INVESTMENT GUIDE UK Pensions IT’S YOUR FUTURE... ...MAKE A GOOD DECISION Contents Helping you to make your savings work harder 3 Your options at a glance 4 Risk5 Control9 Need help? 2 14 HELPING YOU TO MAKE YOUR SAVINGS WORK HARDER As a member of the Agilent Technologies LDA UK Limited Pension Scheme (the Scheme) you’re already saving for your future. That’s a great first step, but there’s more you can do to make your money work for you. By investing the money you save in your member retirement account (your account), you can grow the value of your savings and get more from your money during your working life. Then, with the increased flexibility and choice you now have when you take your benefits (following the 2014 Budget changes, which apply from 6 April 2015), you can also ensure you get the best value for money by aligning your investment choices with how and when you want to take your savings. ABOUT THIS INVESTMENT GUIDE It aims to set out everything you need to know about your investment options in the Scheme and what you need to think about when making your choices. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT… …your contribution choices and retirement options. Read your Scheme guide available in the library section at …the investment option that may be right for you as you approach retirement. Use the decision tree at WE’RE HERE TO HELP By law, the Company, the Trustees and the administration team cannot give you financial or investment advice. But we can explain your options and point you in the right direction. You can find helpful resources and contact details on page 14. GET STARTED, THINK ABOUT... what you want to achieve with your account A NOTE ABOUT COSTS what your investment priorities are, and The Trustees pay for the set up fees and administration costs that go with investing your account. You just need to pay investment charges which will depend on the funds you choose to invest in. Find out more on page 12. how your personal circumstances influence your decision making. There’s something for everyone: the Trustees have designed the investment options with members’ individual needs in mind. CHOOSE WHAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU. Your investment decision will depend on your personal circumstances. Make sure you understand your attitude to: Risk Control Your attitude to risk and control is likely to change throughout your life, so it’s important to review your priorities (and your investments) regularly. IT’S EASY TO MAKE A CHANGE... If you’d like to make changes to your investments: Log on to ePA at > Take me to my account, or Fill in an Investment switch form. You can make changes to your investments at any time. 3 YOUR OPTIONS AT A GLANCE The Scheme provides a range of investment choices. Each of the options varies in its objective and potential for growth – your choice will depend on your approach to risk and control. YOU CAN CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: FLEXIBLE LIFESTYLE HELP ME DO IT You choose a Growth phase and a Pre-retirement phase option. Your investments will start to switch from the Growth phase to the Pre-retirement phase seven years before your target retirement age. 1. Growth phase a) High Risk and High Growth • 100% L&G 40:60 Global Equity fund b) Medium-High Risk and Medium-High Growth • 50% L&G 40:60 Global Equity fund • 50% Schroder Life Diversified Growth fund DO IT FOR ME DEFAULT LIFESTYLE If you do not choose otherwise, you’ll automatically be invested in this option. This lifestyle option invests in the Medium-High Risk and Medium-High Growth fund during the Growth phase. From seven years before your target retirement age, your investments start to automatically switch to the Annuity option in the Pre-retirement phase. SELF-SELECT LEAVE ME TO IT Choose the fund(s) you want to invest your account in and when. There are different asset classes and management approaches. L&G 40:60 Global Equity fund L&G UK Equity fund L&G Ethical UK Equity fund Schroder Life Diversified Growth fund L&G Pre-Retirement fund L&G Over 5 Year Index-linked Gilts fund L&G Cash fund c) Medium Risk and Medium Growth • 100% Schroder Life Diversified Growth fund 2. Pre-retirement phase a) Annuity option b) Income drawdown option c) Cash option 4 REMEMBER... … you can only choose one investment approach for your account – either one of the lifestyle options or self-select. But you can change between or within the options at any time. See page 12 for details. UNDERSTAND RISK Your approach to risk will have an effect on your investment decisions and as a result, the investment returns you receive. Everyone wants their retirement savings to grow but it’s not always as simple as that; each type of investment aims to deliver a certain level of return but it also has different risks attached. Investment risk is the risk that your investments will fall in value. Different types of assets carry different levels of investment risk. For example, equities have higher investment risk as returns are more likely to fluctuate, compared to a more predictable investment like cash. The key thing to remember when considering investment risk is that it also has a link to potential returns. As a general rule, the lower the investment risk, the lower the potential return and vice versa. So, while cash or bonds may appear safer in terms of investment risk, you could also be missing out on higher returns, especially if you are a long way from retirement. Missed opportunity risk is the risk that you are too cautious with your investments. This could mean that you end up with less in your account at retirement than you could have had if you’d made a different investment choice. Inflation risk is the risk that your investment returns are lower than inflation, meaning the ‘real’ value of your account goes down. Inflation risk is generally higher with investments that take lower investment risk, like cash or bonds. That’s because they typically generate lower returns in the long term but generally offer a higher level of protection in terms of the absolute value of your investments. Conversion risk is the risk that your account will buy less than you expect when you come to take your pension at retirement. This is especially relevant for annuities, but can also affect your savings if you take income drawdown or a cash lump sum. You can help reduce conversion risk by investing in funds that contain bonds as you approach retirement. Conversion risk is particularly important to consider as you get closer to your retirement. WHY NOT TRY TO DIVERSIFY? Investing in different types of investments or asset classes helps to diversify or ‘spread’ investment risk. This diversification means you are not ‘putting all your eggs in one basket’ and you are less dependent on the performance of any one type of investment. The lifestyle strategies offer diversification. Or you can choose a range of funds and/or the Schroder Life Diversified Growth fund through self-select. 5 UNDERSTAND RISK Please note that the value of your investments can go down as well as up. Each type of investment has the potential to deliver certain levels of return, but has certain risks attached. Read more below. DIFFERENT TYPES OF INVESTMENT FUNDS ASSET CLASS AIMS TO DELIVER LONG-TERM GROWTH AIMS TO PROVIDE SECURITY INVESTMENT RISK RATING L&G 40:60 Global Equity fund Equities are stocks or shares in a company. Equities tend to generate higher returns than bonds or cash in the long term, but carry a higher degree of investment risk because investments can go down as well as up. They’re generally considered a good way to invest your money in the long term, since you’ve got time to weather the ups and downs of the stock market before you reach your target retirement age. **** * High Diversified Growth investments invest in different asset classes. These can include equities, bonds, property, commodities, hedge funds, derivatives and cash. Diversified Growth funds are considered a good way to invest your money in the long term. As they diversify investments, they carry less investment risk, but may deliver a lower potential return than equities. *** ** Medium Bonds are loans to a company or government; UK Government bonds are called gilts. You typically receive a fixed return on your investment, or ‘interest’ on the loan, except for index-linked gilts which pay a return that increases with inflation. Bonds typically give lower returns over the longer periods than equities, but they are generally more secure and predictable. The value of funds invested in bonds and gilts move broadly in line with the market expectations of interest rates and inflation. ** *** Low-Medium Cash refers to deposits and short-term loans. They are typically very secure, but only offer standard rates of interest. So although cash funds provide peace of mind in the short term, they may not get you great long-term returns. * ***** Low 6 FUNDS AVAILABLE L&G UK Equity fund L&G Ethical UK Equity fund Schroder Life Diversified Growth fund L&G Pre-Retirement fund L&G Over 5 Year Index-linked Gilts fund L&G Cash fund UNDERSTAND RISK Hopefully the previous pages have helped you understand the different types of risk and levels associated with each type of investment. It’s now time to turn to your personal circumstances and what risk means for you. YOUR INVESTMENT RISK PROFILE YOUR AGE TARGET RETIREMENT AGE Generally, the younger you are and the further you are from retirement, the more risk you are likely to be able to take. If the value of your account falls in the short term, the younger you are, the longer you’ll have to offset any loss. This could be achieved by reconsidering your level of contributions and/or your investment risk profile, or the market may recover. The earliest age at which you can take your savings is age 55 (57 from 2028). And you can delay taking your savings until age 75. You just need to decide the right age for you – known as your target retirement age. On the other hand, the closer you are to retirement, your approach to investment is likely to change – and to depend on how you’d like to use your savings. If you’re planning to buy an annuity (a secured, regular income) or taking all of your savings as cash, you may want to consider protecting the value of your account. If you’re keeping some money invested (through income drawdown) you may want to continue to grow the value of your savings. The Scheme offers three Pre-retirement options which target an annuity, income drawdown or cash. If you’ve decided how you’d like to take your retirement savings, these options manage the level of risk for your chosen option. YOUR AGE ISN’T THE ONLY FACTOR WHEN CONSIDERING YOUR APPROACH TO RISK, YOU SHOULD ALSO CONSIDER: The Scheme’s normal retirement age is 60. So unless you choose otherwise, this will automatically be your target retirement age. For some members, this may be too early. Choosing the right target retirement age for you is particularly important when it comes to your investment choice. If you are invested in a lifestyle option, this age determines when your account moves between investing in funds that aim to maximise growth (the Growth phase) and the Pre-retirement phase, where your investments align with how you plan to take your savings at retirement. If your target retirement age is set too early for your circumstances, your investments will change too soon, and you may lose out on potential growth. If it’s set too late, you would be exposed to a higher level of investment risk just before you want to take your benefits, leaving you vulnerable to changes in the market. Your retirement savings as a whole Your earnings and disposable income Your contributions How much flexibility you have about when you retire Your attitude to investment risk The table overleaf shows some circumstances that might indicate whether you have a high, medium or low ability to take investment risk. These are broad categorisations but will get you thinking about how much investment risk you are in a position to take. Read more about your retirement options in the Scheme guide. And, if you are thinking about your choices now, use the decision tree. Go to to access these and other useful tools and resources. 7 UNDERSTAND RISK Here are some circumstances that might help you work out whether you have a high, medium or low ability to take risk with your account. HIGH, MEDIUM AND REMEMBER TO CONSIDER YOUR AGE WHEN MAKING YOUR INVESTMENT CHOICES Generally, the younger you are and the further you are from retirement, the more investment risk you are likely to be able to take. Your pension savings should be viewed as a medium- to long-term investment (unless you’re retiring soon) so review your investments with this in mind. LOW INVESTMENT RISK YOU MAY HAVE A HIGHER ABILITY TO YOU MAY HAVE A MEDIUM ABILITY YOU MAY HAVE A LOWER ABILITY TO TAKE RISK IF SOME OR ALL OF THESE TO TAKE RISK IF SOME OR ALL OF TAKE INVESTMENT RISK IF SOME OR POINTS APPLY THESE POINTS APPLY ALL OF THESE POINTS APPLY Retirement savings: you have significant retirement income from a source other than the Scheme. Retirement savings: your Scheme pension will provide a reasonable amount of income at retirement, but you’ll have a few other sources of income too. Retirement savings: your Scheme pension will be your main source of income when you retire. Earnings: you’re a high earner, or you predict your earnings will rise quickly. Contributions: you’re making high contributions and you expect to keep doing so. Flexibility: you don’t have your heart set on a particular retirement age; if your savings fall you can delay taking your savings and work a little longer. Your attitude to investment risk: you feel comfortable taking risks. You accept you could lose out at any time, but you’ve weighed it up and the potential gains are worth it. 8 Earnings: you can’t predict how your earnings will rise; you might take a career break or change your career – who knows! Earnings: you expect your earnings to increase slowly over your career. Contributions: you don’t have any dependants so you’ll be contributing more of your income while you’re young. Contributions: you’re committed to contributing a steady amount throughout your career, but you can’t pay extra contributions out of the blue if the value of your account falls. Retirement flexibility: you would like to retire at your target retirement age of 60, but it’s not the end of the world if you work a little longer. Retirement flexibility: you don’t want to delay retirement and wouldn’t want to work longer if the value of your account fell. Your attitude to investment risk: you like a little risk, but you’re more comfortable spreading the risk. You know you could lose out on some investment returns because of this but you aren’t willing to forego the security that goes with higher risk. Your attitude to investment risk: you’re cautious and would rather be sure what you’re on track to receive. If this means losing out on potential investment gains because you’re a low-risk investor, so be it. CONTROL Now you understand more about risk and have considered where you are on the risk ‘spectrum’, you need to consider: How actively involved you want to be in investing your account. How much time you are prepared to spend managing your investments. How confident you are making the decisions. FLEXIBLE LIFESTYLE “HELP ME DO IT” DEFAULT LIFESTYLE “DO IT FOR ME” SELF-SELECT “LEAVE ME TO IT” MEDIUM LOW HIGH HOW IT WORKS You choose a Growth phase and a Pre-retirement phase option, depending on your approach to risk and how you plan to take your savings. Investment decisions are made for you, and your investments automatically change as you approach your target retirement age. You have full control over which funds you want to invest in. There are seven funds to choose from, providing a range of options depending on different members’ circumstances and their approach to risk. WHY IT MIGHT BE RIGHT FOR YOU You can choose which Growth and Pre-retirement phase to invest in. From seven years before your target retirement age, your investments start to automatically switch to your chosen Pre-retirement option. You don’t need to make any choices – your account will follow a pre-defined path. You’re in control. You’re limited to three options during the Growth and Pre-retirement phases, so if you don’t think any of them suit you, then you may want to consider self-select. The default lifestyle strategy only offers funds for Medium-High Risk and Medium-High Growth investors during the Growth phase. LEVEL OF CONTROL WHY IT MIGHT NOT BE RIGHT FOR YOU FIND MORE ON PAGE 10 From seven years before your target retirement age, your investments start to automatically switch to the Annuity Pre-retirement phase option, targeting the purchase of an annuity at retirement (and a 25% tax-free cash lump sum). The Pre-retirement Annuity option is suitable for those who want to buy an annuity (pension) at retirement. If you want to take all your savings as cash or take income drawdown, you’ll need to choose a different Pre-retirement option through flexible lifestyle “Help me do it”. FIND MORE ON PAGE 10 You can choose the funds that are right for you and change your investments whenever you want to. Self-select demands a little more time and effort than the lifestyle approach as you have to choose your funds and monitor them regularly. You may need to switch your investments in the lead up to retirement – depending on how you wish to take your benefits. FIND MORE ON PAGE 12 Whichever investment strategy you choose, you’ll be invested in one or a combination of the seven funds available through self-select. Find out more on the next page. 9 LIFESTYLE JACK FLEXIBLE LIFESTYLE “HELP ME DO IT” DEFAULT LIFESTYLE “DO IT FOR ME” You have three choices within each of the two phases, depending on your approach to risk and how you’d like to take your savings at retirement. Jack is 53 and has never felt comfortable making investment choices – he prefers to leave it to the ‘experts’. So, he decided to invest his account in the default lifestyle option and wants to retire at 60. His Scheme pension will also be his main source of income when he retires, so he plans to buy an annuity to provide a secured and regular income for the rest of his life. He is therefore comfortable that his account will be invested in the Annuity option during the Pre-retirement phase. Your investments will automatically start to switch from the Growth phase to the Pre-retirement phase seven years before your target retirement age, preparing your account for how you’d like to take your savings at retirement. The graphic on the next page shows your options for each phase and some pointers for things you may wish to consider when making your choice. DEFAULT LIFESTYLE ”DO IT FOR ME” This lifestyle option invests in Medium-High Risk and Medium-High Growth fund during the Growth phase. From seven years before your target retirement age, your investments start to automatically switch to the Annuity option in the Pre-retirement phase. If you do not choose otherwise, you’ll automatically be invested in this option. Think ahead How you decide to take your savings at retirement will affect your investment choice in the Pre-retirement phase. See your Scheme guide for more information about your future choices – go to for a copy. 10 JOE FLEXIBLE LIFESTYLE “HELP ME DO IT” Joe is 40. Although he has a higher ability to take risk (primarily because he will have other savings to lean on when he retires), he is not comfortable making all of the investment decisions himself. Joe has chosen the High Risk and High Growth fund during the Growth phase of the flexible lifestyle option. He is aware that by seven years before his target retirement age, he needs to think about how he plans to take his retirement savings. So when his funds do start switching, they will align and ensure he gets the best value for money. His account will gradually start switching into bond and cash funds over the next seven years to protect him from the possibility that his account value might drop as he approaches retirement. By the time he retires, 75% of his account will be invested in the L&G Pre-Retirement fund and 25% in the L&G Cash fund. LIFESTYLE There are two phases in the lifestyle strategy; the Growth phase and the Pre-retirement phase. GROWTH PHASE PRE-RETIREMENT PHASE Seven years before your target retirement age your funds will begin switching from the Growth phase to the Pre-retirement phase. The aim is to grow your account during this phase. Your choice will depend on your attitude to risk and your personal circumstances. Your three options: High Risk and High Growth Medium-High Risk and Medium-High Growth Medium Risk and Medium Growth High Risk and High Growth Medium-High Risk and Medium-High Growth (DEFAULT) Medium Risk and Medium Growth Your three options: Annuity Income drawdown Cash Read more about the importance of your target retirement age (TRA) on page 7. GROWTH PHASE Option The aim of this phase will depend on your choice – which in turn depends on how you want to take your benefits. You can take 25% cash tax-free with whichever option you choose PRE-RETIREMENT PHASE Underlying funds 100% L&G 40:60 Global Equity fund Risk Suited for Option High Members who are comfortable taking a higher level of investment risk for potentially higher returns Annuity option (DEFAULT) Mix of funds at target retirement age Suited for Members with a lower ability 25% L&G Cash fund to take risk 75% L&G Pre-Retirement fund and attitude to investment risk How does it work? Transitions assets into lower-risk funds to protect the value of members’ accounts as they approach retirement 32.5% L&G Cash fund 50% L&G 40:60 Global Equity fund 50% Schroder Life Diversified Growth fund MediumHigh 100% Schroder Life Medium Diversified Growth fund Members who want to take some investment risk but don’t want to take the highest level, so they won’t be subject to as much potential volatility Income drawdown option Members with a lower ability to take risk and attitude to investment risk Cash option Continues to aim to grow the Members planning value of members’ assets, to drawdown whilst taking a lower level of 20% L&G Pre-Retirement fund income over time investment risk compared with at retirement the Growth phase 10% L&G Over 5 Year Index-Linked Gilts fund 37.5% Schroder Life Diversified Growth fund 100% L&G Cash fund Members planning Members planning to take to take all of their all of their savings as cash savings as cash at retirement at retirement 11 SELF-SELECT Self-select investors can decide: 1. What funds to invest in from the seven available, 2. How much of your account to invest in each fund, and 3. When to switch your investments. FUND ACTIVE OR PASSIVE INVESTS IN INVESTS FOR DESIGNED TO WHO IS IT AIMED AT? L&G 40:60 Global Equity fund Passive 40% UK equities and 60% Overseas equities Long-term growth Capture global equity market returns Investors with long-term investment horizons High who wish to diversify geographically 0.17% L&G UK Equity fund Passive 100% UK equities Long-term growth Capture UK equity market returns Investors with long-term investment horizons High 0.10% L&G Ethical UK Equity fund Passive 100% UK equities of socially responsible companies Long-term growth Capture UK equity market returns of socially responsible companies Investors with long-term investment horizons who wish to adhere to certain ethical, environmental or social principles 0.20% Schroder Life Diversified Growth fund Active A wide range of asset classes including equities, bonds and alternative assets Long-term growth Deliver returns in excess of inflation over long term Investors with long-term investment horizons who wish to diversify both geographically Medium and by asset class 0.72% L&G Passive Pre-Retirement fund UK corporate bonds and UK gilts Protection against changes in prices of annuities not linked to inflation Capture bond market returns and provide investment that moves broadly in line with annuity prices Investors approaching retirement age Low-Medium 0.15% L&G Over 5 Year Index-linked Gilts fund Passive 100% index-linked gilts Protection against changes in prices of annuities linked to inflation Capture index-linked gilts market returns and provide investment that moves in line with inflation-linked annuities Investors approaching retirement age Low-Medium 0.10% L&G Cash fund Active Cash deposits and short-term investments Short-term security of capital Deliver competitive rates of return from cash deposits and other short-term investments Investors approaching retirement age who hope to receive a cash sum when they retire Low 0.125% INVESTMENT RISK RATING High TOTAL EXPENSE RATIO (TER) Please note: The TER is the total cost of investing in the fund, which is automatically deducted from the fund price. The TER includes the Annual Management Charge (AMC – the annual fee charged by the investment manager) and any other additional fund expenses such as trading fees, legal fees, auditor fees and other operational expenses. 12 SELF-SELECT ACTIVE FUNDS Aim to outperform a market benchmark. They are managed by an investment manager who decides which assets to buy or sell. They’ll generally choose the ones they believe will perform better than the market. Because of the investment manager’s active involvement and skill, active funds typically have higher investment charges. Although active funds have the potential to deliver greater returns, they can also be more volatile than passive funds. PASSIVE FUNDS Try to replicate a particular benchmark or index, aiming to achieve the same return. Although they typically have lower annual management charges than active funds, they don’t offer the same potential for investment return. FUND PERFORMANCE Find out fund performance by downloading the fund factsheets from the individual managers website. For L&G funds, go to and enter ‘agilentlda_member’ (User ID) and ‘password’ (Password). For the Schroder Life Diversified Growth fund, go to fund-centre/fund-prices. Then select: - UK Corporate Pension Scheme - Click ‘continue’ - Search for Series 5 in the search bar. LINDA SELF-SELECT “LEAVE ME TO IT” Linda’s only 30, a long way from retirement. She’s quite comfortable with a degree of risk and she’s keen to invest in equities as they have the highest potential for high investment return. She also believes the companies in which she invests should behave responsibly. Linda has opted for self-select and has invested most of her account in the L&G Ethical UK Equity fund, with the remainder invested in the L&G 40:60 Global Equity fund. Linda plans to keep her savings invested when she stops working (i.e. take income drawdown) so she needs to keep her investment choices under regular review. For example, she may decide to invest in funds which take a lower amount of investment risk as she approaches her target retirement age, if she intends to access some of her savings immediately. 13 NEED HELP? IF YOU NEED TO SPEAK TO SOMEONE, YOU CAN CONTACT: For questions about your benefits For questions about the Scheme The administration team The Pensions Department email: Contact Heather Wright: phone: 0113 390 7172 email: post: Agilent Technologies LDA UK Ltd Pension Scheme Towers Watson PO Box 545 Redhill Surrey RH1 1YX phone: 0131 452 0613 post: Agilent Technologies LDA UK Limited Pensions Department 5 Lochside Avenue Edinburgh Park Edinburgh EH12 9DJ WANT ADVICE ABOUT CHOOSING YOUR INVESTMENTS? Please note that by law, the Trustees, the Pensions Department and the administration team cannot give you financial advice. However, some organisations offer free financial advice; visit And if you want to speak with a financial adviser, you can find one near you at 14 Find out more about the Scheme, access other useful tools and resources and manage your account online at April 2015
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