Class of 2016 Parents - Monroe Area High School

Monroe Area High School Senior Yearbook Ad Order Form
Dear parent or student:
Senior yearbook ads are a great way to commemorate student achievements and important milestones. In addition,
revenues from recognition ads help our school to create a better yearbook. To purchase your ad, follow the instructions on the order form below or call the yearbook staff.
Legibly print student name as it should appear on yearbook ad:
Your Name:
State: Zip:
E-mail for online proofing of ad:
Step 1 Choose size and layout
Ad Size Price
Full Page
Aug. 13
1/2 Page
Aug. 13
1/4 Page
Aug. 13
Step 2 Choose Layout (Designs are located on the back/no alterations)
Circle choice
Full Page F1
1/2 PageH1H2
1/4 PageQ1Q2
Step 3 Type Personal Message
On a separate sheet of paper, please type your message according to the layout you selected. Proof your
message! Please note that smaller ads have less message space.
Step 4 Select Photos
Select one photo for each numbered photo box on the layout you selected. Follow photo submission instructions on
the back of this order form.
Step 5 Payment
Payment Enclosed: $
Step 6 Delivery
Please make checks or money orders payable to MAHS yearbook.
We prefer that ads be hand delivered by Aug. 13 to the staff in room 231 on the purple hall during third block. If you are unable to
do this, please mail an envelope containing the order form, payment, personal message, and all pictures by the deadline to 2016
Parent Ads, c/o Monroe Area High School, 300 Double Springs Church Road, Monroe, Ga. 30656. Please make checks
payable to MAHS yearbook. The staff does not accept incomplete submission packets.
Step 7 Proofing
Ads can be proofed by appointment during third block. You will have the opportunity to check all writing and pictures,
but no changes, other than corrections to the ads, are allowed. Appointments will be made at the time of ad submission.
It is the purchaser’s responsibility to check each ad for errors, hence the proofing appointments the staff establishes.
Please read the agreement on the back page for ore details.
Full Page
ande offici temped eveligenimus et, tor
arum am, soluptatem reribusae ped qui
offic temped quos audantibus quidebis
endesto blab idel ium et accatecus
rationet, officium aut as dolorro minim
vitiate mporerchil maximin excestinis
custium santiunde lantur, accaestincto
eumquos quas volo verorias minci
beribusci doloris escilitam, volut rest
quianienisi cusanis consequat et ulloria
di netur? Itatem latur?
Pel modit voluptas as pliquun toribus
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ande offici temped eveligenimus et,
tor arum am, soluptatem reribusae
ped qui offic temped quos audantibus
quidebis endesto blab idel ium et
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dolorro minim vitiate mporerchil
maximin excestinis custium santiunde
lantur, accaestincto eumquos quas
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doloris escilitam, volut rest quianienisi
cusanis consequat et ulloria di netur?
Itatem latur?
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voluptatquam vel magnihilita quibern
atatibusam que dolupis dist dolor
Full Page Color Ad
Senior name goes here
ande offici temped eveligenimus et, tor arum am, soluptatem
reribusae ped qui offic temped quos audantibus quidebis
endesto blab idel ium et accatecus rationet, officium aut as
dolorro minim vitiate mporerchil maximin excestinis custium
santiunde lantur, accaestincto eumquos quas volo verorias minci
beribusci doloris escilitam, volut rest quianienisi cusanis consequat et ulloria di netur? Itatem latur?Musdae vendae volo odit
quam quam dit, ut assed ut et apernam ex estecturi officiet, tet,
Senior name goes here
ande offici temped eveligenimus et, tor arum am, soluptatem reribusae
ped qui offic temped quos audantibus quidebis endesto blab idel ium
et accatecus rationet, officium aut as dolorro minim vitiate mporerchil
maximin excestinis custium santiunde lantur, accaestincto eumquos quas
volo verorias minci beribusci doloris escilitam, volut rest quianienisi cusanis
consequat et ulloria di netur? Itatem latur?
l/2 Page Color Ad
l/2 Page Color Ad
Senior name goes here
ande offici temped eveligenimus et, tor arum am,
soluptatem reribusae ped qui offic temped quos
audantibus quidebis endesto blab idel ium et accatecus
rationet, officium aut as dolorro minim vitiate mporerchil maximin excestinis custium santiunde lantur,
accaequat et ulloria di netur? Itatem latur?
Note: These ads
are scaled down
to fit this page.
Senior name goes here
ande offici temped eveligenimus et, tor arum am,
soluptatem reribusae ped qui offic temped quos
audantibus quidebis endesto blab idel ium et accatecus
rationet, officium aut as dolorro minim vitiate mporerchil maximin excestinis custium santiunde lantur,
accaequat et ulloria di netur? Itatem latur?
l/4 Page Color l/4 Page Color
1. I have read and understood all the directions on the front
of this form as well to the right on this page.
2. I understand that the yearbook staff reserves the right to
reject pictures, copy, or ads due to inappropriate content.
3. Due to the fact that the yearbook is completed as part of
an educational class, I understand that it is my responsibility
to promptly proof my ad at the time scheduled with the staff.
4. I understand that if I do not meet my scheduled appointment or respond to my online proof within three business
days, the ad will be printed with any potential errors intact.
5. If this happens, I understand that the yearbook staff and
MAHS will not be held accountable and no refund will be
6. I understand that my photographs will be returned to me
when I proof my ad in the yearbook lab. The staff does not
mail pictures.
7. I understand that proofing of my ad is a time to make corrections, not substitutions of copy and pictures.
Signature ______________________________
Name Goes Here
Half Page
Senior name
goes here
Senior name goes here
Full Page Color Ad
Quarter Page
Instructions for Photography
1. Select one photo for each numbered photo box on
the layout you selected.
2. Write your student’s name and the appropriate
picture number on a sticker and place on back of the
photo. Use a Sharpie or other ink that will not smear.
Be sure to let ink dry before stacking pictures for
3. DO NOT CUT PICTURES. If you wish only to
use part of a picture, please indicate that when you
deliver the photos. This can be done by “framing”
the area with sticky notes. We do NOT accept nonrectangular pictures or ones that have been cut with
with scissors or pinking shears. Please note that any
pictures that are aged, scratched, faded, or blurred
will reproduce with blemishes intact when digitally
4. Please do not submit copyrighted proof photos or
computer generated inkjet copies. High quality copies are available at most photo labs.
5. Due to resolution issues we have encountered, we
can no longer accept digital pictures.
6. You may submit ONE photograph per picture box.
The staff will also NOT ACCEPT multiple pictures
that have been digitally merged into one image.
7. ALL pictures must be included with the ad submission.
Instructions for Delivery
8. The yearbook staff encourages you to deliver your
ad in person during third block to room 231 on the
purple hall. Do not give your ad to another teacher,
administrator, or student.
9. If you cannot deliver your submission package in
person, please mail an envelope containing the order
form, personal message, payment, and all pictures to
2016 Parent Ads, c/o Monroe Area High School, 300
Double Springs Church Road, Monroe, Ga, 30656.
These must be received by the deadline, Aug. 13.
10. Checks should be made payable to MAHS Yearbook.
11. Any ads received before or on Aug. 13 will be
guaranteed inclusion in the yearbook if all criteria
are met. Due to deadline constraints of the class, we
cannot accept late parent ads. Please remember that
the staff also does not accept partial submissions.
There will be no exceptions here, so please plan
12. Senior parent ads are offered as a service to parents and relatives of the Class of 2016; the aboveguidelines are designed to simplify the process for
the buyer and the staff alike.
or call during third period at 770-266-4582.