OFFTCE OF TITE PRO.IECT DIRET:TOR t {' ?' R L) tt, t t. il }i L, l:. /. O t) M l:.N T. ( ) t:. t. t. D t ST-]? xt..1t-D,1 ( l)is I r ic t lix pe n d i t r re t i\ I ttn ir o r i n g ( e/ l) ,r,,"0,?ii'JT1,;,f::;;;;;r?,W;::f_;#;i,:,:,"&:_aitcom Memo No.- 499 /III-53/PD-DRDC_MLD/I 5 To: 1. The Addirional District Magistrate (MGE,15), O/o D.M.E.O, Malda 2. The Officer In Charge, Municipal General Election, Oio D.M.E.O, Date_ t7/04/15 Malda Sir, i It is directed by the o's'D & E^gJoint Secretary, west Bengal State Election commission vidememono-455(19)-sEC /28-1/1995dated 04.03.isthatprovisionsofsectionT3ofthewest Benagl Municipal Election Act,l994 (as stated u"ro*j-*uy arso be brought to the notice of recognized Political Parties and contesting candidates in MGp 20i5 for Strict compliance. Extract of the Act :-: - (r ) ,.'s',,;"4--r-$;;fx;l' 'o _,- er) candi<rl.r(c exrrerrHlls <>r' t>v zr {rt and fri-- .,)*,1,,.-l\'('r'-y eIc( fi#;?.14,"" shaII- eirrrer.hv rlirm,.crr correct ;;."J-I;:;L*l;1,::jj!*Jil:-k.*r..witlt ;;,;;;i;:ti"'tr -tr1r :[:ee r:rm pr'rry r.r= *t** occoint d;;i;;1''trad -t'*ii * o' il-,isn::.,:'*j,;:: e cs a t'ri*'*fri "*;ld:I,[{,;:-.;1=;-li?,"trjT_*]Efi,i*,fi " ao-.. "?.ao, 1 ! o,, - n' r." th -*-w*. ;,;:;;::-*" r I "-;:##;,#{i.zii*T##r3.:#*If"nri{&"1;ryi:r*.;f rj;.1 para},- ?" p;i, -rr5. ffisauia,ir:n -^;:: --rf.-*i: .i*"*i 3 t i .'it <rr t i:lJ :r:T ind.ivlarr-i _-,_- _l'l*'-.:. o5r' a I: ; *, *i, -,""'-1 r,. :::::: ri: ^_r., L :";' fX|;Y ",'t-i o o - rY-'3-t*-, ;'= f,i r J ., o, uL * *, Jl :f, .,',:-,:L. :I T':,' l* *., - ; '1,TiI; 3;f i"S:: :l', {}y th *;; **o*iL,1l*"dieratco'trsr,,',':'1,::**i::i:*:'*":a:-:-5'*liJ":,3jk, ,- l)L: llrtl f,(rsc <rt-fit i_- strl:_ jiIH::,:"il .,,-,i g n tr1e ;:ly:.. :.- laincc, erecito'-o"*,**o'irr"";":""-;:in":i".::-"i?!i'?:7!;?i?:i_#T.T a i r,!iZirr7,?,:Xr -:L { ;;,For .,.r, e,.*,;;;; a.r' "* rrradc. ,a-Y,::13i..-;-';;:;#ror r€urrrrres r>rcrvide<I trr. dcne t>v *-* ^-.*]]-' voiri *r- -qer o*i.l*.dout)t' - i't is herebriz ,--..,t*ei,;rirJj1il?.:,_#if ,L:i:L*i;*"x;;r,-:,;,;I*g ff.{'XFIf :::,'*gv'x**"'*iiio'-'lo'*=1T'F;,UfJB:;,:1 :f :';i#l*:iJt:ffi ;ffi a€ie.r;:,'e:;;;'[-fr :ti*--*-*or*iL*,,*::;*:',.-,io-oitri;;:*,,Ji--1,-,;:Y-i::]iil*_rr*;f l,=:_1ry::--1'ff ir.i-surr-Je.-riJ---*"*tq *-o*Sor?fff;ffX-I(,:I,ll (3) al,roa1.= , 73' lft e total or tly *ris el.ection contair: sucl: 1:r*:r-tie*l*,-x *s *r+;r l:e of rhc eaid e:cpeir<jlitrrre ehe #;;;;;;- strall aofif,i.ei t!.y _r:*, beconte^qtiD'8, Erzer5r nct *xsr*ecJ, carrdid&te at a, .,lectic,n strall, '/' .'rir*/ *a5zs fkcr,,r trre dare .rF*Ie-ti*n;;-;;;;;rnecr witrrin t'ere are can<rrcrare or-, if tr"r *-r cancticrateri'aa* -rngrc*r*ttir'-*--.r-i"Lrat*r'.*a,';rr;-;;'. dates of tlejr *r*-aion.ncr fhc '€fufned ()f ttrose (wo cr{rtcs. loclg,e wir:-:tic Dr"rri*i r*-:.ri.icipal r?recrion .,ffir :, Lo<rgihe<Df es.ory+ w.ftrr (he drsr.ici rw.rrnicirrar Etesti.n ;:ff ::?;?:'I::tr-:.'[ilr:ix"a*-:#i;l%?::;xTtT;'St*;:ffi::: Ps : Please see original Act & latest GO. Kindly take necessary action in this regard to inform all Political parties and candidates of MGE,l5 Thanking you. Yours Projec & Memo No. - 4gg/t(3)/15 District Nodal officer, ExpendjJure Monitoring, -;;;MGE'15 , Malda J"l1'h'15 coPY To: For inro.malrol and necessary action please.The SDO, Matda Sadar & MRO;EBM 1 The / OMR. 2' BDo, English Bazar /old Malda & AMR. necessary (action 3. ThecAtoDM, Malda& DMBo, rraurau..for lrvvvDqsrr fi/04/15 prease. Pr District Nodal Officer, Expe@it*e Monitoring, MGE,15 ,Malda ")'q'U tl
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