To Be USEDLIMTED TENDER By Regd./SpeedPost NAMEOF THE DIVISION/UNIT: SEEDPRODUCTION UNIT INDIANAGRICULTURAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE NEW DELHI-110012 j3qL F. No07/SPUi15-|e/ AsperlistattachedtnCIrAF Dated:25.05.2015 D5 t Ift Rt lvcv De,l4a, Subject: Quotationfor the purchaseof Pouch for seed packing made of polymilky to layer coated,three sides sealed size:22.5x 30 cm with printing in institute. Sir, Limitedquotationsaspersing|ebidsystemsareinvitedfromtheregisteredfir.msfcr:the..@! Pouch for seed packing made of polymilky to layer coated, three sides sealed size;22.5x 30 cm with printing in institute." As per detailsof item attached.The quotationshouldreachin the officeby not laterthan quotation 1100.00hrs.on 16.06.2015. The covercontaining shouldbe superscribedas "Quotations for (Nameof the item and File no. givenagainstthe each item in BOLDLetter)in the Unit of SPU,IARIdue on 16.06.2015 failingwhichthe quotationwill havethe riskof not considered. Thequotation willbeopened at 12.00hrsonthesamedayi.e.16.06.2015. should satisfy thefollowing Quotation termsandconditions 1. The ratesquotedshall be valid for a minimumperiodof 180 days from the last date fixedforthe receiptof quotations. 2. The ratesquotedshallbe for free deliveryand installation at the Division/Unit SPU,lARl,New Delhi-110012. quoted quoted However,equipment in foreigncurrencymustbe on FOB basis. 3. Full specifications of the article quoted for shall be given in the quotation along with literatureipamphleVdrawing etc. User list of the quoted documentmay also be additionallyprovidedfor reference. 4. lf taxes,dutiesor any other chargesover and abovethe ratesquotedLevi able, actualpercentageof such taxes/duties/other chargesshouldbe clearlyindicated,in the absenceof which,it wouldbe presumedthat all in the regardwould Nor furtherclarification/request taxes are inclusiveand would be calculatedaccordingly. be considered. 5. Supplyis to be madeby any convenientmodeof transportat supplier'srisk unlessotherwisespecified. 6. In case the materialis suppliedthrough an authorizedagent, manufacturershall be responsiblefor the successfulinstallationof the equipment.The manufacturershall be liable to any penal action for the shortcomings of the authorizedagent.Any paymentthat is to be madeseparatelyto the agentif any shallbe clearlymentionedin the quotation. Seventhousandfive hundredonly) with earnestmoneyof Rs. 7,5001(Rupees. 7. The bid shouldaccompanied Draftlpay Order in favourof Director,lARl, Demand item in the form of crossed as mentionedagainst the payableat New Delhi on any NationalizedBank,without which the quotationwill not be entertained.No otherformof depositwill be accepted.Therewill be no exemptionfor payingearnestmoney.However,Firms only are exemptfrom submittingbidswithoutEMD registeredwith the CentralPurchaseOrganization/NSIC ln case,therefore,if (proofof registration must be attachedthereforewithoutwhichit will not be considered). anytendererfailsto depositthe EarnestMoneythe tenderwill be rejectedstraightway. 8' The EMD shallbe refundedto the unsuccessful biddersafterfinalization of the quotation. 9. Expirydate must be at leastone yearfromthe datedof supplyof the chemicals. L0' Paymentwill be made by mode of e-paymentto the supplier/firm after satisfactorycompletionwork and receiptof pre-receiptbillstriplicate.In caseof foreigncurrencypayment shallgenerallybe madethroughLC directlyto the manufacturer. 11' The DirectorlARl, New Delhireservesthe rightto acceptor reject any or all the quotationseitherin full or in partswithoutassigningany reason. 12.Quotationsnot complyingwith the aboveconditionsare liableto rejected. 13.Sealedquotations shouldbe put in the "quotations Box"of the SpU, lARl,New Delhi. 14. Documentsrequired a. Copyof the Registration of firm b. Copyof pan Cardand TIN Number c' RequiredEMD in favorof DirectorlARl may be enclosed.lf exempted, NSlc certificateissuedfor exemptionof EMD mustbe enclosed. d. UserList e' Supplyhas to be madewith in 10 daysof orderothenrvise treatedit will be concelleel. f. Printedsampleas per our requirement enclosed. supply of Pouch for seed packing made of polymilky to layer coated,three sides sealed size:22.5x 30 cm with printing in institute Name & Specification Pouchfor seedpackingmadeof polymilky to layer coated,threesidessealed size:22.5 x 30 cm with printingin institute Specificationenc|oseda|soavai|ab|eat|ARlwebsite:rrvww.iari.res.inand@ @4"\p Asstt.Admn.Officer Seedproduction Unit Sftn ftfuErd fuq ss fr S ffie *€ drsr m vsr<qror€ cTrqfrqFfr 3r$lq|q €wlrq qd fqofr- 110012 oz/ff s.l. /'rs-rc / fiq I/ €-c<r: ftqitr' : 25.06.2015 t qftffi< ii ffi fu@t tqR fiq qfuq d fusq :-€. rt*nq d ffi or gEq srarfr *R(t 6-o gor{,qrvfiqFfu clXqqrl €{arn +$ ffi-rroorz) xsosMtt o1 sqffi tg frfr-<T q-+{q, qi 11:00cd a-o c-gqqrfr | ftffEI d ffdqE ftTwISqq ftqlo to.oo. ftfuq E-qoF6dq it k{i-6 16.06.201s "rFq qrrrn d fun fi-q iffu-rrd qrsq,<H il6 gffi fiq rrw t ?fttr{< qrfq zz.s x so rlrer d zors o) t-q ffi ffi €teffi d ffi 6r Td"r sRr *'fr(t ff-q sflrqq ror$, en$ogo eTnosTr$ d fuq frfrET"frsT 6qr aftv 31qrn ftF*<t w o) e..rFI12.00{$ frq B-iqFfi 5o{,€,T$ ftd-ttootz fr-4n q-fi ft-qr qrq.n | frF{ErsS fu{ ftqiq. to.oo.zots q,1frfu 16.06.2015 q ffi qrvfi r aeu ftf+o ffi slq6{ rz:ooq-St ftfuErem FrqFafuosrdtrft o1qrft qTRg:frf{fl o1 nn-srqrfu d ffi nqtnn oTfrqdrftq t =5+orteoftd 65 q-q v*fr t q qqfff Tff ert { ur.g.el€.,T$ frd d se,Ts=r j. ftft-Er"t, {md d orqrn of ft:gm urqF aw TencFwR-f, of ft sTMriw qdqr wq t a}'nr erarmfuffi T{t fr seliqrg sq?F{ulo\ qs ",il..T7ft-q ir#.q-;i fta-{fl Saro}frIii 2. sqaW,'nurq-{ffi€Igm) qrfffuqqriwfift-tcr-frffidqnrffoendqdw.g.ei.v. qqrqr qKrtTTI qmdt d t rrmftffid Q awrersft'{T genna 3. o-o-q-u.ft{ swpr-{ sn qT[ffi snivr of e]fr d rs ft-.trd $-tri rrm'n d qqrsn for GIsi srq t fi-Eq qFawgrrTI k{r of-$eni d"i-f g-qr{-str{gd o-rfl d'n .rq.n qT[fficrTAeT qrcr qIBq r riq$ d p6q<{rfq 'rq 4. <?Tifi,rg qlqn o1 srtrcqZqq-d-e/FilT crrRd s'Ter{t ftf{d?Td qiq we fo-qr {trrM of Xs-dqf fi rEn of wg t qr+ t e-q td 267sqg/3rq viTT{o1 qlwfufr 5. qR qqf-$'rg sl\ d 3fttrn otg, s{E orettn3rar elTRdrrrfl qs qri qi 3a1ffi o1 S qrraq m4=,* ffi fuq qft€rf,-dror vde fu-qrqN t qrqfr of 3ilnffiqR.En d frtS ff *ftr 6. ffi qw-d tenq{d faq sHrq-r-4-df frscsErfr d'nt fi Grfu,- .-d-cd qnqqt os6 o1 cn{ffi fu qri qq gmi"Td; +h r6m ,fi ofi d ftq tufl rori a q-* otr d tuq €-srq-{6-df drn r qde oJ sroqd tuc "p-g. qri'qt-d fttfi fi 5q-dn or sd-e q{a{rc d g.q sq t fu-qi qN t (RupeesSeventhousandfive 7. a-A a qrprqcto"e.qo-{qd qrq-i <nm .rg q-O-fl{rRTearnestmoneyof Rs.7,500/g/E 3ndq/fttffi fufrfud s$-szd'fi 'm;fr d sq hundred only ft-ivro, ur.g.u.€.d ceTii ftffi fi srprfu-n+n t s qrgfi q edrq o1 qrq 3sen aq)m w ft-sn q-5 fout | crw 6}i w fr sq !.W *i !* W Ttu tud o1 lsq (t ofrq il qrqq B. qm,ffo1 {idqwrn *W * od d q €'3'ran d S €t) 6) s-sK-rodf va gn ffi d d -*" * cflqffi oi.yarr Aar *q.'nrft-iit i-,fu fu-qrqrqrn t qFr 41 frdri/ft{w o-Ei or 3IB6R B t 9. ftdqrfi,,+{ftd o) R-{r or$ qtT{urqfl\ srq.r eq&rt eierqrssd frffi 10. sqi-tr qd or €i-Jqrd{T€l o-{i qlfi s{tarc @)fr{tr o-s R-qrcil-grnI tiitr'ii sren qrct 11. g.-ws 6p4qroi #" *=-o E-o(, *€.,Tg ftd d orqi€-qn Rerf,frfuEI at qfrfufr qa'c a1 qrq t tz cqtvr< n' A 3Tr$\,=Tsrsr.rTfr 1's A 3T?rEIdeq ic a{f{ €ffi{ t-trs rFse}?ra cicqr qn t agwtro (,?i ffiq frfdqr tqn znt sQ 3y6q.+rf,rrg6cq-{ftTqtqf i\ sqr 13. ffi{u, 5q-fi{uil d q,oA q ilfififir o'rfi ftTwrwiof gf, ftTq-ISii {€|qq qql ft;qr ql-qt qn I.<-Eg,rrsilqr}'n t 14. t{fu{r ti d ro ftF) d 3Iq{ qF11;Io1 3rT[ffiogqTsIFHrdt {fr d\ frfuil 15. fue four gen tva *iarq frtqr qrq t q-d{fr ffiteftdq-<qrg-q qrqd€ qeTs-f, qcrqR-fi
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