s& fitrq fuflilq Kendriya Vidyalaya rEEErffi qtEs tdtrtum{il d*qt{q d@T/ Regd. No. sT/session - 2015-16 m. €./S. No. crt u twsctt q*Cr $F Photo,graph fi frg irtr /Registration titr*.{ur ffi m qrT ata (*trs frirr/sex - g{!r,/Mare Frl-frfr cI6El f/In (3iznt child for class, (Passport size) fr) tull (in Capital letters) Name of child in 2. rdt crrl ofthe f rfizFemale n )/ Date of Birth (in 6dro 61q1*rd Gender tl q*/Year figure) FfarDay drs/Month TT-t I--l r-T_l words. 31.03.2015 ntF. sirgl Age as on 3 a0ZYear 1.03.201 5 fiRT./Month frazDay r-T-_] 3.wtrymFqo(Rhqr€rstrd) Blood Croup ofthe child (with Rh factor) 4. ild 6r fiEBrd MIzthe categoryto which chitd belong General SC grf,rtl 16. l utB ST J6, OBC ilirdrfr Jt{r.dl. ET qfr EWS 3ilffio, sq t ffiak Tf BPL Diff. Abled s.G. chitd {i.{ttra. Jrar 5lr * €uF gmdtfi meur 6rwr $Tqfrd urhzsEqfuo waarfrzril.fr.rfr.(srq fuu$ alttzsnffm $q S s'Irfrrz fi.fi.rra.z frmaiagoinl* oan Asfr sxima t il 6r<r dsfrrd rarur-y;r dara otr lf the child betongs to SC/ST/OBC/EWSEPUDisab|ed/S.G. Category, then, please attach relevant certificate. t a 5. e{fdt-Fa 6I fuaflrr/petails of Mother/ Farher - il. €. (i) Enfr (€qg er<t g,; urn*,,n ftFII/ Mother ftfrt/Father Capital letters) (i0 $Sqf,r/Nationality (iii) zrrqgF Occupation (iv) orqtilq tnr ;rrfi, W qflr r ({cTrql of Office and full addrcss and Telephone Name number. (v) {d ilqr$fq (qa{Iur car q sfra) {tfiN Full residential address and Tel. no. (with poof) (vi) frorilq * (ft rtu.*.fr/ Distance from (vii) (viii) KV (in k6; * {e ttra/Basic pay Fqrdil{d Ar Ti@T (i*) No. of Transfers ** qrar-fuo fi 4e?I (x) o.ffi Category of the Parent # 6ts (cfE t ril)employce Code (if any) *y sr (q 3T* Distance of Rcsidence from vidy-alry. a, undertaking ffi from parenh is accept^uble for distance. proof of Residence is comoulsor *r 3r.03.20rsa,' srr E{ jf sqr+nr''r +r * t ' ffiq F{fi'/cenhal Govt 2- ailH m:ort ft' grqa 4. Trfir qrST{ # rrq *,#.ff;;;;,ffi,TffI;,ffi'jJ:ff:;!'.**0"*""' d+qrazAutonomous bodies of central Gorr. 3. {rGlI qrr.D:[,/ state Govt. *' wrro {i+I$t/Auonornous bodics of starc croyt. r, }rfiI/othos gqr T6 q'erFrfr mrsrz*rfr ( fo, 5q'{-o, qfdEqy qraort *t I certifr that the above entries are true to the best of my knowledge. f s-FT Hl ararzftrysfre1-qqi *. mann Signature of MotherFather,zGuardian ftqia7 pa1"; WI dlallFull Name ,. g./s. No. riitr6.{q fiwtz T;t,/Session uffi74.l.rr,nledgement tr. Received an application daughter,..... from l6 for registration of her/ his son/ Shri/Smt """"'foradmissiontoclass' qEr{z Date... 201 5- Registrati on No- t ftq 3ntEa sr6 frF-qrl fifr2 - PrinciPal frffq Ffirrfiq (rilFr) Kendriva Z Vidyalaya (stamp) ,'B: tEr rffsr-q=u SERvICE cERTIFICATE (Affiq s{irrt/c entral G ovt.) q-frrFrd fu-qr drf,r t frn frz-ffr$--- ffif, * arqttrqzrirrtrq d m.ffir h uq sr+{a f,1 d rrr tErzftdrq fit56 gfltrs Er6T/*rrr g{cn {6T/eEr.w.fr,/(rs.fi.fr,/S.,sG.rrg.w'.zidm Frfirq Fnqtr itrTr 3rqEr srffi+o ft{ e' rqira d qst qr 3riFro 6q t {n6 s*FR il fa-a-q}Pa S, ft ffia qiffiI H ire$ srfi trEr:renaiilsfrq tzqut 8Trfi fr EF€t $ rqrflialrsffq tt Certified that Shri/Smt,..... office&Iinistry of .....,........is working as regular employee in the He/She is a regular employee of Defence Service,/CRPF/BSFiNSG/SPG/CtSF/Central Govt./Autonomous Body/Public financed/partially finanoed by Central Govt. and hiVher services arre Sector Undertaking tully non-tfirnsferable/trarrsferable anywhere in India. +,rutf,![ JTs;qqT fi'rmrun trq 3{t{ 6.rqrd-q 61 4k{ gfsd) tarq, +{Iaf,/Place Signalurr- l'lqad ol the Off icrr (With Name. l)esignation irnd Ol'fic,e Stamp) fudicr/Date orqlrq 6l qotqfrr of aEi {t3{rq d"@T Complete address and Telephone No. of office to rqpr-q*zsnRvlcn cERTIFICATE ({rfl -S{-lF,It/ State Govt.) t fr'*2ffi f ffid o-Csrfi ft'rq * ffirFrfi frqr qrar -------ErrqtdTq/irrdr{i rrfl f ofr sf +qmir$rhq tt fir+{d tt aeIr strfi +qr 3relraiilsfrq tuf,ut :::::":::**.;;.;;;,;;;;;."*;;;,,'J,ffi,T,1;ffiilH.Tce/Minis'1ry'r 6rtrq (arq, (rs Jil-{ FIIdT/Place 3{rqfi fi frTqt-d{-{ trwran Er dffl €B-d) Signalure of l"lcrad of the Oflice (With Nanre. Designalion and Of'fice Staml:) Eaiznzpate 6.rqidq mI qot trar qii (taTrs d6q1 Complete address and Telephone No. of office + a- gniil{ur dwr rapr.$yCERTIF.ICATE Or. NUMBER (arfi)-(to'zurrars) ('16 gRT rfiFrfl orarzmr& ( ffi €r?T $Fr (3r.03,20rsffo,) * (3i61 I, E qrd fr) -.. -(Name) OF. TRANSFERS t+rqtast, a?F Fq;r S Est erra q{ gv ffi+or fd{sr tr+ (rank/ designation) of ftfi arqr t(office), do hereby certiff that during the past 7 years (up to 31.03.2015) I have been transferred times (in figures & in words) from one station to another, the details of which are given as under fi. g. *roi6q7 S. {ft Oflicefunit No. FTIEI to'zqraw Place RanVDesignation d6{i ftaift'Date ttFlTo S/ From fi Period it rrqfr of stay $rter : dqr OrderNo. I 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. # urrarzur+fr 3].qtrq d Afqtrf H, l ffi qfA sqil-il' iru{ aFFT srq zrq a'I ftr I know that if r'qr *Efrq Eqrdrq fr riqr e ft(' the above-mentioned facts are found incorrect, my child will be disqualified for admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya. EriTr/Rfrr S'rsrrqil Signature ofParent {.FFFIff{/q ou n te rsignatu "" (;Trfr)-ffiTrreFrnT) (qtrqtf,q), (rt6 qrqr Erqr fl I, iltr nflrFrfl +.iaT ( fu' sqfiffi' frT{ur ftt orqtilq-$rdef * qY'E ftqr q?n t q sfr . ,, (name)_lrank/designation) (unit/departnent) hereby certify that the particulars given in above have been authenticated by the records held in the office and found correct. o.rqtilq 3{s-qH & rwrer{ (aEr, qq }it{ firstilq fr dF{ Hfra} I{l',fl/Place Signarure of Flearl tlf the Oifiae ffifmtDate tF.rqtil{ fi (With Name. Designation and Offlc:e Starnp) qot qflI !?i ({Srq dEqT Complete address and Telephone No. of office ftguuft7Nr1e(rm +qrfl q< 66r* fiI 3rqfr qq fi o-a Er6 IfliH drfr qfrwt Minimum period of posting/stay at a place should be minimum six months. 6 t{I-$rdrfi {q ge{rur-q:r,/ DIED IN rrAR}r,ss .ERTTFICATE &rd fuilfq unrrt fi ffi t ftvzOntyforCentrat Govt, Emptoyees) Frdfrq (wrqtmryzfrs{rdr) * ffir Aaim' --------------zn1 f) sq rr?Tr Erl t fu*fl a}z* 3lk ra?F.r tr.,*s, fr{r'rd 6I ,-dfr f Certifi ed that Master/Jvliss is the son/daughter of Late Sh./Smt. who was regular employee (office/Department) and helshe died in harness (whire in service) q'rstmr 3rsaeT ft, 6tfrtrr q{ 3ik uEr$.?rq ft atft sfraf olH*ui of the Otfice (With Nanre. Designation and Ofiice Stnmp) Signature EaiE'/nate th.rqhr:I sT qut 16Tr *: (aEr, {{r;r,zPlace of qii {rsTrq fElTr Complete address and Telephone No. of office 6
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