(Issued by CBSE in November 20L41 Economics (030) Class XII (2014-L5) '1 L t u 2 2 5. rLlrlai:i iir $ 1. The total cost at 5 units of output is ( 30. The fixed cost is ( 5. The average variable cost at 5 units of 1 output is : (d)<1 (c) (b) <5 (a) (25 of milk in the country? demand the to increase undertake , What policy initiatives can the government 1 Mention any one. 1 utility? total represent 3. Which of the shaded area in the diagrams below <5 lu Price Price Price Mu Mu Mu p he U2 F) u 2 ! I1 il, 33"13,,"0 (a) M' Units 6U,iirr"o (b) Mu Units 6onirr"o (c) M' Units doriirmeo (d) widespread 4. Using a diagram explain what will happen to the PPC of Bihar if the river Kosi causes 3 floods? 3 5. State the central problems of an economy. 3 6. State whether the following statements are true or false' ]ustify your answer. (a) Average product rises only where marginal product rises' (b) Total cost rises only whenmarginal cost rises. 3 Or 1 I I i Explain the effects of a 'price floor'. fxpUin the implications of freedom of entry and exit of firms under perfect competition. 3 22 | SBSE 9. (Issued. in Nooember, Z0l4) il*ri:rt#gg"i';H"H*iir" vr'L @rq dL rr agree? Explain with fl help of an example' 10. Explain Exnlai- r^,L', ^- ,-- ,..,1" why an indiffe;;;;""#f::_1* same nme 'norma| good for another consumer. Do you 4 to rhe origin? will happen itt'/I'tJx/Pxis condition;A,iili#;tii greater than MU, j:tfi.,.?,,,j,"::*,hanwr,,p,? 1"*TiI#::H:lHt"T i,;*l't ffijl1#i1:fiffi:d:;rffi and ,rirrsr;l***. in supprv r'a "r,T,li:lii largrnal-cost :flT"Hffi 13. ffi 'ff iltr.11,:.llll";:*::ii.[-#:1ffi "ir.,gu ffi i:,EI+il:y,lTx1"#,t2014: ry;;"ilwft ^ar'.z+i"^{{i'niff"ff i;tr:;:j, ;rX#:::Xno*,,*i[*ii*iiii,XZiiff a diagram *a ' Use ;""; 11. the 12. !1ntui" what is-meant uy I;i; r:'::::r;;rr#"r#;K ""or,omi" 5 6 6 Or was printed in the Economic j#:y:i^y:-,::.T;isprintedintheEconomicrimes: in southern ;:ifii;Ti Times : *;;rrf;'"rrii'i'f S,|J,f;i:f |:-:uhrt!t breakfast as banana plantations destroyed and pricr-ij'ipptrc and in Kerala haoe been in srat)es ,,-, .,!\*jf^!lr if*y:!",:!yrice,y,ppii,|"|';:;;:,:;;,";{;r:;#. H:";,X[Tffi ffi::*'-i;",ffi;'; the market of o.rogur. "#i; "ff;impact or rhe rise It; ioT*"1.consuires ili#ilffiI#A:y#if,?"f:;ifilU#Xnditions only two * f ,". " * *0., *d grapes on thatneed to be satisried ror the conslrner curve analysis. b u*;;;; peopr e: ff:o t" Iy*r 1kgj'*"t:: of pJtatoes. Rani : Whatwilll sita : r n,- *..^ J^"lg*e in exchange? jl,:*,1;*;rorthepotaroes nll^',':llE q {', ffi ..;.i;H,rffi"*1i:m l#ii::lt"#"Tf,*x*$#}iffi ffi ,ffi (b) Absence of common ooandRaniintheirexchangeprocess? units -- of -^ value. ' *'qc' Lack of store of value. Lack of standard oiJ"f"rr"a _(d) payrnent. ' -- -- 1--'7 ,r.rlr. 16. what is repo rate? 17. Which of the following is a characteristic of a good? (a) htangible. (c) i J i i I #;:x*tion 3 EffiHr" 18' rhe *l".,H::H:*;h;" ' must har#,1'ffi?ff"H:i revenue deficit. rhis sets financed by: B. Dsinvestrnent C. Tax revenue D. Indirect taxes (a) A and D (b) CandD (c) AandB 1e' which of the following __--v-Arvrrr rD e staremenr is rrur not rrue rrlle []*t"Xi$"?"r,, ror flscal deficit? A fiscal deficit : (a) represents the borrowing of the government. (b) is the differe f:x"i"1try"trffiU1#jr1ffi# ,^ .fi 20. What is the role of a Central (a) Fixed exchange nr"t t.t M*rg"Jii""*g [::i ;:::i#: * ,fr"te rorowrnS,:Pi:ft, following exchange rate? .#nxu*** l j { i I In an economy the autono_nrrc "ffi i-_,^^r- , G) FloatingExchange "' #fr;i'oTff:iHH"":ffi:H"Tffiff##i,13,nX*";:nsumprionisC=80 I 1 +0.4y.rstheeconomy or i";H?":i:i*:'#Hx;ilff :fl f; :,,f ,:lffii*""ffiTff 3 l,:r.,::H'ff :;:?ffi,"fi ,,?;?;il1: In an economy planned saving is greater than planned investment. Explain how the economy adtev; equilibrium level of national income. Only one product X is produced in the country. lts outpyt dgh.g t\ year2}l?and 2013 was 100 units ( 55 p-er unit *a ffO rrrrit. r"rpu.tiiely. The rnarket price of the product duringthe Le:t*Yu" < 50^3d 2012 as 2013 using in year r"rp""U""fy. Caliulate tlie percentage cirange in reul GOp and nominal GDP 4 the base year. account' on current What is meant by 'balance of payment' account? Distinguish between the 'balance ufrrr." of tiade' u..orrri. hn which account wouldiemittances from family members from abroad 4 be 4 that are used to calculate national State the various components of the Income *J,f accounted? income' t"*.U Method fo-r State any four precautions that need to be kept in mind when using the Value Added calculating national income' the In the gov"ernment of India's budget for the_year 2O1g - 1.4 the Finance Minister proposed to raise than more earning individual tax on income increase to excisebuty on cigarettes. He alsJpropo"ed ( one crore per annum. Identify and explain the types of taxes proposed by the Finance Minister. Was the objective only to earn revenue for the govefftment? What possible welfare objectives could the government be 6 considering? 27. Draw a straight line consumption curve. From it derive the saving curve' Explain the process of 6 derivation on the diagram, show : (a) The income level at which APC = L (b) The income level at which APS is negative (a) What is meant by Cash Reserve Ratio? How does it increase the money supply in the economy? (b) What is meant by Open Market Operation? How does it reduce the money supply t tL! economy? ' Find (a) National Income and (b) Gross National Disposable 3+3 Income' (1) Net current transfer from abroad (ii) Private final consumption expenditure (iii) Subsidies (iv) (v) (vi) Net domestic fixed capital formation Net factor income to abroad Government finalconsurnption expenditure (vii) Change in stock (viii) Netimports (ix) (x) (xi) Consumption of fixed caPital Indirect tax Exports Find (a) Private (i) (ii) j (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Or lrcome and; (b) National lncome' Personal disposable income Income frornproperg und entrepreneurship accruing to the government administrative dePartments Savings of non-departmental enterprises Direct personal tax Net factor income to abroad Indirect taxes (vii) Current transfers to the rest of the world (viii) Savings of private corPorate sector (ix) Corporation tax (x) Current transfers from government 6 { (in Crore) 5 200 20 N L0 50 (-) 10 (-) 20 30 60 100 { (in Crore) 350 50 25 L0 (-) s 15 20 25 15 30 II
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