2014-2015 ALPHA OMEGA YEARBOOK Dear Senior Parent: Although it may seem as though your son or daughter just entered Joliet West not too long ago, graduation is right around the corner. The yearbook staff’s annual fundraiser offers a creative way to show how proud you are of your graduating senior by publishing a senior ad in the yearbook. These ads can include a baby picture, current picture and a message to your son or daughter. Included in this letter is an order form containing pricing and additional information. Please submit all ad materials together. Unfortunately, we cannot hold an ad space or process your order until we have all of your ad materials and payment. All ads must be received no later than April 17 (which is also the yearbook purchase deadline, so if you have not ordered a yearbook please do so at www.yearbookforever.com). However, we encourage you to submit your ad as soon as possible; due to limited space, we will print ads on a first come first serve basis. We need to receive the original pictures in the best condition possible. Even though your pictures will be digitally scanned into the yearbook, avoid photos that are copied or printed from “picture-makers.” However, you may wish to send a digital picture by submitting a CD with the photo(s) saved as a JPEG or emailing a JPEG file of the picture to jgalloy@jths.org. Please avoid bending the photographs, as Flight will not be able to guarantee the final ad’s quality. Unfortunately, we cannot return submitted photos unless you provide a self-addressed stamped envelope requesting your photos be returned. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the Publications office at (815) 727-6953. Sincerely, Mike Maticka & Natalie Mander Jennifer Galloy Editors-in-Chief Advisor Joliet West High School Alpha Omega 401 N. Larkin, Joliet, IL 60435 Phone: 815-727-6953 Email: jgalloy@jths.org 2014-2015 PARENT AD ORDER FORM This form must be completed and submitted with your ad. Please Print. Parent Name:________________________________________________ Check #_________________ Phone Number:______________________________ Student Name (first and last):________________________________________ Pricing: All Ads are $25. Ads are 4x6-half page in size with no more than 2 pictures allowed. Please keep in mind that the space for ads is on a “first come, first serve” basis. Message: (limited to 25 words): please print clearly ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Picture (s): choose one Emailed JPEG Provided Hard Copy to Scan In Provided CD ROM Please make checks payable to “Alpha Omega.” Mail your check, order form, message form, self-addressed stamped envelope (if you want your images returned), and photographs to: Jennifer Galloy- Parent Ads Joliet West High School 401 N Larkin Joliet, IL 60435 Thank You! Mike Maticka & Natalie Mander Jennifer Galloy Editors-in-Chief Advisor Joliet West High School Alpha Omega 401 N. Larkin, Joliet, IL 60435 Phone: 815-727-6953 Email: jgalloy@jths.org
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