360563-4825. PARENT INPUT FORMS We will soon begin the process of planning classes for next year. If you have specific information about your child and his/her needs that will assist us in making a placement decision, a Parent Input Form is available in the school office. This form must be returned to us by 3:00 pm on Friday May 1st. Information received after this date may not be considered when placing students. MOVING? CHANGING SCHOOLS? Forms went home last week asking for information on whether or not your student(s) will be returning to Machias next year. Please take a moment to fill out this form and return it to the school. This information is extremely helpful to us as we begin the process of planning classes for the next year. If you cannot locate the form, a simple note or phone call to the office will work. Thank you for your help! FUTURE CHEF FINALISTS Congratulations to two Machias students who are finalists in the annual Future Chef’s Challenge. They are Lilly Shelton with her recipe for “Healthy Gluten Free Zucchini Muffins” and Andrew Seminara making “Pizza Sticks.” These students are eligible to participate in the Cook Off on May 1st at Glacier Peak High School with the other finalists where they will prepare their entries for judging. Congratulations to both of these students and good luck in the Cook Off! SPORTS PHYSICALS Sports physicals for all incoming 7th to 12th grade district athletes are being offered for the 2015-2016 school year. Sports physicals will be given on Monday, June 1st from 4:00 to 7:00 pm in the Glacier Peak High School Commons. The cost is $25 per student. Science and Arts Academy May 8th Registration Deadline Pottery, renewable energy, astronomy, robotics, aeronautical engineering and painting are just some of the many exciting topics students entering grades 1 through 8 can investigate through the district’s summer program – the Science and Arts Academy. This year’s program runs July 6th through July 30th at Snohomish High School (1315 Fifth Street in Snohomish). Classes are held Mondays through Thursdays from 8:30am -1:00pm. For more information or the registration form, please go to the district web site at To make an appointment for Centennial Middle School/Snohomish High School athletes, please call Sara Larson at 360-563-4087 or email ATTENTION 5TH GRADE PARENTS—NO SHOT, NO SCHOOL Please be aware that your child is required to have a Tdap vaccine upon entry into 6th grade (if the student is 11 years old and IF it has been at least 5 years since the last DTaP, DT or Td shot). Please avoid the rush and schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience. If you wish to have your child exempt from this or any other required vaccine for personal, religious or medical reasons, a Cerficate of Exempon form must be completed and signed by your child’s health care provider. If you would like to choose this opon, please stop by the school office to obtain the necessary form. Vaccine requirements and the minimum age for valid vaccine doses can be found at: hp:// HALF DAY KINDERGARTEN FRIDAY SCHEDULE DATE CLASS DISMISSAL REASON April 24 PM 1:10 PM PGF May 1 AM 1:10 PM PGF May 8 PM 1:10 PM PGF May 15 AM 1:10 PM PGF City of Mill Creek - Spring & Summer Recreation Guide (4/14/15) FLIERS Ground to Sound - Stem Summer Camp - July 6-10 (4/14/15) The following fliers have recently been posted to the Welcome to 2015-2016 Grizzly Cheerleading (4/14/15) district website at Safe Kids Day with the Seattle Mariners - April 26 (4/14/15) All School Fliers Open Door Baptist Freedom Celebration - June 28 (4/21/15) Seattle Hill Elementary Fliers GPHS Boys Soccer Boosters Goodwill Fundraiser - May 9 Art Wizards - Seattle Hill (4/14/15) (4/21/15) Snohomish Aquatic Center SPJFA Cheer Registration (4/21/15) Pool Schedules/Events Camp Killoqua Summer Camp (4/21/15) Recreation Pool Schedule (as of April 2015) Free After School Soccer (4/21/15) Competition Pool/Wibit Schedule (as of March Taekwondo for Kids Summer Camp (4/21/15) 2015) Middle School and High School Student Sports Physicals Water Fitness Schedule (as of March 2015) June 1 (4/14/15) FlowRider Schedule (as of March 2015) Parent Partnership Program Open House - April 23 Fitter & Faster Swim Tour - May 30/31 (4/14/15) Summer 2015 GPHS Hip Hop Dance Clinics - April 24/May 1 (4/14/15) Summer Swim Lessons - June 15 - September 5 Brightwater Summer Camps (4/14/15) Surf 'N Splash Camp Tour de Cure Volunteers Needed (4/14/15) Youth Summer Swim Team Edmonds Community College Open House - May 6 Swim Clinic for Triathletes (4/14/15) Recreation Pool Schedule (Summer 2015) GPHS Student-Led Farmers Market - May 7/8 (4/14/15) Competition Pool/Wibit Schedule (Summer 2015) Sno-Isle Libraries - My Little Pony - April 18 (4/14/15) Water Fitness Schedule (Summer 2015) Snohomish Stars Indoor Soccer - Ages 4-6 (4/14/15) FlowRider Schedule (Summer 2015) North Snohomish County Early Head Start (4/14/15) Swim Lessons Tim Noah Theater - April Calendar (4/14/15) Swim Lessons - Spring Sessions Flier Mill Creek YMCA Healthy Kids Day - April 25 (4/14/15) Swim Lessons - Spring Session 2 - April 13-May Monroe YMCA Adaptive Programs Newsletter (4/14/15) 16 Monroe YMCA Special Needs Parent Group (4/14/15) Swim Lessons - Spring Session 3 - May 18-June Gold Creek Summer Camps (4/14/15) 13 Camp Biomed - Students Entering Grades 9-12 (4/14/15) Summer Swim Lessons - June 15 - September 5 Snohomish Panthers Jr. Football Association Sign-Ups (4/14/15) Snohomish Boys & Girls Club 2015-2016 Childcare (4/14/15) Snohomish Youth Soccer Fall Registration (4/14/15) The Addams Family - GPHS Musical Comedy - April 23-25 and May 1-2 (4/14/15) Washington State Hands and Voices - April 25 BBQ (4/14/15) Snohomish Education Foundation Breakfast - May 19 (4/14/15) Summer Camps at the Snohomish County YMCA (4/14/15)
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