APUSH 2014-15 AP Test Friday, May 8th, 2015 Final Presentations Tuesday 6/2- Emma Wednesday 6/3- Eva, Malena Thursday 6/4- Josie & Dianna, Dalila and Tania Friday 6/5- Anneke and Mayn, Chris and Syd Monday 6/8- Neil, Pedro and Litvan Tuesday 6/9- Thomas, Rachel and Daisy Wednesday 6/10- Casey, Bridget Thursday 6/11- Haley and Syd, Mayra Friday 6/12- Last day of school Week #33 5/4-5/8 Monday- Due Vietnam War chap 25, handed- outline of Vietnam War- Questions, in class question on Civil Rights Tuesday- Due Chap 26- The Triumph of Conservatism Collage, discuss DBQ Wednesday- Review, up to Reconstruction Thursday- Review, up to present Friday- Finally the Test!!! Week #32 4/27-5/1 Monday- due American Spirit- the Eisenhower Years and “Origins of the Cold War”, discussion of Ike Tuesday-“I Like Ike Project” due, peer evaluation in class, in class DBQ Wednesday- Quiz over chap 25 pgs. 941-951, work on assignments in class Thursday- Civil Rights Assignment due, quiz over pgs 954-963, Friday- chap 25 packet pgs 966-1006 “The Sixties” due at end of the period Due Monday- Vietnam War chap 25 Due Tuesday- Chap 26- The Triumph of Conservatism Collage Week #31 4/20-4/24 Monday- due Extra Credit Movies and chap 23 pgs. 888-896- the US and the Cold War, 1945-1953 Containment— stop the Red Rash from spreading, lecture Origins of Cold War and Containment Tuesday- Due “Containment changes focus to Asia”, cont. Containment and Korean War Wednesday- finish Containment and Korean War, in class write – “Origins of the Cold War” due on or before Monday Thursday- due chap 23 pgs. 900-917 discussion of Fair Deal and HUAC, in class assignment Venn Diagram and comparison of (Square, New and Fair Deals) Friday- quiz over pgs. Chap 24 926-941- Eisenhower Years, finished yesterday’s assignment due Monday- “Origins of the Cold War” and American Spirit- the Eisenhower Years American Spirit- the Eisenhower Years- due Monday “I Like Ike Project” due, Tuesday Civil Rights Assignment due Thursday Week #30 4/13-4/17 Monday- due Chap 22—Not another World War, quiz over pgs. 844-855, lecture on Pearl Harbor, introduce Internment Camps assignment, due on Wednesday. Tuesday- Quiz over rest of Chap 22, pgs 855-883, in class activity “Chronological Order” and essay question on similarities of Wilson’s 14 points and the Atlantic Charter (the essay is due Friday). Wednesday- Internment Camps assignment due, discussion of Internment Camps, in class reflective question Thursday- due A-Bomb and war time conferences, in class ppt on A-Bomb Friday- due essay question on similarities of Wilson’s 14 points and the Atlantic Charter - open assignment Test over Chap 21 and 22 due Monday WWII extra credit movie also due Monday chap 23 pgs. 888-896- the US and the Cold War, 1945-1953 Containment— stop the Red Rash from spreading Due Tuesday “Containment changes focus to Asia”, finish Containment and Korean War Week #29 4/6-4/10 Monday- Welcome back from Spring Break due 1. extra credit movies 2. assignment on depression/panic 3. essay question Finish discussion on Hoover and the Depression “Rugged Individualism” Tuesday- Test over chap 18, 19, 20 Wednesday- due ch 21 The New Deal pgs. 802-826, lecture on Roosevelt’s New Deal Thursday- due chap 21 worksheet pgs 826-839 and New Deal political cartoons, discuss political cartoons the discuss rise of Fascism, intro WWII in Europe Friday- due Monday Chap 22—Not another World War, quiz over pgs. 844-855, handed out WWII extra credit movie due next Monday 4/20 Week #28 3/23-3/27 Monday- Due video on Al Capone, also due extra credit movie on Sacco and Vanzetti, Discussed Prohibition and Al Capone Tuesday- in class assignment on Cultural Tensions of the 1920’s due Wednesday Wednesday-discuss cultural tensions in the 20’s, assign political cartoons due Thursday Thursday- discussed political cartoons on Cultural Tension of the 1920’s, quiz over rest of Chap 20 pgs. 790-797, Lecture over “Hoover and the Depression” Friday- finish Hoover and the Depression, clip of Cinderella Man, due Monday we get back from Spring Break 1. extra credit movies 2. assignment on depression/panic 3. essay question —enjoy your spring break Week #27 3/16-3/20 Monday- due Monday extra credit WWI movie also due DBQ—Treaty of Versailles, in class 1919- a year in review due Tuesday Tuesday- due in class 1919- a year in review, review 1919 especially the Red Scare, homework Red Scare Political Cartoons Wednesday- due Red Scare Political Cartoons, quiz over pages 764-778, finish the Red Scare then lecture over Republican Years, hm read pgs 778-790 and American Spirit- Prohibition Thursday – quiz over pgs. 778-790 and American Spirit questions due, lecture over Prohibition, hm: diary on use of vernacular in 1920’s due Friday Friday- due- diary on use of vernacular in 1920’s , read diaries in class, lecture over Prohibition, hm video on Al Capone due Monday Week #26 3/9-3/13 Monday- due Wilson’s 14 points, Wilson’s War Message and WWI homefront, Lecture: Causes of the Great War in Europe Tuesday- finish Causes of the Great War and discuss Trench Warfare, in class-Song 1919 Wednesday- discuss Homefront, hm reflection of Frank W. Buckles due Thursday Thursday- in class Chap 19 “Who is an American?” pgs 739-755 Friday- discussion of “Treaty of Versailles”, due Monday DBQ—Treaty of Versailles, also due Monday extra credit WWI movie Week #25 3/2-3/6 Monday- “Personalities of Progressivism” reflective questions on Plight of Labor during the Progressive Era Tuesday- finish lecture on the Progressives Wednesday- due packet on Chap 19 (WWI) pgs 716-738, Quiz over these pages, in class assignment Wilson’s War Message and WWI homefront due Monday Thursday- No School, Mid-Winter Break Friday- No School, Mid-Winter Break Week #24 2/23-2/27 Monday- Due chap 18 packet The Progressive Era, quiz pgs. 674-689, finished discussing Spanish American War, no questions on Chinese Exclusion Act, Tuesday- Introduction to Progressive Era--discussion of Muckrakers, in class reading of “The Jungle,” Wednesday- due Jacob Riis Photos, finish “The Jungle”, discuss Jacob Riis Photos, continue with Muckrakers in the Progressive Era, in class create your own Tenement House Thursday- due create your own Tenement House, chap 18 quiz pgs 689-713, continue lecture on Accomplishments of the Progressives Friday- video on Teddy Roosevelt, video will be started at 12:15 Monday present “Personalities of Progressivism” reflective questions on Plight of Labor during the Progressive Era Week #23 2/16-2/20 Monday- No School, President’s Day Tuesday- due packet Ch 17 pgs 646-661, Quiz over Ch 17 pgs 646-661, in class assignment on “Chinese Exclusion Act” Wednesday- quiz pgs. 661-671--Spanish American War, discuss Spanish American War Thursday- in class--DeLome Letter and Platt Amendment plus--Should or shouldn’t America retain the Philippines? Friday- Test Ch. 16 and 17, Monday- Due chap 18 packet The Progressive Era, quiz pgs. 674-689 Week #22 2/9-2/13 Monday- due in class Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall and Gospel of Wealth and Social Gospel, eval of Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall, fill in holes for the Gilded Age Tuesday quiz over Ch 17 pgs 634-646, lecture on Populism, hm: Populism political cartoons Wednesday- due Populism political cartoons--discussion, finish lecture on Populism, in class American Spirit- Pullman Strike pgs 161-164 and William Jennings Bryan Cross of Gold pg 165 Thursday- do the Pullman Assignment, discussion of Bryan’s “Cross of Gold” speech, if time—discuss other labor unions and strikes Friday- in class packet Ch 17 pgs 646-661, No school on Monday- Quiz on Tuesday over Ch 17 pgs 646-661 Week #21 2/2-2/6 Monday- due American Spirit- “Industry Comes of Age” and video on Sears, discuss Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, and Carnegie Tuesday- due Politics of the Gilded Age, Quiz chap 16 pgs. 615-631, Discussion of Politics during Gilded Age Wednesday- in class “Labor in the Gilded Age” need your text and American Spirit books Thursday- discussion of Labor Unions Friday- Present Time Capsule, Weekend assignment—“Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall”-due Monday Tuesday-quiz over Ch 17 pgs 634-646 Week #20 1/26-1/30 Monday- end of the semester, extra credit movies due, reminder Gilded Age Time Capsule due Friday, Feb. 6th, A little surprise and then lecture on 2nd industrial revolution- Theory of Capitalism Tuesday- finish lecture on 2nd industrial revolution- Inventors of the 2nd Industrial Revolution Wednesday- Quiz chap 16 pgs. 602-614, begin Lecture on Closure of the Frontier homework “What Rights Do the Reservation Indians Have?” & Closure of the Frontier Thursday- Finish Lecture on Closure of the Frontier Friday- topic “Robber Barons vs. Captains of Industry” homework due Monday- AS “Industry Comes of Age” and video on Sears Week # 19 1/19-1/23 Monday- No School MLK Day Tuesday- finish Reconstruction Wednesday- Test over Chap 13, 14, 15 Reconstruction DBQ due Thursday- In Class FRQ Friday- Early Release, Quiz over Chap 16 pgs. 588-620, intro Gilded Age Time Capsule due Friday, Feb. 6th Week # 18 1/12-1/16 Monday- Debate- Was Slavery the Key Issue in the Sectional Conflict Leading to the Civil War? Tuesday- due Chap 14 “Civil War”- discussion of Major Events during the Civil War Wednesday- due questions on Gettysburg Address, 2nd Inaugural Address, and other quotes of Lincoln, finish Lecture on Civil War Thursday- Chap 15 packet due, quiz over Chap. 15 pgs 546-570, guest lectures Hawkins and Armstrong—the Mormon Experience, discussion on Reconstruction Friday- quiz over Chap. 15 pgs. 570-581, finish Reconstruction, Test on Wednesday over Chap 13, 14, 15 Reconstruction DBQ due next Wednesday. Reminder-- extra credit movies due on or before 1/26 Week # 17 1/5-1/9 Monday- Welcome back from break--Quiz Ch 13 pgs. 460-474, lecture on Manifest Destiny, handed out extra credit movies--due on or before January 26th. Tuesday- Debate “Was the Mexican War an Exercise in American Imperialism” Wednesday - Quiz pgs. 474-500, in class “Kansas, Popular Sovereignty, and Dred Scott,” Thursday- debate-“Was John Brown an Irrational Terrorist?” Friday- Lecture on Road to Civil War Monday- Debate- Was Slavery the Key Issue in the Sectional Conflict Leading to the Civil War? Tuesday- Chap 14 packet due Week # 16 12/15-12/19 Monday- in class work day Tuesday- “Project Age of Reform” and packet on Chap 12 Wednesday- Debate- on the relocation of the Native Americans Thursday due Chap 13- House Divided pgs. 460-497 Friday- Debate- The Bank of the United States Should be Abolished? Week # 15 12/8-12/12 Monday- due persuasive essay on Jackson $20 due Monday also due similarities and differences between Washington’s First Inaugural Address and Farewell Address, Jefferson’s and Jackson’s First Inaugural Addresses. Finish discussion of Bank of United States, reflective question--Andrew Jackson “Champion of the ‘Common Man’?” or “King Andrew?” Tuesday- Test over Chap 8, 9, 10 Wednesday- assign double entry journal chap 11, intro project “Age of Reform” due Monday Thursday- No school, power outage Friday- due double entry journal chap 11, Test Chap 11 Due Monday- Debate- The Bank of the United States Should be Abolished? Due Tuesday- “Project Age of Reform”and packet on Chap 12 Week # 14 12/2-12/6 Monday- due take home quiz over pages 334-347 Tuesday- quiz over pgs 350-370, lecture “Democracy in America”- homework- list of things to know Wednesday- due AS Missouri Controversy, Monroe Doctrine and Nullification, Continue with “Democracy in America” also in class fill in democrats and wigs on political parties Thursday- quiz over chap 10 pgs. 370-383 and Peggy Eaton Affair, Lecture over the Jackson Years intro debate project Friday- cont.lecture of Jackson Years, assign persuasive essay on Jackson $20 due Monday due Monday- similarities and differences between Washington’s First Inaugural Address and Farewell Address, Jefferson’s and Jackson’s First Inaugural Addresses Week # 13 11/24-11/28 Monday- Lecture- Madison Years, due worksheet over Chap 9 pgs. 310-334 Tuesday- due American Spirit- Forging a National Economy, in class debate, take home quiz over pages 334-347 Wednesday- finish debate, take home quiz over pages 334-347 due Monday Thursday- Happy Thanksgiving Friday- No School Due Monday- due take home quiz over pages 334-347, discussion topics- Nativism, Transcendentalism, and the 2nd Great Awakening Week # 12 11/17-11/23 Monday- Quiz pgs. 296-301, and Presidents, Jefferson lecture, hm “Louisiana Purchase” due Thursday Tuesday- due “Louisiana Purchase” discuss whether or not Jefferson had the Constitutional power to purchase the Louisiana Territory Wednesday- due ppt over “Jefferson and Madison Years”, In Class- American Spirit Hartford Convention 245-248 /Madison Years pgs 301-308 assignment out of Give Me Liberty plus Marbury v. Madison Thursday- due American Spirit Hartford Convention 245-248 and Madison Years assignment out of Give Me Liberty, discussion of Marbury v. Madison Friday- due Nuts and bolts of Chap 8, review of important historical events up to Monroe’s administration, weekend—worksheet Market Revolution Chap 9 pgs310-334 due Monday Week # 11 11/10-11/14 Monday- due Ben Franklin Interviews, if time cont. with Washington’s Presidency Tuesday- No School Veteran’s Day, thank a vet!!!!!! Wednesday- finish Washington focusing on Washington’s Farewell Address, Thursday- Due Questions on John Adams pgs 290-296, Lecture on John Adams, hand back tests Friday- finish Adams, intro ongoing project for political parties, Monday- Quiz pgs. 296-301 Week # 10 11/3-11/7 Monday- Test Chap 5,6,7 Tuesday- FRQ in class--Think about the importance of the year 1787 Wednesday- video on Ben Franklin—Assign Ben Franklin Interview due Monday 11/10 Thursday- Due worksheet on Washington’s Presidency pgs. 277-290, lecture on Washington’s Presidency Friday- due American Spirit- Washington’s Administration and The Whiskey Rebellion, finish lecture on Washington’s Presidency Reminder due on Monday-- Ben Franklin Interview Week # 9 10/27-10/31 Monday- quiz 260-274, in class Looking at the Constitution- Preamble and 3 branches of Governement, Tuesday- present “Are you a Federalist or an Anti-Federalist?” speech”, Lecture on Preamble--“Now we have a new Government” - handout on Electoral College due Wednesday end of period. Wednesday- due at the end of the period Electoral College, DBQ #8-composition and ratification of Constitution Due Friday Thursday- worked on DBQ #8-composition and ratification of Constitution Friday- due--- DBQ #8-composition and ratification of Constitution, review of the Constitution Monday--Test Chap 5,6,7.. FRQ in class on Tuesday -Think about the importance of the year 1787, so for further clarification test over chap 5,6,7 will be on Monday and a FRQ will be on Tuesday Week # 8 10/20-10/24 Monday- Due Monday quiz over text pgs 224-243 also due American Spirit 163-167, finish “A day of reflection”- A Civil War within a Civil War, hm read Jefferson’s “Meaning of Liberty” and answer questions 2-5 Tuesday- in class questions and discussion of Republican Motherhood and Jefferson’s “Meaning of Liberty” Wednesday- quiz pgs. 246-255 Lecture Creating a New Government “Articles of Confederation” discussion of advantages and disadvantages of Articles of Confederation, also in class American SpiritShays Rebellion pgs168-171 Thursday- quiz 255-260, in class Lecture on “A New Constitution” Friday- cont. with lecture on “A New Constitution” Monday- quiz over pgs. 260-274, Due next Tuesday- Speech—Are you a Federalist or an Anti-Federalist Week #7 10/13-10/17 Monday- due Patrick Henry, “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death”, quiz 189-198, cont with lecture “The Smell of Revolution is in the Air” Tuesday- due “American Crisis.” In class read-- Midnight Ride of Paul Revere by Longfellow…Discussion of Thomas Paine, in class “Common Sense” Wednesday- in class activity pages 198-208 have these pages read prior to class Thursday- due Declaration of Independence, in class discussion song about Declaration of Independence Friday- Quiz over pgs. 210-224. “A day of reflection”- A Civil War within a Civil War. Due Monday quiz over text pgs 224-243 also due American Spirit 163-167 Week #6 10/6-10/10 Monday- Britain Asserts Her Power ppt and questions due , discuss Mercantilism vs. Capitalism, French and Indian War (Seven Years’ War). Hm – John Dickinson--Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania due Wednesday Tuesday- Test chaps 3 & 4, home work read pages 172-189 Quiz on Wednesday Wednesday- due John Dickinson--Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, Quiz over pages 172-189, Lecture “The Smell of Revolution is in the Air” hm two accounts of the Boston Massacre Thursday- Early Release, cont. lecture on “The Smell of Revolution is in the Air” weekend quiz pages 189-198 & Patrick Henry, “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” due Monday, “American Crisis.” due Tuesday Friday- No School -- Week #5 9/29-10/3 Monday- Quiz over pgs. 132-145, begin lecture on slavery, hm HM, assignment “Is Slavery Moral or Immoral” Handed back test over ch 1 and 2 Tuesday- due--assignment “Is Slavery Moral or Immoral. cont. of lecture on slavery, Discussion of the Morality of Slavery, hm read pgs 145-171 Wednesday- Quiz pgs 145-171, Q & A over chap 4, assign Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Thursday- due Great Awakening and Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, discussion Friday- Due extra credit movies, In class ppt on Mercantilism and Seven Years’ War, Weekend Homework due Monady- Britain Asserts Her Power ppt and questions also, Test chaps 3 & 4 on Tuesday!! Week #4 9/22-9/26 Monday- due and discuss in class DBQ New England vs. Chesapeake, extra credit movies due Friday, 10/3 Tuesday- due reading on Discuss Salem Witch Trials Wednesday- Quiz over chap 3 pgs. 92-107 also have read B. Bacon’s Rebellion and its Aftermath in American Spirit-- pgs 75-78, then discussion Thursday- due at beginning of class, compare and contrast, King Philip’s War, American Spirit pgs 5462. in class discussion Friday- read pgs 107-127 quiz, in class activity “Life in the Colonies”, due on Monday read pgs 132145 there will be a quiz Week #3 9/15-9/19 Monday- Late Start—due weekend homework—Cornell Notes over pages 68 “New England Way” to pg 87, Quiz over those pages, open note Tuesday- Due Tuesday questions over ppts New England Colonies & Chesapeake Colony, in class exercise on Ship’s List, Wednesday- due “Governmental and Societal Structure of Puritan Community”—American Spirit, in class--A lesson on Puritans vs. Separatists-- “Let’s Meet the Puritans!” Thursday- Have read prior to class “The Trial of Anne Hutchinson” In class discussion of “The Trial of Anne Hutchinson”, answer any Questions over Chap 2 Friday- Test over chap 1 & 2, due Monday DBQ “New England vs. Chesapeake” Week #2 9/8-9/12 Monday- due “American Holocaust” in class discussion on “American Holocaust”, , if time cont. discussing chap 1 Tuesday- answer questions for rest of chap 1, pop quiz over ppt on chap 1, assign Chap 2 outline format pgs 50- top of 68 and American Spirit-Colonization of America due Friday Wednesday- In class- write over “From These Beginnings” Thursday- in class evaluation of “From These Beginnings” Friday- Chap 2 outline pgs 50- top of 68 and American Spirit-Colonization of America due, discussion weekend homework—Cornell Notes over pages 68 “New England Way” to pg 87-- Due Monday *Due Tuesday questions over ppts New England Colonies & Chesapeake Colony Week #1 9/2-9/6 Monday- No School Labor Day Tuesday- Expectation sheets, assign reading 1491 due Wednesday, assigned Chap 1 worksheet- - due Friday Wednesday- Reading due—1491-- discussion Thursday- Exercise on wood carvings and POV Friday- chap 1 wkt. due, lecture over chap 1, assign “American Holocaust” due Monday
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