ffi oqr ffi ,rrsftrftfi qiq *ru1.o, iirld :_rdcgadchi roli@ gmail.com E*afrF-qio ooetre _ ???oo9 m.or+f_7eror tvzorfrz < ( bt q o 9\ f+JIo:- OtSD-o,lorS sfir frfu qgr.ns-ft-r{6 sfuq, frfu q qrq fr.rTFr, riTm-q., qffi eqiqr IN_ll 3rrffi c-r 6qi$ fffi-?oqvq.r'.zulT-r-qs,ft{is.o€t.o8.?ogq 3rq-s 3nt o-dffi qTt ot, fuo. o€,.o8.?oeg qr orftqqiq$ qEr{lq frft erfuFr0 f+qq, qqcr frqq qq qd., cld ftqq tcl an ds co) q't gcd aruure erd erqr ur $n+T{R qeiRrfi-d fucr qrflt Tfttd s e-{6r$ sTmffir e-Sa sd sgrarer s{o-rfi T+td s srfrfrffi qrorfi erftq}mr qi qqr+{ ortr{d crq-ecsT @-qdiqT qwffd B-"E sqffiq 9 tlvl.nl+ ftftra opqro eTrd cTB. utg& uw orfro 3i-sdd d frft ftTfift-qr ft-riorq qo qqt{q orEo .rqrn srffi Ts-fi_o t fu€r Frors qfrtd s wroro erffiffire-d-q q-d qerarqr Hr_o-rs q-+td q orfrR-w sroro 3Tft-dffiT qT q-{r+0-d ft-gtffisre frcio q,., gfra, locg qtrd ord qrcr6 s-s rmfrd. (sr-qf-sr Tf,{T wwulgadohiroli,nlojr Sq BtIEteI 3Td.) .ffi,.rsffi. t cftftFfr:- 11 ercva,.rsM fut'ar qrt 3rc)tT\tn,fu ..rsfu0d qiil wfB-$-v o vE< eilrer orqffiq E?-fl FoEN or{q Srft sfu* f-fl uft-q++ ffiw cftid sfui-fi qt orqie-qs erer owqrr+q erifuo. ll fret cmr, ffiFTfr orqfuq,wffi +&q' EHw dql sftreq drra. q qR+fr uffi vq-< orfuq+rr cft+fi iEr flen qftI.g-{il ffi orsfdqqT rfle< o{rd. a'Y/' \_-... ---' . rreffi. rdcoadchiroli@omail.com fel. No. 07132 222 005 No. Desk-2/AKMAGIWSI Dated :- 01 Aprit,2015. NOTICE 4+7 tz}ls Legar Advisor & Joint secretary, Law & Judiciary Department, Mantraraya, Mumbai, vide his D.O. letter No. DGP-2015/CR84tD-4tDL 0610412015, has inform that as per amendment made in Rule 11 sub rule(1) Clause ( c ) of Maharashtra Law otficers ( Appointment, conditions of Service and Remuneration) Rules,1984 vide notification dated 06.04.2015, the persons who are presenly working as District Government Pleader and Public Prosecutor and Assistant Government pleader and Additional Public Prosecutor the upper age limit of 55 years is hereby relaxed years upto s . Therefore the Law officers who are presenfly working and are not more than 60 years of age on the date of appointment can apply for the appointment to the post of District Government pleader and public Prosecutor and Assistant Government pleader and Additional public prosecutor April,2015. ( upto 15 Prescribed form available on www.qadchiroli. nic. in) Collector & District Magistrate Gadchiroli. J Copy to 1) President, District Bar Association, Gadchirori to procraim the notice on board of bar association and submit the compliance report to this office. 2) District Nazar, corrector office, Gadchirori to procraim the notice on coflector office,s notice board as well as otfice website & submit the compliance report to office. Collector & District Magistrate Gadchiroli. 4
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