MAFLA MaFLA SUMMER INSTITUTE AUGUST 14-16, 2015 WINS WINSLOW ACADEMIC CENTER - LASELL COLLEGE Director: Joyce Beckwith French Coordinator: Dominique Trotin Latin Coordinators: Madelyn Torchin & Brenda Cook Spanish Coordinators: Beatriz des Loges & Olyan Rosal French and Spanish sessions are presented in the target language! Latin sessions are presented in Latin and English! PROGRAM Friday, August 14 (10 PDPs) 8:00am-9:00am 9:00am-9:30am 9:30am- 10:00am 10:00am-12:00pm French Spanish Latin 5:45 pm-7:30pm Registration/Continental Breakfast Welcome – MaFLA Introductions/ Pledge & Orientation Activities - Coordinators Coordinator’s Workshops: 1:00pm-5:30pm Workshops Houda Hamie: “Voyage au Maroc: mon pays natal” Beckie Rankin: “Travailler les films en classe-c’est améliorer la compétence!” Leanne Briand: “El uso de Twitter en el aprendizaje de un idioma extranjero.” Jeanne O’Hearn: “Enseñar las culturas y los eventos actuales.” Active Learning: Skye Shirley: So you don't Teach from Ørberg T.J.Howell: Teaching Grammar through Active Latin Mary Elizabeth DeCamp: Creating New Resources for Learning: Projects that Strengthen Literacy Skills Dinner Saturday, August 15 (12 PDPs) 8:00am-9:00am 9:00am-11:30am French Spanish Latin 11:45am-12:45 pm 1:00pm-3:00pm French Spanish 3:30pm-6:00pm French & Spanish: Latin 6:15 pm-8:00pm Breakfast Workshops Kathleen Turner: “Faites parler et écrire vos élèves!” Helena Alfonzo: “El Español en América: su implantación y características particulares.” Danielle Cerullo: Technology Enhanced Instruction Cori Russo: Encouraging Active Latin in the Classroom Luncheon Workshops Howard Scherry: “Antoine de Saint-Exupéry et Le Petit Prince” Enrique Morales-Diaz: “Che Guevara en el salon de clase.” Workshops Janel Lafond Paquin: “New Interactive Activities for All Languages & All Levels” (In English) Brenda Cook: A Carpe Diem Project Danielle Cerullo: Creating Your Own Lessons Through Technology Enhanced Instruction Daniel Orazio: Teaching Literacy through Active Projects Barbeque Sunday, August 16 (8 PDPs) 8:00 am -9:00 am 9:00 am-11:30am French Spanish Latin 11:45am-12:45pm 1:00pm – 3:30pm 3:30pm – 4:00pm Breakfast Workshops Paul Degenkolb: “L’Identité française aux Antilles et en Afrique francophone.” Olyan Rosal: “Identidad: hispanos o latinos?” Coordinators: Assessment: Reflection on Practice and Product Madelyn Torchin: "Differentiated Pathways to Assessment" Please bring an assessment to share and your own electronic device. Luncheon SWAP SHOPS for all languages strands Evaluations/Certificates SUNDAY SWAP SHOPS: Please bring 25 copies of a classroom activity, web quest or cultural unit to share. Failure to comply will result in a loss of 2 PDP’s. No photocopying available at Lasell. Prepare NOW! GRADUATE CREDITS: 2 Graduate Credits from Westfield State University will be available for an additional fee. Pricing and requirements will be emailed to attendees. Please bring an electronic device with you! REGISTRATION FORM Name ___________________________________________________________ Home Address____________________________________________________ City___________________________State________Zip __________________ Home Phone:____________________Email____________________________ Strand you will attend: French_______Spanish______Latin ____ PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ________ Fri-Sun Program 30 PDPs Breakfast/Lunch & Dinner $420 ________ Friday Only 10 PDPs Breakfast/Lunch & Dinner $140 ________ Saturday Only 12 PDPs Breakfast/Lunch & Dinner $160 ________ Sunday Only 8 PDPs Breakfast & Lunch $110 ________ Friday/Saturday Combo 22 PDPs (3 meals each day) $300 ________ Saturday/Sunday Combo 20 PDPs (No Dinner on Sunday) $270 ________ Friday/Sunday Combo 18 PDPs (No Dinner on Sunday) $250 MEMBERSHIP/EARLY BIRD/LATE FEES: ________ New Member/Renewal of Membership $45 (1 year) Membership must be paid thru August (08/15) . Check your address label. ________ Deduct $15 EARLY BIRD - Postmarked by June 25th ________ Add $20 LATE FEE if postmarked after August 1st. TOTAL ENCLOSED: $___________Make check out to MaFLA MAIL TO: Joyce Beckwith, Director MaFLA Summer Institute 159 Main St. Apt. 37A Stoneham, MA 02180 Tel: (H) 781-438-6829 EMAIL: Online Registration is Open: NO EMAIL, Fax or Phone Registrations. No Purchase Orders Accepted. NO Refunds after August 1st . Registrations are non-transferable. $25 non refundable processing fee for all cancellations. Information on Graduate Credits will be emailed to registrants. PDP certificates will be distributed when attendees sign out at registration. You will receive an email or telephone confirmation. Please keep a copy of this form for your records. MaFLA reserves the right to change sessions or presenters without prior notification. Directions to Winslow Academic Center, 80 Maple St. Newton, at Lasell College: Exit 24 off of Rte 128 (95). Right onto Auburn St. at the Hess Station, 4th right onto Woodland Ave. Cross over the bridge and continue straight until you see the Lasell College sign on Grove St. Maple St. is your first left after Grove. Park on Maple or go to the end of Maple and park in Central Parking. Joyce Beckwith, Director MaFLA Summer Institute 159 Main St. Apt. 37A Stoneham, MA 02180 PROGRAM MaFLA SUMMER INSTITUTE August 14-16, 2015 Lasell College - Newton *Register online today!* *Online Registration Available at* Find MaFLA on facebook! @maflaonline
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