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9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. PRE-CONFERENCE ALL-DAY SESSION
Heather Forbes
"Beyond Consequences, Helping Families Heal”
This session will examine how stress and trauma affect a child’s ability
to regulate behaviors and how a history of trauma compromises a child’s
ability to respond and develop reciprocal relationships. The session will
explain brain development from conception on, accompanied by a look
at how the nervous system is affected by trauma. Memory, emotions,
and stress are elements that will be discussed as they pertain to many
of the common childhood mental health disorders such as reactive
attachment disorder, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, oppositional
defiant disorder, and childhood depression. This session offers effective
options for children and families that go beyond traditional cognitive
behavioral techniques in order to create healing homes for families with
wounded children. Parenting strategies that are needed in creating
healing homes will also be identified and demonstrated.
Heather T. Forbes, LCSW, is co-founder and owner of the Beyond Consequences Institute.
Forbes has worked with nationally recognized attachment professionals in the field of trauma and
attachment since 1999. She is an internationally published author on the topics of adoptive
motherhood, raising children with difficult and severe behaviors, and self-development. Forbes
lectures, consults, and coaches parents throughout the U.S., Canada, and the U.K., working to
create peaceful, loving families. She is passionate about supporting families by bridging the gap
between academic research and “when the rubber hits the road” parenting. Much of her experience
and insight on understanding trauma, disruptive behaviors, and adoption-related issues comes from
her direct mothering experience of her two adopted children.
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. LUNCH ON YOUR OWN
7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. REGISTRATION PACKET PICK UP (Pre-registered attendees only)
Don’t forget to visit the SILENT AUCTION
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FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015
7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. REGISTRATION
8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. INSTITUTE
Effective Parent-Led Support Groups
Adoptive Family Support Network (AFSN) will share the tips and tools they have learned
over the past 20+ years about creating, maintaining and rejuvenating parent-led support groups.
Leading a support group can seem like an overwhelming task, but by learning how to be an
effective leader you can make your job much smoother down the road! You will leave the session
with not only the skills, but also the tools to help you on your own journey of facilitating an effective
parent-led support group. Join AFSN’s Parent-to-Parent Program at this interactive workshop to
bring support to your local community!
Brooke Van Prooyen, MSW, AFSN, Program Manager
Carrie Burrows, AFSN, Adoptive Parent Consultant
Mental Health Access & SED Waiver Expansion
In this workshop, participants will be educated on the Waiver for Children with Serious
Emotional Disturbance (SED Waiver) and its immediate expansion of the SED Waiver DHS target
population to include children who have been adopted from the Michigan child welfare
system. Participants will be provided technical assistance on identification and the eligibility
determination process.
Ashley Wills, Michigan Department of Human Services
(HB 4650) Office of the Children’s Ombudsman
This workshop will focus on how the Office of the Children’s Ombudsman will enforce HB
4649, the Foster Parent Bill of Rights and the process.
James Peden, Executive Director, Office of the Children’s Ombudsman
MYOI Youth Panel – Michigan Youth Opportunities Initiative Program
We will have a panel of youth who live in foster care. They will share their experiences and
stories. This will be an interactive session with time for questions and answers.
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10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. INSTITUTE
Adoption Assistance Program (DHS program office)
This workshop will focus on the ins and outs of adoption subsidy—from application to
eligibility to ongoing services for families and their children.
Sarah Rankin, adoption subsidy eligibility analyst
Julie Wineland, ongoing specialist
Surviving Child Abuse “Why Does This Child Act This Way?
I will take my audience on a journey of child abuse from the side of the child: What does the
child lose and what does loss do to the child? There is a “why” to every “what” a child does. Jeanne
is a registered speaker with “MAIN” and has 12 years of experience speaking with foster parents,
youth in foster care, social workers, police and medical personal and many more. Jeanne is a past
MAFAK conference speaker.
Jeanne Fowler, founder of Big Families of Michigan, child advocate, public speaker,
author, and abused child.
Foster Parent Bill of Rights and LGAL Responsibilities
Attorney Kristin Totten will explain the recently passed Foster Parent Bill of Rights, what it
means for caregivers of children in foster care, and what practical steps to take when these rights
are violated. She will share the legal foundation for the Bill of Rights, how it translates into court
hearings, and how to best advocate for children in your care. There will be practical implications on
when and how you can challenge the removal of a child from your home to the Foster Care Review
Board. As a Lawyer Guardian Ad Litem for children in foster care, Kristin will relay what the
statutory obligations are for LGALs and what foster parents can expect from the LGAL for the
children, and what to do when a child’s voice is not being adequately represented in the courtroom.
Kristin Totten, JD, Law Office of Kristin Totten, PLLC, in Kalamazoo, represents
prospective adoptive families in contested adoption matters, represents parents and their child in
special education administrative due process hearings and/or disciplinary hearings, serves as
appellate counsel for parents who have had their rights terminated and are seeking an appeal, and
serves as court-appointed counsel for parents and children in the 9 Circuit Court of Kalamazoo.
Kinship Care Is Different Than Foster Care—License or Not
Traditionally the process of working with Kinship families has been to encourage a more informal,
less invasive guardianship. Now that Michigan is licensing more and more relative families as foster
kinship programs and training specific to their unique needs should be developed. In this workshop,
we will explore the many aspects of kinship care that makes it different than traditional foster care
on a daily basis and what you, the caregiver needs. This workshop is for licensed and unlicensed
kinship parents and we encourage your participation. Change does not happen without the input of
those who are directly involved in caring for the children.
Lynn Nee, MSW, project coordinator for Michigan State University Kinship Care Resource
Center since 2010 and the co-chair of the Michigan Statewide Kinship Coalition.
Jan Wagner, co-chair of Michigan Statewide Kinship Coalition, member of Generations
United Kinship Committee, kinship support group leader and an informal kinship/adoptive
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11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. LUNCH ON YOUR OWN
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. INSTITUTE
Caring for Sexually Abused Children
This workshop will address the special needs of children who have been sexually abused.
Karen Liverman, foster and adoptive parent, PRIDE trainer, MAFAK board member.
What the Child Sees and Feels
This session will take attendees on a journey of abuse from the child’s side and will also let
them know what a child loses with each loss and why they have behavioral problems.
Jeanne Fowler, Founder of Big Families of Michigan, child advocate, public speaker,
author and abused child.
Educational Rights of Children
The educational rights of children with special needs are deeply embedded within our
federal and state laws, but are limited by their meaningful enforcement. Attorney Totten will explain
what the laws are, whom they are to protect, and how to meaningfully advocate for them within the
school system. This session will also cover discipline, suspensions, and expulsions of children,
including the means of obtaining a functional behavioral assessment and positive behavioral
enforcement so that the children in your care are able to get the education that they are rightfully
entitled to, and not be excluded due to their challenges.
Kristin Totten, JD, Law Office of Kristin Totten, PLLC, in Kalamazoo, represents
prospective adoptive families in contested adoption matters, represents parents and their child in
special education administrative due process hearings and/or disciplinary hearings, serves as
appellate counsel for parents who have had their rights terminated and are seeking an appeal, and
serves as court-appointed counsel for parents and children in the 9 Circuit Court of Kalamazoo.
Intentional Parent: Changing Hurdles into Healing
Parenting adopted and foster children needs to come from a different direction! This
workshop will teach parents how to become Intentional Parents by using an innovative new formula
for building your child a life changing Safety Net. Remove hurdles, acquire new clarity, learn tons of
"in the moment" tools and techniques that work, and create a plan to nurture hope that you will be
ready to put in place immediately!
Stacy Manning, RN, post-adoption and foster family coach and educator, Hope
Connections. She also hosts a Facebook support community of nearly 9,000 families from around
the world. Author of Adoptive Parent Intentional Parent, she is an adoptive mom of 13 years who
GETS IT! Stacy empowers parents through education, support and, most importantly, with tools
and techniques that work! She is an exciting speaker who relates to her audience not only from her
innate understanding of how to work with hurt children and her vast knowledge base, but also from
her passionate vow to never let any family feel alone on the journey. Her belief is that adoptive
parents are their child’s best chance at healing, and her goal is to teach them how to be intentional
parents who are armed with the specific knowledge and tools they need to best help their child.
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6:00 p.m.
The banquet is included free with registration; no banquet ticket is needed.
There will be Friday family fun night including a pizza, salad and dessert buffet with the
entertainment at no extra charge. We will still need a count of how many family members will be
attending the event; please include this information on your registration form.
6:30 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.
Magic by Joel Tacey
Michigan’s Family Funnyman™ Joel Tacey has been
entertaining audiences in Michigan and beyond since 1995.
He has performed for hundreds of thousands of kids, teens,
and families at libraries, schools, festivals, and special
events. MAFAK Conference attendees, you are sure to
enjoy big laughs and big fun as you sit back and relax for
this special entertainment segment.
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8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. REGISTRATION
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Dr. Jim Henry
"Beyond Therapy: What Do Kids in Foster Care/
Adoption/Kinship Need to be Successful”
This session will explore the critical role of foster parents in building resiliency. Case studies will be presented
that identify what kids say mattered in their success and how foster parents play a key role in their success.
Dr. Jim Henry is the co-founder and project director of the Children’s Trauma
Assessment Center (CTAC) at Western Michigan University. His professional history
includes over 17 years as a child welfare/protective services worker, and over 10
years developing and providing trauma-informed instruction in the Social Work
curriculum at Western Michigan University and director of CTAC.
Dr. Henry has received several awards including the 2012 Western Michigan
University Health and Human Services Faculty Scholar Award, 2003 Michigan Child
Advocate of the Year (Ray Helfer Award), Michigan Professional Society on the
Abuse of Children (MiPSAC), 1991 Child Advocate of the Year, Kalamazoo Child
Abuse and Neglect Council, and the 1990 Exemplary Child Welfare Worker of the
Year, Michigan Chapter, and National Association of Social Workers.
Dr. Henry has published several articles in professional journals and presents at national and international
conferences on child maltreatment including physical abuse, domestic violence, child sexual abuse, and
secondary trauma stress for human service, education, and medical professionals. He is the principal
investigator in three SAMHSA National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative grants and the principal investigator in
two federal SAFE START Initiatives for children exposed to violence. He is the principal investigator in an
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency federal grant to evaluate child outcomes in trauma-informed
juvenile justice county systems. He is also the principal investigator of an Administration of Child and Family
grant to infuse trauma practices into child welfare across Michigan. He has co-chaired two national committees
of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) on child welfare and secondary traumatic stress. He
is a coauthor of a book, Seeking Justice, which explores best models of system intervention in child sexual
abuse. He has trained over 50,000 professionals, caregivers, and community members on child maltreatment,
trauma-informed practices, trauma informed systems, and secondary traumatic stress.
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. LUNCH ON YOUR OWN
Silent Auction will close at 12:00 noon on Saturday.
Please stop by and pick up your items before the vendor/exhibit area closes at 4:00 P.M.
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1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
George Duvall
"No Reason to Fail”
George Duvall is a motivational speaker, consultant and comedian who shares his
positive message of success with colleges and organizations across America.
Currently, George is the Program Coordinator for the University of Kentucky’s,
Kentucky Youth Connects and Kentucky Organization for Foster Youth programs.
These programs focus on leadership, mentoring and self-empowerment. George
spent 15 years of his life in foster care and in youth facilities. Now he speaks to
audiences about the importance of fun, family, unity and higher education. George
has presented at over 150 events over the past 10 years. His first speaking
engagement was for the Kentucky State Foster Parent dinner in 1995. Since his first
speech, Mr. Duvall has become one of the nation’s most entertaining and
inspirational motivational speakers on youth issues.
As a training professional and motivational speaker, George facilitates several trainings for youth and adults:
Self-Empowerment and Leadership; The Father Factor: “They call me Daddy!”; and Independent Living:
Teaching Youth to Think Independent, While Living Interdependently. You will be moved by his knowledge,
sincerity, courage and straight talk about his experiences growing up in America’s foster care system.
As a child, George Duvall’s own family told him that he would be dead or in prison by the time he was 13. By
the age of 6 he was a thief, frequently truant from school, and involved with gangs. Often when children have
experiences like these, they continue to struggle long after they reach adulthood. Some even meet the fates
that George’s family predicted: incarceration and untimely death. But not George Duvall. In his own words, “I
would not be where I am today if it were not for the sacrifices of my foster parents Melanie and Greg Harris.
From the moment I walked into their home, my new family showed me they didn’t care about me being a foster
kid. They allowed me to make mistakes and they didn’t hold those mistakes against me. These actions built
pride within me as a foster kid and as a young African American. Today, I am a college graduate, youth
advocate, nationally recognized speaker, comedian, trainer, father and husband.”
4:00 p.m. ADJOURN
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for the
Two $500 scholarships
to be awarded May 1, 2015
MAFAK Parents has received a donation of $1,000 from a Board Member in memory of her mother
who passed away in 2005. It was given with the request that two scholarships be given to foster,
adoptive or kinship students who will go on to further their education after high school graduation.
The scholarships will be awarded at our annual training conference at the Great Wolf Lodge in
Traverse City, MI, on May 1, 2015. Any student* wishing to apply for a scholarship should mail in a
copy of their last report card, two letters of recommendation (from an agency worker, minister,
teacher, adult friend, employer, therapist, etc.), a school picture, an acceptance letter from the
school that they are planning to attend and a 500-word essay telling about themselves and why
they would like to receive the scholarship.
Please make sure to include name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address so that the
award recipient can be notified. This information and application packet should be mailed to:
MAFAK Parents Scholarship, Conference Registrar, PO Box 517 • Tawas City, MI 48764
by April 10, 2015. Any applications received after this date will not be considered. Scholarship
recipients will be notified by April 18, 2015, and will be our special guest at the Friday evening
banquet to attend the scholarship presentation.
Conference Chair Ruth Kenaga
Phone: 989-984-7372
We are accepting donations for the MAFAK silent auction.
If you are able to help us with a donation, please contact
Stacy Tanguay via e-mail at
or contact any MAFAK Board Member.
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Circle appropriate conference registration rate by April 18:
Circle appropriate conference rate after April 19 and at the door:
With a membership:
$60 – single
$100 – couple
With a membership:
$80 – single
$120 – couple
Without a membership:
$100 – single
$150 – couple
Without a membership:
$120 – single
$170 – couple
Type or print. One form per registrant (can be copied as needed)
First name:
Last name:
Street address, city, county, state, zip:
E-mail address:
Agency name:
Check all that apply:
 Foster
 Adoptive
 Kinship
 Presenter
 Social worker
 Other
**NOTE: To qualify for the lower registration fee, submit your Membership Form (see next page) with your registration.
If mailing, registration must be postmarked by April 18, 2015, to qualify for the lowest registration fee.
The quickest way to register is online at by April 18, 2015.
Please indicate with an “X” if you will attend the April 30 session and identify the
Friday workshops and Saturday general sessions you wish to attend
April 30, 2015 – Thursday pre-conference session with Heather Forbes: ____
May 1, 2015 – Friday Institute A – Choose one: 1A___; 2A___; 3A___; 4A___
May 1, 2015 – Friday Institute B – Choose one: 1B___; 2B___; 3B___; 4B___
May 1, 2015 – Friday Institute C – Choose one: 1C___; 2C___; 3C___; 4C___
May 2, 2015 – Saturday keynote with Dr. Jim Henry: ____
May 2, 2015 – Saturday closing session with George Duvall: ____
This information is used to accommodate room size and adequate seating.
Please indicate your attendance by marking with an “X”:
Friday Banquet: _____ (included in the registration fee)
How many family members will attend the Friday Family Fun Night (pizza, salad, dessert with the entertainment;
offered at no extra charge): ______
Special dietary needs? Please explain __________________________________________________
Complete this form (keep a copy for your records) and send it to:
MAFAK PARENTS • Conference Registrar • PO Box 517 • Tawas City, MI 48764
You can also register online, which is the quickest way:
Hotel room reservations must be made by March 29, 2015, to get the MAFAK conference rate of $120
suite room (incl. 4 free water park passes) at the Great Wolf Lodge, 3575 US-31, Traverse City, MI.
For reservations: Call (866) 962-9653 or visit
Use code 1504MAFAKP
After March 29, 2015, rooms will be subject to room availability and a higher room rate.
Reservations will be held with a deposit or major credit card.
MAFAK Parents 2015 Spring Training Conference Book • Page 10 of 16
Last name:
First name
Name of spouse:
Street address, city, state, zip:
Home phone:
E-mail address:
Check all that apply:
 Foster
 Adoptive
 Kinship
 Worker
 Administrative
 Friend
Agency name:
If paying for a Household Membership, list additional names of household members here:
Circle one:
A – Household Membership – $20.00 (annual)
B – Two-Year Household Membership – $35.00
C – Agency Membership – $15.00 per family (annual) – list how many memberships you are
purchasing: ________; complete a Membership Form for each family to be covered or provide
all of the above information in a printed list and attach to this form, along with payment.
D – Friend Membership – $15.00 (annual)
E – Affiliate Membership – $15.00 (annual)
Total $________ amount enclosed
A – Annual Household Membership – All licensed foster, adoptive and kinship parents residing at the same
address qualify for one annual membership for $20.00. List each name on the membership form above.
B – Two-Year Household Membership – We offer a discounted rate of $35.00 for those who purchase the
Household Membership for a two-year period. See above.
C – Annual Agency Membership – Agencies paying for the membership of all their parents can get a
discounted rate of $15.00 per household. This also applies if all the parents pay the $15.00 fee and the agency
mails in the list and money. Note: All parents in the agency must become members in order for this to
D – Annual Friend Membership (Non-Voting) – This membership is for those who wish to support the
organization and the work of foster/adoptive and kinship parents and are not foster/adoptive or kinship parents.
This Friend Membership rate is $15.00 per person.
E – Annual Affiliate Membership (Non-Voting) – We also offer a membership to those who work for state
and/or private agencies, are not foster/adoptive or kinship parents and wish to support this organization.
Membership rate is $15.00 per person.
Make checks payable to:
Mail this form and payment to:
MAFAK Parents
MAFAK Parents
Attn: Membership Chair
PO Box 517
Tawas City, MI 48764
MAFAK Parents 2015 Spring Training Conference Book • Page 11 of 16
I would like a table to sell or display items at the MAFAK Parents Conference. I understand that the table size
will be approximately 4 x 6. Table set up will be Thursday, April 30, 2015, after 8:00 AM, and take down will be
Saturday, May 2, 2015, by 4:30 PM. The conference site will be Great Wolf Lodge, 3575 US-31, Traverse
City, MI. Sleeping room reservations will be my own responsibility. I understand that I can attend the Friday
evening banquet by registering for the conference.
Your name:
Your title:
Business or organization name:
Street address, city, state, zip:
Home phone:
Work phone:
Fax number:
E-mail address:
Exhibitor fee:
Partners and Resources and Sale of Merchandise ...................…..…….. $25.00 per table
or donate a Silent Auction item (basket, etc.) worth $25.00, and your fee will be waived.
Electricity ....................…………………………………………………….…. $25.00
Yes, we want to be involved and support MAFAK Parents in a team effort required in service to all children.
Please print our name in support of the Michigan Association for Foster, Adoptive and Kinship Parents efforts.
Name of group or agency:
Contact person:
Street address, city, state, zip:
Phone number:
Fax number
E-mail address:
 Back cover - $500
 Inside cover - $400
 Center page - $300
 Full page - $250
 Half page - $150
 Quarter page - $100
 Eighth page - $50
 Sixteenth page - $30
Note: Page size = 8½ by 11 inches. Other sizes are proportionate.
Child welfare agencies/partners and foster, adoptive and kinship parent support groups ads are free from the
above price list for non-commercial ads. Any commercial ad will be charged full price. Ads must be camera
ready to avoid a 30% surcharge. E-mail camera-ready artwork to _________
The deadline for the Ad Order Form is April 6, 2015.
MAFAK Conference Registrars, Exhibit/Vendor/Ad
PO Box 517 • Tawas City, MI 48764
MAFAK Parents 2015 Spring Training Conference Book • Page 12 of 16
All sessions will be held at the Great Wolf Lodge, 3575 US-31, Traverse City, MI 49684.
The Friday evening banquet is included free with registration; no banquet ticket is needed.
Friday Family Fun Night
There will be Friday family fun night including a pizza, salad and dessert buffet with the
entertainment at no extra charge. We will still need a count of how many family members will be
attending the event; please include this information on your registration form.
Hotel Reservations
MAFAK will not be responsible for making anyone’s hotel reservations. If you require them, you
need to make your own hotel reservations (this includes presenters, board members and all
attendees). This will ensure that any special accommodations that you may need are addressed.
The cutoff date for the special rate for single/double rooms is March 29, 2015. Please be sure
your reservations are made by that date as the rate will increase to the hotel rack rates. We have a
limited number of rooms reserved; once they are gone, the hotel no longer is obligated to give the
special conference rate. Check-in is at 4:00 p.m. and check-out is at 12:00 noon! Parking is free.
MAFAK is not responsible for, nor does MAFAK provide, any reimbursements for travel, lodging or
expenses. Check with your local licensing office for assistance with hotel and travel reimbursements.
Message Board/Lost and Found
Any hotel messages for attendees will be taken to the MAFAK registration desk. Items left in
workshop or event rooms will also be taken to the MAFAK registration desk. Please check there
first before checking with the hotel reception.
Exhibit Area
Exhibits will be open from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Thursday and Friday; and from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00
p.m. on Saturday. There will be informational tables as well as items to purchase. Exhibit take down
is by Saturday, May 2, 2015, no later than 4:30 p.m.
Special Considerations
Because many of our attendees have allergies and/or asthma and may be sensitive to strong
scents or cigarettes, there is no smoking in the hotel. You may smoke outside. We appreciate your
consideration in this matter. We also ask that any cell phones or pagers be turned off or to a silent
mode when in workshops, sessions, or the banquet.
Child Care
Child care is not available for parents who choose to bring their children. We ask that all children
are supervised by an adult at all times. To ensure attention be focused on the training, we also ask
that children are not brought into workshops and general sessions. If a banquet ticket was reserved
for them, children may attend the banquet. We appreciate your consideration of those who are
attending the conference with you.
Silent Auction
Bidding on silent auction items will be open to any attendee to the conference. The silent auctioneer
will not be allowed to bid on silent auction items. Each registered conference attendee will receive
one raffle ticket at registration. Extra raffle tickets will be available for sale.
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Stay in touch with MAFAK on social media!
Like us on Facebook—
Michigan Association for Foster Adoptive and Kinship Parents!
MAFAK Tweets!
Our Twitter handle is @mafaktweets
Special thanks to the
Conference Chair:
Conference Registrars:
General Sessions Programs:
Donations & Silent Auction:
MAFAK Sales Table:
Conference Evaluations:
On-Site Liaison:
Ruth Kenaga
Susan and Scott Adams
Ruth Kenaga and MAFAK Board Members
Stacy Tanguay and Nikki Counelis
MAFAK Board Members
Dan Durga
Scott Adams
MAFAK Parents 2015 Spring Training Conference Book • Page 14 of 16
Executive Board
Ruth Kenaga
Vice President
Karen Liverman
Susan Adams
Zone Directors
You are encouraged to contact
any Zone Director regarding
questions or concerns you may
have. Also, please keep us
informed about any events or
support groups in your area.
Zone 1 (U.P.)
Keweenaw, Houghton,
Ontonagon, Gogebic, Baraga,
Iron, Marquette, Dickinson,
Zone 2 (U.P.)
Alger, Delta, Schoolcraft, Luce,
Mackinac, Chippewa
Zone 3
Emmet, Cheboygan, Presque Isle,
Charlevoix, Montmorency, Alpena,
Otsego, Antrim, Leelanau, Benzie,
Grand Traverse, Kalkaska,
Alcona, Oscoda, Crawford
Zone 4
Manistee, Wexford, Missaukee,
Mason, Montcalm, Osceola,
Oceana, Newaygo, Mecosta,
Muskegon, Lake
Zone 5
Dan Durga
Roscommon, Ogemaw, Iosco,
Bay, Clare, Gladwin, Arenac,
Isabella, Midland, Gratiot,
Zone 6
Karen Hawkins
Ottawa, Kent, Ionia, Allegan,
Barry, Van Buren, Kalamazoo,
Calhoun, Cass, Berrien, St.
Joseph, Branch
Zone 7
Rachel Kornilakis
Clinton, Shiawassee, Eaton,
Ingham, Livingston, Jackson,
Washtenaw, Hillsdale, Lenawee,
Zone 8
Stacy Tanguay
Huron, Tuscola, Sanilac,
Genesee, Lapeer, St. Clair
Zone 9
Zone 10
Duff Smiley
Committee Chairs
Public Relations Chair
Legislative Chair
Kinship Chair
Conference Chairs
Ruth Kenaga
Susan Adams
Member Services Chair
Finance Chair
Foster Care Review Board
Liaison, DHS Policy
Ruth Kenaga
Zone 11
Wayne County (Detroit Suburbs)
Zone 12
Michelle Calloway
Wayne County (Detroit North)
Zone 13
Wayne County (Detroit South)
MAFAK Parents 2015 Spring Training Conference Book • Page 15 of 16
MAFAK Parents
PO Box 517
Tawas City, MI 48764
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